Brighter Than the Stars: A Vo...

By Aviva_thewriter

18K 370 135

Violet Idalia, a half-Altean with unique abilities, thought she was free to return home when she escaped from... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Part II
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part III
Excerpt: Voltron Vlogs
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Part IV
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Part V
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Changing the World
Part VII
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Part VII - One Year Later

306 6 0
By Aviva_thewriter

"The construction is on course," said Issabela. "With Commander Holt's blueprints and Coran to fill in the gaps, we've been able to recreate the Castle of Lions."

Violet nodded. The two of them were looking out over the construction site; the Castle of Lions was almost finished. Issabela, with her deep red markings, had proved to be an excellent engineer and had been a fundamental part of rebuilding Erythia. "You've made modifications as well?" she asked, and chuckled. "I'd rather not have the castle flying off in ship form when I'm trying to give a speech."

Issabela smiled. "The ship function has been removed," she confirmed. "We've also set up preparations for tonight, but it seems your friend is occupying the space."

Violet looked to where she pointed and laughed. Coran was standing in front of a group of Erythian children who were looking up at him with wide eyes. He was probably telling them about his yalmor-fighting days.

Her eyes caught on the statue of Allura before Coran, and her heart saddened. "The Castle of Lions won't feel the same without Allura," she said quietly. "It won't ever feel right for me to take her place."

Issabela placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort. The two had grown close once Violet had sought her out after the war, almost friends. Zoya was also Violet's friend, though it had taken her a while to get over the fact that she'd informed Allura of how to sacrifice herself. She knew Zoya didn't regret it.

"You're not taking her place," said Issabela gently. "You're honoring her. With the teludav in the castle, we've been able to provide a center for Erythia's core. Instead of the quintessence poisoning the earth, it's now held safely and effectively. But also ... this is what Allura would have wanted. To see you living happily. And restoring her people, which she loved so much."

"I never could've done it without Romelle," Violet pointed out. "She helped to find every Altean refugee who had survived the destruction of their planet."

"But you were the one who brought them back and gave them a home on Erythia." Issabela smiled broadly. "Alteans, Erythians and Galra used to be at war. Now we all share a planet. Erythia is home to three extraordinary species, and more are arriving every day. Erythians and Galra from across the galaxy are coming home, and they're bringing along the people they've lived with. Erythia is going to have a very unique culture, from so many different races." She sighed contentedly. "And we never could've done it without you, Violet. Our queen."

Violet looked down, her lips curling. She doubted that she'd ever get used to the title. Queen of Erythia and the Erythians. The last of the royal line - a girl who'd taken the throne after Honerva's destruction. Over the last year, she'd worked to bring together every Erythian from the far reaches of the universe, uniting her people once more. They had heard her call, and came to their queen. Now she'd have to lead them.

She didn't know if she could. But if there was one thing Violet knew from her time fighting with Voltron, it was that the only way to know was to try.

Violet turned to Issabela. "They're asking me to lead, and I'm doing the best I can. But I know I can't do it alone. I was thinking ... a council? I asked Zoya, and she agreed as well. I think Coran and Romelle would like the position too, as the Altean representatives." she held out her hand. "I could use a good engineer like you."

Issabela beamed. "I'd be honored." They clasped hands. Looking out at the castle, Issabela said, "You know, the Castle of Lions doesn't house lions anymore. Maybe you should rename it."

"True," replied Violet. "Maybe ... the Castle of Stars?" She turned to her friend. "For me, stars have always been a symbol of hope and unity. It's exactly what I want this palace to portray. Beyond that ... this place is where Honerva's dias once was. She stood here when she tore apart reality. It's fitting that it is now a palace of peace."

"The Castle of Stars," said Issabela. "I like it."

Violet shrugged. "I don't really mind what it's called. Castle of lions or stars, to me it will always be home."


That night, Violet stood in her room, preparing for the night. It would be the first time she and the paladins had spent time together in a year. She'd seen Keith throughout it, since he was working with the Galra to transition to Erythia, but counting today it would've been two weeks. She hadn't seen Lance in far too long, or Pidge - the two were on Earth together. And the rest of their group ... stars, she could barely wait.

Violet checked her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing her usual outfit - a blouse with puffed sleeves and long pants that let her move freely. Her arm cuffs and earrings accented her clothes, as well as the hair clip Keith had given her so long ago. Violet stared at the one last piece of jewelry on her stand.

Allura's circlet stood proudly, its teal jem shining in the bright light. Violet drew in a long breath. She hadn't been able to put it on since Allura's death - hadn't thought she deserved it. It had seemed like a joke, taking what had once been the princess's. But now ... she'd do it to honor her friend. Who had sacrificed everything for Violet and more.

Violet slid the circlet onto her forehead and smiled in the mirror. The gold gleamed against her skin, and in the light the circlet looked more like a crown.

From her window, there was a roar, and Violet rushed to peer through the glass. The breath left her when she saw the black lion landing next to the palace gates, and her face broke into a smile.

She had barely made it to the courtyard when Kosmo teleported on top of her in a shimmer of light. Violet fell back onto the soft earth, laughing as he licked her face ecstatically. "Kosmo! You're going to ruin my outfit for tonight!"

He climbed off her obediently, and she chuckled, smoothing out her shirt.

"Need a hand?"

She looked up.

Keith stood before her, his eyes bright, hand held out.

Violet couldn't stop the flashback, the second between blinks when his hand turned purple, fingers longer - Lotor's hand, the one that haunted her dreams. But the moment passed and she took his hand, letting him pull her to her feet.

Keith kissed her as soon as she regained her balance, and Kosmo wound around them. He drew away smiling, and said softly, "I missed you."

