Colliding with Malfoy

By dracoxspirit

84.2K 1.9K 238

Harry the boy who lived also has a twin sister who you-know-who never touched that night. When the Potter twi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Draco's POV
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12: Dracos POV
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 (Draco POV)
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (Draco POV)
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 40
Part 41 Draco POV
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
part 47
thank you guys 🥺

Part 39

671 15 1
By dracoxspirit

As the school year went on, I was spending more time with my friends. Draco and I had still been talking however I hadn't gone and hung out in the room of requirement with him. I've only hung out with him after class in the library. Unfortunately, today Draco wasn't even in class. Which was good on my part I guess, I had made plans to go to Hogsmeade with Harry, Ron, and Hermione after class since it was Friday. I was getting ready in my dorm to go to Hogsmeade since it was snowing outside I decided to change what I was wearing. I went down to the commons room to meet with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Finally ready?" Harry asked as I came down. "Yes," I laughed. "I wanted to make sure I was warm." He nodded. "Let's go than." Ron said. We all 4 headed out of the commons room and out of the castle towards Hogsmeade. Once we got into Hogsmeade Harry insisted we go to the three broom sticks. As we were sitting down, I looked up and noticed Draco was in here too he looked at me for a moment but looked away when he noticed Harry looking too. I wondered what he was doing, but really it wasn't any of my business I guess. It just wasn't like him to be in Hogsmeade without his friends. "Well I'd like to leave," Ron said out of the blue. I guess I was the only who who hadn't noticed Ginny was there with Dean Thomas. "They're only holding hands Ron," Hermione said. "Now they're snogging," she pointed out. I felt bad because I knew how Harry felt about her. "I don't want to be here." Ron said. "You're being ridiculous, you think if you and I were snogging Ginny would get up and leave?" Ron didn't say anything to it I don't think he could find the words. I could tell Hermione got a bit embarrassed by her choice of words as well. I just wish they'd admit they have feelings for each other. We ordered our butterbeer and I noticed Harry looking at professor Slughorn. "Harry? Is that why we came here?" I asked. "What?" He said. Ron even picked up on what I was talking about cause as he was about to say something Slughorn walked over. "Hello, professor Slughorn," Harry said. He talked to Harry for a second but I wasn't really paying attention. He did tell Him, Hermione, and I to be watching for an owl from him but didn't say anything to Ron. "What are you playing at?" Ron asked when he walked off. "Dumbledore wants me to get close to him, I'm not sure why but I'm sure it's important." Harry said. "I wonder why? That's such a strange request." I said. "Besides, it shouldn't be hard for you to get close with him he already think you're the prince of potions." I added making Ron and Hermione laugh a little. "Only cause he has that half-blood prince's book" I added. "You know I went to the library, looking for something on the half-blood prince and I couldn't find anything." Hermione added. I was hoping she'd be able to find something I was curious myself. "Maybe we'll come across something," I said. "I wonder wonder what Malfoy was doing here." Harry randomly brought up. I was hoping he wouldn't speak of it. "There's no telling Harry please don't tell me you still are assuming he's...." She got quite. "A death eater," she added. "He's definitely up to something." Harry said. "I know Draco is a lot of things... but I don't think he'd be a death eater Harry." He shrugged. "We'll see," he said. We finished our butter beers mostly talking about the quidditch match coming up. I was trying to be in on the conversation but Harry really made my mind start going crazy. I know Draco, and I don't think death eaters are capable of real love of affection well I guess some of them aren't.

