A dangerous gamble

Bởi pennythesquish

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(beyblade mafia AU) Y/N L/N is a midnight Hostess at vibrance who has had a run in with the devil her whole l... Xem Thêm



69 2 13
Bởi pennythesquish

Word count: 4640 words minus bold notes , New fresh rewritten chapter!!! Hope you guys like it! Now I can start Fresh with new chapters ;)))))))
Content warning: manipulation, cussing, discussion of murder, betrayal, talk about stalking, implied stalking, alcohol, smoking

Hart went to see his men to make sure that they were all dressed for their night out. He looked over at Y/n, she had fallen asleep after taking a shower. Hart had sprayed himself with cologne as he slipped on his rings and a fancy watch. The sweet smell of his cologne woke Y/n up. She sat up rubbing her eyes, seeing Hart all dressed in his fancy black and gold velvet suit. Hart looked at her with a small smirk.

"It's about time that you woke up, just in time to see me before we leave.'' She smiled and sat up, looking at her phone. "Any plans for this evening?'' There was a change in his tone, it became more deep and more serious, she didn't even have to look at Hart to know that he was burning holes into the back of her head. She put her phone down and looked over at Hart. He had a scowl on his face, his head was lowered as he waited for her to answer him.

"Just some cleaning and some laundry is all, since Dalia will be headed out with you guys I will fill the responsibility that she would do on a normal night.'' Hart smirked as he turned back around, putting his gun in his holster he looked at her through the mirror. "Good girl, you're learning to listen so well, that pleases me.'' Y/n bit at the inside of her cheek, she knew that the minute they left that she was going to go see Nile.

"yes sir, you don't have to worry about a thing.'' Hart walked over to her, cupping her face as he ran his finger along the cuts on her face, he bit his lip as he looked at them starting to scar. "just remember what happens if you are to go against my orders, you won't like what happens if you do sweet heart.'' He lightly slapped her face before grabbing her roughly and pulling her in for a kiss. Their lips collided as he bit her bottom lip.

They pulled away as a small strand of Saliva connected the two of them. Hart licked the salvia off her lip as he backed up fixing his suit, straightening up his posture and making his way out of his room and down the stairs. Y/n followed behind him, seeing Dalia all dressed up and wrapped around Kings arm. All of the men looking fine in their suits as they stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for their boss.

Y/n watched as they all walked out of the house, making their way into the limo. Y/n closed the door, running back upstairs to make sure that the limo had left. As soon as the gates closed she texted Nile. "Hey Nye, am I still good to come over?'' there was an immediate text back. "Yes of course, come over whenever, is he gone?" "Yup he's gone, I should be there in a few minutes.'' Nile sent a heart before she rested her phone down. She tied her hair up in a bun before she started to slip her shoes on.

There was a ringing, it was Nile. "Hey Nye? You okay?" "Yea bug of course, do you want any food when you come over? I can order some bean paste buns or I can get us some coffee and banana bread?" "Yea Nye I'm fine with either, some bean paste buns taste really good right now, so do whatever you want, I'll see you soon.'' "Alright bug be safe.'' Y/n hung up the phone and put her hoodie on.

There was another ding, it was a text message from Hart. Y/n's stomach dropped when she read the message. "don't even think about it y/n. Don't you dare leave the house.'' She looked in disbelief, how did he know. She ran her hand across her neck, feeling the chain for her necklace. It clicked, it must be the necklace, there is no way that there wasn't a listening device in it.

She ripped the necklace off and threw it in the nightstand drawer, grabbing her phone and storming out of the bedroom. "That son of a bitch, he's been listening to me... that bastard.'' Y/n grabbed her phone and texted him back. "of course not, I would never go against your orders sir.'' There an immediate response from Hart. "You already have once before. So I am holding you to your word.'' Y/n shoved her phone in her pocket and made her way down the stairs, and into the main foyer.

There was another ding, it was an unknown number, her heart started to race. "Where are you headed in such a hurry sugar? What has you so angry?'' She quickly turned around, seeing that the dining room door was open a crack, it was pitch black in there. Y/n started to shake as she started to walk over to the door slowly, seeing that there was a gun on the side table she grabbed it.

