HIDDEN SECRETS - jason dilaur...

By moonyschocolate8

248K 5.1K 445

[editing] A year had passed since Alison DiLaurentis disappeared off the face of the earth, and the five ex-f... More

hidden secrets
act one
01| pilot
02| the jenna thing
03| to kill a mocking girl
04| can you hear me now?
05| Reality Bites Me
06| There's No Place Like Homecoming
07| Homecoming Hangover
08| Please Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
09| The Perfect Storm
10| Keep Your Friends Close
11| Moments Later
12| Salt meets wound
13| Know Your Frenemies
14| Careful What U Wish 4
15| if At First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie again
16| Je Suis Une Amie
17| The New Normal
18| The Badass Seed
19| A Person of Interest
20| Someone to Watch Over Me
21| Monsters in the End
22| For Whom the Bell Tolls
Season 2
01| It's Alive
02| The Goodbye Look
03| My name is Trouble
04| Blind Dates
05| The Devil You Know
06| Never Letting Go
07| Surface Tension
08| Save the Date
09| Picture This
10| Touched By An 'A'-ngel
11| I Must Confess
12| Over My Dead Body
13| The First Secret
14| Through Many Dangers, Tolls and Snares
15| A Hot Piece of 'A'
17| The Blond Leading the Blind
18| A Kiss Before Lying
19| The Naked Truth
20| Ctrl: A
21| Breaking the Code
22| Father Knows Best
23| Eye of the Beholder
24| If These Dolls Could Talk
25| UnmAsked
Season 3
01| It Happened "That Night"
02| Blood is the New Black
03| Kingdom of the Blind
04| Birds of a Feather
05| That Girl is Poison
06| The Remains of the 'A'
07| Crazy
08| the kahn game
09| the lady killer
10| this is A dark ride
11| she's better now
12| misery loves company
13| dead to me
14| sunflowers
15| sunshine
16| what becomes of the broken-hearted?
17| hot water
18| out of sight, out of mind
19| will the circle be unbroken?
20| i'm your puppet
21| a dangerous game

16| Let the Water Hold Me Down

2.8K 62 19
By moonyschocolate8

It was after the incident with Hanna and Lucas in the boat, and the girls were in Spencer's house. Ivy stood on a chair, rummaging through Spencer's cupboards looking for some aspirin for Hanna. Her eyes finally locked on the tub, "Ah-ha!" She cheered in triumph.

She got down from the chair, grabbed a glass of water and sat down next to Hanna by the fire. "Here's some aspirin." She held out the pills and Hanna took them. "Want me to make you some soup?" She asked. "Thanks, but, I'm not hungry." Hanna shook her head.

Hanna took the pills and Ivy handed her the glass of water. As she was taking a sip, Spencer spoke up, "You want a blanket?" She asked. Hanna nodded and Spencer draped the blanket over her shoulders. Emily came into the room with Hanna's bag and handed it to her. "I think Caleb called, your phone was making noise." Emily told her.

"Han, I know that you might not be ready to talk about this, but the sheriff said that they're going to drag the lake first thing in the morning." Spencer said. "Lucas isn't in the lake." Ivy mumbled. The other girls glanced at each other. "He didn't come up to shore. We waited." Emily spoke. Hanna snapped her head to face Emily, "He knows how to swim, alright? He's out there somewhere. I can feel it." Hanna added.

"I still can't believe that Lucas would help 'A'." Aria admitted, "Why not? Jenna did the same thing with Caleb." Spencer responded. Hanna and Ivy stared blankly into the fire while the others talked around them. "'A' knows Lucas is close to Hanna and Ivy."

Aria went on to explain what she really meant, "No, I get it, I just don't really see Lucas as being that violent." Hanna and Ivy glanced at each other for a moment, then turned back towards the fire. "He can be. Lucas was the one who destroyed Alison's memorial." Hanna paused, glancing at Ivy again. "We found out the night Ivy got out of the hospital." She added.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Spencer questioned.

"We told him we would keep it a secret." Ivy answered. "Why?" The three girls were staring at the two with wide eyes, waiting for one of them to speak. "To protect him. He's been through a lot and Alison really tortured him." Ivy told, grabbing Hanna's hand in her own.

