Time is Everything: A Highsch...

By andre1156

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Two people, one who shuts himself from the world, while the other uses it as her own food source to return to... More

Ciel Amagi
Kurumi Tokisaki
Chapter 1 - Arrival
Chapter 2 - New Student
Chapter 3 - Date
Chapter 4 - New life
Chapter 5 - Meet the devils
Chapter 6 - What made me different?
Chapter 7 - Would you die for us?
Chapter 8 - 2ยบ date
Chapter 9 - Arroway
Chapter 10 - Rating Game
Chapter 11 - Nightmare vs Phoenix
Chapter 12 - Maybe they're jealous of you
Chapter 14 - Excalibur
Chapter 15 - Jackpot!
Chapter 16 - I want to become one with you
Chapter 17 - Oyako Day
Chapter 18 - A Nightmare in White
White Queen
White Knight
Chapter 19 - Awakening
Chapter 20 - The Cycle
Chapter 21 - Truth
Chapter 22 - Future Days
Chapter 23 - The King of Monsters: Part 1
Chapter 24 - The King of Monsters: Part 2
Chapter 25 - Loss
Chapter 26 - Alone
Chapter 27 - Family Problems
Chapter 28 - A God? More Like Puny God

Chapter 13 - I AM YOUR DEATH!!!

3.6K 83 27
By andre1156

[9 Months Earlier]


"I thank you for all your help, Kurumi."

"Target confirmed as a Spirit. AST 1st Unit engaging threat now."

"Zafkiel! Yud Bet!"


Memories floaded through the head of the girl know as Kurumi Tokisaki as she gazed at the city lights of Tokyo from the ledge of a skycraper. Feeling the breeze of the night flow past her, making her Astral Dress and hair move, she breathed in and out the air. It as been 5 months since she found herself on this Earth that instead of Spirits, holds a hidden world know as the Supernatural World that houses different races, such has the devils, the fallen angels, the angels and much more. Even though she doesn't know the reason why and how she was sent here, it still doesn't change her main goal to travel 30 years back in time and kill the First Spirit to prevent the existence of Spirits from ever happening. But right now, her priority is to absorb the necessary Reiryoku in order to use Yud Bet and cross the gap known as the Dimensional Gap in hope it will reach her world. 

"I'm still hungry." Kurumi spoke in a soft gentle tone as multiple shadows entered her own, signaling the end of her 'meal.'

From behind her, a shadow appeared on the ground and another Kurumi emerged from it, making the original turn to her and notice the wounds on her right arm and belly. "Strays, again?" The clone looked at the wounds and they instantly closed by themselfs. "Not this time. Those three factions decided joined forces against us."

"Hmm, desperate aren't they?" Kurumi chuckled at how they reached the point of willing to work together to get their hands on her. "Perhaps it's time to have a little chat with them. You did well, my dear, now rest."

Just as the clone was going to sink into the ground, she decided to suggest one thing that lingered on her mind. "Kurumi, why don't we get a fresh start here? Sure, we have those factions trying to kill us or experiment on us, but there's no AST and you're not obliged to the First Spirit anymore."

Kurumi pondered on her clone's words. It was indeed a chance to start a new life but she couldn't, not after what she did. "I can't. Not after what her lies made me do." She turned her sights to the city again. "I'll find her and kill her with my very own hands."

"Then just one more thing. Why not find someone to spend your life with? I might be a clone of you but I'm still you and we're allowed to fall in love. Just think about it, I'm sure there's someone out there that would be lucky to have you." The clone sank on the ground, leaving Kurumi alone with her thoughts.

"If that someone exists and is out there..." She looked up to the bright full moon with wishful eyes. "...would they truly love me?"

On the mountais of the Underworld that gave a full view of the Satan Capital known as Lilith on the distance, Kurumi appeared from the shadows of a cave and made her way to the end of the cliff. While approaching, she looked to the strangely blue sky which she thinked that it would have a different color like purple for example and saw dragons flying high on it, maybe because this region was close to a den. Stopping at the edge, she felt something flow inside her that made her close her eyes to feel it more.

