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I awoke to the gentle patter of rain on the roof, and I yawned, and sat up. The bed was empty next to me, and I noticed Luke's gun laying there. I rubbed my eyes, and pulled my legs out of bed, pulling my leather jacket over my tank top.
"Jay, can I talk to you?" Melody appeared in my room, and I nodded at her.
"What's up?" Melody walked towards my bed and sat down,
"You need to talk to Luke. He thought you were trying to make him jealous." I froze in my tracks,
"What? Dash was there for me! Unlike him!" I held back a scream. Melody got up and wrapped her arms around me, letting me sob into her shoulder.
"I know," She whispered,
"but I want you to talk to him.". I looked at her with disbelief, but finally let out a sigh.
"I'll talk to him.".

I walked out of the room, and went into the living room, staring at the ground the whole time. When I entered the room, my eyes scanned for Luke, and I found him sitting and talking to Lev and Jett. I could tell Luke knew I was here, but he didn't even glance at me.
"Here goes nothing." I took a deep breath, and walked towards him. Lev and Jett stopped talking when they saw me approach, and I looked at Luke.
"Can I talk to you?" He slightly nodded, and got to his feet. Jett and Lev watched us leave with worried looks on their faces.
"What did you want to talk to me about." I asked, as Luke and I walked into one of the bedrooms.
"How could you betray me, and fall in love with Dash so easily!" He hissed at me, and I tried to keep my calm.
"Because Luke. You left me, and Dash was the one who was there for me." I said.
"I didn't want you to get hurt!" He shouted, and I walked towards him. My palm made impact with his gas mask, and I glared at him.
"You didn't have to leave me!" I screamed back at him. Luke stared at the ground,
"Luke, I love you." I said. He looked up at me, with a sad look in his eyes. I looked up at him, "Listen, I shouldn't have acted out. I'm sorry." I walked close to him, and wrapped my arms around him.
"I'm sorry about your team." I said, feeling fresh tears fall down my face. Luke said nothing, and hugged me back. I let go of him, and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Everything will be okay." I smiled, and left the room with Luke following behind me.

Melody saw me and pulled me aside while Luke went into the living room.
"Did you talk to him?"
"Yeah, I told him I loved him." I gave her a small smile. Melody nodded,
"I just don't know if i'm ready to be more than friends. I don't want my heart broken, and I don't want to hurt Dash." I rubbed my arm. My best friend held both my arms,
"When the time comes, it will.". I chuckled,
"You're beginning to sound like an old woman."
"Oh thanks!" Melody starting laughing. I grinned at her, and the two of us went to meet the others. Dash walked up to me, and kissed me on the head.
"Looks who's up." I let out a soft chuckle, and stared at the ground. My mind was racing and I was torn between being with Dash or with Luke. Dash looked at me,
"Are you okay?".
"Yeah." I lied, and went to go grab my backpack.
"I think I might go take a quick walk." I said, and left the house.

I didn't listen to anyone's response as I walked through our camp, and over the barbed wire. When I climbed over the fence, my eyes caught sight of a group of guys. They were laughing, and loading their guns, and I carefully approached. I hid behind a wall close to the group, and studied the guys. My breathing quickened, and my heart beat thrummed against my chest. One of the men was the one that attacked me. I tried not to scream, as I darted away, hiding in the shadows. My foot stepped on something, and a loud cracking sound filled the air. The men turned to look at me, and the one man grinned.
"Looks who's back." He easily caught up to me, and shoved me against the wall.
"And I brought all my friends." He smirked. My body went cold, as I struggled to get out of the guy's grasp.
"Don't struggle." Another man came up, and an evil smirk appeared on his face. The man pinning me threw back his head and laughed, and then punched me right in the head. I collapsed to the ground, and instantly fell unconscious.

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