A dangerous gamble

By pennythesquish

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(beyblade mafia AU) Y/N L/N is a midnight Hostess at vibrance who has had a run in with the devil her whole l... More



61 2 14
By pennythesquish

Word count: 4401 words minus bold notes. I am finally updating the chapters!! 3 more to go then we have a new chapter coming by the weekend!!! I'm so excited that you guys are still supporting me through writing this book

Content warning: cursing, knives, stalking, implied stalking, blood, sex scenes, detailed sex acts, possessive and toxic behavior, degrading, knife play, blood play, talk of murder, possible psychotic behavior, murderous tendencies.

Y/n laid there staring up at the canopy of the bed, she couldn't wrap her head around why he yelled at her, she was just asking to see if he was okay, and he screamed at her. She laid not being able to sleep, not letting it rest easy that he yelled at her, and tried to snuggle up next to her after giving a half ass apology. She groaned as she sat up, making her way over to the balcony and opening the door, feeling the late summer night, breeze against her skin.

She looked down when she heard shuffling in the patio down below, she looked over and saw Hart pacing back in forth in the walkway, he was on the phone, looking like he was waiting for someone to answer. He groaned as he gripped his phone, looking down at the ground. "Pick the fuck up asshole what's taking you so fucking long.'' Y/n backed up, watching down below as he huffed in anger. Y/n heard the door slam, she figured he was back in the house.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket, she had a missed call from Nile. Y/n sighed softly and sat down on the balcony chair, she dialed Nile's phone number. "Hey bug, you okay? Pretty late for you to be awake?'' "Yea.. I'm okay, I just miss the sound of your voice is all, I miss my best friend.'' She heard Nile sigh on the other end, he knew that the way she was talking she was upset.

"tell me what's wrong bug, I can hear it in your voice that there is something wrong.'' Y/n sighed, she walked inside and closed the balcony door, walking over and shutting the bedroom door, listening to make sure that no one was listening to her talk with Nile. "No I'm not okay, I really need to get out of here, I've been staying with Hart and I need to go... but he's been watching my every move, he just screamed at me, and I didn't even do anything Nye.'' She heard Nile sigh as she looked around the room, seeing her purse and her shoes laying on the chair. "I can make it out of here, do you care if I bring his little sister.. that might make things better for me..''

Nile bit at the inside of his lip, knowing that this could be a bad thing if she gets caught. "yea of course, I can order some food and some stuff, you bring her with you, just be careful. I'll be waiting by the door.'' Y/n hung up and threw on her shoes and grabbed her purse, she snuck down the hall to Dalia's room, she walked in when she saw Dalia was awake, she was playing with some of her toys. "Hey Dalia... would you like to go to my friends apartment with me? We can't tell Hart, it'll be a trip of me and you... i have to meet my old friend for some dinner, wanna come with?'' Dalia smiled as she quickly grabbed her shoes and her coat, hugging her softly.

"Yes please, I'm really hungry, and I would like to meet your friend! I don't really know anyone besides the guys in the house and then Dashan's gang.'' Y/n nodded and gently took her hand, slipping through the halls and down the staircase. On their way out Ryuto saw them, he was up grabbing a snack from the kitchen. "Where are you ladies heading so late?'' Y/n froze, looking at Ryuto with a small smile. "Just taking a trip into the city to my apartment to get some stuff, Dalia can't sleep either so I figured I would take her with me.'' Ryuto shrugged and watched the two leave.

Y/n and Dalia ran out of the driveway, running down the road and made their way into the city, Dalia's eyes lit up at seeing all the lights and seeing the people shopping and eating at these tables in the streets. She was loving all the dogs and all of the teens who were on their way to a club. It's this way day, Nile's apartment is just this way.'' Dalia nodded and followed Y/n, making their way into the apartment complex. They knocked on the door, Nile opened it immediately.

