I Fancy You: James Sirius Pot...

By magpiepatronus

1.2K 36 1

Elizabeth (Ellie) Fletcher is fourteen and in a lot of trouble. When her friends go too far Ellie finds herse... More

2. American at Hogwarts
3. First Day of Classes
4. The Astronomy Tower: James pov
5. A New Trouble
6. Full Moon
7. Full Moon pt 2: James pov
8. A British Thanksgiving
9. Dates
10. Expecto Patronum
11. The Ball
12. Christmas Break
13. Happy New Year
14. Spring
15. Alone
16. Fight
17. Birthday Boy
18. The End of the Scool Year
19. The Potter House
20. Camping
21. More Summer Activities
22. Double Birthday Party
23. Before Summer Ends
24. Year Five
25. Learning New Things
26. Weekend Trouble
27. Tryouts
28. Halloween
29. Winter
30. Daniel
31. A Very Weird Reunion
32. New Routine
33. One Last Time
34. Another Spring Break
35. A Gentleman
36. Back at School
37. A New Problem
38. OWLS
39. The Last Day
40. Dreamless Summer
41. A Small Birthday
42. Visitor
43. Harry's Connection
44. Year Six
45. Trance
46. In the Forest
47. Ends and Beginnings
48. Her
49. Comfort
50. Bloodlines
51. Ellie's Weakness
53. The Fawn
54. Possession
55. Occlumency
56. Matters of the Heart
57. Future Plans
58. The Final Attack
59. Forward
60. Partings
61. Five Years Later

52. War Plans

8 0 0
By magpiepatronus

Christmas Day has arrived with a fresh blanket of snow outside. The cottage is filled with magic and amazing smells and music. Outside our Christmas lights blink, lighting up the nature around us. The fireplaces in my room and the living room crackle as the fire dances around the wood. I'm writing to Alli while everyone else are downstairs.
Alli, I hope you're having a lovely time with Desmond and his family. I'm surprisingly ready for break to be over because I miss you so much. Daniel and I were attacked by Mara two days ago. She actually showed her face! I ended up beating (almost) the life out of her but she got away. I wanted to let you know that I'm safe though, dad put protective spells around our cottage. Dylan sends his love to Annalise (don't actually tell her). I miss you so much! Okay love you! -Ellie
When I send the letter off I run downstairs to see everyone in the kitchen making cookies. Daniel is helping Amelia while putting a little bit of frosting on her nose. My heart aches for the future. I can only hope that'll be him with our children one day.
"Ellie bell! Come help us!" Mom smiles at me. I run over and help Dylan frost a Santa hat cookie. I look up to see Daniel admiring me the way I was admiring him. We share a smile for a moment then go back to what we were doing.

Later in the day while Amelia is napping upstairs, Dylan has fallen asleep on the chair in the living room, and my parents are busy cleaning up, Daniel sneaks me up to my room and takes out a small wrapped box from behind his back.
"What's this?" I ask.
"Your present," he says in an obvious way.
"But we already exchanged presents."
"Just open it, Fletcher," he says before sitting on my bed.
I undo the wrapping to reveal a little black box. When I open it I see a beautiful silver ring. It's shaped like a snake and the eyes are beautiful emerald stones. I look over at his beautiful face and see that smile that makes me weak. "This is so beautiful," I tell him.
"You like it then? It's um... a promise ring. I guess like a pre engagement ring. Since you know we're sixteen." I run over and wrap my arms around him, squeezing tightly.
"This from the guy who yelled at me that my relationship wasn't that serious a year ago," I say giggling.
"Yeah well, it's different with us. It's more. Here I'll put it on you," he says. He gently places it on my finger and it's perfect. "I love you, Ellie."
"I love you so much, Daniel." I give him a kiss, our lips naturally fitting together perfectly like always.

Winter break was far too short. We're already getting back on the train to Hogwarts. James and I are the first ones in our compartment because Daniel is helping Dylan with his trunk.
"Hi," I say to him before sitting next to him.
"Hey, how was Christmas?" He turns to me, his handsome smile beaming at me.
"It was really nice. Except for Mara of course. Other than that though it was great. How was yours?" I notice his eyes have locked on my ring. His expression hardens a bit.
"Mine was fine," he says emotionlessly then turns towards the window. My heart breaks for him briefly. I have to remind myself he caused this himself. A year ago actually. I rest my hand on his. His soft blue eyes take me in for a moment. Our hands part just in time for Daniel to come in with Conor. Desmond and Alli arrive shortly after that.
Daniel helps me off of the train when we arrive. I look over to see Dylan helping Annalise with her bags and elbow Alli to show her. We both whisper "awwww" too quiet for them to hear so they don't get embarrassed.
Daniel smirks. "He asked me for girl advice, ya know?"
"He did? How sweet, what did you say?"
"Our conversation stays between us men," Daniel says with a little smile when I roll my eyes.
When we all make it to the castle Daniel grabs my bag while James helps me down from the carriage. His hand gently caressing mine, our eyes locked on each other's. My stomach flutters before I look away and step down.
Daniel gives me a smirk after witnessing the moment. He's more secure in our relationship than ever. It honestly makes me love him even more.
"Hey, I had a thought," I tell James.
"Now that we're back at school and can use magic freely, I think we need to train in dueling. You and Albus both. We can use the room of requirement. What do you think?"
"I think that's a good idea. Maybe we should prepare Lilly as well? Just in case?"
"Definitely. I'll let Albus know, you tell Lilly." I nod and smile. He smiles back at me.
I don't know what Mara and Delphini are truly capable of but we need to be ready whenever we find out. I won't let the Potters go into this without knowing how to protect themselves properly.

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