Brighter Than the Stars: A Vo...

De Aviva_thewriter

16K 295 71

Violet Idalia, a half-Altean with unique abilities, thought she was free to return home when she escaped from... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Part II
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part III
Excerpt: Voltron Vlogs
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Part IV
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part V
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Changing the World
Part VII
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part VII - One Year Later

Chapter 6

215 6 2
De Aviva_thewriter

Violet felt different.

It was a strange feeling, but oddly right. She felt comfortable in a way she'd never been before she'd changed.

Slowly, sound began to reach her ears. Beeping and soft murmuring.

There was a hiss, and Violet fell out of the cryo-pod with a gasp, her eyes flying open. Someone caught her before she could eat the floor.

"Vi?" Lance fixed his gaze on her worryingly. "Are you okay?"

"Not in the slightest," Violet said. "What happened?"

There wasn't a trace of humor in Lance's expression. "After you defeated Lotor, the quintessence exposure caused your body to fail. We thought you were dead. But you had ... changed. You should probably see for yourself."

He helped Violet stagger over to the nearest cryo-pod, where her reflection was mirrored on the glass. Violet gasped sharply when she saw herself. She looked completely different; her skin was paler, no longer the tanned shade it had been, her ears were pointed sharply, and she had faint stripes crisscrossing her shoulders. She had spots along her forearms, like a leopards, and patterns weaving along her palms.

Her markings had changed, no longer sickle-shaped under her eyes; rather, they were crescents, like a symbol of stars. They were still gold, though, the color contrasting against her face. Her eyes, which used to be copper-colored, were now almost wholly gold.

But there was more. Tiny pinpricks of light glowed under Violet's skin, like there was some kind of flashlight in her chest that was shining through.

Violet had no words, so Lance spoke for her. "Allura can explain it better than me," he said, voice haggard, "But you're some kind of species that can manipulate quintessence. The ability was dormant in you until you shape-shifted into your original form to save us. This is what your species looks like. They're called Erythians. They were wiped out a long time ago, but they were allied with Altea. King Alfor knew their empress personally. She died when their planet, Erythia, fell."

Violet felt stunned. Lotor had been right - she wasn't human, or half-Altean. She was a whole other race entirely. She was an ... Erythian. Some long-forgotten race that had died out thousands of years ago and left her with a mother she'd never known and weird abilities that changed her entirely. She curled her hands into fists. Somehow, Violet had thought discovering her heritage would answer her questions – would complete the puzzle her life was. But it had done nothing but point out more misshapen pieces for her to be confused over.

Now, though, she realized that she had been wrong. Violet didn't need answers, or her past to be revealed, or to be told who she really was. She knew who she was – part of Voltron, the paladin's friends and allies – and she didn't need anything else to feel complete.

Violet blew out a long breath, peering at herself in the reflection. Was it what her mother would look like? "I have abilities?"

"Yeah. Erythians were, like, connected to the heart of the world or something cheesy like that. They can control quintessence - and are immune from exposure to it. That's how you survived being in the rift for so long. Apparently they can also heal, shape-shift, teleport, et cetera. Basically superpowers."

"So this is me now." Violet stared at her hand. "My ... my scars are gone. When I was twelve, Lotor decided that I favored my left hand too much. He wanted me to be ambidextrous. So he cut my palm from here-" she drew a line along her hand- "to here. I couldn't use my hand for four weeks because he didn't let me see a healer. But by the end I could use my right hand better than my left." She stared numbly at her palm. "I had a scar. It - it's gone."

Lance's hand closed over hers, right where the scar had been. He said softly, "You changed, Vi. A lot. So my only advice is this: some scars run deeper than just skin. Those scars, those things that make you whole - nothing can take them away. You might be different on the outside, but inside you're still the same. Remember that, okay?"

Violet threw her arms around him. "I don't deserve you," she said, half-laughing half-sobbing. "Honestly, Lance. You're the best friend anyone could ask for."