"Hey, you must be Dalia huh? Are you hungry? I have food in the kitchen, watch whatever you want on the television.'' Dalia smiled widely and ran into the kitchen, grabbing some soba and bean paste buns that Nile had ordered. Dalia sat down on the couch and turned on a show that she liked. Y/n and Nile sat down at his counter seats and started to eat their food. "so what else is going on?'' Y/n sighed as she took a bite of her bean paste bun. "I think my stalker is back, look at this.'' Nile grabbed her phone and looked at the messages. "Oh fuck... that's not good, did that just start today?'' Y/n nodded and looked over at Dalia, watching her love the movie she was watching.

Nile looked at Y/n sighing as he pulled her in for a hug. "come here.'' Y/n collapsed into his arms, pulling him in and nuzzling her face into his chest, sniffling into him. "He yelled at me, he hasn't been very nice to me lately, he also has some very violent kinks that I wasn't aware of... he likes to cut me up... look..'' she lifted up her shirt when he saw the claw marks that were on her side, they looked like they were still healing.

"Bug holy shit, what is he doing to you.'' "he's very violent with me, he has me so wrapped around his finger that I don't think I can leave... but..'' "You don't want too.'' Y/n looked at Nile, sighing as she took a sip of her tea, she looked back at Dalia than back at her phone. "Yea... even though I would never want to admit this, I do care about him, I care a lot about him.. but I don't think he is the one for me... he has very violent tendencies that... I had no idea, he is very possessive and very mean... he doesn't even want me hanging out with you anymore.''

Nile's face formed into an irritated frown, looking at y/n with a sad face. "I know it's hard, I just don't want this to end up like another Kyoya situation, he was good to you at the start, and look what happened.'' Y/n shuttered, she hadn't talked about her ex in forever, the mentioning of her name is still sending shivers through her. Y/n looked at Nile, when she got another text from her stalker. "Where are you sugar.. think you can hide by running off to the city..'' Nile picked her phone up and looked at the message, he shut her phone off and set it on the counter.

"have you talked to hart about your stalker?" Y/n shook her head, as she kept eating her noodles. "I'm afraid too, because the last people I told about my stalker they ended up dead... Maeve and my family were killed after I had went to the police and they stopped investigating, because there were important matters than a teenage obsession.'' "why don't you tell the police now." Y/n bit at the inside of her lip, her leg starting to shake.

"I have a hate relationship with the police, after my families murder they dropped it, because there was a murder of two kids parents remember, they were brutally murdered and the kids were left behind, they dropped my families case and started that one... from what I know that case was unsolved too.'' Dalia heard them mention a family being murdered, her eyes went wide as she stared at the tv.

~Flashback, Dalia's POV~

There was a loud crashing sound that woke me up, I had heard the sound of glass breaking and the sound of chairs falling over. I heard my mother scream, followed by my father yelling. I hid under my bed, grabbing my blanket. I was so worried because there was a murder just the other week.. I was worried that It was that same person... I realized that my brother was still asleep. I wanted to run to Damian but I was scared that they would get me.. so I stayed hidden until I heard the screaming stop.

I made my way out of my bedroom, I saw Damian standing there, he looked just as traumatized at what he saw, our parents laid there dead, they were stabbed to death, my mothers head almost severed off her shoulders. Damian stood there like he didn't know what to do. I ran to mother, she was getting cold, her eyes were wide, she wasn't breathing. I got covered in her blood by pulling her into me.. Damian stood by as he watched me.

He kneeled next to me, sitting in the pool of blood that spilled out of our father, he looked at our father, he grabbed the wallet from his pocket and stuffed it in his, he grabbed his phone and started to walk away. "Damian wait, we have to call the police!!! Mom and Dad are hurt!!They need help!!!" Damian scoffed as he walked away, closing the door behind him.