"It's... calling for me." This energy that gave her a soothing effect felt so familiar, it felt so... Spirit. Focusing more, she opened her eyes and pinpointed that it was coming from the tallest tower on the middle of the Capital. "There's no doubt, it's raw Spirit energy, but how is it here?" Despite wanting to know more, it would take time that she doesn't currently possess to break into the city and acquire it. "Another day, now let's get this started." Breathing in and out, Kurumi glowed a reddish-black color for a moment before it disappeared. "Now we wait, Zafkiel."

After what it felt like a few minutes, three armies arrived at the rocky area that will soon turn into a battlefield. Leading the devil army, Sirzechs was at the front along with Grayfia next to him To his left was a beautiful girl in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin tails and pink eyes, wearing a pink magical girl's outfit.

Serafall Leviathan

On the fallen angel army, a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee leaded it. His outfit consisted of a V-neck maroon long-coat with a wide, open high-collar that opens up at the hem. The long-coat also featured two black belts around the waist and four black bands on each arm, two of the bands at the wrist and the other two near the elbow. He wore grey slacks and brown shoes. 


Walking at his right side a young man with dark silver hair and light blue eyes, wearing a dark green V-neck shirt with a high-collared black leather jacket over it. He also wore burgundy jeans with a silver chain drooping down over them and black leather chaps with three bands encircling his right calf, and black shoes with black buckles looked eager for a fight.

Vali Lucifer

At the front of the army of the angels was a man with long blond hair and green eyes. His outfit was a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head.


"That was quick." Kurumi let out a giggle at how fast they arrived, turning to look at them and the armies stopped, pointing their magic circles and weapons at her. "You all came for me? Aww~, you didn't have to."

"This is your last chance to surrender, Nightmare. You'd do well to comply." Michael's statement made Kurumi burst into a hysterical laugh. "That was a good one. And who's going to make me? You?"

"A fiesty one, ain't she?" Azazel chuckled at Kurumi's behavior. "Come on, Nightmare, we can end this peacefully." Kurumi looked at him with a blank face. "Nice try, but I can see that you're eager to get your hands on my Zafkiel."

"Guilty as charged. It was worth a try." Azazel held his hands up in defeat and Vali rolled his eyes at his teacher. 

"You're outnumbered, Nightmare. You can either surrender or be killed, its your choice." Sirzechs said seriously and Kurumi started laughing again, but this time it wasn't an amused laugh, she was giving out an insane distinctive laugh. "Hihihi~, oh, how wrong you are." She lifted her left arm on the air and summoned her Angel. "Come to me, Zafkiel!"

Forming her weapons, Kurumi placed the exit point of her flintlock on her lips, giving it a gentle kiss. "I think it's time to even the odds, don't you think?"

"Look out!"

A shout came from the armies that was soon followed by screams as their leaders turned quickly and saw several Kurumis tearing their forces apart with their own hands as blood and body parts flew around, shocking them.

"This was trap all along!" Kurumi laughed insanely and pointed her musket at XII and flintlock at I. "Did you really think that I wouldn't be prepared? Zafkiel! Aleph!" The girl shot herself in the head and the leaders looked at her confused as to why the bullet didn't kill her and instantely, Kurumi disappeared from her spot. Looking up by instinct, Vali transformed in his White Dragon Armor and pushed Azazel to safety as he parried a kick from Kurumi, followed by a downward vertical slash from right to left and a shot.

"What the hell?" Azazel lifted himself from the ground and rubbed his head, watching Kurumi and Vali fight. 'What is this girl?" He wondered as he never saw anything like her in all the time he's been alive and neither in the Great War. Jumping away from incoming bullets, he unfolded his 12 black feather wings and engaged with two clones on the air as the others we're dealing with the same problem as well.