Violet stepped away, noticing Krolia and Kolivan standing a little ways off, hiding smiles. "I missed you too," she murmured.

He said nothing, eyes trained on her face. "You look ... different. In a good way. Like ... like a queen."

Violet laughed lightly. "I should hope so. The last time I checked, I was one."

"They're calling you the Queen of Light," Keith said. "The Galra seeking a new home on Erythia. A queen of light, with a kingdom of stars."

It was fitting. Her friends, her family, her people were her stars - and she was the sun.


"I mean, seriously, though, Earth has come a long way," said Pidge. "It's a hub for all alien activity now that my dad's stabilized his teludav technology. Not to mention the Garrison. With Lance as a new officer it's become an intelligent multiracial base."

"What can I say? The Garrison needed a pilot as skilled as me," Lance replied smugly.

Violet arched an eyebrow. "I keep a list of every planet's surface you've crashed onto flying your lion. It's alphabetized."

"Lance isn't just flying," said Shiro. "He's teaching junior cadets now. Commander Iverson just promoted him."

"Teaching youngsters is so fun," sighed Coran. "I've been speaking with the schools here on Erythia, telling them about Voltron and Allura's sacrifice. Their eagerness to learn is inspiring."

"Maybe you could give my kids a lesson one day," said Lance. "You've always been a great teacher, Coran."

Violet grinned. "Lance, this is awesome! A whole new generation of Lances."

Keith shuddered. "Please don't. I'll have nightmares."

"I'll introduce you to them the next time you visit," offered Lance. "Speaking of which, when will you and Vi visit Earth? It's been a long time."

Violet blew out a breath. "Sorry. Uniting three races is proving slightly difficult. Especially since everyone hates the Galra. No offense, Keith."

He shrugged. "It's true. But we're redirecting ourselves. With Zarkon as emperor and Lotor after him, the Galra have been pitted against each other in a never-ending war. Once they have peace, they'll be a lot calmer and less inclined to bloodshed."

"So I'm focusing on giving them that," said Violet. "Krolia and Kolivan have been a big help, reaching out to all the Galra generals who were sent out by Zarkon during the war and bringing them to Erythia. Coran and Romelle too with the Alteans. I'm building a council - two Erythians, two Alteans, two Galra. Do you think Krolia and Kol would accept the position?"

Keith nodded. "Once I finish transferring the Blade of Marmora into a humanitarian relief organization, they'd be happy to."

"That should be done soon too," added Hunk. "I've almost finished supplying Keith's ships with enough resources to hand out to the planets they're going to hit. All food made by my chefs." He smiled. "People are just so much easier to reason with when they're full. Man, this diplomacy thing isn't nearly as easy as Allura made it look."

"Right? But then, she did make everything look easy," Coran pointed out.

Violet smiled and stood. "Allura was a force of nature. She's touched many lives by her actions. For some of us she was a diplomat, a teacher, a leader, and a friend." She raised her glass. "But to those of us around this table, she will always be family."

"To Allura," Shiro said, rising as well.

"To Allura!" The paladins chorused, and Violet's heart warmed.

She tipped her head back and drank.


Violet tiptoed along the halls of the Castle of Stars, careful not to wake the people sleeping behind the doors. She was headed to the observatory, where she always went when she couldn't sleep - which was often.

If you thought about it, her whole life she'd been sleep-deprived. She had never slept fully after she was taken, and less when she began having moral conflicts about her work with Lotor; aboard the Atlas the only way she could sleep was in Keith's arms, and now, in the palace, everything felt too large, too empty. She supposed it was because of Allura's death. Violet had nightmares about that as well; in every one, she was unable to save her friend.

But when Violet walked into the observatory, someone was already there.

Lance jerked in surprise when she slid down onto the floor next to him, neatly folding her legs beneath her and looking up at the observatory's roof. After a second Lance chuckled and said, "I should've known you wouldn't be able to sleep."

Violet shrugged one shoulder. "I can't say the same for you. Usually you sleep like the dead."

He looked up at the stars. "Yeah. Now I'm just haunted by them."

Violet's eyes closed in pain. She knew what it was like to be haunted by ghosts. "Why did you stop me?" she whispered. "Why did you have to hold me back?"

Lance's gaze moved from the sky to her face. "It was a collective decision. That you would get to live, no matter the cost." He looked down. "I hope she'll forgive me for letting her go."

"She does." Violet put her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "Death isn't picky.Sometimes it takes bad people, sometimes it takes good people. Sometimes ittakes the best of us. But we keep living anyway - we fall and we break and welove and we hate, because every day is a privilege and I'll be damned if I don'tlive it to the fullest. That's what she would want you to do, too."

Lance grinned and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "You always know what to say." He let loose a long sigh. "I'll miss her. Every day."

"We all will." Violet leaned into him. "But we'll be reminded of her every time we look at the sky. So she'll never really be gone."

"The sky," murmured Lance. "That's fitting for her. She was always destined to have a place among the stars."

They sat like that for a while, looking at the night sky together, and Violet felt her eyes close.

Until a roar shook the castle, the sky lighting up, and her eyes flew open.

Lance sat up. "Is that-?"

He didn't need to finish the sentence. The two of them raced outside, to the courtyard where Honerva had once stood. 

The lions were rising. The other paladins gathered around them in their pajamas, staring at the sky. Violet felt tears brim her eyes as the lions merged into one bright star, forming the outline of a person.


Allura hovered above them, face serene and beaming. In a blaze, the five sparks of light shot up through the sky, taking their place among the stars.

Five points, forming a new constellation - a white lion.

"Thank you," Violet whispered to the lions, feeling their presence finally leave her. "For everything."

She could've sworn the stars blinked in reply.

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