I grabbed the phone on the counter and called 911, I was shaking when I called, they sent an officer and medical attention fast, they showed up soon. When they got there Damian came running out of the room, sitting down by my father and started to cry. The officers came in and took us away, as we sat in the car I saw Damian smiling... he had a silly look on his face... we just saw our dead beloved parents and now he is smiling... "Damian why did you start acting like their death made you sad?''

He kicked me in the knee, causing me to tear up. "Shut up.'' Damian sat there with that smile on his face, he had blood on his face and on his hands, there was blood all over the both of us. We sat until the cops took us into protective custody, they think that the person who killed my parents was the one who killed that family that lived a few blocks away.

~Out of her flashback~

Dalia started to cry, she dropped her plate of buns on the carpet, the sound of the plate alarmed Y/n and Nile. Y/n ran over to her, seeing that she was crying. "hey D, what's wrong? are you okay? Come here.'' Dalia crawled into her arms, Y/n picked her up and brought her into Niles bedroom, Nile following in behind them. "What happened sweetheart?'' Nile sat behind her, Dalia crawling between the two of them.

"When you... were talking about the family... that was murdered and left two kids behind... I think that was us... me and my brothers parents were killed... and they never solved who did it.. they said that there was no DNA... the only prints were ours...'' Nile and Y/n looked at each other, looking down at Dalia. "wait.. you guys lived in the small down that's on the outskirts of here? That's just passed some woods here?'' Dalia nodded as she sniffled into her jacket sleeve.

"yup that was us... My brother never seemed sad or upset that they were dead... if I'm being honest I feel like he had something to do with their deaths... he had a bad relationship with our parents, he mainly kept himself locked away in his bedroom... I was never allowed in there... even when the police wanted to search the house he never let anyone in the room... we still own the house so everything is in tact like before...'' Nile rubbed her back gently, trying to comfort her.

"Y/n... has Hart ever been mean to you?'' Y/n looked down at Dalia, gulping as she looked at Nile. "well yes... he's not very nice to me... he tends to get mad at me sometimes... he yelled at me tonight, that's why i asked you to come out of the house with me...'' Nile sighed as he pulled the both of them in for a hug, cuddling them both, he kissed the heads of both of them, caressing Y/n's cheek as he looked at her.

"this is a dangerous gamble Y/n. You care for him yes, but his psycho tendencies are starting to show to be dangerous for the both of you... what if the two of you were to move... we could all go to the beach together and we can have fun hours from here where he would never find us.'' Y/n sighed looking at Dalia. Dalia had a smile on her face when Nile mentioned her living with them. "I would love to live with you guys, that would make me so happy! I love my brother but he is too much to live with sometimes." Y/n sighed as she knew that would never be able to happen, she knew that Hart would find them eventually.

"We can think about it okay? Let's see how things go for a while.'' Dalia nodded and snuggled into Y/n and Nile, holding the both of them close. Nile grabbed a fuzzy blanket and draped it over the both of them. Dalia started to drift off to sleep. "I think we should get going back.. Fuck I should bring some of the clothes I kept here so he doesn't get suspicious. Hey Dalia, would you like some of my blankest and pillows that I keep here? Keep them for yourself?'' Dalia nodded as she leaned into Y/n.

"where's the bathroom Nile?'' Nile nodded and pointed toward the bathroom, he grabbed some bags and started to pack Y/n's stuff, grabbing some blankets and pillows and a stuffed animal. "please be safe bug... i worry a lot.. now I'm gonna worry more that I know he could end like a Kyoya 2.0, so please be safe...'' Y/n kissed Nile's cheek as she pulled him in for a hug. "Ill be okay... me and Dalia will make our way back.. Ill let you know when I get there.'' Nile watched as they made their way down the stairs and out the building as he watched them disappear. Y/n was carrying Dalia since she had started to fall asleep.

Nile looked back as he saw that Y/n left the bag, he gulped as he looked out the window, she was gone, he knew that he couldn't get the bag to her just in case if Hart sent someone out to watch her, he prayed that he would be asleep so Y/n wouldn't have to deal with his wrath when she got back.