'You have to tread carefully with this one, Vali.' Albion, The Vanishing Dragon warned his host as Vali performed a spinning hook kick and Kurumi countered it with a side kick on his left side, causing his armor to suffer a small crack, making him jump back to create distance and look at it. 'She knows her way with fighting but her powers make her unpredictable. Do you know anything about them?' Vali raised an eyebrow under his helmet as Albion stayed silent for a moment before anwsering. 'No, because this is the first time I see something like this.'

"Hya!" A devil used his magic circle, firing at a clone and killing it to save his friend. "You okay?" The other nodded, grateful.  "We can kill them. This battle can be won!" Just as he said those words of confidence, he was shot in the head, shocking the devil he saved as he looked up to the sky and saw more clones raining bullets. "Oh, please, no!"

"They just keep coming!" Serafall said to Sirzechs, using her ice magic to freeze two clones as they shattered like glass. Catching her breath for a moment, she checked around just to see the three armies losing to Kurumi's clones. "Sirzechs-chan, we have to retreat while we still can!"

Sirzechs only gritted his teeth as he used his Power of Destruction to obliterate the clone he was fighting against. "She as us cornered. We have to hold out as long as we can!" Serafall balled her hands into fists as Sirzechs went to help Grayfia.

"This is so much fun, don't you think, Kurumi?" A clone said with delight, using Gimmel the third bullet that caused the angels she was fighting to age to the point of decay. "Indeed it is, Kurumi." The other clone licked her lips and crushed the fallen angel's head with her foot, splattering blood on her.

On the air, Michael formed a defensive magic circle to stop the bullets and lauch multiple spears of light, however the more he killed, more clones kept appearing. "Your soul doens't deserve to be saved, you abomination." He said with venom in his voice. He's usually not fond of violence, but to someone who's causing this much death and takes such pleasure in it, he doens't show any mercy to them.

"Kah!" Kurumi skidded backwards as her and Vali were breathing heavily, with his armor having cracks. "Not bad at all." Kurumi acknowledged, spitting on the ground and formed a crazed smile. "This is wonderful! I want more! Show me what you can do!" Summoning Zafkiel, she used Dalet, healing herself.

Vali breathed out and took a battle stance, feeling so much adrenaline run through him as he finally found a challange. "Took the words right outta my mouth, Nightmare!" From his back, two blue colored wings appeared. The two dashed at each other with Kurumi firing bullets and Vali moved left and right, meeting at the center, Kurumi jumped over Vali and fired at his back. Being it by a few, Vali launched to the air and flew directly at Kurumi, landing a punch on the ground to get her off guard and using the momentum to land a strike on Kurumi's abdomen with his right foot. Staggering back, Vali used Divide, splitting Kurumi's power in half as her clock eye moved clockwise rapidly.

"You leech!! How dare you to take my precious time!" Kurumi yelled, pissed off for having her time stolen. Absorving her power, Vali felt a rush as he rushed again at Kurumi but something was wrong as his wings started to flicken. "Albion, what's wrong?"

'Kuh, its her power. I can't hold it!' The wings disappeared, making Vali fall on the ground as he struggled to get up due to his body rejecting the Spirit Energy. Smirking, Kurumi used her eight bullet and clones surrounded Vali. "That's karma for you." The clones fired and Vali was shot from every direction, causing to scream and his armor was pierced and disappeared. Seeing a shadow in front of him, he lifted his head and saw Kurumi placing the barrel of her flintlock on his forehead. "Your time his over!" Just as she was going to pull the trigger, she saw several light spears heading towards her, making her jump out of the way. Looking at where they came from, she saw Azazel and the other leaders land in front of Vali. "Your're not escaping alive, Nightmare!"

"Hihihi, you still don't understand?" Kurumi's red eye glowed brightly with Zafkiel behind her, making her a true nightmare. "Killing me is something you all will never be able to do!"

