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The clouds seemed to be the only thing that could ever catch my true interest these dark days.
They were always on the move. So carefree.
I laid back on the coldness under me, and I sighed. This life was not how I thought it'd turn out to be.
Right now, I could be going to school. I could be living with my family. Heck, I could even have a girl friend!
But no. I'm stuck with just a gun, and my glowing eyes.
I continued to watch the clouds, and it suddenly gotten a little more windy.
I sat up, and gazed down at the city. I was sitting on top of a huge building.
The air was much cleaner up here. The radiation was after all, mostly just on the surface of the earth. But it doesn't mean that I'm going to be completely fine up here. At least, there's no annoying people or mutants up here.
The city was pretty big. It stretched out quite far.
"Luke! It's only for the best. I swear!" A familiar voice rung in my ears, and I scoffed.
"If it was for the best. Why didn't you come with me, mother?" I spat out the words to the sky, and I slammed a fist into the cement under me. My fist began to throb, but I continued to punch.
"If you loved me so much! You shouldn't have sent me away!" I felt my voice raise. I didn't care too much though. I just need to let out all of these emotions.
I finally felt my eyes swell up with tears, but I was unable to brush them away.
I sighed, and hugged my aching hand. Which was now starting to turn into a lovely shade of purple. Perfect.
I stood up, and decided that I had enough alone time. If I continue to stay here, I'm scared I'll jump off of the building.
I took the stairwell down, and ended up shooting a couple mutants on the way down.
By the time I got to the bottom, it was starting to get late. I realized that I had stayed away from camp for a while now.
Why am I even staying there anyway?
A picture of Jaylynn smiling popped into my head, and I froze midstep. I pushed it away quickly, and hurried up my walk.
I got back to camp when twilight began to fall over the land.
It was pretty quiet. Which was nice. I went straight to bed. I wasn't interested in anything else.
As soon as I laid down, sleep overcame me, and I was pulled into a deep sleep within seconds

HazardousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora