A dangerous gamble

By pennythesquish

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(beyblade mafia AU) Y/N L/N is a midnight Hostess at vibrance who has had a run in with the devil her whole l... More



74 2 13
By pennythesquish

Word count: 4418 words minus bold notes. These chapters just keep getting longer as they go on and I'm sorry. No I'm not ;))))

Content warning: murder, talk of murder, alcohol, talk of sex, talk of sex toys, excessive swearing and cussing.

His god like frame is what stood out the most, his big arms crossed over his broad chest, he stood there tall and proud. He had long amber brown hair, with golden highlights at his side burns and his ends. His hair trailed down his back and rested just above his ass. 

He wore a slick gray corset top, underneath he wore a solid black button up shirt. The matching dress pants hugged his hips and waist proudly, he had a belt buckle that had the ever fearing face of a dragon.

He had shiny silver chain earrings hanging down from his ears, he had studs and hoops all the way up the shell of his ear. Around his neck he wore a chain that matched his belt buckle, the dragons eyes were encrusted with emeralds. The flash of a red ruby holster on his belt stood out the most. He had a snow white gun that had opal stones down the barrel. 

Standing to the left of him, wrapped around his arm was a girl, even though she was wearing heels she was still noticeably shorter than this tall man. 

She was wearing a beautiful skin tight dress. It was a baby pink that had gems that plunged into a sharp v-neck that showed most of the girls cleavage. the dress had long and puffy sleeves that had ruffles at her wrists with tiny pink bows that went up her arms. The dress was very short, the dress came down and ended at the bottom of her butt, one wrong move and she looked like it was going to rip. 

She had a beautiful opal necklace, that was followed by a chain with a lock on it, on her right hand was a beautiful diamond ring, the giant ruby in the middle was accentuated by the opal stones that were cut into small round shapes all over the band. 

On her hip was a pink holster, with a purple gun that was encrusted with diamonds and amethyst stones. The holster was wrapped in a pink bow that rested at her hip, it blended in with her dress so it didn't show off as much.

She had beautiful long deep turquoise curly hair that she had in twin ponytails, that were curled into long ringlets that laid down over her shoulders and down her back. There was a diamond headband around her forehead, that tucked into her hair.   

Her makeup was done very simple, she wore lightly dusted pink eye shadow with small exaggerated wing, her cheeks were dusted with blush, and her lips were painted with a dark purple matte lipstick.

A taller man with slick down amber hair stood on the left behind the other tall man in the middle, he was dressed more fancy then the boss. He wore a turquoise's satin suit that had a gold dragon on the back, with embers and flames encrusted in topaz.

He wore slick tight black pants and fancy shoes that were so shiny you could see your reflection. He wore a chain with a small snake on it, he wore none but one ring, he had a golden topaz holster sitting on the right side of his belt.

The front of the belt had a diamond encrusted snake on it, the snakes tail wrapping around the whole front side of the belt.

Then the last man.. he was very very short.. probably about 5'0 max, he was way shorter than any of the other members.

He wore a plain purple blazer with a purple overcoat, the pants were black and had a pocket watch hanging down from the chain wrapped around the belt loop.

There was a small lizard chain that was draped around his neck, falling down to his collarbone, resting in the valley of his muscles. His long purple hair hung down over his shoulders in a messy braid, but his bangs covered his face as he kept his head down and his eyes closed.

Hart and all of his men were dressed in their usual suits, with their expensive jewelry... and of course equipped with their guns and their holsters.

Hart stood in the middle, he had his hands in his pockets. Y/n was on his right, gently wrapping her hand around his arm, holding on to him closely, looking at this other gang, she could tell that they were definitely more powerful than Hart.

The tall man in the middle was the first to break the tension, he made his way over to Hart, opening his arms and taking Hart into his arms, squeezing him. "You damn bastard, It's been too long since we have last seen each other, you need to stop disappearing on me.''

Hart lowly chuckled as he pulled the man in for a hug, roughly patting his back. "I could say the same for you Dashan, you bastard, texting and calling works both ways you prick.'' 