"Then we'll make sure to disintegrate you by starting with that mouth of yours!" Sirzechs, Azazel, Michael and Serafall held their arms in front of them started glowing, charging up their strongest attacks and Kurumi only dropped her arms and looked up, laughing loudly as it echoed through the mountais. "You all signed your deaths the moment you crossed paths with me! I am Nightmare!" Kurumi lifted her right and the wind started to pick up and the ground to shake. "I AM YOUR DEATH!!!" Closing her fist, she brought her arm down and a large sphere appeared on the sky, descending towards the ground.

Everyone was shocked and afraid to do anything as they saw the sphere approaching the ground. Some started t run for their lives and others dropped to their knees, accepting their fate. The four leaders aimed their now ready attacks to the sphere, only for them to be swallowed by it, not stopping it. "I bid you adieu." Kurumi bid farewell and escaped through her shadow.

"EVERYONE!!! RUUUNNN!!!" Azazel helped Vali as everyone flew away from the area. When the sphere hit the ground, it caused an explosion in large scale. Seeing it apporaching them at fast pace, the leaders used all of their magic to teleport away from it, but others weren't so lucky as they were caught on the explosion.

Floating on the air at a safe distance, the survivors stared at the explosion and Serafall looked around on the verge of tears . "It's... just us? Please... please tell me where not the only ones left..." She broke down in tears as Grayfia held her close, consoling her. The three factions arrived at the mountains with 500 forces each, now that number dropped to a total of 30 survivors. "Sirzechs-sama, your hand..." The red haired male looked at his right hand that was shaking violently, making him gulp while beads of sweat ran down his forehead. Grabbing it, he looked at Azazel and Michael who didn't know what to say as they stared at the destruction that a single being caused. "What are we up against?"


Sunset came, giving the sky a pale orange color as it meant that the day was approaching it's end. Kurumi Tokisaki, the deadliest Spirit also known as Nightmare gazed at the victim she just slaughtered. Who was it this time? A human male? Female? Or perhaps a Supernatural being? I guess we will never find out as all we could see was the red blood on the ground. Satisfied at her work, she blinked and her clock eye moved backwards and her shadow returned to its normal form. She then looked up to the sky for a moment before looking down, smiling with her eyes closed. "What more surprises is this world going to show me?"

[Present Day]

With the ring of the bell, classes came to an end and the students went to take their 20 minute break with their friends, love partners or simply enjoying some time alone either by reading, eating a snack or listening music. Everyone wore the summer version of the school uniform as summer was approaching. On the floor of the clubs, Ciel Amagi, known as Steampunk and Kurumi Tokisaki's lover checked the music clubroom that Sona with the help of the principal made available for him to use.

"Wow. Mom... You and dad must've loved to play music in a place like this." The black haired boy ran his fingers on the keys of the piano, recalling the stories of how Yukari and Hiro spent most of school breaks on the music club during their teenage years. Feeling the heat of the sun, he opened more the colar of his black button-down shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to elbows as this was his summer version of the uniform. Like always, he has his mp3 and earphones with him. Letting out a soft sigh at what his eyes landed on, he walked up to it and grabbed one of the practice guitars from its support, sitting on a chair. Testing the strings, he tuned the D string and tested again, now sounding like how he wanted. Breathing in and out, he played the intro while tapping his right foot and sang the first verse.

If I ever were to lose you

Instead of continuing, Ciel stopped singing and playing, touching the body with his palm. It's not like he couldn't play it, it's that he couldn't bring himself to continue the music because it brings him to much grief and pain for losing the person that was his light in this world.

"What's with you and that song?" Looking up, he saw Kurumi leaning on the side of the doors with her arms crossed. "It's nothing." He dismissed her question with a awkward laugh, checking the guitar. "Hmm. Can I at least know the name of 'nothing'?" Ciel quietly laughed, scratching his chin with his thumb as Kurumi sat on the bench of the piano. "Future Days." He answered Kurumi's question. "Where are the others?"