There was basically flames coming out of his eyes. hart was sitting at his computer listening to the audio file from Y/n's necklace, hearing what his sister and Y/n had said, and to Nile of all people, she took Dalia to Nile's apartment, a suspect in the murder of Excalibur and being a member of fangs. He sat as he listened to Dalia talk about their parents murder, he thought that he had yelled enough at her that she would shut the fuck up about it.

He heard the front door close, he went out of his office and leaned against the bed frame, wanting him to be the first thing that Y/n would see when she walked through that door. Y/n made her way up the stairs, and made her way into Dalia's room resting her down on her bed, wrapping her in the fuzzy blanket. She kissed Dalia on the head and closed her door, creeping down the hall when she closed the bedroom door.

"where were you.'' She jumped when she heard his voice, she knew that he was fuming, she didnt even have to look at him to see that he was staring daggers into the back of her skull. "I went to my apartment... I took Dalia with me because she couldn't sleep..'' there was no sound, she stood there with her back facing away from him as she knew she couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Liar.'' She gulped, turning around to show him the bag... when she realized she left without it. She internally screamed at herself, if she could run out of the room she would, she was scared when she saw the look in his eye, the veins in his forehead were ready to burst. "I went there..'' "cut the bullshit y/n. You took Dalia to Nile's apartment, you took my younger sister to a murder suspects house, are you fucking kidding me. If you had went to your apartment King would have seen you, but he told me that you guys never showed up, so why do you think lying will make where you stand with me any better, i told you the thing I hate most is a liar."

She gulped as she looked at Hart, she knew that she wasn't just going to sit here and take his abuse, she knew that standing her ground would probably get her killed but it was worth a shot to show that she wasn't a bitch that he can just push around. "Sitting here and yelling at me for having fun with the little sister that you can't stand? Giving her attention because you won't? Im so sorry that you are so caught up in your world that you forget you have a sister.'' Y/n covered her mouth, watching as he became more angry, she knew that he would later take his wrath out on Dalia.

"Starting to get attitude huh? Don't think that's how someone is supposed to talk to me now is it pet?'' Y/n bit at her cheek, her eyebrows furrowing as she git more annoyed the more he spoke. "you think you own me, and you don't, I am my own woman and you have no control over me, I am not your pet!'' Hart smirked as he sat back and watched, he found her confidence hilarious, like that would ever get her anywhere.

Y/n gave him a nasty look, causing him to laugh even more. She made her way around the bed to take off her jacket, before she had the chance she was slammed on to the bed, Hart had sat on top of her, he had her hands pinned down. She gulped when she felt the coldness of a sharp blade pressed against her jugular. Hart gently dragged the blade against her neck, laughing as he watched the fear in her eyes.

"meeting up with that scum bag after I instructed you not too? Really Y/n? How stupid can you be? Do you want Nile to fuck you? Do you want him to fuck you like I can fuck you? And on top of that you have the nerve to try and tell me what kind of relationship that me and Dalia have? Go fuck yourself y/n.'' She gulped as he ran the blade up to her cheek, slicing it. She whimpered as she felt blood trickle down her cheek, dripping down her neck.

"Maybe I should kill him.. maybe I should kill you, maybe I should kill all of you. What is to stop me from slitting your throat right now? Absolutely nothing, so pray I feel pity and don't kill you.'' Hart laughed sadistically as he ripped her pants off, cutting her panties off with his knife. Y/n turned to look at him when she felt the knife slice from under her jawline to the tip of her chin.

She started to cry as she felt the wound starting to burn, she felt the blood dripping down her face, she was worried that this was the end, he seems to get more and more crazy the more she stays with him. Her eyes widened when she heard his belt come off. She looked back to see him slipping off his pants followed by his boxers. His member standing Hard and proud, his tip piercing glistening with precum. She gulped her face turned red.

