Falling petals

By Hi1444

296K 14K 2.3K

To be reborn in a game, and a romance game at that! Amber didn't expect to die from a small illness, only to... More

What the heck?!
Why Me...
So this is why emperors like to surround themselves with beauties.
Who're you???
So who shall watch over her?
May have lost the feeling called shame.
....Why is no one fucking ugly???
A Fight Through Words.
A Wild Wolf
The first Meeting of Lifelong Friends. Part 1
The First Meeting of Lifelong Friends Pt.2
The First Meeting of Lifelong Friends Pt.3
The First Meeting of Lifelong Friends Pt.4
I didn't give you permission
I died and gone to heaven
The Second Royal Child
The Second Royal Child Pt.2
A Fairy Like Women
Side story: A Grieving Man
An Unexpected Guest
The Meeting of Leaders
A Walk Through Memory Lane.
A/N A bit of that world.
A Sudden Visit of a Capture Target.
Buzz Off
Don't Abandone Me Please
Lets be Friends
I'm Sorry.
Let's Help her Make More Friends!
A Sudden Meeting.
Her Smile
Sakura's Fate.
A/N: A bit about this world
The Holy Priest
Best friend.
Are You Kidding Me...
Tragic First Love.
Her Fears.
An old Friend.
A promise.
The First Move.
Powerful Game Piece.
Kano's Devotion.
In position.
Change of Plans.
Commence the Plan.
What Went Wrong?!
Find a Way out.
What Type of Coincidence is This!?
Villainess vs. Villain
One of Many Ends.
Shame on me.
How did you know?
Side Story: 3 year old Sakura.
Adonis and Darius
No Thanks.
A Change
The Past should remain in the Past.
What is Happening!?
A Nightmare or a Prophecy
Release Them.
The Battle.
What will Happen in the Future?
Finally Heading Home.
Old Memories.
What the future will hold.
"From the first Dream..."
Too much of a Coincidence.
Are this things Valuable? Pt.1
Are this things Valuable? Pt.2
How do you know the Language?
Protect Him.
The Last Tear. part 1
The Last Tear. part 2
Through the eyes of the Divine.
The Celebration Banquet(3 years old.) part 2
Hidden Away.
What the Dreams Show.
The History of Magic
Control over Magic.
Controlling the flow of energy.
A Meeting of Friends.
Healing Wounds.
A Personal Servant
Hello Again.
Unwelcomed Guest.
What do you Know?
A Deal. Pt.1
A Deal pl.2
I Died by your Hand too.
Fallen Ill
A Message
What are you?

The Celebration Banquet(3 years old.)

1.5K 73 1
By Hi1444

"It gives us all great pleasure to welcome our guests to our young princes' naming reveal! Today will be the day all will hear the princes' name, bestowed by the sacred tree of our lands!"

A elven man who only had an appearance of a man in his late 20s spoke with great gusto and pride.

His handsome appearance catching other peoples attention. His voice flowed smoothly like silk and it made people listen to it with great intrest.

"Looks like it was the right choice to make  Noran the announcer. He did recieved the most blessing from the tree in his birth."

The one who spoke was a women with a breathtaking beauty, her height that matches a model that will catch anyone's attention when combining it with her face.

Her long legs recieving a few glances from guests who were invited out of the elven territory. The crown in her head giving a mystical and unique look while placed on top of her own unique hair color.

Then a man who stands beside her blocks her from those looks and his eyes narrow down at them. The glances quickly looked away.

"I will be away for a few minutes, got to get something."

"Make sure not to take too long. The big reveal will happen soon, it won't do you good if the father doesn't show up to it."

The women reminds him and watches him smile and gently hold her hand to lightly peck it.

"All my queen says, I shall comply."

"Oh sho! D6ont do that in public."

She scolds him yet her flushed complexion reveals her real thoughts.

He laughs and walks away to wherever he is heading to.

"I see Alyona is a women who falls hard."

"You have no right to speak Mihkael, you are a slave to love even before you got to know your wife. I have heard and seen how much you pampered and lose yourself to Aurora. You were called the loyal dog by us."