Hart and Dashan were smiling and joking, Y/n didn't think that this side of Hart was to ever exist, he always seemed like he was against anything that was to do with friends. Jack nudged y/n to snap her out of her thoughts, she looked up and saw the tall man looking down at her. 

His eyes were so kind and sweet, they glimmered like emeralds, they made her feel safe, his eyes were enough to shield off any type of evil. He had soft facial expressions, the small sweet smile made him look like he was the kid who helped an old lady take in her groceries, not a gang leader who killed people. 

"Pleasure to meet you.. my names Y/n. Y/n L/n.'' He nodded, gently taking her hand into his, planting a small kiss on her knuckles, brushing the spot with his thumb afterward.

"Hello Ms y/n. My name is Dashan, Dashan Wang. It's a pleasure to meet you.'' Y/n was surprised that he wanted her to know his first name, she had just figured everyone was like Hart.

"This is my fiance Mei Mei, this is Chiyun and Chaoxin. I am very happy to meet you Y/n. Anyway Hart shall we get down to business.'' "Yes Dashan, right this way.''

Everyone made their way into poker room, closing the door behind them, left standing was Y/n and Mei Mei.

The girl turned to Y/n with a wide smile. "Hello Y/n! It's nice to finally have a girl to talk to while the boys hold their meetings, so why don't we have a drink and chat? Until the boys need us?''

Y/n was taken back by her friendliness, she didn't expect a mafia bosses fiance to be so nice and welcoming.

She was so spry and spunky, there was no way that she could ever pull the trigger to the gun in her pocket.

"Sure, what kinda drink would you like? I can have Dalia help make it.'' "I'll take a regular Margarita with 2 shots of raspberry.'' Y/n nodded, telling Dalia.

Her and Mei Mei made their way to the back patio, y/n turned on the back lights. The girls sat down at the table as Dalia brought them their drinks, they both nodded and Dalia headed inside.

"So Y/n when did you meet Hart? Cause last time we were all here there was no sign that he had a girlfriend or even that he was talking to someone.''

Girlfriend.. him and Y/n didn't even have a label on what they were... what would you call someone who just pleasures you 24/7?

She never thought about what they were until that exact moment. "Well, I worked at a club called vibrancy. I was a midnight shift hostess when I met Hart, ever since that night he became obsessed with me as he puts it. So ever since then... I've kinda just been here.. we never really put a label on things..''

Mei Mei took a sip of her drink as she studied how Y/n's face turned red whenever she talked about him.

"You guys have so fucked, I can see it in your eyes.'' Y/n looked at her with wide eyes, and Mei Mei sat there with a smirk plastered on her face, taking another sip of her margarita.

"W-what??!?!?" "You can tell me, I haven't had a girl to gossip about my sex life with so now I wanna know the details.''

Y/n choked on her margarita, looking at Mei Mei who's eyes were beaming with excitement. "Well...'' "Well what is it like? Is he big? Is he shaved? Does he curve? How thick is his cock? What are his muscles like? What's his head game like? Is he all tongue? How's the tongue piercing? Is he good with his fingers?"

Y/n couldn't believe how interested Mei Mei was, guess it really does show she can't talk like that in front of just guys.

"Well.. uh...'' "Bitch there's no need to be shy, just tell me come on, I'm sure your best friend knows.'' "No he doesn't, I haven't talked to him lately.''

Mei Mei nodded, leaning closer to her, batting her eyelashes as a pleading way to continue the conversation.

"We haven't actually had sex yet... he's.. fingered the fuck outta me. Also.. I sucked him off in the shower.. he's pretty big I'll give him that, he has his tip pierced, and he has a tongue piercing, so that adds to the fun if you know what I mean, and god his fingers, he played me like a violin.''

Mei Mei started clapping her hands, squealing in her seat. "Bitch you got that good head, tongue piercings do absolute wonders for your pussy, it makes things feel way better, god I wish Dashan would put his back in.''

Y/n giggled, enjoying Mei Meis company since she didn't have any female friends since before her family was murdered.

