
By fan_fic_forever

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Chapter 1 Luke


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By fan_fic_forever

I stared out the window into the evening sky, and smiled to myself. My life seemed like it couldn't get any better, I had Luke, good friends, and my dog. Nothing could be better. I leaned my head against the window, and watched the trees sway with the gentle wind.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Jett winked as he came up beside me. I rolled my eyes,

"Out for a walk."

"You didn't go with him?" I chuckled,

"You really don't know Luke yet, do you?" He smiled,

"Nope. Hey, the group is going to play some board games, if you'd like to join us." Jett suggested. I looked up at him,

"No thanks, I might go to bed actually." I stretched and got up, walking slowly towards my bedroom. I instantly collapsed onto the bed, and pulled the blanket over my head. My eyes started to droop, and I was almost asleep when I heard a sudden noise outside. It sounded like, something hitting the ground. My instincts pulled me right on my feet, and I ran to the window. Anger and rage filled my eyes when I noticed the sight in the distance. A man had thrown Luke onto the ground, and he didn't look friendly. A growl I never knew could come out of me escaped from my throat, and I reached for my handguns. I quickly slipped them in my belt, keeping a close eye on the man. When I noticed the man had his gun against Luke's head, I almost screamed in anger. I heard him shout something about Luke killing his group, and I instantly knew. My attackers. I looked down at my hands, to see they were white from gripping my handguns.

"You're going to pay." I hissed, and was about to run out the door, until I noticed Luke's black hoodie. I slipped it over me, and drew the hood up over my head. Quickly walking in the bathroom, I checked myself. The hoodie was so baggy, that you couldn't tell I was a girl, and it covered my face. Perfect. I smirked, as I sneakily dashed outside. Thankfully, the group hadn't noticed.

I carefully stalked towards the man, who still had his gun aimed at Luke's head. The darkness of the night gave me enough cover, so that I'm sure the man hadn't seen me. I crept forward, and wrapped my arm around the guy's neck, shooting him right in the chest. It was a fatal wound, but wouldn't kill him instantly. The man shrieked as he collapsed to the ground beside the fading Luke. An evil smirk appeared on my face, as I pulled the man up by the collar of his shirt. I slammed him against a wall of a building, showing my teeth.

"Get away from me! You monster!" The man screamed, his chest bleeding heavily.

"Oh, you poor thing." I giggled, cocking my head and staring at the man.

He shrieked hysterically, trying to get out of my grasp. I frowned,

"You think I'd let you go so easily? After you tried to murder him?" I pointed at Luke, the man held his bleeding stomach.

"Please, I beg you." He coughed up blood, which made me scrunch up my face in disgust. I then laughed,

"I'm sorry I have to do this." I shot the man in the leg, and he collapsed to the ground, crying in agony. I pointed my gun at his throat, and used my freehand to drop the hood of my face.

"You're that girl." He blinked in shock, and I nodded.

"Yes I am. Are you afraid?" I laughed, almost manically. The man looked at me with complete terror in his eyes, and I released the trigger. His head fell limp on his body, and his eyes shut closed. While I looked at the man, I finally released what I had done.

"Oh my god." I looked at my shaking hands, and tried not to believe it. Then I suddenly remembered Luke, and I rushed to his side. He laid motionless on the ground, and I couldn't breath.

"Luke!" I screamed, and shook his body. His eyes slowly opened, and I cried out in happiness. "Thank god." I buried myself in his chest. Luke groaned, as I noticed the blood on the ground around him.

My hands trembled with fear as I searched the spot where Luke was bleeding. His shoulder.

"Someone, help!" I shouted, and instantly Melody and Lev came to my rescue. I pointed to Luke's shoulder, "Help me get him back inside. He's injured!". Lev and Melody simply nodded, and helped carry Luke back to the house. We laid him down on my bed, and I ran to retrieve towels and the first aid kit. When I came back, Melody and Lev had already removed Luke's shirt, and I handed them the towels. Melody gently placed the towels on Luke's shoulder, and I realized he was unconscious.

"Is it bad?" I rushed to Melody's side, as she rolled him over on his stomach. Melody looked at me, her face pale.

"Jaylynn, he's been shot." She said, and I went cold.

"No, please, we have to save him." I sobbed, and clutched Luke's hand in mine.

"I'm trying Jay." Melody said, and I looked up at her, tears filling my eyes.

"Please Melody, I beg you. We can't let him die." I squeezed Luke's hand. Melody had a sad look on her face,

"Okay." She looked up at Lev,

"We need to remove the bullet." Her breathing became shaky. Lev placed a comforting hand on her shoulder,

"I can do it." She nodded, and handed Lev a pair of tweezers. The blonde haired guy took a deep breath, before he dug the tweezers into Luke's shoulder. I cringed, and tried my best not to faint.

"Everything's going to be okay Luke." I whispered to him, even though he was unconscious.

"Hopefully he stays asleep." Melody breathed, and Lev nodded. He sighed in relief when he pulled the bullet out of the wound, and placed it on a cloth beside us.

"There." Melody and I sighed in relief, and I grabbed a disinfectant wipe, and rubbed it in the wound.

"Thanks." I hugged both Lev and Melody, and they both smiled, hugging me back.


I awoke laying on a chair in my room, instantly remembering I hadn't left Luke's bedside once last night. He laid on his side, looking quite peaceful with his eyes closed. I smiled, rising up from the chair, and placed my hand on his cheek. Luke suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Jay?" He whispered, his voice so quiet I barely heard it.

"Yeah, I'm here." I smiled warmly. Luke smiled back and tried to move, but groaned in pain. "Hey, don't move. You were shot in the shoulder." I stopped him, and he nodded.

"I remember being shot." He glanced around the room, and then looked back at me.

"How long do I have to lay here?" He said, and I chuckled,

"A few days, a week probably." I shrugged, and Luke groaned,

"I don't think I'll last." I smiled at him,

"It's not that bad, you're lucky." I leaned forward, and kissed him on the cheek. I was honestly so happy he was alive.

"Jay, what happened?" He asked, and I pulled away, squeezing my eyes shut. I still couldn't get over the fact that I killed that man.

"Hey, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it." He placed his hand on mine, and I nodded.

"Thanks Luke." I squeezed his hand, and stared into his blue eyes, wishing I could stay here forever. Luke grinned,

"You saved my life." He said, and I nodded, smiling.

"I owe you one. You saved me first." I winked, and Luke chuckled softly.

"I have one more question though. Who was the black hooded person?" He asked. I froze, as my throat suddenly went dry, and a chill ran through me.

"That was me." I said as calm as I could. Luke's eyes widened.

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