A man wearing formal butler clothes leaned over to whisper those words to the man who was sitting in one of the special seats assign to the VIPs of the celebration.

Mihkael chuckles and rolls his eyes at his friend.

"I shall have you punished for displaying such blatant disrespect Raphael."

Mihkael jokingly said those words while leaning to Raphael so no one else can hear their words.

While others can not hear this conversation. Only two other has heard their words.

One was a man who stands a few inch away from them, he held a serious expression and didn't appeared fazed by their discussion at all. He was more focused on the surroundings and would be the first to react if anything unwarant happens to his emperor and friend.

"Azrael, shouldn't you protect the honor of your emperor? Why aren't you saying anything?"

Mihkael jokingly brings up his serious friend into the playful banter, only to recieve just a glance from that friend.

"... But he wasn't lying?"

"Ha-! Humph."

Raphael quickly turns his head away to hide his muffled laughter and Mihkael gave a mocking hurt look.

"I see, so no one is on my side huh? Fine, gang up on me, why dont'cha? It seems even my own child agrees with you guys."

The second person who can hear their discussion was giggling in her hands while using her father's lap as a chair.

She was wearing a beautiful light aqua blue dress that emphasises the more fluffy look with the puffy skirt and the puffy arm sleeves.

It held small clear crystal; embroiled in the ends of the dress that shines and sparkles each time she moves, it looked like the sun light passing through the blue sky and warmed peoples hearts when the child moved.

It was a bonus that the child hasn't lost attention against the dress with her own beauty. Rather, they seem to go well together with her hair that seems to be a platinum blond.

But her eyes were the most mystical. They were a unique blend that isn't something seen much in their life, even when their are so many unique eye types because of their magic affiliation.

Yet this child eyes held a look that made one feel reverence; the silvery in those eyes seem to mix to the black rims of the iris, making one want to look at how unique it appeared; the pupil was a deep dark that popped out from the mysterious gold or light brown that surrounded it, and that golden brown seemed as it was being swallowed by the grayish silver of the eye, both so contrast yet so well combined made one confuse by just a glance if it was silver, or golden.

"Sakura, you really think little of me huh."

She just continues to giggle and seems to just be amused by the small banter, but they all haven't noticed that those lovely eyes of her would glance across from her to stare at the empress and emperor of the Elven territory.

Her little eyes narrowed for a sec when she saw Igor begin walking away from Alyona and heading out of the hall.

"Daddy, I wanna eat cake!"

"Oh? Which one, I'll go get it."

Raphael spoke before Mihkael can ask: Mihkael looked begrudgingly toward Raphael for stealing his words.
Raphael rolls his eyes and had to hold himself back from smacking his friend behind the head in front of thousands of people.

'This fool has forgot he is the emperor of a whole empire, it would do him no good to show too much love for her highness, she can be a weakness to be exploited if seen by unsavory characters. And him personally getting a dessert for Sakura will definitely display his deep affection for her.'

Raphael knew his friend has an awkward relationship with his daughter and how he wants to remedy it by doing anything he can for her, however he should know he is not only a father, but the emperor of an empire. His daughter has no mother to guide her and is easy to pick on if they hadn't found Ivy and daisy to be her nannies.

'However their noble titles are Earl's. While that isn't low in noble titles, sadly their are others who outrank them with superiority and years of noble lineage. They won't be able to protect themselves, much less Sakura if needed. So showing less favor to Sakura at this early stages of her life would keep her safer and have her grow up safe and sound.'

"No, I wanna get it myself."

"You can not your highness. It would do you no good to walk around on your own."

"But it's wright there~ look. Not that far."

She points at a table filled with an assortments of desserts and pastries. All seem to beckon to be grabbed and eaten by how mouthwatering they appeared.

"But your high-"

"I'll be four in one months. Four Raph! I wanna get it on my own, I'm a big girl now!"

Listening to her words, both men chuckle at her display of a "big girl." She crossed her arms and proudly raised her head to show it, but it doesn't work well with her sitting in her fathers lap and being so small beside him.

