Inevitable Withdrawal - cash...

By crystellethemage

95.7K 3.3K 1.9K

Falling in love with the temperamental and demanding Senator Nash Grier was not Cameron Dallas had planned. B... More

Through A Glass Darkly
Blue Monday
Bad Romance
Permanent Stain
Walk Away
Who Am I, Comparatively
Against the Wind
And If You Stay
All This Time
Locked in a Haze
In A Perfect World
A Walk to Remember
The Tension is Here
Life Is A Dream
The Desire of My Heart
In Oceans Deep
City of Delusion
Flicker in the Night
Say Something
Beauty in the Breakdown
Inevitable Withdrawal
Best of Me

Love Is A Twisted Dance

4.2K 139 45
By crystellethemage

Leaving Nash at the end of the day is the hardest thing for me to do, especially now that I know he reciprocates my feelings. I miss his fervent I love you'is and his passionate kisses. He's completely open to me now, he's longer closed emotionally, I'm almost delirious with happiness. I have dreamed about being in an actual relationship with him since we started fucking and it's almost hard to believe that I'm finally getting what I want.

I see Nash in my future for always, I want to marry him, I want to raise children with him. It all seems within reach now. Obviously I don't know what his plans are for us but that dream is definitely more possible now.

The only thing that makes me feel better is that soon he'll be divorced and all mine. I fall asleep aching for his embrace, I can't wait to wake up and see him again. I'm a love sick fool but I don't care.

The next morning I arrive to the office early, I want to know how everything went with Lea. I open the door to his office and he's leaning against his desk looking down at papers in his hand. I'm momentarily stunned at how fucking beautiful he is and that he's all mine.

He smiles when he sees me and I close the door and lock it behind us. I put our coffee down on his desk and I wrap my arms around his neck, he leans down and presses a soft, gentle kiss on my lips.

"Mm, I missed you last night," he mumbles into our kiss and I rub my hands up and down his back.

"I missed you too," I say and I pull away from his lips and scatter kisses all over his face before returning back to his lip. Our kiss gets more intense as he nips and sucks on my bottom lip. We don't have much time because we have a busy day ahead of us and we still have to prep.

I pull away reluctantly and he pushes my head back to his lips and gives me a few more soft kisses before he lets me go.

"I could kiss you forever and never grow tired of your lips," he murmurs as we shared a heated look and he traces his fingers across my cheek and jawline.

"Luckily for you I feel the same way," I tease him and he gives me a relaxed, happy smile. Seeing him like this makes me crazy happy. I love it. I love him.

"I am very lucky," he responds seriously and I blush.

"How did it go last night?" I ask him and he smirks.

"She never saw it coming. At first she was smug, she thought she'd get this huge payout and she'd be set for life but when I threw the pictures I had of her and her lover she panicked. She is such a money hungry prostitute, I don't know what I ever saw in her to be honest. I don't even think I truly loved her now that I actually know how it feels to be in love. I didn't even let pack up her shit, I just threw her out and I'd already had the locks changed. I told my housekeeper to do set the clothes to Good Will and the jewelry to a charity for them to auction." He explains and I can't stop the triumph that I feel because that witch finally got her comeuppance.

"I wish I could have been a fly on the wall," I tell him and he chuckles.

The rest of the day is busy and we go from meeting to meeting. Everything feels so much better now that Nash and I are actually together. We spend lunch in his office with me sitting on his lap as we feed each other pieces of fruit and kiss in between. We can barely keep our hands off of each other and actually get work done but neither of us care.

Towards the end of the day we are wrapping up and there's a knock on his door. I open it and I'm shoved aside by Lea who storms in, eyes blazing. I close the door behind her and a smirk plays on my lips. I know Nash can handle her so I just stand back an watch with fascination.

"What the fuck, Nash?! You donated all of my clothes and my jewelry?! I have nothing now!! How could you do that?!" She bursts out, she's waving her arms around and she looks ridiculous, she's wearing heels with sweatpants that are obviously too big for her and a faded t-shirt.

Nash is the picture of relaxation as he leans against his desk and stares at her blankly, he doesn't react to her outburst and looks like he could care less.

"I bought all that shit with my money, so it's actually my clothes and my jewelry. But in case you didn't notice I don't need women's clothing or feminine jewelry so yes I had everything's donated. Guess you shouldn't have fucking cheated on me, it came back to bite you in the ass." He replies cooly and I hold back a laugh as she sputters.

"Oh and Lea? Don't show up at my condo again, security will escort you out and I know appearances are everything to you." He says with a small smile playing on his lips.