Lance returned the embrace, chuckling. "I know." He pulled away, examining her. "It's a lot to take in. How are you holding up?"

"I'm not sure," Violet replied. "I remember what happened before – everything. Bits and pieces." Lotor's face, twisted with madness. Shiro's eyes, wholly un-Shiro. Whips of pure light. And Keith.

"I'm alright, though," she added. "As much as I can be."

"Thank god," said Lance, and wrapped his arms around her again. Violet sank into the embrace, closing her eyes. "Because everyone else is really mad at you for trying to get yourself killed. Again." He paused, the familiar ghost of a smirk flashing across his face. "And before you work up the nerve to ask, yes, Keith is okay, and no, he's not going to act like the spectacular ass he was the last time this happened."

Violet choked on a laugh. "Do you think they'll forgive me?"

"Only one way to tell." Lance offered her his hand. "They're in the lounge. You coming?"

She smiled, taking his hand. "Always."


When they got to the lounge, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Romelle and Coran had just gotten back from some odd mishap with yalmors. Keith was nowhere to be found – Violet tried to ignore that fact. All the paladins were overjoyed to see Violet back on her feet - she knew they'd all feared that she wouldn't wake up for another four months again. Shiro brought Violet up to speed on what had happened while she'd been out.

"I haven't been here for the past months," he explained. "When we fought Zarkon and I disappeared from my lion - it was because I had died. The black lion stored my essence inside it, but the person you found with Keith wasn't me. It was a clone, sent by Haggar to destroy Voltron."

Violet's eyes widened as he spoke. "When Keith cut off the clone's arm before you fought Lotor," Shiro continued, "It severed Haggar's connection. While the others were off battling Yalmors, Allura was able to transfer my essence from the black lion into the clone's body. And here I am."

"That's ... surreal," Violet said, her fingers straying to her shoulder, where she'd been wounded. "But you're you now?"

He smiled. "I'm me."

Violet let out a choked laugh and flung herself into his arms. Shiro hugged her back, letting her lean on him.

Violet said softly, "Did you - did you go to the in-between? When you died? That ... that place between this life and the next."

Shiro pulled away to look her in the eyes. "Yeah. In the seconds before Blacky saved my life. You were there too, weren't you?"

She nodded, eyes falling to the floor. "I - I think I've been there before."

"It's okay. You can always come to me if you want to talk about it."

"Thank you, Shiro," Violet said, lifting her gaze. "You ... it's good to have you back."

His face softened. "You, too."


"As long as you don't try to kill yourself again," said Lance, "We'll forgive you."

"Seriously, Vi," Hunk added. "You gotta stop doing that."

Violet smirked. "Once more and I might make it a trend."

They were sitting in the lounge, relaxing after the franticness of the past days. "You look so much different now," Allura said softly, "And yet exactly the same."

"This form is intriguing," Pidge noted. "You have different patterns on your arms that are similar to cats..."

"I hate cats," Violet muttered.

"Really? I had one as a pet once," said Coran brightly. "He tried to claw off my face a few times, but we were friends."

"There are cats in Altea?" Shiro asked.

"If you're referring to the little furry beings with long ears and a penchant for evil, then yes," Allura replied, shuddering slightly. "Cats are one of the smartest animal species we've ever encountered. Their intelligence – and love of chaos – is far superior to any other species that was on Altea."

"That basically describes them, yeah," said Lance.

"Maybe it's specific to lions," Pidge continued. "This partly explains your connection to Voltron, though. The state of the quintessence in you mirrors the lion's."

"I cannot believe the Erythians are still alive," Coran murmured. "Everyone thought they died out decopheobs ago."

"How?" asked Violet.

"Erythia and Altea were allies," Allura explained. "We were both chameleon races, linked through our enhanced understanding of quintessence and energy. However, the Erythian's abilities surpassed any Altean's. They could shift their very shape and form, though sparsely. That was their downfall, in the end."