"Why not?"

"Mi-Your Majesty! Are you sure?"

"There are little to no moments where she can roam around on her own, right now we are in safe place with many eyes around us. If something happens, a guard hidden in the shadows would be the first to respond."

"Well... you are right."

"And besides, our dear princess is a smart young lady. She knows what to do and not to do. We can trust her to go on her own. Let's take it as her first errand haha. Don't you think so too Azrael?"


He nods his head which earned him a smile from Sakura.

"Then can I go? Please Raph~"

She did a small pout which she knew will get Raphael to put his guard down and do whatever she ask for.

"Ugh... fine, you can go get your dessert, but don't go to any other table and return to this one ok?"


She nods in excitement and quickly had Mihkael put her down, she was going to run but then remembered where she was; many eyes will be on her for being the only child of the Eternity empire, meaning she is the heiress to the throne. Because of it, she quickly composed herself and just speed walked as dignified as possible.

Many adults noticed that and chuckled at how cute she was. Her trying her best to appear serious and adult like gave them a positive impression of this small princess.

She arrives at the dessert table and noticed she wasn't the only child there. There were other kids who were getting plates of pastries and seem to try their best to fill their plate since those may be the only time they can try so many different desserts at once.

While seeing all this children, Sakura smiles.

'Just like I thought, a group of brats surrounding this tantalizing dishes of all kinds of pastries and desserts.'

While walking closer she sees a girl reach for something but couldn't get it, she then looks around but appears a bit shy to ask for help from the older kids and it appears her parents aren't close enough to see the girls struggles.

Before the girl knew it, Sakura lightly tapped her shoulder. She turns and sees Sakura adorable tilting her head.

"Do you need help?"

The girl shyly nods and then watches Sakura walk up to a group of older girls and boys.

"Excuse me."

Sakura lightly tugs one of the boys dress shirt to get his attention. The boy turns to look and saw no one, then he looked down when he heard her voice.

What he saw was a cute child who doesn't seem older than 4 years old. Her hair looked to glow by which angle she's turned. Her eyes big like a doe and was an enchanting mix of colors.

"Big bwother, can you geth those cakes fwor me?"

She sounded like she was still learning how to speak which added to her adorableness.

He turns to look and then nods while stretching his hand out to get a plate, but Sakura quickly stops him and grabs the girls plate and gives it to him.

The girl just decide to stand silently beside Sakura. The girl wasn't used to so many people and her kingdom was a small one that just happens to be in close connections with that of the elven empire.

And Sakura was someone she never met with before like many others here, yet she knew who she was. Her parents told her to watch out with angering a few people, and Sakura and her father was one of the people her mother pointed at.

"Why mama? Are they bad?"

Nyla was being warned by her mother o who she shouldn't approach, but when her mom pointed at a girl sitting on a mans lap she was startled her mother was warning her about them.

'They don't seem bad, her papa is letting her sit in her lap even when my papa wouldn't allow me to call him papa here.'

Nyla was the daughter of a concubine. Her mother was married off to her papa because of something but she didn't hear why because her mother will always call away those maids from speaking anymore in front of her, but she understood her father didn't display favor on her as much as he did with his main wife and her children.

But she didn't really mind because when no one is watching he'll always give her some chocolates in secret in their little hiding spot.

'Even if papa doesn't like me, he doesn't ignore me too much and he never screams at me. So I'm fine.'

But even when she thinks that she still gets a bit jealous when she saw how much Sakura's dad spoiled her by allowing her to sit on his lap, how he allowed her to lean on him and play around with him. Not even her other brother and sister gets that much favoritism from their dad.

"They are people we should never offend, even if your father is the king of our kingdom, we are below them. Remember that they are stronger than your father, so if you do anything to anger them, your father can't protect you. Understand?"

"? Ok mama."

"Good, now go along and get a little snack, I see you eyeing it for a while now."

"Hehe! Thank you mama!"