"How can you be so cruel? All those years I supported you and this is what you do to me?? I'm your WIFE! How can you treat me like this?" Her anger fades to a pathetic whine and it's repulsive. What did Nash ever see in her?

"You mean all those years I supported you, right? Because you never really did anything for me, I paid for everything, your expensive shopping trips, your extravagant vacations. You are spoiled, self-centered and have a sense of entitlement when you never worked a day in your life to get any of the luxuries that I gave you." He says, he still is talking calmly, none of her words affect him.

"Maybe you'll think twice about biting the hand that feeds you. Find someone else to play the fool with, maybe your little boy toy can buy you some new clothes. Oh wait, he's a broke ass nude model." Nash laughs and Lea just stands there with her fists clenched and she's breathing hard. She wipes her eyes quickly and stares at Nash.

"Now if you will get the fuck out of my office so I can finish up my work, that would be lovely." His tone is cold and he motions to the door. She turns and runs out, I close the door behind her and I laugh as soon as she's gone.

"That was priceless," I say as I try to stop laughing but I can't. I go up to him and wrap my arms around him. He pulls me close and our lips meet in a slow kiss, our tongues dance around each other and I get turned on just from his kisses.

"The divorce won't take long, I golf with the judge of this district so he'll expedite it." Nash tells me and I feel a ball of excitement in the pit of my stomach. Nash caresses my cheek gently as his eyes search mine. "I want you to move in with me once all that bullshit is done. I'll sell the condo and we can buy something together. I can't imagine ever being satisfied with saying goodbye to you every night."

The excitement grows as we take one more step in realizing my dream. "There's no way I can say no to that."

"I wasn't taking no for answer anyway," he replies seriously but with a smile on his face.

"So domineering..." I murmur and he shrugs innocently.

"You love it," he states and he's not wrong. I love that side of Nash just as much as I love the sweet, tender side. I've never met anyone who matches me so completely, I can't imagine my life without him.

We pack up our stuff as we get ready to head home. He kisses one last time before we step out of the office and walk together to the garage.

Senator Gilinsky stops me as we reach the entrance to the garage.

"Cameron, I've been looking for a chance to talk to you," he tells me and I tilt my head at him. What could he want from me? It can't be related to Nash because Nash is standing right next to me.

"What can I do for you, Senator?" I ask him and he makes me feel uncomfortable with the way he's looking at me. The only person I ever want to look at me like that is Nash. Nash notices how he's looking at me and steps closer to me, I can tell he's growing irate.

"Gilinsky." Nash greets him, his tone is cool. They're usually in friendly terms but Nash is clearly possessive over me.

Gilinsky's eyes flicker to Nash before he looks back at me. " Grier."

"I hired a new assistant since I couldn't get you, but I was wondering if you mind helping me with training him," he says and I glance at Nash. The slight movement of his head tells me he won't approve of that.

"I wish I could help you, but we're very busy with preparing the final draft of the bill. I wouldn't have the time to actually train him. But I can provide the templates that I use for presentations and a list of all the tasks I do and what's the best way to do them," I offer, that way it doesn't seem like I'm blowing off Gilinsky and Nash is happy.

Disappointment floods his face before he quickly masks it with a tight smile. "That would be helpful, Cameron. He starts tomorrow, do you mind dropping that off tomorrow?"

I hesitate before nodding, his assistant will be there so there won't be any problems.

We say our goodbyes, Nash and I continue on our way.

"That fucker needs to back off, you're mine." He growls and he pushes me against my car.

"There's cameras here, baby." I remind him and he sighs and steps back.

"You make me lose my mind, it's all your fault," he complains and I smirk sweetly at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, babe. I can't wait until I get to go home with you." He tells me and the spray he looks at me makes me flush and I bite my lip. "Don't fucking do that baby, you know I can't resist that."

"Sorry not sorry," I tease him and he growls at me again. God, he's so sexy. I need him right now.

"Am I going to have to spank you?" He threatens me and my breath hitches as his eyes grow dark with lust. "You'd like that wouldn't you, you dirty boy."

"Maybe..." I say and bite my lip again.

"Cameron..." He warns me and steps closer to me. We're interrupted by people heading towards their cars.

"Cancel my morning appointments tomorrow. I'm tearing that ass up," he murmurs lowly and then gives me a smirk before turning and heading to his car.

I'm dazed as I enter my car and try to gather my composure before I drive home.

He drives me crazy and I love it.

A/n- filler sowwieee... a necessary evil. Comment! I love comments.

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