"The planet Erythia became poisoned by quintessence," Coran jumped in. "Many Erythians integrated themselves into other races. But they forgot what their original form was and were unable to shift into Erythians again."

"That explains why you're so forgetful," Lance muttered.

"On top of that, no one could seek them out," Allura finished. "Without a home planet, there was no way to tell how many Erythians were left. Eventually they vanished entirely." She straightened, eyes alight. "But some must have survived and sought refuge on Earth."

The information was unsettling; up until a day ago, she hadn't had any idea what her actual form was. She could've lived out her whole life without ever realizing that she was Erythian.

"Hold up," Lance said. "You're part cat?"

Violet frowned. "Not necessarily," she replied, looking down at herself. "More like I have the ability to become one. I haven't, though," she added to Lance's perplexed expression. "Become a cat. I think I'd know if I had."

Lance subtly peeked over her shoulder, glancing at the back of her legs.

Violet noticed and gave a sigh of irritation. "Lance, I don't have a tail."

"I was just making sure," he muttered, returning his attention to her face.

"Okay," Hunk said, holding up his hands, "I get that you have a cool new power. But ... does that mean the person we were with before - the half-Altean form - that wasn't the real you? And if so, what is the real you?"

Violet said firmly, "This is my original form. But it doesn't matter what I look like. I'm still the same person - your guys' friends, and a part of Voltron. I wouldn't want to be anyone else."

"Aw," said Lance, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "That's sweet, Vi."

"So what happens when you change?" asked Pidge, putting on her science face. "The manipulation of quintessence is fascinating. Do your limbs actually morph, and if so, are the spots and stripes residue of that effect or a permanent marking?"

"We won't know until Violet uses her power again," said Allura. "Erythians had a wide range of abilities. However, they all centered on controlling the energy that binds us all together - quite similar to Altean magic."

"They had a language, too," Violet said thoughtfully. "I think I was able to read it on sight."

Coran nodded. "That all sounds about right. It's said that the first Erythians were angels, they were so powerful. But now you may have only a remnant of that power."

"Based on the spots, I'm guessing shape-shifting," Shiro added.

"I think they're cool," Allura added, holding up Violet's arm to peer at the leopard spots. "Erythians can come in all shapes and sizes. These physical traits are quite ... elegant."

"Shape-shifting could be a huge advantage, Vi, if you learn how to master it," Pidge mused. "Fighting, flying, building, alchemy and strength could all be amplified, and not just for you."

Violet shook her head. "I don't want it to be a weapon," she said. "I'll use it to fight, but to dominate and kill ... that's what Lotor would have wanted. That's what he would've done."

"I'm glad I did not have the time to get to know him," said Krolia. "He sounds awful."

"Yeah," Lance replied. "There were times when he seemed almost - human. But he lied to us. He was evil, in the end."

Violet was grateful to know she agreed completely. She could put Lotor behind her - just another old scar, the same as the ones she bore on her body - or used to, anyway. A show of victory - that she'd faced the worst the world had to offer and emerged in triumph.

The group talked for a while, going over the recent events and getting used to their expanded circle. Krolia was quite polite and had a calm, collected demeanor. Romelle was cool too; she was kind like Hunk, but could also get really angry. Also, she was a normal Altean that hadn't spent ten thousand years sleeping, which was a relief.

The space wolf drooled.

A lot.

But he was adorable, so Violet was fine with it. Side note – he could teleport. Violet had found that out the hard way.

"I mean ... dogs are great," said Violet, "But is he trained?"

"Mostly?" Krolia offered.

"Not really," Hunk grumbled. "He can smell worse than what the main engine gearbox of the galaxy cargo ship simulator smelled like after I puked in it."

"How do you know what that smells like?" Romelle asked curiously.


"It's fine," Violet muttered. "I didn't really want to know."

There was a buzz, and a screen appeared; Violet's breath stuck in her throat as Keith's face blinked into view. "Coran, you need to see this," he said. "I was scouting the area where we fought Lotor, and I think I found something."

Coran pulled up another image as Keith transferred data to him. He gasped. "This is a problem."

"Oh, thank the stars," Violet said sarcastically. "I was thinking it would be a big problem. But it's just a normal the-fate-of-the-universe-hangs-in-the-balance problem? Phew."

"Unfortunately, Violet, you're correct," Coran said. "The fate of the universe does hang in the balance. The battle Voltron and Lotor fought has created a cosmic ball of pressure that is going to explode."

"You mean ... we made a space bomb?" Hunk asked. "Is that good?"

"It's going to turn everything in the nearest galaxy to pieces," Pidge said. "So ... no."

"We have to escape now, then," Krolia said. "Leave it behind."

"We can't," Coran replied. "The explosion will destroy everything. Even if Allura could wormhole us far enough away, there are hundreds of planets and star systems that would be obliterated."

"I'm coming back," said Keith. "We need to figure out how to stop it."

"We could try forcing the rift to close," said Pidge, brows furrowing. "But ... we'd need a gravitational pull stronger than a black hole. That kind of power - I don't know where we'd get it."

"Hold on," said Coran, eyes widening. "I think ... I think I know."

"What? Where?" Shiro asked.

"The teludav." Coran stood, starting to pace around the room. "Stars, that's it. The teludav makes wormholes by generating a burst of limitless mass. All I'd need to do would be to harness it-" he stopped. "If I obliterate the castle's energy systems, it'll cause the teludav reactor to overload. The pull created by the explosion could be enough to seal the rift."

"But ... destroying the castle's energy systems would mean destroying all of it," Violet said, her face falling.

"We don't have any other option," Allura said somberly. "The Castle of Lions would be destroyed anyway, along with us and hundreds of innocent planets and galaxies."

Hunk murmured, "Where would we go? What would we live in?"

"It's just a ship," Lance said, voice wavering. "Just a vessel for Voltron and us to gather in. Right?"

"A home doesn't have to be a house," Violet said quietly. "And a family doesn't have to be related."

Lance fell silent.

Violet added, "But we have to do this. For the sake of the universe – for everything Voltron embodies. We've already given up so much." She smiled bitterly. "What's one more sacrifice?"


As the preparations began, Keith arrived back at the castle. As soon as he entered the bridge everyone else found somewhere to be, leaving him and Violet alone.

Violet stared at the mess of unspoken words between them. "Keith, I..." I'm sorry. Sorry that I told you we'd never leave each other - that we'd be side by side, that you promised to come back to me, and then I broke that promise. Sorry that I left you, that I took the blow meant for you all instead. Even if I'm not sorry that Hunk and Pidge and Allura and the others are still alive, still breathing, because of what I gave up. Because I know I'd do it all again, even if I wouldn't be as lucky as I was.

"It's alright," Keith said before she could say any of the words swimming in her head. "I get it. Just tell me you're okay."

Violet smiled, bittersweet. "I'm okay."

Keith let out a breath and closed the distance between them. "You don't have to apologize, Vi. Any one of us would do exactly what you did to save each other." His hands found hers. "I still missed you, though. It was strange - you were only in recovery for less than a day. And yet I'd miss you like the sun misses the moon. It's almost unnatural."

Violet's heart swelled. "When I was ... in the rift," she said quietly, "I went in-between. For a second, before my powers kicked in. There was a moment where I wanted to go - to leave and travel to whatever is beyond life. But something held me back." she looked up at Keith, her eyes shining. "It was you. And everyone else, but mostly you. I knew I couldn't leave you."

Keith's eyes were impossibly soft. He traced the back of her hand with his thumb, caressing the patterns swirling around her palms. "You didn't," he said. "Leave me. You died for us - for me."