"Maybe it's time to start protecting you." Spencer said. Hanna shook her head, "I have a headache." She took the aspirin and reached into her bag to grab the bottle of water. Just as Hanna brought the bottle up to her mouth, Emily and Ivy noticed the murky water inside it.

"Hanna, don't drink that!" They shouted.

"That's lake water."

Hanna looked down at the bottle, "Too late." Ivy took the bottle from Hanna's hands, stood up and went to pour it down the sink. "How did that get in there?" Aria asked. Ivy walked back over as Emily started talking, "Her bag was outside in the car."

Aria looked round at the group, "All of us were in here." She spoke. "Yeah, well, Lucas wasn't. Maybe he just wants to finish what he started." Spencer responded. Hanna's phone rang, and Ivy looked over at the screen,

No fun chugging lake water, is it? Choke on this, bitch!

○ ○ ○

Ivy, Emily and Hanna were sat at the kitchen counter. Ashley was making coffee and Hanna was on the phone to Lucas' mom. Hanna hung up the phone and spoke, "Lucas called his parents today." She said. Emily and Ivy shared a look.

"And he's still not home?" Ashley speculated. "They must be going out of their minds. Did he say where he is, where he's been?" She asked. The three girls didn't answer. There was nothing but silence.

"Was there drinking at this party?" Ashley asked.

Emily lifted her head and stared at her with wide eyes, "No." The three returned to looking at their hands. Leaving Ashley to just stare at them. "Did he argue with someone?" Ashley continued to press. "Hanna! Ivy!"

"We don't know." The two answered simultaneously.

Ashley sighed, "I should call them. Can you give me their home number?" Hanna shook her head, "No. Why do you have to call them?" She questioned her.

"Because my daughter hosted a party that their son has yet to return from. I should at least take some responsibility for that. Look, I know you're upset and frustrated that your friend is going through something and he ran off instead of turning to you for help. I'm sure when he's ready, Lucas will tell you what's going on with him." Ashley explained.

Hanna, Emily and Ivy shared a look, making Emily speak up, "Um, we should go to Spencer's." The three stood up. "Aren't you going to see her at school?" At Ashley's question Ivy was panicking, she didn't know what to say, she couldn't think of a lie fast enough. Luckily Emily stepped in before Ivy accidentally gave it away, "We have a group presentation, and we need to run it one more time." She lied.

The three got up before Ashley could ask anymore questions.

○ ○ ○

Spencer tipped her bag upside down, releasing the contents onto the counter. "'A' was definitely in my lake house." Spencer told them.

The group analysed the objects in front of them. Ivy picked up the packet of gum and popped a piece in her mouth. "You found these in the attic?" Aria asked. "The picture Caleb decrypted off 'A's cellphone of the dolls, that was taken at the lake house." Emily said.

"Looks like 'A' got pretty cosy." Aria mumbled. "Well, my family never uses that house after Labour Day. It's the perfect place to set up an evil lair." Spencer said, fumbling with a piece of paper in her hand. "And look. Just look at the date on this." She handed the receipt to Hanna. Ivy looked over at it as well.

"Wait, that's around the time Caleb and I went up there. 'A' was in the lake house when Caleb and I were..." Hanna trailed off as Spencer interrupted, "'Fraternising' on my nana's sofa." Hanna looked around at the group, "Alright, who told?"

"It doesn't matter. There are, like, four bedrooms up there with actual beds in them."

Hanna rolled her eyes and Emily started talking, "Did you guys see anybody, hear anything?" She asked. "Em, we were kind of busy."

Ivy started playing with the necklace around her neck as she listened to the conversation. "Ok, so, wait. You said that Lucas went up in the attic like he knew his way around?" Aria asked. Ivy nodded, "He was probably trying to clean up after Garrett and Jenna." She replied.

"And look." Spencer picked up the receipt. "There's an address. Smitty's. 801 Hyperion Street." Spencer pointed out. "Wait, Smitty's what? Restaurant? Bar?" Aria questioned.