"Me and Dashan do it so often, like sis I hope your not vanilla, cause we for sure aren't he ties me up, rails me against a mirror, we have a whole collection of toys too, he's even dragged a knife down my body cutting me slightly. But it felt so good, sent shock waves straight down their if ya know what I mean. Ever since I got my nipples pierced he's been obsessed with playing with them.'' Y/n felt dirty learning the down and dirty of Mei Mei and Dashans relationship.

"Y'all should invest in some toys, we have a remote control vibrator, god girl he teases me so much to the point I'm crying.'' She blushed at the thought of her and Hart using these.. eww no she can't do that.. but it sounds so fun.. I'm sure he wouldn't say no.. he's always taking her wherever and however he pleases.

"We haven't used them yet... He has tied my hands together to his headboard while he bit and scratched me, we haven't really done anything kinky yet, he hasn't even kissed me, he says that I don't deserve to kiss him yet.'' 

Mei Mei sighed as she heard this, she chuckled as she saw Hart hasn't changed in the slightest. "He is still the same old Hart, when I first met him 3 years ago I was convinced that he was a loner, he doesn't seem like he has any relationship experience.'' The two girls laughed as Y/n agreed.

"Yea ever since I started staying with him, he doesn't really know how to treat me, he would kill for me I know that, but I want more spice when it comes to the bedroom, and maybe more intimacy when it comes to our relationship.''

"Well Bitch get that dick, Dashan is packed like a race horse, and I've got a million dollar pussy, why do you think he put a ring on it.''

Y/n laughed at what Mei Mei described her and Dashan as, she blushed at the thought of Hart getting down on one knee and asking her to be his forever, she wondered if she would ever see the vulnerable and fun side of Hart like Dalia talked about.

"So who are the other two that are in your gang? If I'm allowed to ask, I'm still new to this mafia scene.'' "Ahh bitch don't be so worried, you can ask whatever you wanna. Chiyun the short purple haired one is Dashans childhood best friend, and Chaoxin is one of my best friends, so when Dashan got into the gang scene we all just formed our own gang.''

"May I ask how you got into the gang scene?"

"Well, Dashan was raised as thinking its survival of the fittest, and his father was a gang leader, so Dashan had followed under the mentality that it's either you sink or you swim, so Dashan knew once his father passed away he had big shoes to fill, so that's why he became a gang leader, but it wasn't easy.. There had to be a mutual respect and understanding that we weren't ones to mess with..''

"So you guys started... making crime?" "You can word it that way, we started killing the bad people, like rapists and murders liars and cheaters, and just people who always did bad things.. as Dashans way of proving himself he had to kill another mafia member.. extra points in the mafia world if you kill a boss.. So Dashan killed a CEO of a major company, who was also the father to a fellow gang leader. That gave all of us the respect we wanted. And when after his father died we got all of his inheritance so we live in his old mansion and we made it our own.''

Y/n nodded, there was a lot more to being a mafia boss then what she had ever thought of... what did Hart do to become so respected as he is.. people in the streets cower when they see him or even at the mention of his name everyone turns their heads away.

"I get it now... I was never into that whole gang business but here I am now.'' Mei Mei nodded, looking at Y/n a little closer.

"Why did you go along with it so easily if you were never into the gang scene or anything?" Y/n looked at Mei Mei, taking a sip of her margarita as she contemplated speaking up again. "I guess I went along with it due to the security of it, and I'm always protected, a few years ago when I was 17 my family was murdered in cold blood, and I was the reason it happened, so I guess I went along with it.. cause of Hart... he makes me feel safe..''

"Man I'm sorry about that Y/n... that's rough... but I'm glad that Hart makes you feel safe. If he didn't I'd kick his ass for you.'' The two girls giggled, talking more about sweet nothings when they were interrupted by Dalia stepping out on to the terrace.

"Hey ladies I'm very sorry to disturb you but the bosses asked me to come and get you, there is some important matters to discuss.''

They nodded and followed Dalia into the conference room, Hart patted the seat next to him as Mei Mei made her way to Dashan, kissing his cheek before she sat down.

