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I watched the rest of them, but kept my distance. At the moment, I felt like I could lash out at anyone.
My eyes were sore, and my legs begged me to rest.
The one hour of sleep was restless from whatever was making me go insane in that hotel.
Am I really losing my mind? I mean, I'm not immune to radiation like Jaylynn is. Of course she was fine in that hotel.
"Hey." I jumped when Dash was waving his hand in front of my face. I don't know how long he's been standing there for, but it was more than a couple seconds.
He stood beside me, and we stayed silent for a couple moments.
"Are you still hearing those voices?" Dash suddenly asked, and I blinked with surprise. But I hid the rest of my emotions under my blankness.
I nodded to him.
"Yeah me too.. I can't even make out what they're saying." He murmured, and I sighed.
I could perfectly make out the words. They begged and tugged at my sanity too.
"I wonder why we can only hear them.." Dash mused, and I gripped my arm.
His words were beginning to frustrate me. Why ask questions when neither of us know the answer to?
"Well I think Jaylynn needs someone to talk to." He suggested to me, and now I glared at him.
"No." I hissed. He frowned.
"Hey what's the matter man? Those voices can't be bugging you that much. Can they?" He asked, and I felt my frustration slowly turn into an anger I can't even control. I don't even understand why I'm getting so angry.
"Yes Dash. They are bothering me." I growled out each word with venom.
"Well how about you talk to Jaylynn-" He began but I finally exploded on him.
"Because she can't fix everything!" I shouted at him, and then froze when I realized I rose my voice much more than I ever have.
Dash turned away, and I saw that everyone was looking over here now.
Their judging gazes were eating at me, so I turned around, and stormed in the opposite direction. Praying that no one would follow me.

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