"Hyperion Street. Isn't that in Philly?" Ivy wondered. "Do you guys want to go after school to check it out?" Spencer asked as she looked round at the group. "Ok. Yeah. If it means you're not going alone, then count me in." Aria decided.

"Is it okay if I pass? I still have the taste of lake water in my mouth." Spencer nodded.

Ivy thought of what she was doing after school, and for the rest of the week.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Sure. I'll come too." Ivy smiled.

That's what she said. Ivy internally laughed.

The girls dispersed from Spencer's house and made their way to school.

○ ○ ○

Ivy was in the cafeteria, trying to get a snack out of the vending machine. She had got a packet of M&M's, a bottle of coke and a bag of Doritos, but the Doritos got stuck. Cursing in frustration, Ivy slammed her hand against the glass, hoping it would fall. When the chips made no movement, she gave up. Ivy sighed, staring at the packet sadly. "Here." A voice called.

She turned to see Mike Montgomery running towards her. When he stood beside her, he glanced at her then back at the vending machine. "I learned this trick last year." Mike said, as he kicked the front of the vending machine. Immediately the packet of Doritos fell. "You got to hit it in the right place." He smiled.

Ivy retrieved the chips and placed her snacks in her bag. "Thanks." She returned the smile. Ivy was always close with Mike growing up. At one point they were best friends, but they sadly drifted over time. As the two started into a conversation Ivy couldn't help but smile. They hadn't talked in a while. Of course they had seen each other around, Ivy had been over at Aria's loads of times, she went to the Montgomery family dinner party thing, but she
had never had an actual conversation with him.

Mike's phone beeped in his pocket and he took it out. "Hey, I've got to go but we should definitely hang out again." He said. Ivy nodded. "Oh, yeah. Definitely."

"Great." Mike smiled. "See you." He waved and walked off.

I missed him. She thought.

Not as much as I missed Jason.

Who said that?

Ivy made her way out of the cafeteria and found Spencer and Aria. "Ivy. We're about to go. You coming?"

"Yeah. Let's go!" Ivy said enthusiastically.

The three made their way to Spencer's car. The whole way to Philly, the car, then the train, the three talked about everything and absolutely nothing. They were now making their way down the street, looking for Smitty's. "It would be so much easier if we actually knew what we were looking for." Spencer said.

"Are you sure that we got off at the right stop?" Ivy asked as she opened her packet of Doritos. "Yeah, it says it should be right around here." The three noticed a kiosk which said 'Smitty's' on the sign. "801 Hyperion. But this can't be right." Aria voiced.

"It says Smitty's right on the sign." Spencer stated.

Ivy looked around for anything else, "Yeah, 803 is right there and 800 is across the street." She pointed. "Is there anything else on the receipt that would say what 'A' or it's helper we're here for?" Spencer asked Ivy. Ivy fished out the receipt from her pocket and her eyes glanced over the page. "No. Just magazines." She looked up at Spencer's deflated expression.

"Well, there's a toy store down the road, maybe 'A' sent Lucas down here to pick up that five pack of Chucky dolls." Spencer suggested. "You're parents work in the city. Maybe they just stopped here for some gum and magazines." Aria said.

Spencer was having a hard time believing it, "Yeah, Maybe, but what about those cellphones? Those didn't look like they belonged to my parents." She stated. "Wait, isn't Melissa's condo, like, ten blocks from here?" Aria questioned. Ivy was just looking between the two, eating her chips, not knowing when to join in.

"I'm starting to think this is kind of a bust. Do you want to grab a coffee?" Spencer suggested.

"I can't. I promised Holden I'd meet him at 7:30."

"I'll come with you." Ivy smiled.

Spencer returned the smile. Aria sighed which made the two look at her. "Am I doing the right thing?" She asked. "Yes! I mean, you're taking a chance, but you're being bold and romantic. You call us later to let us know how it turns out?" Spencer said.

"I will." Aria hugged the two and set off down the street. Spencer and Ivy went the opposite way, standing at the traffic lights. A lady who was holding a dog by her side crossed the road when the light went green, the dog was her guide dog, guiding her across the street. On the side walk they noticed a man with a cane. The two looked at each other with confused faces.