'Sorry mama, I didn't do anything but now I'm standing next to her and getting her help in getting my snack.'

"-this all?"


"Is this all?"

Sakura again repeated what she said with patience. Noticing that the little girl was absentminded.

"Uh- ah yeah! Thwank you."

Sakura smiled and turn back to the older child to say thank you.

Raphael and Mihkael were keeping a close watch on Sakura and noticed her interaction with the kids.

"It seems Sakura doesn't have an issue speaking with other children. Rather, she quickly took command from what I can see."

"A true born leader your Majesty child is. The blood of royalty runs thick in her veins."

An unwelcomed voice interrupted the discussion between Mihkael and Raphael.

Mihkael looked at the man and noticed he was a king of a kingdom beside the borders of the elven lands. A country that does trade with the elven empire since the beginning of its development.

But he wasn't the only one that showed up, there were a few other faces Mihkael barely recognized.

"I see Richard's daughter was the one helped by your beautiful child. You should thank him for that."

The man who first spoke has said that while looking back of the group to the king named Richard. Richard didn't want to catch any attention when Kylar decided to go and bother the emperor of the Eternity empire while dragging them along.

He as well noticed the child that was beside her highness Sakura was his concubine born child and had to stop himself from going there to get his daughter before she could anger her highness and put her life in danger by doing so.

"I see. Your daughter is the one beside my heir. What is her name?"

Mihkael decided to ignore Kylar and looked straight at Richard and asked him his daughter's name. Richard felt sweat on his back. This was the first time he spoke to the Eternity emperor and he had heard the power this man wields.

What's more, Kylar is glaring at Richard for the disregard Mihkael had for him to talk straight to a king below even him in the kingdom ranking.

"H-her name is Nyla. Your majesty."

Richard does a light bow of recognition that Mihkael is above him and answers his questions with just a tiny stutter.

"I see. It is a lovely name."

"Thank you your majesty."

"My daughter seems to like her. How about letting the children play a while longer while we talk some more."

"Th-that is an honor I cannot afford your Maj-"

"Just call me Mihkael. Hearing your majesty all the time can get tiring."

"I cannot do that your majesty! It is a disrespect to do that to you."

"You are a king as well, it must be confusing to call another person 'your majesty' while always being called so yourself. So just call me Mihkael."

"T-then Emperor Mihkael is fine."

"Haah~ fine fine. Then king Richard-"

"R-Richard is fine yo- Emperor Mihkael."

"-then Richard. How old is your daughter."

Mihkael decided not to make it too difficult for Richard so he decided not to pressure him with the titles and such issue. He then began talking about their respective children and bit by bit Richard began to relax and even forgot about the other kings he came with.

Kylar was furious and wanted to interfere but the butler beside the Eternity emperor would glare at him each time he tried to step closer to talk with Mihkael.

'Who does that Servant think he is!'

Even when Kylar was throwing insults at Raphael in his mind, he still knew his place and never spoke his dissatisfaction out loud because he knew the butler was someone important to the emperor.

While all this was happening, in the pastry table Sakura watched both Raphael and Mihkael being distracted by those group of men. And Azrael was watching his surrounding for danger so his attention on her was short as well.

'Good. I should go now while they are distracted or it'll be too late.'

"I gotta head to the potty. Nyla, can you wait here while I go to the bathroom?"

"I can go wit-"

"No it's fine! I won't take long. I promise."

'I can't put a kid I used in danger. Where I'm going I don't even know if I'll make it in time without getting caught by those men.'

"Oh ok."

"Thanks! Just wait here."

Nyla watched as Sakura speedily walked away while glancing a few time to where her father was.

Nyla then noticed her own father was there with Sakura's dad. But before she can think if she's in trouble a sudden chill ran down her spine.


Goosebumps rose through her arms and she subconsciously turn to the direction Sakura went.

"... The bathroom isn't that way..."

With that thought she absentmindedly headed to that direction. And Azrael that was looking around for any danger quickly noticed the girl that Sakura was with was alone and heading to an unknown direction.

'Where's Sakura?'

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