"Some things are worth dying for," Violet said, softly, "But it's the things worth living for that really matter."

She'd died for them. But she'd also lived - chose life, chose to return to them - over what waited beyond. It was like Lance had said. She'd died for them - for him. And then she'd come back to life to spend another second being part of theirs.

Keith's mouth turned up at the corners. "Lance was right. You spout poetry like it's a second nature. Honestly, Vi. Did you just get that off the top of your head?"

"I got it from experience," Violet replied. "The words I speak are the fragments of the life I've lived."

Keith's brows pressed together. "And you've lived more than anyone."

She brought up her hand and touched the side of his head gently, smoothing out the crease between his brows with the pad of her thumb. "I know."

Keith drew her closer, so close she could feel the exhale of his breath on her face. Violet examined his midnight-blue eyes, dark hair, the sweep of his cheekbones. He was beautiful, in a way that stole her breath.

He said softly, voice unsteady, "When I saw you enter the rift alone, I remembered. When we were fighting Shiro and I was about to kill you - you said ... you said you loved me."

Violet swallowed thickly. "I do," she whispered. "More than anything. Do you?"

Such fragile hope glimmered in his eyes, so much that her heart stopped beating for the second time that day. This time it only stopped for a moment, a moment in which he said, "I love you. I always have, and I always will."

"I love you, too," she murmured, and kissed him.

It felt like the world had burst apart at the seams, and yet they were the only two people in the world. For some reason, the chorus for Love On Top by Beyonce was playing in her head, but Violet pushed it away.

Keith kissed her harder, like he was starved for her, and she looped her arms around her neck, pressing her lips to his. She broke away, breathing hard, and smiled.

"You know," Violet said, "We should probably start evacuating the castle. Because we have to send it into the rift between time and space before reality as we know it collapses in on itself. Just a thought."

"It can wait," Keith replied, and tugged her closer.


They had a little over an hour until they had to abandon the castle, and Hunk insisted on making one last meal for them all. He proudly served his special four-course dinner: space goo salad, space goo soup, space goo steak and space goo sorbet, all of which tasted nothing like space goo at all - Hunk had done it again.

"You know," Violet said casually, "We're going to need a name for the wolf." her eyes glinted with mischief. "How about Wolfy?"

"No," Lance retorted. "It needs to be something creative, Vi. Like Gilbert."

"Lance, you're barred from the discussion," Pidge cut in. "We are not naming the space wolf Gilbert."

Lance huffed. "We're not naming him anything," Keith cut in. "He'll tell me his name when he's ready."

"Noted. How about Kosmo?" Violet asked.

"Kosmo sounds nice," Allura said.

"And it's better than Gilbert," Hunk added.

Krolia offered, "I think he likes it. Kosmo is a great name."

"You're supposed to be on my side, Mom," Keith said. "We're not naming him Kosmo."

The wolf's ears picked up at the name, and he lifted his nose, tail wagging. "Kosmo it is," Coran said happily.

Violet shrugged unapologetically. "Sorry, Keith."

As side conversations began to flow, Violet glanced around the table. Allura sat at the head of the table, discussing something with Shiro, who sat to her right. Next to him was Keith and Lance, and then Hunk, talking animatedly with Pidge. Coran sat at Allura's side, Romelle to his left, chatting with Krolia. The mice had taken a liking to the space wolf and were cheerfully bouncing around on his head.

"So ... what do we do next?" Lance asked. "We won't have the castle anymore. So where do we go?"

"We could try building a replica of the Castle of Lions," said Pidge. "Coran made blueprints and plans in case this ever happened, but ... he gave them to my father."

"Commander Holt is on Earth," Violet pointed out. "We'd have to-"

She stopped. Glanced around at the group's smiles. "We're doing this, then," said Keith. "It's time to go home."

Violet's chest swelled. "My sister," she whispered. "And my father. Veronica will be fourteen." Eight years. She'd been apart from them for eight years. Tears pricked at the backs of her eyes, unbidden.

