The Girl Who Cried Wolf

By LightBunny11

527K 7.6K 704

As Jessica Boyde's 16th birthday creeps closer, she wants nothing more than a successful shift and an eternit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Answers :)
Yay :)

Chapter 7

10.6K 186 3
By LightBunny11

I dont know how long I ran for, but before I knew it I had seized my bag from under my bed and ended up in my backyard, crawling through the hole in the fence.

I felt my shirt rip from the spiky piece of wood jutting out from one side, but I kept going.

I ended up running and running until I reached the stream, where I threw my bag in and swam for a little.

If you were wondering, my bag is one of those expensive air ones that are waterproof and float.

Strange, but it's helpful in scenarios like this one.

once I was sure my scent was masked, I even ducked underwater for at least a minute, I climbed back out and began running, zigzagging all over the place to confuse them in case my scent was discovered.

Doing my plan, I zig zagged in and out of the border separating my packs land from everyone else's.

Eventually I reached the small waterfall, about 2 meters high with warm water at the bottom etc.

This was as close as we were allowed to get, because the rest of the land belonged to a neighboring pack called West Field Pack.

My pack, of you were wondering, was called North Field Pack.

Obviously there's also East Field, West Field and South Field Pack as well.

I made my way down the small hill next to the waterfall, almost completely out of breath.

This was the prettiest place in the forest, with sparkling fresh and clean water, a small pond with little fishand even a few apple trees.

Sitting down on a rock, I caught my breath and relaxed.

I let everything on my mind drift away in the form of imaginary paper boats on a stream.


I don't know how long I sat there, but when I opened my eyes the sky was orange form the sunset. I must have fallen asleep.

I climbed up a large, tall tree with thick, snaking vines so I wouldn't be spotted by anything, even rouges.

This tree was larger then others and it peaked above the entire forest and gave me a glimpse of the beautiful sunset on the mountains.

I could also see how far I'd come, the town was just a shadow on the horizon.

I listened for any faint wolf howls, but heard none.

So I grabbed a few vines that had wrapped themselves around the branches, and tied them to myself so I wouldn't fall.

I remember watching that on some outback movie mum had made me watch so I would be prepared for when I became a wolf.

My heart sank at the memory of all my friends looking sad, even Maddy looked like she was about to cry.

Will's angry and protective face popped into my head.

'Dont you DARE threaten my mate'

He had yelled at me.

It should have been me he was protecting, someone else he was shoving away.

I thought about how much angrier I would have been if Maddy had been smug about the entire situation.

My hands balled into fists.

I though about mailing a letter to Will at some point and making him feel bad, but thought the better of it. For all I knew he would find the scent on it and maybe be able to track me down. Although that's already covered, right? They could easily sneak into my bedroom and grab something lathered in my scent couldn't they? I shuddered, thinking of all the personal and secret stuff I had in there, including my diary.

The leaves rustled next to me and an owl popped out of nowhere and hooted at me.

Looking into its big eyes, a sudden strange feeling I had never felt before, filled my body.

But before I could investigate anymore the owl gave a screech and flew off towards the town.

Frowning, I pushed it out of my mind as darkness crept over me and I was whisked away into Dreamland.


I stood on the ground, snow piling up around me.

'It must have snowed overnight' I thought.

I made my way over the snow, barefoot but feeling nothing.

The beautiful waterfall had frozen up and left behind a glass-like pathway.

I stepped on the pond, testing my weight.

It felt safe, very thick.

I noticed the pond seemed to have gotten larger, it was almost a lake now!

I jumped on it, still testing it's strength.





I fell through the icy surface and into the cold, cold water.

I didn't touch the bottom, there was none.

Swimming back up, I tried to go back through the hole, but it was already frozen over.

I heard footsteps, someone was coming.

I hit the top of the ice, losing my breath.

I tried in every way to get the persons attention.

The ice was blurry but I could see well enough to make out a woman.


"I told you" I heard her say "but you didn't listen".

I wanted her to help me, I wanted to ask her what she had said.

"he never loved you" she said, looking right at me.

My lungs felt like they were going to burst.

Looking around, I searched for something, anything I could use to break open the glass.

That's when I saw him.


He was deathly pale and looked like he had been underneath a long, long time.

He was dead.

Screaming, I looked around and saw many, many more bodies of my friends and family, all dead.

From above, I heard Maddy laughing.

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