Missing (One Direction)

By baileekup123

2.5K 68 34

Five girls, Five boys, Revenge, and Betrayal. They say everyone has a fate and I believe it was theirs to go... More

Missing (One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Who Plays Who
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Missing Trailer
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Thank You!

Chapter 33

33 3 0
By baileekup123

Authors Note

Hoping to update 2 or 3 times this weekend! Vote and Comment. 8 more chapters!


Kaley's POV (Wednesday December 31rst)

Violet has been super happy all night since Dani and Liam got together. It was her plan the whole time you could tell by the look in her eyes. It's 11:30 so there is half an hour until the ball drops and everything. By now we all have had a couple drinks. Louis, Harry, and Niall are wasted, and it's hilarious. Emma is drunk, but not where she can't walk. Zayn, Liam, and Violet are all fine, they did drink but they don't get drunk quickly. I'm surprised though because Violet has had at least two beers and a couple wine coolers. Me on the other hand only had one drink I'm on my second one. It's just not my thing to drink a lot. Eleanor and Dani are drunk but only Eleanor is getting pretty bad. We have the TV on to watch all the New Years stuff and One Direction is "performing"; it's prerecorded they did it a while ago for this exact event. By the time we all get situated in the living room in front of the TV the count down is starting. Louis, Harry, and Niall are all messing around so there won't be a New Year's kiss for Eleanor, Emma, or me. Dani is also drunk and messing around with Emma and Eleanor. So that leaves me and Liam because Zayn and Violet are wrapped in each others arms. We all start counting down 10..9...8...7....6...5...4 arms wrap around my waist 3...2.. Niall spins me around so we're facing...1. Niall's lips smash against mine; I guess I was wrong. Zayn and Violet are kissing but it's not drunkenly or full of lust it's just pure love. Niall tastes like beer and other types of alcohol. We pull away and Niall pulls me to our room and I see the others doing the same. For a second I thought Niall had a different idea, but he strips down to his boxers, mumbles an I love you and is out cold.


Violet POV (Thursday January 1rst)

Zayn and I are the first people up and it's so weird. I've never been the first one up and it's crazy strange. Zayn is acting weird though ever since we woke up. He is all jittery, and he will barely look at me. It's kind of worrying me; we were completely fine last night. I don't know what's up with him, but if he isn't better by tonight then I'm going to ask him. It is noon and I expect for Dani, and Liam to be up because Liam didn't drink at all really and Dani didn't drink that much. Same with Kaley, and Niall because Kaley will force his ass out of bed. Speak of the devil; out comes Dani, Liam, Niall, and Kaley. Now we're waiting on Emma, Harry, Eleanor, and Louis. While we are waiting I decided to make some food. By the time the food was done everyone was up. We all ate quickly excited to open our presents. We all sat in the living room in a big circle. Emma and I got all the presents and put each person's present in front of them. In the end Emma got me a gift card to Victoria Secret; when I opened it she winked at me and Zayn blushed. Harry gave me an iTunes gift card, Kaley and Niall gave me a new camera, Louis and Eleanor gave me a new mint penny board, Liam gave me a gift card to Barnes and noble, and Dani gave me a $100 gift card to the mall. Zayn gave me the blue Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 camera and a whole bunch of gift cards. I gave him some gift cards and this expensive cologne he loves. Now that everyone was done we threw all the garbage away. "Violet wait you have one more present" Emma said pointing at the little box next to me. I unwrapped the small box and it was some sort of jewelry. I opened the little to find a beautiful ring. Zayn looked at me then went down on one knee. I gasped once I figured out what he was doing. All the other girls had their mouths open in shock. "Violet we have been through so much together and I've learned from past events that I can't live without you. I love you with all my heart and I would do anything for you. I want to buy a real house and have kids with you. Will you make me the luckiest man in the world by marrying me" Zayn said his whole speech bringing me to tears. I nodded but I finally got my voice back and told him yes. I brought Zayn to me and kissed him. Zayn slid the ring on my finger and I loved the feeling of it on my finger. I love him and I love the ring and I love the idea of marrying him. I'm engaged, oh my god I'm engaged. I'm going to get married oh my god. I have to tell my mom and everyone. I'll have to plan the wedding. I already know the bridesmaids. Emma, Kaley, Eleanor, and Dani. I'm going to be Violet Malik, I won't be Violet Dallas anymore. I want a summer wedding so when I'm done with Uni. So the wedding would be either end of May or early June before the lads leave for tour. I can't believe Zayn proposed I never saw that coming. I can't stop looking at my engagement ring. Kaley is just in shock where as the other girls ran up to me. They literally just screamed a whole bunch of wedding plans at me; it was insane. I wonder if Zayn is going to tell his fans or just let them find out? I walk over to Zayn and sit on his lap wrapping my arms around him and pecked his cheek before asking my question "I was wondering if we are telling your fans we're engaged or if we aren't" after he thought for a bit he answered "I think we'll just let them figure out on their own then we'll confirm it" I nodded m head at his answer then kissed him. We weren't paying any attention to anything until Louis had to come in "even though you too are engaged doesn't mean that PDA is allowed because I don't want to walk in on you two snogging" he scolded us sassilly.  I stuck  my tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue back out at me while Zayn was just laughing at our childish behavior. "I can't believe you're getting married" Louis said hugging me. I hugged him back and before pulling away I whispered in his ear, "I can't believe I am either". We pulled away and Louis kissed my cheek then walked away. Today has been a long and eventful day and I'm tired. I walk up to Zayn and I lay down on the couch next to him. "I'm tired" I told him wiping my eyes, "come on baby lets go to sleep'' he says offering his hand to help me up, but I refuse and shake my head. "Carry me" I pout holding me arms up like a little kid, Zayn picks me up bridal style and carries me to our room. By the time we're there I'm almost out, kind of just in a daze. Right when my head hits the pillow I'm asleep.

(Thursday Febuary 5th)

It has been a little over a month since Zayn proposed. All the fans know and it has been crazy; either the fans absolutely love Ziolet or they really hate it by it I mean me. My family knows and Zayn's knew from when we visited at Christmas. We've been doing crazy wedding planning because the wedding is in a little less than 4 months. May 26th is the wedding date we chose. I want it to be perfect there is so much planning to do. Zayn and I did buy a house it is so beautiful. There is 7 bathrooms, a master room, guest and three others. Each room has it own bathroom and then there is two other bathrooms around the house. The back yard is huge with a pool and lots of land. The puppy loves the area to run around in. The house isn't done yet so we are still staying in our flat. I can't wait for the wedding to be here. I will be done with uni and I'll have a job, I will also be 21. Speaking of being 21 my birthday is coming up soon and I'm super excited. School has been going great for everyone. I've been doing nothing but planning so that kind of sucks, but Zayn has been helping with everything even though he has no idea what everything is. I'm extremely tired though because of all the planning I've been doing. Nap time! I feel like a little kid, but oh well. I head to my room to get changed into something comfortable so I can take a quick nap. I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top then I hopped into bed.


Authors Note

 I'm so sorry this is a short chapter but I have writers block and ugh it's terrible and I'm so tired. Sorry sorry sorry. I've been trying to write this chapter this whole weekend and nothing. So I'm going to try and write another chapter tomorrow. Again I'm so sorry so so sorry I'm going to try again but please vote even though this chapter is short.

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