"Issei went to see Akeno to deal with his arm. Koneko, Asia, Murayama, Katase and Aika should arrive at any minute. Kiba's outside somewhere."

"And our Gremory friend?" Ciel said sarcastically and Kurumi shrugged her shoulders. "Probably on the old building." Kurumi got up from the bench and went to the window. After all that wedding fiasco, Issei decided to give a go at music as Akeno and Kiba mostly watched as it wasn't their thing but they were more than welcome to assist. As for Rias, she mostly stayed away from the duo but if she was to come and apologise, Ciel was willing to accept it, however she would have to earn it. As Kurumi stared at the outside, she fixed her skirt and Ciel bit the fingernail of his right thumb to get a grip of himself, seeing a glimple for her panties and ass. Every once in a while Kurumi did something at home or when they had P.E class, Ciel would gawk at her, not being able to resist it.

"We're here!" Aika, the recent member annouced and Ciel almost fell of his chair as the others entered the room. "What were you staring at, Amagi?" A smirk came to her face and Ciel skidded to her, covering her mouth with his hand before she could say anything. Kurumi tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean, Kiryuu?"

"Nothing! Right?" Ciel felt his hand being licked and he took it from her mouth, creeped out. "What the hell?"

Aika only fixed her glasses with a huge smile and everyone grabbed a chair, gathering on the middle of the room to discuss the incoming plan. "Alright, with Oyako Day approaching, the principal told me that we'll have to play for the parents." Ciel explained.

"In front of all those people?" Asia said nervously and Murayama and Katase patted her head, giving her a assuring smile. "Don't worry, we'll be there on the stage with you."

Ciel lifted from his chair and went to chalkboard, writing what each member will play and do on the stage. "Me and Kurumi are going to be the lead vocalists. Koneko, Asia, Issei and Katase will be on the guitars. Aika, your're on the battery and Murayama is on the eletronic keyboard." Koneko lifted her hand and Ciel pointed at her to say. "When do we start practice?"

"Eager now, aren't you?" Ciel chuckled as he placed the chalk next to the eraser and everyone was eager to practice as well. "We can start to practice today and as for the other days..."He checked the hours on the clock that was on the wall. "We schedule practice for this break every weak."

Now that everyone knew what to do, Kurumi grabbed the guitar from before and handed it to Ciel as he looked at her puzzled. "We need inspiration. Hit us with your best one."

"Careful with what you wish for, Tokisaki." Knowing the perfect song that would blow their minds, he sat again and started playing what is considered a masterpiece, no it IS a masterpiece.

Running his thumb upwards to land the final, Ciel looked to see everyone in a trance. "So beautiful. What was that?"

"This, my dear friends was The Last Of Us composed by the one and only, Gustavo Santaolalla." Ciel said with admiration in his voice.

As the school day reached its end, Ciel, Kurumi, Koneko and Asia stayed behind to clean the room as the other three went home by Ciel's permission. "Are you going to Stray hunting today?" Ciel asked, cleaning the chalkboard.

"Yes. We got an urgent order that a stray devil is charming people and lures them into the abandoned hotel." Koneko responded, cleaning the floor with a broom. "If it's not a bother, can you help us?"

"What do you think, Ku-chan?" 

"Why not? Haven't stretched in a while, it will be fun."


"Is this fun to you?" Ciel asked annoyed, standing back to back with Kurumi as he sliced a humanoid insect in two. 

"Don't you start, Ciel." Kurumi landed two headshots on the incoming insects. After agreeing, the ORC along with the Nightmare duo went to the abandoned hotel, finding the stray devil that uses magic to can make people confused on who's friendly or not and to make it worse, it has minions that launch corrosive barf.

The two were surprised by an insect that came from the cealing and the two parted from each other. When Kurumi was going to attack, the insect gagged and lauched barf straight on her dress, but it wasn't corrosive. "You little shit!"