"Wait, didn't Jenna go to a school for the visually impaired?" Ivy questioned. "Yeah. And it's here in Philly. Come on." The two followed the the man which lead them to a school for the blind. They made their way into the building.

They stood in the front part, by the waiting area, looking around. "Can I help you?" They snapped their heads to see a receptionist looking straight at them. "Um, I'm not sure. I've been away for a few years, and I was just trying to locate a former friend of mine. She was a patient here. Her name's Jenna Marshall." Spencer answered. Ivy was honestly amazed at how Spencer came up with a lie so fast. She would need to ask Spencer to give her some tips.

"Patient records are confidential." The receptionist replied. "I don't need her medical information. I just know that she went to a school for the blind in Philadelphia, so I thought it might be this one." Spencer informed.

"I can't even tell you which chair she used to sit in. Something else I can help you with?" Spencer stared blankly at the lady before replying. "No, I guess that's it." The lady walked off, leaving Spencer and Ivy standing in the lobby.

"She was fun." Ivy spoke sarcastically, reaching into her bag, which hung on her shoulder, and pulled out her bottle of coke.

As she was about to open it, a voice spoke up, "Excuse me? You're looking for Jenna? I know her." A man with blond curly hair, who sat on a chair in the lounge said.

While Spencer got the three a cup of coffee, Ivy sat down next the the guy. Spencer gave the two their cup and sat down. "Would you like real sugar or fake?" Spencer asked.

"Real. I'll get it. Just tell me..tell me what time it's at." He moved forward. "Oh, um, eleven." Ivy answered. The man reached for the tub of sugar. He was feeling for the right sugar, making sure he had the right one. Ivy and Spencer were looking at him in awe.

"Neat trick, huh?" He said. The two replied with 'yes'. He handed them two packets of sugar each. "Here. Feel the difference?" He asked. "The grains of sugar are bigger."

"So, you both went to school with Jenna in Rosewood?" He queried. "Uh, no. We knew her from before. When she moved to Rosewood, we kind of lost touch. You and Jenna got here around the same time?" Ivy asked.

Ivy placed the sugar packets back into the tub when he started speaking, "I was here a while before Jenna showed up. I have a genetic condition. I've been going blind slowly since I was born. Literally saw it coming. When the lights went out, I wasn't ready. I got angry, depressed. Meeting Jenna pulled me out of it." He admitted.

"She helped you?" Spencer wondered.

"She was so focused. No, determined. I think she learned more in a year than most people learn here in four. I guess she was motivated to get out of here."

"For, like, field trips?" Ivy mentally slapped her hand against her forehead, not believing what Spencer just said. They weren't trapped. "It's not like we're in jail. And they encourage us to get out on our own and practice or whatever. It's nice to have a change in scenery." Ivy chuckled at his joke, but Spencer was staring off into space.

"It's a joke, Spencer! You can laugh." He grinned. "No, I'm sorry. I guess I was just wondering where she went. Did she ever tell you where she went or who she met?" Spencer queried. "She kept saying she had things she had to do back home. I haven't talked to her in a while. Whatever it is, I hope she did it."

"So when do you get out of here?" Ivy asked. "Oh, I'm done with rehab now. I help out in the art studio a couple times a week. If Jenna hadn't dragged me in there, I might've lost myself. Now I have some of what she gave me to give back."

A sudden voice came from his watch, "It is 6:14." The three laughed. "That would be my next class about to start." He stood up and the two girls followed. "It was nice meeting you both." He went to shake Spencer's hand. "Is everything okay? You're pulse is kind of racing."

"No, I just don't want to miss my train." Spencer lied.

"Sorry." He let go of Spencer's hand and shook Ivy's. "The pulse thing's another little trick that Jenna taught me." He admitted. "She's full of surprises that one." He picked up his book. "I know. I think that's part of what makes her so special. She's good at reading people." He went on his way, after they exchanged some 'bye's.

They were about to leave when the receptionist spoke up again, "Hold on. You both need to sign in." She said. "Oh, we were just leaving." Ivy replied. "You both sat. You had coffee. That makes you a visitor. What does that sign say?" She pointed over to a sign which read,


Ivy read it out and the two moved to sign the book. The lady disappeared to the back. "Spencer, you go look for anything on Jenna and I'll sign us in."