Y/n sat down next to Hart, scared to kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you for joining us, we didn't mean to disturb ladies night. But there is some important news that needs to be brought to life. The gang wild-fang.''

"What about those fuckers, they are nothing but a bunch of spoiled brats.''

"Well these spoiled brats have killed a fellow gang that was on our side. They have fully taken out the konzerns. They have been found murdered in a back alleyway. There was a piece of evidence left behind from the murderer.''

Hart pulled out a small remote, pulling up a picture on the big screen, it was a group of people, 3 men and a lady... their throats were all slit, you could tell that they were gangsters due to the guns and the fancy clothing that they had on. 

"This is Julian, Sophie, Wales, and Klaus. They were all found yesterday night.''

The girl had long blue curly hair, and fair skin, her wide blue eyes filled with fear as her life was taken from her.The leader, Julian wore a red suit and a purple undershirt, he had long blonde hair.

The other member wales had amber hair that covered his face, with a full blue suit, next was Klaus. He was a big guy. The muscles were ripped into the shirt that he wore. How in the fuck did someone take this guy down.

Hart changed the slide, Y/n's eyes went wide at what she had seen, left at the crime scene was a golden hair piece with a lynx on it.

She knew that it belonged to Nile, he had one just like that, that he kept his side bangs intact with. She felt her heart sink.. woah woah y/n calm down, I'm sure there are other people who have that exact piece.

But she quickly remembered that Niles mother bought it for him from the local merchant that would come around once a year around Christmas time.

She had never seen another like it. She wanted to run and see Nile, too see if he was okay, but she knew that she couldn't do that.

"This was done by that wicked assassin of theirs, I hear that he is so silent with his movement that you can't even hear him coming. If you blink your dead. This means war with these fangs brats.''

Hart sat down, resting his hand on Y/n's thigh looking at her, noticing how she got nervous whenever she looked at the hair piece that was left by the bodies.

"We know that its Fangs right?" Hart nodded, switching to the last slide of his slide show. They each had a letter carved into their backs. When they were put into a line it spelled out "FANG" there was no doubt that it was them.

No way someone would try and frame a gang, that's just a death wish.

"These brats are just getting annoying, their boss is one cocky son of a bitch too. He thinks he's better than all of us or something.'' "Yea the little fucker is bat shit crazy too, he's a fuckin psychopath. He's on my last nerve, so what now Hart? What's the best move here.''

Hart sat and looked around at everyone, his eyes ending on y/n, who's eyes were still filled with terror as she looked at the screen.

"I really don't know here. We don't want this to be one of us. I would say go to the services for them but they may have a spy watching us and we could be next, and we don't want that."

"The only other gangs around here are what, us, the Garcia's, fangs and who else.''

"Pegasus. That little snot nosed brat. He's been too quiet lately, I don't like how quiet the little shit has been lately.''

Y/n turned to everyone, looking at them all. They all turned their heads to her when she softly spoke up.

"That girl.. you said her name is Sophie... my... my best friend Nile.. his ex girlfriend... that's her.. him and Sophie dated about 2 years ago.. they broke up due to unknown reasons...''

Chaoxin scoffed, taking a sip of his scotch before turning to look at Y/n.

"No offense sweetheart but exes have no role here, just cause they fucked and he didn't like her doesn't mean anything.''

"That's not why I spoke up.. that's Nile's hair pin. I recognize it anywhere, that's his. I was with him when his mother bought it for him.''

Their faces all contorted in worry, they looked at Y/n who was holding back tears. "Hart. Is she an informant? Is this Nile apart of a gang and you've been giving him information.''

Y/n gulped, as she saw Chaoxins hand on his holster, she looked at Hart who was waiting for her to pick her next response very carefully.

"No. I'm not.. I haven't talked to Nile since I got here. I'm not saying he's a gang member.. I just think it's suspicious his hair pin ended up in at the crime scene is all.''

"She's right, she hasn't talked to him since arriving here, I should know cause I tapped her phone, and she left him a message saying she missed him is all. So don't get your balls in a bunch chao. I would have known she was an informant the minute I met her.''

