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The light grey fog cast shadows over the entire camp, as I sat on the small porch of my cabin. I bit my nails, and began worrying again, not just about Luke, who had left hours ago, but also Dash. When he had found that I was worried about Luke, Dash set off to find him. I leaned back against the chair, pulling my legs up to my chest. The cold air brushed against me, and I shivered, pulling my leather jacket close to my body.

"Hey, you okay?" Melody came up, and rested a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, and kept looking around camp.

"Lev and I are going for dinner. Come with us?" She held out her hand for me,

"Okay." I replied, and got to my feet. I rested my hand in her's, and she pulled me toward the food building. Lev walked up, and groaned,

"This fog doesn't look good."

"No." Melody sighed, and ran a hand through her brown hair. I nodded in agreement, and headed down into the food room. Melody took a seat at our table, and patted the seat beside her. I slipped into the seat, and rested my hands on the table.

"I'm going to go get some food for us." Lev waved, and went to go find our dinners.

"They'll be okay. I promise you." Melody put her warm hand on mine,

"I hope so." I whispered.

"Everything will be fine. You'll see." She said. Lev approached us, and put down macaroni and cheese in front of me.

"Thanks." I smiled, and began stuffing my face with the food. I had to admit, I was starving. Lev and Melody chuckled, as I gulped down the food,

"What?" I giggled. Melody shook her head, chuckling softly as she took a bite of her hamburger. I smiled, and pulled my pop towards me, taking a sip.

"Hello!" I heard the clatter of heels, and turned around to see Kayleigh and Kylen, who had his arm draped around her shoulders.

"Hi." Melody waved with her robotic arm,

"What are you two doing here?" Lev asked, and leaned back in his chair.

"Fiona and Hunter decided they wanted to go on a mission to find us supplies." Kayleigh shrugged, and took a spot beside me.

"Yeah, and those jerks stole our table." Kylen growled, pointing at their usual table, which was taken over by the army soldiers in our camp.

"Calm down." Kayleigh sighed, and pulled on Kylen's hand to get him to sit down.

"Well, we do need those soldiers though. As backup in case mutants attack." I shrugged,

"True." Kylen nodded. Then, the lights in the room suddenly flickered, and went off.

"What the-" Lev glanced around, and I could hear the shrieks of panic around the room.

"This is totally like a horror movie." Kayleigh squeaked, as the sound of her loading her gun echoed through the darkness.

"Warning! Warning!" a robotic voice said. The lights then turned back on, and began flickering. "High levels of radiation have been detected." The robotic voice kept repeating itself, and I tried to see Melody and my friends through the darkness. Shuffling, a sudden scream, and then gunfires made my blood run cold.

"Melody? Lev?" I called out my teammates names, no response. My breathing grew heavy, as the lights flickered off, and I struggled to find my way through the darkness. I shoved my hands into my belt, pulling out both my handguns and removing the safety.

"Hello?" I whispered, and ran my hands along the cold wall. The room was silent, and I couldn't even hear one footstep. I froze in my spot when I heard the low breathing,

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