Ivy put her name down someone else. "Marlene McKinnon." She mumbled as she wrote. "What do you want your name to be?" She asked Spencer. "Never mind, don't answer that." She wrote down Spencer's fake name. "Lily Evans." Spencer grabbed her arm and they moved towards the door.

○ ○ ○

As Spencer and Ivy got off the train, Ivy's phone beeped in her bag. She fished in the bag and pulled out her phone. Spencer was looking at her with a worried look, and Ivy matched her look. They were hoping it wasn't 'A' .

Are you on your way home?

"It's just Hanna." Spencer let out a sigh. And Ivy quickly replied.

Yep. Just got off the train. Heading to the car.
Is everything okay?

Yeah, I just don't want to be alone.
Emily and Aria are leaving. 

I'll be home soon.

Ivy placed her phone in her bag and Spencer and Ivy made it to the car. They heard some noise and rushed to the car. Ivy wasn't going to go round the other side, she wanted to not get kidnapped, so she went to the back door. They were about to get in when they heard footsteps. They cautiously moved forward. Ivy had her keys in between her fingers, ready to stab a predator.

They turned round to be met with Mona. Ivy swore she jumped five feet up in the air. "Spencer? Ivy?" Mona smiled.

"Hi." The two responded. Their hearts still beating wildly. "How random! Were you just on the train in from the city?" Mona asked. "Yeah. We didn't see you." Ivy admitted. "I know! We all could've sat together. So, what took you downtown?"

"Um, just running errands. And Ivy just tagged along." Spencer lied. "I was just doing a little shopping." She held up the bags. Ivy smiled at her.

"A little?" Spencer looked at the bags.

"It was therapeutic."

"Oh, I normally paint, or read when I'm anxious or something." Ivy admitted. Mona smiled at her, she looked down at the bags. "Especially since I can't get in touch with Hanna. She's fully AWOL." Ivy didn't say anything. She didn't know why Hanna was ignoring Mona. This was the first she heard of it.

"Sorry, I haven't seen her since school." Spencer admitted. "Well, if you see her, could you just..." Mona trailed off. "You know what, never mind." Mona brushed it off. "Do you want me to give her a message?" Ivy asked.

Mona's eyes burned with tears, "It's no big deal. It's just...Noel broke up with me, and I don't even know why, so I hit these amazing sales thinking I could just shop the pain away. And I bought, like, five cashmere-blend sweater sets. Have you ever seen me in a sweater set? No, because I don't wear sweater sets. Or blends. I think he broke me." Mona rambled.

Spencer handed her a tissue while Ivy started talking, "Mona, you don't need anyone. You're perfect the way you are. Who cares about stupid Noel?" She said. "Do you know how hard I have to work to get a guy like Noel Kahn to go out with me?"

"Mona, If you have to work at all, It's not worth it. You shouldn't be with a guy who doesn't want you for who you are. Don't change for guys like him. Don't change for anyone." Ivy stated. Mona sighed. "Thanks, Ivy." She smiled. "Do you want a sweater set? Cashmere blend?" She held up the bag.

"I'm good, thanks."

"No, thank you." Spencer and Ivy answered.

Once Mona walked away, after they said 'bye', Spencer and Ivy got in the car and drove home.

○ ○ ○

When Ivy arrived home Hanna was sitting on the stairs, with her phone to her ear. Ivy closed the door behind her. In the space of Spencer's car to the house, Ivy was soaked by the rain. Hanna acknowledged Ivy by giving her a nod. While Hanna was on the phone Ivy took off her shoes and hung up her jacket. A sudden noise was heard from the kitchen. Hanna put the phone down and Ivy stopped what she was doing.

The two gradually made their way to the to the kitchen. The doors were open. They managed to close the door and lock it. "Hanna? Ivy? What was that noise?" Ashley shouted from upstairs. "Just the wind, Mom. I think the latch is broken." Hanna replied.

"What?" Ashley yelled, she couldn't hear what Hanna said.