She kicked open the door shining her flashlight. There was no one in there, the room was empty and untouched. Y/n sighed heavily as she turned back around. this time the front door was wide open. She froze as she backed against the door. She knew that he was definitely here now, and that she had just let a stalker into Hart's house.

There was another ping, she looked down to see another text. "You might wanna drop that gun sugar.. it's not like you would ever fire it anyway, just put it down and no one has to get hurt.'' She threw her phone in her pocket as she bolted out the door, grabbing on to it and slamming it behind her. She ran out of the gates and down the road.

As she ran down the road there was another text message, it was a picture, of her running. She stopped as she turned around, trying to see anyone in the dark street. "Come on out you fucking coward, sending me pictures of myself, why don't you just come and confront me god dammit.'' There was another text, it was a picture of her looking right at the stalkers camera, a text followed with it. "I'm not the coward sugar.. you're the one who ran away from home.. you're the reason that I killed your family.'' Y/n gulped as she decided to run, that if she stayed any longer that she would be killed.

She ran into the city, running past people until she stopped in the alley a few streets from Niles apartment. She stopped to catch her breath when there was another ding, it was a picture of her leaning against the wall. She snapped her head around and there was no one standing there, it was all busy people walking their way through the streets.

"I know it's you Kyoya, give me a fucking break you asshole.'' Y/n started to run again, running in the main doors and up the stairs of Niles building, getting there she threw herself inside and shut and locked the doors. Nile was stunned to see Y/n barrel in through his front door. "Shut the curtains right now, shut every window that you have. NOW!" Nile ran and shut all the windows and closing the blinds.

"What the hell happened?!? Why did you come barreling in here? Where you attacked or something?'' "My fucking stalker Nile! He followed me from Harts house to a few blocks from here, what the fuck is going on. First Hart puts a listening device in my necklace, now my stalker broke into his house and was able to follow me to here.''

Nile opened his bedroom door, grabbing their phones and throwing them in his drawer, covering them with clothes so that no one can listen to them. "come on bug, come sit down and we can talk.'' Y/n sat down on his bed, cuddling into him as she pulled a blanket up. "Remember that guy you talked about the other day? The one that you saw at the mall that made Hart lose his shit?'' Y/n sat up looking at Nile. "yea, his name is Tsubasa I believe... he has long white hair and golden eyes. Why do you ask Nile?''

Nile sighed as he looked at her. "When I was working the other night, there was this group of guys, I knew that they were a gang just by the way they looked, they were in VIP booth 22, they all had guns in holsters so I knew that they were important people. I had over heard Sya talking, they are Pegasus, that gang that everyone knows but they aren't one to stand out. I got all the intel on them that we need.''

"What? Tell me please.'' Nile sighed before he looked at Y/n sitting back and pulling her into him. "So we have the leader, Gingka Hagane, he looks like he wouldn't ever be a gang leader, he seems to be the most gentle and most loving person out there. Then we have the lady that is with him, she goes by the name of Madoka. There is a smaller green haired boy named Kenta. Then there is Yu, he is always seen with Tsubasa. Then there are two other members, there is Masamune, the most obnoxious son of a bitch that there is. Then there is a light blue haired boy, named Hyoma, he seems to be very close with this Gingka kid.''

Y/n sat up straight as she looked at Nile. "These names, Hyoma and Gingka sound super familiar, I'm pretty sure that Hyoma was the kid that Maeve was talking to years ago... she loved him, she was very in love with him... and Gingka... I think my brother Ryutaro was friends with him... all of these names sound so familiar.. maybe.. we can take a trip back to my house... find my old albums of pictures to see if there are any of them.''

Nile nodded as he looked at her sighing as he rubbed her head. "Are you ready to go back there? To see the crime scene? I'm sure that some stuff was cleaned up.. but it's still how they left it.. are you ready to see what happened there all over again? You haven't been home in years?'' Y/n sighed as she rested against Nile. "I don't know... but I have to figure this out... there has to be some sort of connection.. maybe with my brothers old belongings.. maybe in my old room... that's what I'll end up doing 0n the weekend.''