That was her weakness, his hot body was enough to make her see past everything that he had done to her. She shamelessly looked at the abs that were sculpted into his pale skin, that scare on his body from where he was stabbed starting to fade, it looked like nothing but a scratch. His muscles, that defined V-line, he was so sexy, and he was for sure Y/n's weakness.

He climbed on top of her, slapping her ass hardly, yanking her hips up. Y/n winced as she felt his hand repeatedly come in contact with her ass, leaving a dark red hand print. She moaned lightly when she felt his tip glide against her clit, his piercing rubbing against her. She bit her lip as she pressed her head down. Hart slammed his member into her, not giving her anytime to adjust. Y/n gripped the sheets as she hissed through her teeth, his member stretching out her walls was too painful for her to take.

"It.. it hurts..'' Hart slapped her ass, grabbing the knife and gliding it against her ass. "did I give you permission to speak? No. So shut the fuck up and take it you whore.'' Y/n bit her lip as she felt him pull out, just for him to start roughly pound in and out of her, groaning under his breath as he started to roughly fuck her. Y/n's pain quickly faded into undeniable pleasure, she arched her back as she looked at him, her face flushed and her eyes glazed over with lust, there was a mixture of blood and sweat dripping down her face, Hart went crazy at that.

"No one will ever be able to fuck you like I can, don't think that you will ever be able to find someone who can use this pussy like me, I know exactly what makes you tick, what makes you crazy.'' Y/n moaned into the sheets, feeling her climax closely approaching. "sir..'' Hart groaned as he slammed deeply into her, shoving her face into the pillow. "Unless if you're telling me your going to cum, I don't wanna hear a sound out of that dirty mouth.'' "I'm gonna cum..'' Hart smirked sadistically as he started to pound roughly into her, arching her back as deep as it could go.

Hart pulled out after he saw her shaking, he came all over her back and her ass, falling back as he panted, looking at the mess that he made of her. He leaned in and licked the blood off of her cheek, before roughly grabbing her chin, digging his nails into the wound causing her to yelp. "Got me whore? That's the reason to never disobey me.'' Y/n looked at his eyes, then down at his lips, back to his eyes. Hart looked at her very confused.

Y/n lost all control, she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and pressed into his lips passionately. Hart didn't know what to do, he sat there before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, pressing his lips back just as rough against hers. Y/n climbed on top of him, feeling his hands roam over her body she bit at his bottom lip. Unexpectedly she slammed down on to his still hard and throbbing member. Hart groaned against her lips, putting his hands on her hips and moving her along him.

He pulled away as he panted softly, watching her tits bounce with every motion as she rode him, he smirked as he watched, gripping at her hips. "I can't believe you had the confidence to kiss me.'' Y/n smirked as she started to nip at his neck, biting down on his collar bone leaving a few hickeys. Hart groaned as she bit at a soft spot, a small moan leaving his lips. "you said I had to earn the right to kiss you, but I just couldn't resist." Y/n started to grind her hips harder against him.

Slamming up and down on his dick, grabbing on to his shoulders as he held her hips down. Y/n quickly came, Hart came not long after her, she slowly pulled off of him, watching as his cum dripped out of her, falling down on his thigh. Hart panted as y/n climbed next to him, she rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist.

He chuckled as he looked down at her. "this is a change in attitude from before, did someone finally learn her place and not to disobey me?" Y/n scoffed and lightly pushed him. "don't push your luck Hart, just because Im being nice doesn't mean that I learned anything.'' Hart smirked as he slipped out of her grasp, making his way over to the bathroom looking at her. "Let's go, we smell like sex.'' Y/n shook her head and got up, making her way into the bathroom with them.

The two finished their shower and dried off, Y/n climbed started to dry her hair as Hart made his way out of the bathroom and laid down on the bed, he looked over at the bathroom door, knowing that she couldn't see him he scowled, looking away as he bit his lip. "stupid whore. Breaks so easily.''

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