"The latch on the back door. I think we need to fix it." Ivy shouted back.

The two made their way up to Hanna's room. Ivy lay spread out on Hanna's bed, her head hanging off the end and Hanna stood by the window. "Hanna? Ivy? Where did you put my bath salts?" Ashley asked. The two made their way to outside the bathroom.

Ivy looked through the cabinet outside the bathroom. But they weren't in there. "Did you find them? By the hand towels?" Once Ashley said she got them, the two walked back into Hanna's room. The door closed behind them and Lucas stood there with his hood up. "Lucas! My mom's right down the hall." Hanna said.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Hanna." Lucas told her. "Where's Caleb? What did you do to him?" Hanna asked. Ivy didn't really know what to do. She kinda just stood there. Shocked.

"Just listen to me, Hanna." Lucas moved forward. "No, no! Don't come any closer!" Hanna stopped him. Hanna quickly dialled Caleb's number on the house phone she was holding. "Who'd you just call?" Lucas questioned her.

"No-one, I swear." Lied Hanna.

Lucas held his hand out, "Give me the phone and listen to me, Hanna!" He shouted. Ivy was surprised Ashley didn't hear it. "I can't let you leave this room." He yelled, as Hanna darted for the door.

Luckily the door opened and Caleb was there. "Hanna." Hanna rushed to him. "Caleb, you're here." She sighed. Ivy sat down on the edge of the bed, she knew that Lucas would never try anything in front of Caleb. "Are you okay?" He was staring at Hanna, then looked at Ivy. Ivy nodded her head, which Caleb returned.

"Lucas, what's going on? Where were you?" Asked Caleb.

"I don't know how Emily found out that it was me on that crisis hotline, but I knew that she was going to tell you if I did it, so I took you out onto the lake, so we could be alone. I needed your help." Lucas admitted. "Yeah, well, it didn't seem like that." Hanna responded.

"Probably because I was scared myself. I was just afraid about how you would react, and I need you to soften the blow when I tell Caleb." Caleb looked at him with confusion. "When you tell me what?" Lucas sat down on the bench in front of Hanna's bed.

"Your money...is gone."

Hanna and Ivy glanced at each other. "What money?" Ivy wondered.

"When I left to go visit my mom, I left a bunch of cash stashed around. I asked Lucas to put it in his checking account until I got back. So, wait, all of it?" Caleb said.

"And most of mine, too." Lucas couldn't look at him. "How much?" Ivy asked.


Caleb looked like he was going to strangle him, "That's a lot of money, Lucas. It took me a long time to make that." Caleb yelled. "It was supposed to be a sure thing." Lucas responded. "A sure thing?" Hanna, Ivy and Caleb were very confused.

"I was betting on a basketball tournament." Lucas told them.


"What were you thinking?!"

Lucas kept staring straight ahead, not looking at either of them. "It was just for fun at first, a bunch of math and probability stuff, seeing if I could figure out a formula to beat the odds. I was so sure that I would win your money back. A team got disqualified, threw my bracket off. And the payoff never happened. And then, suddenly, you were just back from California and I had lost everything."

"Is that why you didn't come back after the lake? You were just going to run away?" Hanna asked. "I just want to make things right." Caleb couldn't even look at Lucas. Lucas took out a bundle of cash from his pocket, stood up and handed it to Caleb. "It's not everything, but it's..."

Lucas got cut off by Caleb, "Where did you get this?" He asked. "I was driving around different comic book stores - here, downstate, and in New Jersey. I sold a bunch of my collectables. Look, I know it's not everything, but it's a start. I'm really sorry, Caleb." Lucas apologised.

"We'll work it out."

Hanna wasn't saying anything, so Lucas spoke, "Hanna? Please say something." He pleaded. "You're not who I thought you were." Hanna said. Lucas turned to look at Ivy, "Ivy?"

Ivy got up from the bed and walked over to Lucas, she pulled him into a hug. Even though she knew he was 'A', Ivy felt sorry for him.