"While living with him, have you figured out anything about Harts gang? Anyone else in the house?'' Y/n sighed as she looked at Nile. "You have to promise not to tell anyone if I tell you about them okay?'' Nile pinky promised her. "Hart has a total of 5 other men.. he has Jack, his right hand man, then there is Zeo, he is good friends with Jack. There's king.. There's Ryuto, then there is Toby, who is Zeo's childhood friend. Then of course Harts sister Dalia, I feel so bad for her... Hart is not at all nice to her, he treats her like she is an animal. Her room is so beat up and trashed, I hate it, she is the sweetest girl on this planet and he treats her like shit.''

Y/n sighed as she pulled at her hair. "Nye.. there is something else that I have to tell you.. I think that I'm catching feelings for Hart... he kissed me yesterday... and we had sex for the first time... and let's just say I think that I wanna be with him..'' Nile's eyes widened, as his mouth dropped open. "Im sorry you what? You think you're catching feelings for that crazy bastard? I'm sorry but Bug have you lost your mind?'' Y/n sighed as she sat up and looked at him. "Maybe.. but I don't know what to do..'' "do you love him? Or do you love the thought of who he could be?'' Y/n stopped as she looked at Nile, sighing as she looked away from him.

"You are playing a dangerous gamble here y/n.. either this could be the best thing for you and maybe he hasn't opened up to you yet.. or maybe this could get you killed.'' Y/n sighed as she looked at Nile, she started to feel tears form in her eyes. Before y/n could finish her sentence there was a buzzing coming from the other side of the room.

One of their phones were buzzing in the dresser, they looked at each other before she got up, looking at the phone. It was her alarm for the washing machines. The time was already 12:30. "Shit, oh fuck me.. Hart will be back soon I think.. If I'm not there he will fucking kill me, like actually kill me.. I'm sorry Nile I have to go.'' "Wait Y/n don't go.. please don't.'' As Y/n leaned down Nile was able to see the cuts that were on her face, her hair had been covering them before.

"Y/n where did you get those cuts? Did Hart do that to you?'' "Yes.. but it's nothing to worry about, he is just really possessive over me and it was a misunderstanding, he didn't mean it.'' "Look at what happened with Kyoya! You were forced into sex for over a year, he cut and beat the living hell out of you Y/n! You can't be serious when you say that you love him! He is going to end up killing you!'' Y/n scoffed as she looked at Nile. "That's not true! He is nothing like Kyoya was, he is in no way shape and form like he is.'' "Yea that's right, he is worse. You are practically signing a death wish if you stay with him, you are going to get yourself killed.''

Y/n bit at the inside of her lip, she looked around as she turned her back to Nile. "I have to go.'' Y/n stormed out and slammed his bedroom door, doing the same to the front door on her way out. Nile grabbed at his hair as he looked out the window, watching Y/n speed walk into the crowd below. "Fuck..''

Y/n slipped her shoes back on and ran out of the building, running back down the busy streets. Y/n tried to hold the tears back as she kept her head down, not wanting anyone to look at her as she was crying. As she was making her way through the crowd she had walked smack into someone. She hit their chest as she stumbled backwards. She heard the stranger startle above her. She looked up to see who she had hit.

He was definitely a gang member, he was wearing a velvet blue suit, he had an orange tie with a white under shirt. He had dark orange hair that was laying down over a bandana. He had these beautiful soft amber eyes, his face was soft and cute, but yet he was so ungodly handsome. The stranger looked down at her, smiling as he brushed her hair out of her face. "You okay sweetheart? I didn't hurt you did I?'' Y/n's face turned red as she looked down. "No no, I'm okay, I was the one who bumped into you please forgive me.''

The stranger let out a small chuckle as he looked at her, he found it cute as she turned red. "you be careful sweetheart, don't want that beautiful face of yours getting all banged up, you have a good night.'' The man walked away, making his way down the busy street, disappearing into the crowd. Y/n watched as he walked away, remembering that she had to get back.

The man made his way to the club, the bright pink sign "Vibrance" shined above him. He walked past the bouncer as he made his way up the stairs to the VIP lounge. He smiled when he saw Hart and the others sitting down at the round tables. "Look at you being late as per usual Hagane.'' "Ah come on Dashan I'm sorry, I ended up running into a very cute girl on the way here, poor thing looked so upset, so I took the opportunity to talk to her.''

