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We had reached an abandoned hotel by sunfall. Electricity had long left the building, so we had to use our flashlights.
"Any mutants?" Jaylynn called to all of us. We were searching the building to make sure we weren't murdered in our sleep. I didn't say anything as everyone else shouted back that it was clear.
I sat down on a bed, and felt exhaustion immediately overwhelm me.
"We should sleep in pairs." I heard Fiona announce from outside.
"Guys sleep together, and girls sleep together." Lev next spoke, and I sighed. I wasn't sure of who I'd rather sleep with. Lev was Lev. I'm not Dash's favourite. And right now, it's just awkward between me and Fiona.
I combed my hair with my fingers, and realized I really need a shower.
It was always awful showering though. Especially with gas masks on. God knows what's happening to the water on this planet too.
"I'll sleep with Luke." Jaylynn randomly volunteered, and I felt my face heat up uncomfortably. Why did she have to say that?
"But Jaylynn I want to sleep with you!" Dash spoke, and I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly, I realized the huge cracks on the ceiling and frowned. It looked like it was going to give way any minute.
With that thought in mind, I got up and walked out into the hallway. Sure enough, as soon as I reached the group, there was a loud crash behind me. The group stared at me, waiting for an explanation. I shook my head and walked past the group and looked for another room. Safer if possible.
"Who does he think he is?" I heard Dash snarl, and for the first time in a while, I smiled. But I hid it from them. All they need to know about me is that I prefer silence over everything.

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