○ ○ ○

Hanna, Ivy, Spencer, Emily and Aria were now over at Spencer's house. The girls had ordered Chinese and it just got there. Hanna and Ivy were telling them about what Lucas said, "So wait, somebody else showed up at the greenhouse when we set that trap for 'A'? It wasn't Lucas?" Spencer asked.

"What about the water bottle? And the stunt with the rowboat?" Emily questioned. "No, Lucas wasn't even in Rosewood. He was driving round all night trying to sell his collectables to pay Caleb back." Ivy responded.

"Spence, what did you want to show us?" Aria looked over at the brunette. Spencer went to go get the book while Emily and Ivy were emptying the bag full of Chinese. "Hey, did you order dumplings?" Hanna asked.

"Two orders." Emily placed a box in front of her.

Spencer came back in with the book and placed it on the table. "This is the sign-in book from Jenna's blind rehab centre." The four were scanning the page. Ivy hadn't actually seen the book, she was determined to get home to Hanna. "This is the day Alison went missing."

"Jenna said that Alison came to visit her that day. I don't see her name." Emily said. "Wait, so that story she told us, that was a lie?" Hanna said.

"I mean, Ali could've signed in with a different name. I mean, I did." Ivy shrugged. "Well, who knows, but that's not all. Look who did visit." Spencer pointed to Garrett Reynolds on the page. "Garrett Reynolds. He was there for, like, what, 20 minutes that night?"

"And not only do guests have to sign in, they also keep track of when the patients leave." Emily's eyes were looking at the paper, along with everyone else's. "Garrett signed Jenna out at 10:15pm."

"And there's no time that they signed back in. She could've been gone all night." Spencer stated. Hanna had had enough, she reached forward for a box of noodles and said, "Can we just look at this later? If I don't eat something, my head is going to explode." She exaggerated.

Aria grabbed plates and handed them out, "Jenna said that Alison blackmailed her, and that she stayed in rehab until the day of Alison's funeral." Ivy took a plate from Aria and set it down. "So where was she the night Ali went missing?"

"She could've been anywhere." Ivy said, then took a sip of water. "How much do you want to bet she was in Rosewood?" Spencer asked.

They started to open their food but stopped and stepped back when they saw what was inside.

Worms and dirt.

Ivy's phone beeped, she picked it up and read out the message,

This is what live bait looks like. Now we're even bitches!


Heyyy friends! How are you all?!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. A lot is going on for the liars and I'm excited.

Ya'll better be glad. I fed you like 4,908 words (To be exact). This was a long chapter. I didn't proof read so there are probably a lot of mistakes.

I hope you liked the scene with Ivy and Mike. I thought it was cute. Tbh I don't even know if Mike and Ivy have had a conversation in this book yet. I mean they probably have but I forgot. Let me know if you see any parts where Mike and Ivy are talking, cause I'll change it.

I've been absent for some time now and I'm extremely sorry. But I hope I can make it up to you. I've had a lot on my mind recently, and I've been trying to keep up to date with school work. But I'm failing with that as much as I'm failing life.

I also didn't publish a lot because my Grandpa got diagnosed with cancer 😀👍 so that's great. (If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic. I love my Grandpa. But he does actually have cancer)

Anyway. I was meant to publish this like four hours ago but I never actually finished it until now because I literally kept getting distracted. (And I came home from school with cramps. Yay. *she said in a sarcastic tone*) I was on Tiktok for like four hours, then Netflix, then Tiktok again, then I absolutely smashed Piano tiles, then I watched Harry Potter.

Anyways. Hope you guys are okay, and aren't as depressed and angry as I am because I want to rip out my ovaries and sell them on the black market. (I never said that. Shut up)

I'll try and publish at least once a week. But I guess I'll see how it goes

Love you all!
- Katie

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Daphne Bridgerton might have been the 1813 debutant diamond, but she wasn't the only miss to stand out that season. Behind her was a close second, he...
30K 1.2K 10
The Summer after graduating college Donna Sheridan sets off on an adventure through Europe. After a few love affairs, she finds herself caught betwee...
72.2K 2.3K 81
"My one secret...is you" Nothing ever stays a secret in Rosewood... especially not when a faceless tormentor knows all your secrets... OC x Jason Dil...