The men ordered drinks and sat as they played some poker. The men laughed as they played cards, downing shots of scotch and liquor. Hart was the only one who sat their with a straight face, wondering who was this girl that Gingka had ran into. "Hagane, why don't you tell me about this girl that you had walked into.'' Gingka smiled as he sat back and brushed the hair out of his face.

"She was a very cute girl, she had this beautiful H/l h/c hair, and these big and beautiful e/c eyes, she was a cute girl. She was wearing a hoodie so I wasn't able to see what she looked like underneath it.'' Masamune laughed as he bumped Gingka with his elbow. "Yea that's my man, I'm sure if you see her again you can undress her for real boss.'' The small brown haired girl sitting down next to Gingka didn't look to happy by that comment. "Oh no someone is mad that she is the side piece." "HEY, I will have you know that I am no side piece, so don't even start your shit Chaoxin.''

The men laughed as they joked, the poor girl sinking in her seat as she looked away from Gingka and the others. Mei Mei resting her hand on her leg. "It'll be okay don't worry, they don't know what they are talking about, when we have our fight training next week we can talk okay madoka? Don't cry your too pretty to cry sweet girl.''

Hart tapped his fingers on the table, looking over at Madoka. She picked her head up as she smiled softly at him. Hart looked her up and down, looking as her pink dress hugged her hips, all of her curves on display, her pretty brown hair hanging down on her shoulders. Hart looked at her lips then back up at her face. "Maybe if she is a side piece, then Gingka you wouldn't be mad if a real man showed her how it's done right?'' They all froze as they looked at Hart. Hart's eyes still locked on Madoka's eyes.

Dalia looked over at her brother, the way he looks at Madoka was a way that she had never seen him look at Y/n.. she looked at King when she whispered to him. Hart looking over at Dalia giving her a look. Dalia whispered to Hart. "What about Y/n..?'' Hart kicked her in the leg, causing Dalia to choke on her saliva so she didn't scream. "Shut the fuck up.''

Dalia sighed as she leaned into King, trying not to cry as she watched her brother talk about another woman when he says he wants Y/n. Gingka and the others chuckled, his smile quickly faded as he saw that Hart was completely serious. "That's funny Hart, just relax okay, Madoka knows that I'm kidding, I love her dearly and she knows she does.'' Madoka kept looking over at Hart, keeping her eyes locked on how his collarbone shined underneath the lights of the booth, his pale skin flashing under his suit. "Kyoya. One of your men are late. Is he still coming or is he not.''

"Relax Hart. Don't get your panties in a bunch. He will be here soon, he had some stuff to do before he was able to make it so his tardiness is excused.'' The men sat back as they continued to make small talk. "Wait who are we waiting for again?'' "Our third man.'' Kyoya was cold, he didn't look at any of them, he kept his head down and stayed in between his men.

As the men were starting to discuss the problems that needed to be addressed the man who they were waiting for had finally showed up. Hart bit at the inside of his cheek when he saw who it was. "Sorry I'm late, it took a while to get her to leave.'' Dalia picked her head up once she heard the voice. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was. "Everyone meet Nile. He the third member of my gang, has been my best friend since childhood."

Hart sat up as he watched Nile sit down. "Who were you with Nile?'' Nile gulped when he looked up, when he made eye contact with Hart he felt chills right to his core. "Y/n.. Y/n L/n..'' Kyoya smirked widely, sitting up as he draped his arm around Nile. "Y/n huh? Still alive and kicking I see. Does she still have that fantastic ass of hers? God I would love to get my hands on her again.'' Hart snapped his head up as he heard this, Kyoya must be the ex that Y/n was talking about, the one that had abused the shit out of her. "I wonder how the poor girl has been since we broke up, I know that she knows that I will be the best man that she will ever be with, gotta know how to tame a bitch like her.'' Hart rested his hand on his holster, he knew if he drew his gun he would have 30 pointed back at him.