"Our families," said Hunk. "It's been a year. Do you think they've changed without us?"

"Yes," said Violet. "You can't stop yourself from changing. But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing." She smiled. "We've changed, too. All of us have been through so much. We've almost died too many times to count. I, personally, have had my memories taken, ridden a flying cow, been almost drowned, electrocuted, and stabbed to death, and for some reason I'm still alive, talking with you all." Her grin widened. "The world is definitely messed up. But I can't help but be grateful to it that it gave me this gift - of being able to fight with you." She raised her glass. "To us. To change, for better or for worse. And to going home."

"To us," Keith chorused. "And to the castle."

Everyone followed suit, raising their glasses. Violet tipped her head back and drank, feeling happier than she'd ever been in a long while.


After dinner, castle preparations were done faster, with less time to spare. Violet gathered her things. She didn't have much - weapons, a book here and there, more weapons, clothes, even more weapons. There was only one thing she really cared about, anyway.

The framed photo of her family was still sitting on her shelf. Violet folded back the stand and looked down at Veronica for a second longer before sliding it into her bag.

"Just one bag?"

She whipped around. Keith was standing in the doorway. "I'm a little surprised you didn't try to bring the whole library."

Violet smiled. "There's only one book I want to bring." She held Avatar: the Last Airbender.

Keith chuckled. "Right, so you can try to convince me that Katara and Aang belong together."

"That's one of the reasons." Violet walked up to him. "But mostly because this reminds me of how overjoyed I was when you found it for me." She smiled up at him. "It's a reminder - of how caring you are to everyone."

Keith looked surprised. "It was nothing. I just picked it up."

"It was everything." Violet leaned up and kissed him, happy that she finally could.

Keith was grinning as well as she drew back. "I should start finding more books, if this is what it gets me," he said.

Violet rolled her eyes. Her gaze fell on the scar on his cheek, the dark, rusty color a contrast against his skin. Gingerly, she brushed her fingertips over it. Keith closed her eyes, leaning into her touch.

"I like it," she said finally. "It makes you look wiser."

He shook his head. "I could do without it. It's just a reminder that the ones we love can hurt us."

Violet subconsciously ran her hands through her hair, now short. She'd chosen not to cut it evenly, preferring the asymmetry. "Maybe," she said quietly, "but it's also a reminder that we'll love them for it anyways. That even if we're scarred because of them, we still wouldn't change a thing."

Keith's eyes shuttered. "I'm still never going to forgive myself for doing that to you. I - lost control. It could've cost me everything."

"You never would've hurt me," Violet said. "Besides, I've always hated having long hair. This is a relief."

Keith smiled, and there was so much quiet joy in it, so much light in his eyes, that she kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck. Keith put his hands around her waist, drawing her closer.


They sprang apart. Lance was standing in the hallway, Kaltenecker on a leash, frantically rubbing his eyes. "Close the door so poor people don't walk in on you! Argh. I'm erasing that from my brain. I didn't see it. Nope."

Keith flushed, and Violet raised an eyebrow. "Loverboy Lance can't stand someone other than himself having a romantic moment?"

"It's not that," Lance groaned. "You're my friend, Vi. And I accidentally walked in on you making out with Keith. Do you realize how traumatic that is?" He shuddered.

"If I walked in on you kissing Allura, I'd start applauding," Violet pointed out. "It's cute that you can't stomach the thought of your BFF being with someone, though."

Lance perked up immediately. "Do you really think me and Allura could happen?"

Keith groaned. "Just go."

"Wait," said Lance. "Is this the first time you guys have kissed?"

Violet blinked. "No. Why?"

"Because Pidge owes me ten bucks," Lance said cheerfully. "We were betting on when Keith would have the guts to confess his undying love for you. Hunk said it had already happened and the two of you were just being secretive about it, Pidge said you would finally get together after we got to Earth or after the war was over, and I bet them each ten dollars that it'd happen as soon as your cool new powers came in. I was ri-ight." He did a victory dance.

