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About a week had passed since Luke's horrible injury. He still looked to be in a bit of pain, but he was healing quickly. Now, he was able to walk around, and the wound had shrunk to the size of a small cut. I wandered toward his room, and pushed open the door.

"How are you feeling today?" I asked, and found he wasn't in his room. I rolled my eyes, and headed to the place I knew he would be. Outside. I strolled out into the radiated air, and found Luke sitting on the steps. A laugh escaped my lips as I sat down on the steps next to him.
"Hey." I grinned at him, and he slipped a hand around my waist and drew me closer.

"Hi." I could make out a grin through his mask, as he placed his chin on my head.

"How's your shoulder?" I asked,

"Better, actually. It should be gone in a day." I cheered,

"That's awesome!" Luke let go of me, and looked around camp. I clutched his hand, and then leaned against his arm. The black haired guy chuckled, before wrapping his arm around me.

"I love you, Luke." I smiled, looking up at him. Luke looked at me, and brushed the hair out of my face.

"I love you too." He responded.

"Hey." Jett came up behind us, and sat on the steps.

"Why does everyone ruin our time together." I heard Luke grumble under his breath, and I tried not to laugh. Jett examinied us,

"I should let you two have some alone time." He smirked, and headed back into the house. I sighed in relief, and cuddled closer to Luke.

"If Jett does that again," Luke snarled, "He's going to be sorry." I chuckled softly,

"It's okay Luke.". He laughed,

"I know." He squeezed my arm.

"Why don't we go for a walk?" I suggested, and Luke nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be great." We both got up from the steps, and held hands as we walked around camp. I giggled to myself, and Luke gave me a confused look.

"You're just so sweet now. It's adorable." I smiled, and I could tell he was blushing under his mask as he looked away. "I love that side of you." Luke slightly looked at me,
"I'll admit, I like you're fighting side too. You're pretty scary." I smirked. Luke let out a chuckle,

"Thanks Jay." I giggled,

"No problem.". The two of us walked by the fence, and he snickered before jogging toward it.

"Luke, what do you think you're doing!" I shrieked, and ran toward him. Ever since Luke was shot, we never let him leave the camp. Apparently today, he had other plans. He threw back his head and laughed, as he crawled over the fence. While climbing, I heard him occasionally curse in pain. "Don't you dare." I leaped onto the fence after him, and Luke sped up his pace as he climbed to the top of the fence. Looking back at me, he waved, and landed on the ground outside of camp. Just as he was about to run, I leaped off the fence, and collapsed right on top of Luke. The two of us yelped in shock, and I quickly pulled myself off him.

"I'm sorry Luke." I breathed, rubbing my arm. Luke rose to his feet, and brushed off the dirt.

"Hey, it's okay." Luke came up and grabbed my waist, pulling me against him. I couldn't help but blush as I tried to avoid eye contact. Luke chuckled at my embarrassed expression, and squeezed my hand. I was about to say something to him, when I caught something out of the corner of my eye. Letting go of Luke, I shrieked as I stared at the mutant. It wasn't because I was shocked, no, it was because of how horrible this mutant looked. I could tell she was once a pretty teenage girl about my age. She had long lilac locks, and violet eyes. The girl hissed at me with dagger-like teeth, and I stared horrified. Blood leaked out of her open mouth, and dripped off her knife-like fingers. I gasped, and squeezed Luke's arm. He immediately noticed the mutant, and the same look of horror came on his face. Though, there was something different about it. It seemed like he had seen this person before.

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