"Why were you with her Nile?'' "Her stalker has come back, so she is all paranoid again.'' Hart bit at his cheek when he saw Kyoya laugh. "Before we get on here, the stalker is none of us right?'' Everyone shook their heads, Kyoya didn't do anything. "Yea Kyoya. Know anything about who is stalking her?'' Kyoya snapped his head to look at Hart. "What the fuck are you trying to Imply here Hart? You tryna accuse me of something?'' Hart sat up as he got more angry. "No asshole, you seem to know her very well so why wouldn't you be a suspect in her stalker huh?'' Kyoya chuckled as he leaned in closer to Hart. "Hell yea I used to know her, I use to have the bitch screaming as I pounded that fat ass from behind, can't forget her calling me daddy now can I?''

Hart felt his anger rise higher, y/n had never told him that her and Kyoya used to fuck. Hart thought that he was the first for everything, hearing that she use to fuck this scum bag just made him even more mad. "I have no idea who her stalker is Hart, maybe you would know huh? Like when we were kids?'' Hart sat back as he put his head down. Kyoya smirked as he leaned back and looked across the table at Mei Mei who had the papers of what needed to be discussed.

"Mei Mei, if you would be a dear and lay out the papers that we need?'' Mei Mei nodded and laid out the crime scene photos. "these are from the higher ups, this is about the Excalibur murders." Kyoya sat forward as he looked at the crime scene pictures. "someone is framing us, they broke into Nile's apartment and stole his hairpin when he was asleep. None of us would do this, Julian was one of the only fuckers that I actually liked out of all of you.'' They all looked on as everyone from Excalibur had an excuse of where they where at the time of the murders.

"Where were you Nile? On the night of the murder?'' "He was here, he was our bartender all night long.'' Dashan had chimed in as he looked at Nile. Nile nodded as he looked at Hart. "It's the truth, you can look at my time clock punches... or you can ask Sya... I went home with her that night.'' Hart looked over behind the bar. "That her?'' Nile nodded as Hart signaled her over. "anything I can get you gentleman?'' "Just a question my dear, where you with Nile 2 weeks ago or so?''

Sya blushed as she looked at Nile. "yes I was, he came back to my place with me, how can I forget what those fingers can do? No wonder he can mix drinks so fast.'' Nile blushed as he leaned his head down, avoiding to look at her. Hart dismissed her as he looked back at Nile. "Well I guess you are in the clear.'' Nile sighed as he leaned back in his seat.

Hart nodded, leaning back in his chair, making sure not to take his gaze off of Nile. "We have to get going, we have some important business to attend to. It was nice seeing all of you.'' Hart and the others shook hands with Dashan and them. Nile got up to head to the bathroom, Hart followed in suit behind him.

Nile made it to the bathroom, splashing some cold water on his face. Hart locked the bathroom door, standing behind Nile. He jumped as he saw Hart standing behind him. "Ahh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...'' "Did Y/n just come and see you?'' Nile gulped, looking at Hart dead in the eye, he knew that there was no hope in lying to him. "Yes sir.. she was there to see me, she had opened up about her stalker and that she was worried about it. And she gave me information about your gang.''

Hart clenched his fist. "You will be my informant. Keep me updated on whenever she comes to you behind my back. If you do that I won't tell Y/n your secret. So an eye for an eye Nile.'' Nile nodded, reaching out his hand to shake Harts. "Yes sir, an eye for an eye. Just please dont tell her that I am a part of fangs. If she knew i was still hanging around Kyoya she would never forgive me.'' Hart smirked, nodding his head as he unlocked the door and turned his head.

"She would never forgive me either. If she found out what Ive been doing.'' Hart walked away before Nile could ask what the fuck Hart had just said. Nile stood there motionless. He was confused on what the fuck Hart had just said, he was worried that Y/n may be in some sort of danger.

He sighed and made his way out of the bathroom, making his way back to the table. When he returned Hart was gone. He was no where in the lounge to be seen. "Where's Hart?" Jack finished his scotch before he set the glass down on the table. "He had some business to take care of, he had to go back to the mansion, there are some things that need to be taken care of.''

Nile gulped, nodding as he sat down across from Kyoya. He thanked the waitress as she handed him a glass of scotch. He didn't drink, so he let the ice water it down before he even took a sip.

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