"GyaGya!" The insect blew raspberries at her, infuriating her even more. As he was going to launch again, his bottow half was sliced by a horizontal swing from Ciel's sword and he stepped on its head, killing it. "Fucking hell." He cursed because of the green goo on his boot and checked on Kurumi. "You good?"

"Not even a million showers can help me." Kurumi sighed and the two went to the lobby where the others ahould be.


"Dragon Shot!" Issei fired and hit it straight on, sending it through the wall. The stray flapped its wings and its eyes started to glow pink and fired a beam of hearts in Kiba's direction who was just standing still, looking into space.

"Kiba!!" Issei ran and pushed Kiba out of the way, being hit by the beam and he lowered his head and didn't move. When he lifted his head, his eyes were glowing pink, a blush on his face and a creepy smile and he started to attack his friends. "Issei-kun, what are you doing?!" Akeno exclaimed, leaning backwards to dodge a punch from his gauntlet.

"Not good." Koneko crossed her arms in front of her face, using her gloves to stop his attack. From the staircase, the Nightmare Duo jumped from the third floor and landed on the lobby, cracking the ground. "What did we miss?" Kurumi asked, tilting her head as she saw Issei lunge at Rias. "Issei-senpai can't tell the difference between allies and enemies."

"Really?" Kurumi smiled, placing her hands behind her back and leaned forward, speaking in a alluring voice. "Issei~. Look over here~."

Issei stopped attacking and looked at Kurumi with a hungry gaze at her cleavage and breasts. "Kurumi-chan... You sure are hot like always!" Laughing creepily, he lunged and used his armored sharp fingers like a claw and Kurumi crouched, allowing Ciel to...

"Live strong." Ciel said nonchalantly to the unconscious Issei on the ground. "Let's finish this." Rushing at the devil, Ciel fired at the wings, causing it to fall from the air. "Wake up, damn you!" Ciel yelled at Kiba, snapping him from his thoughts. Swinging downwards, he separated on of its claws. Landing, he stumbled on a pipe and Ciel clicked his tongue at his clumsiness and the stray was on top of him. Before it could bite him, a bullet from kurumi's musket made its way to its chest. "That was for my dress, you disgusting bug."

Koneko grabbed its leg and threw it to the middle of the lobby. "It's over!" Rias and Akeno used their powers, ending the stray once and for all.


"Why does my cheek hurt?" Issei rubbed his swollen cheek, not having any recollection of what transpired. Ciel and Kurumi were on the background as Rias was scolding Kiba, giving him a slap. "Did that wake you? One misstep and someone could have died."

"I'm sorry." Kiba apologised.

"What's the matter, Yuuto? Tell me so that I can help you."

"It just hasn't been my best day. Please excuse me." The blonde bowed and started leaving.

"Kiba!" Issei called, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Why are you acting like this?"

"It's none of your business."

"But you're my friend and I'm worried about you!"

Kiba turned to look at him for a moment before starting to walk again. "Worried? About who? You know, your're very friendly but I remembered why I'm alive. I have a personal vendetta and I alone have to see it through."

"Kiba, you can't!" Issei protested.

"Don't tell me what I can't do." With that, he left to somewhere as Issei stared at his disappearing figure.

"My dress..." Kurumi sighed again for having her dress stained. Looking at Ciel, she saw him staring at an empty rooftop. "Ci-chan?"

Ciel's sight lingered on the rooftop before looking at her, rubbing his hair. "Sorry, just my imagination."


On the rooftop where Ciel was staring at, two silhouettes where gazing at the duo. "Is that them?" A monotone voice of a male said, his eyes staring with loathe at Ciel.

"Yes, they are." Now it was a sweet and cheery female voice that spoke that held authority. "Don't worry, my dear. We'll make our appearence soon, but for now let them enjoy their last moments of peace." The two silhouettes disappeared on the darkness of the night, now with their prey found after so long.

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