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I felt cold, even though I had blankets pulled over me. I felt like I didn't even know Jaylynn anymore.

She was the one who left you. You were saving her. She cheated, lied, and betrayed you in the worse way possible. She treated your love like it was nothing...

The voice was true. I never meant to leave. I was helping her.

My heart ached, and twisted everytime I heard her soft breath. I could hardly take this anymore. First my parents, then my first friend, then my group.. Now this.

My fingers twitched with the urge to grab my gun and run a bullet through my skull. Anything could feel better than what I was going through right now.

Death would lead you towards enternal peace.

I stood up, and felt my feet move without my mind's consent. I didn't argue. I needed space. The walls were closing in and trapping me. 

I found my way out, and I instantly let out a whine from my throat. It felt dry, and I knew that I was holding back a scream.

How can Jaylynn talk like she's the only one suffering? How can she act like the world is centered around her?

"How can she treat me like I'm souless?"

Maybe because you are?

The voice asked as if it was more of a question than a statement. I felt my lips turn into a sad smil, and I pulled my gun from my holster. I studied it. It had a little bit of blood after I smacked the mutant with it.

It could easily end a life.

I realized my hands were shaking, and I froze.

"Was I really thinking about suicide?"I smiled almost in a twisted way. I was. I could've easily ended my life.

"You shouldn't take the cowardly way out, Luke." A voice spoke from behind me, and I jumped.

Melody stood there. Her expression was a frown. I sighed, and expected her to treat me the same as everyone else does.

"If you need a friend Luke, just start opening up more." She walked over to me, and sat us both down on the cruel, and hard earth.

"I know Jaylynn hasn't been herself. I know what she did to you was unforgiving. But I'm her best friend. I want you two to work this out." I couldn't believe what she was saying to me, and I glared at her.

"You all assume thing." I sneered at her.

"What else can we do, when you don't tell us?"

"I shouldn't have to tell you my life. I had to leave before for all of your safety." I growled at her, her eyes narrowed.

"We can manage ourselves fine. What were you protecting us from?" She questioned. I slumped forward a little.

"From.." I paused, and realized how ridiculous it sounded.

"From?" She asked.

"Myself." I heaved a sigh, and looked over at Melody.

"I wasn't in my right mind.. I'm not even right now. There's just too much grief.. If Jaylynn is trying to make me feel jealous.. Fine, whatever. But I'm not going to be a playtoy that she can throw around, and throw away when I grow boring. Because that's how I see it. She used me. She told me she loved me. But then she instantly latched onto Dash." I nearly spat out every word. I finally stopped myself, and put my head into my hands.

"She just.. Doesn't care about me." I whispered.

Melody smiled at me, and patted my back.

"There, do you feel better now?" She asked, and I looked over at her. I realized that taking my anger out, really did help.

"Yeah, thanks." I sighed before I softly smiled at her.

"Listen, even if it may not seem like it, we all care." She got up,and walked back inside.

I looked back at the horizon, and waited. I stayed there the entire night, and watched the sun rise. I got up, and listened to each of my bones pop.

I remember seeing the same sun rise with the rest of the old group. They really seemed old now..

I pushed the thought away, and turned towards where everyone else was. I didn't care if I looked exhausted, or if I looked horrible. I don't give a crap anymore.

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