Y/n felt relieved when Hart stood up for her, she gave him a small smile as a thank you. He nodded in return, turning back to the fellow men. but that relief quickly turned to panic. He just admitted that he bugged her phone, he had seen everything that she saw, and looked through her messages... what the hell..

"I have an idea sir. What if we have y/n meet up with Nile and she wears a wire and sees if he will release any information."

Y/n gulped nervously, if Nile really was apart of this gang that they were all talking about the last thing that she wanted to do was raise the alarm on Nile and then Fangs makes another move and then off goes one of their heads.. let alone it may be hers.

"that's a good idea. Me and y/n will do some shopping tomorrow, but first she needs to meet up with Nile, get our sights on him. Once we do, Zeo, Chiyun. Your responsible for following him around. Am I to make myself clear.''

"Before we leave. Y/n i want you to call Nile. Right now.'' Y/n stated to shake, she was so worried that Nile would think something was up.

She shakily picked up her phone and Dialed Niles number. She put the phone on speaker and set it down on the table. It rang for a few seconds before he answered.

"Hey Bug, I'm sorry I didn't return your call yet, work has been extremely busy since you've been gone, how have you been? You doing okay?''

"Yea Nye, I've been okay, I've just been taking a personal vacation from life and work and all the stress I've had lately. I'm sorry I haven't texted you as much I've figured you were busy.''

There was hesitation and a bit of silence before Nile had spoken up again.

"Yea no bug your fine, I've been working doubles at work, Erin has asked me to cover almost every single one of her night shifts so most of my days I've been catching up on much needed sleep.''

There was that same playful tone that he always had in his voice, there was no way that Nile was a gang member, let alone a murderer he gets sad whenever he even kills a bug, he apologizes after every time.

"So when are you free from your mental health vacation to come and see me?" Hart leaned close into Y/n's ear, telling her to ask Nile to meet for coffee at their usual spot tomorrow.

"How about tomorrow Nile? I could use some coffee and some banana bread with my favorite guy.'' She heard Nile chuckle before talking again. "Of course bug, I'm excited to see you again, so tomorrow 10 o'clock at our normal shop I'll see you then.''

He hung up before she could say anything else. Everyone at the table watched as she had confusion written all over her face. "So it's settled, Y/n and Nile will be meeting tomorrow. End of conversation, you are all dismissed, thank you everyone for coming."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Hart, the meeting was over and everyone was headed out the door, Dashan and his gang made their way out to their limo, heading out.

Y/n stood there and waved everyone goodbye, her and Mei Mei blowing kisses and setting up another day to have a girls night. Y/n stood there a bit dumbfounded, Nile had the same cheery and happiness in his voice that he has always had, there was no sign of pain or any hint that there may be something wrong.

He sounded like the same old Nile that she had known for almost her whole life.

She watched as the limo pulled away and the gates closed before returning back inside.

Dalia started to clean up, getting all the dishes and glasses to put them in the dishwasher. Hart and the others headed upstairs, Y/n following up the stairs after him, closing their door behind her.

Hart started undoing his shirt, taking it off and neatly folding it on his big desk chair.

He took his jewelry and turned to y/n who was staring out the window.

He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She jumped and softly smiled at him.

"What's on your mind L/n.'' "It's nothing.'' Hart sighed, resting his head on her shoulder. "I don't like liars remember, so tell me, what's bugging you.''

Y/n sighed, gently caressing his hand with her thumb, resting her head against his. "I'm worried about Nile.. we have been best friends for 12 years. And the has never once hidden anything from me. So I'm worried that either he's being framed or he actually had something to do with this.''

Hart sighed, pulling y/n towards the bed. "Come on lets get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow I need you at your best.'' Y/n nodded and got changed, taking off her makeup and her jewelry before crawling into bed next to him.

Hart held her close as he gently rubbed her back, staying up until she closed her eyes. Hart looked at her as she slept peacefully, he was silent as not to disturb or Move her, he knew that she was in a bad place right now.

First she relived the night of her parents murder and now her best friend is being accused of being an assassin.

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