"You bet on our relationship," Keith said flatly. "I'm going to kill you."

"I can't blame you," Violet added, shrugging. "I have twenty gizmars with Romelle that Allura's going to reject you. I don't think she knows that I have no idea what gizmars are."

"Woah, there," Lance said, holding up his hands. "It's just a bet! Please don't kill me, Keith. Kill Hunk and Pidge."

Hunk and Pidge chose that moment to walk in. "Why is everyone trying to kill me?" Hunk asked, confused.

"Because Lance won the bet," Pidge grumbled. "We owe him ten bucks each."

"Aw. Couldn't the two of you wait a little longer to get together?" Hunk asked Keith and Violet.

Keith growled in frustration. "That's it. Everyone out."

"I, for one, don't believe you, Lance," continued Hunk, oblivious. "Keith admitting that he's been head over heels in love with Vi for what - a year? I'll believe it when I see it."

Keith drew his sword.

"Alright!" Lance yelped. "We're going!" He grabbed Kaltenecker's leash and pushed Hunk and Pidge out of the way, and the three of them scampered down the hall.

Violet bit her lip to stop from laughing. Hard. "You've been head over heels in love with me for a year?" She asked Keith sweetly, clasping her hands together.

Keith deactivated his bayard. "Probably. I think I realized I loved you sometimes when I was with the blade of Marmora." His face softened. "I didn't realize how much I'd missed you until I saw you at Kral Zera and I felt like - like I'd been dying of thirst without realizing it and you were a waterfall. And then, well, you died." He frowned. "That put a damper on things."

"I think I realized that I loved you," Violet said slowly, "When I was crushed by the teludav. Or sometime before that. When my memories came back, and I was finally sure that I had my past sorted out. But then you left." She paused. "I had to live with knowing that I loved you - and you weren't there to hear it. And then on Naxzela, when I saw you again, I realized my love for you hadn't lessened at all." She smiled, drawing Keith closer. "I don't think it ever will."

Keith leaned in to kiss her, and Violet's eyes shut. His lips had just brushed hers when Allura's voice rang through the room. "Paladins, get to your lions now. Ten minutes until evacuation."

Violet's eyes stayed closed. "Goddammit, Allura."

Keith sighed, and she opened her eyes. "We should go."

Violet nodded, and they got into the black lion, loading their few belongings in a single trip. The lions set out, leaving the castle for the last time.

"I'm going to miss the castle," Violet sighed. "We had a really great friendship. Even if it did try to drown me once. And kill Keith. And turn Lance into a human popsicle. On second thought, I don't think it likes us very much."

"Still," said Keith. "It was our home."

They watched it sink into the space rift. There was a boom, and it sucked in everything, then - explosion.

Violet grimaced as she was knocked into the wall, grabbing Keith's seat to steady herself. She looked back. There was nothing. 

The Castle of Lions was gone.

Everyone bowed their heads. After a collective moment of silence, Hunk said, "Wait. There's something there." The yellow lion moved forward. Violet squinted. Indeed, a glimmering object was floating around.

"A crystal," she said. "It ... it's the castle. Or what's left of it." Hunk's lion opened its jaws, swallowing the crystal.

"I ... could I keep it?" Coran asked. His voice wavered. "Just to remind me."

The black lion set off, the other lions following suit. "Wait a tick," Romelle said. "You all just saved the world from an evil Galra intent on genocide, sealed a tear in the fabric of reality, saved two of your team members from death - both of which actually died, survived being chased by a pack of Yalmors, and now we're all just going to move on?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," Violet said cheerfully. "Let's go find a new way to kill ourselves and possibly destroy all life as we know it."

"Sounds like a plan to me," said Keith, and the lions set off once more.

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