We walked outside the Three Broom sticks and headed back for Hogwarts. We didn't even get that far out of Hogsmeade and Harry and Ron started throwing snowballs at Hermione and Me. "So that's how it's gonna be?" I said. We gathered more snowballs and a full on snowball fight happened. We were all laughing for a moment until something happened. A girl started screaming we all looked and a girl was floating in the air for a moment let out a loud scream and got thrown back down. We didn't know what to do, I went over to look at her because I thought maybe my powers may be able to help somehow but I was quickly stopped by Hagrid. "Don't touch her!" He yelled so I jumped back. I stood beside Harry. "I don't understand," I said. They shrugged, "Us either," Harry said. "It's like she was cursed or something, Or hexed." Hermione said. "That's just funny she was in the Three Broomsticks and you know who was in there." Harry added. He was talking about Draco which was a huge accusation. I didn't say anything. Hagrid told us to go back to school. So we did, but once we got there we got question about Katie. Her friend had just told her intentions about the necklace, she was going to deliver it to Dumbledore. As she left we were next. "Why is it, everytime something happens you 4 are always there?" Professor Mcgonagall said. We explained what we seen and how we had seen her in the Three Broomsticks also. She told us we could leave but Harry said he knew who did it. "Who would that be?" McGonagall asked and Professor Snape had also walked in by now. "Draco Malfoy," Harry said, which made my stomach turn, he was so convinced. "That is a huge accusation Potter do you have any proof?" She asked. "I just know," he said. Snape turned around now. "You just know?" He didn't sound too happy with Harry's response. The other 3 of us stayed quite. We got dismissed and we walked out but as I reached the exit, I couldn't help but wonder about my powers. "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit, I need to ask professor Snape something about my homework for his class." They nodded and kept walking. I walked back in and it was just Snape in there now. I guess he heard my foot steps walk back in. "Can I help you?" He said. "I just had a question." He turned around. "Oh it's you Miss Potter, I assumed your brother was coming back to convince me of his theory." His voice was never as mean towards me as it was Harry. I assumed from what Harry had read from Snape's mind last year it was because Harry looked like my father. McGonagall had already left so I knew it was safe to ask. "Would my you know powers helped her? I only didn't touch her because Hagrid said not too however I almost did." He thought for a moment. "I'm really not sure but it's a good thing you didn't touch her the curse could have spread to you as well. I'm not sure if it could have even cured a curse, I've only known the powers to work on physical injuries." He said. I wanted to ask him about Draco because he knows about us. "I don't think it was Draco or if it was it wasn't cause he wanted too." I finally let out. He turned back around to face me. "You still fancy Malfoy?" He asked. I nodded. "He's been different here lately so I've kept my distance," he raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't seem that was in Defense against the dark arts," he added. "Well, I care about him.... It's really not my place but should I be worried... I didn't know if you knew something..." he got quite. "I can't make you do anything miss Potter, I know you clearly care for him but maybe you should continue to keep your distance. He is troubled with family things." I didn't expect him to say that to tell me to keep my distance. Which I knew myself I wasn't going to be able to do. I knew he wasn't going to tell if he knew anything. "I can't promise anything." I said and I walked out.

I hung out in the rest of the evening in the commons room a bunch of us played some card games. I was trying to have fun but my mind kept going back to what Snape had said. It made me more worried about Draco obviously there was more going on. I felt guilty for not reaching out more. He's always begging me to talk in "private" but I shut him down and we go to the library instead and he won't open up much with others around. We've barley hung out over the past couple months school has been in. After everyone was in bed I decided I would go to the owl tower and write him telling him we should talk. I quietly snuck out of the dorms and down to the commons room, and out on the staircase. I made it down the stairs, and I was walking down the hall. I heard some foot steps, so I bolted for a spot to hide. My heart was pounding I really didn't want to get into any trouble. The steps kept getting closer and closer. When they passed by I realized it was familiar blonde hair. "Draco?" I whispered. He quickly turned around I am sure I scared him. "Kaylee? What are you doing?" He asked teaching his hand out to help me up. "I could ask you the same." I said. "But since you asked first, I was going to write you." I added. He was quite for a moment. "I can't sleep so I just go to the room of requirement to think." He said. I stood beside him. "Well I can't sleep either so let's go." He looked shocked that I actually wanted to go with him since I have been declining all his offers. "Okay," he said. We quietly walked too the door and it appeared. He slowly opened the door but this time when it appeared it didn't look like the normal room that comes up for us. It was filled with so much stuff. "Oh wow, I've never seen it like this before I said." He shrugged. "Me either." He turned towards me. "Why were you going to write me?" He didn't hesitate to get that answer out of me. I got nervous because I didn't want him to know what Snape had told me. "I just wanted to check on you I've been worried. And I've kind of been blowing you off every-time you do want to talk and I'm sorry." I said. "Its okay, I just try and not get upset because I am the one who caused problems between us in the first place." He said. "You didn't cause problems, I still love you." I said. He looked at me for a moment when I said that. I had a strong urge to kiss him. I couldn't help but look at his eyes than down at his lips. When I realized what I was doing I looked away.  "I know somethings troubling you Draco, and I can't force you to tell me or even want to talk to me about it but you know I'm always here." I grabbed his hand and rubbed the back of it was my thumb to try and comfort him. Just touching him made me tingly and have butterflies. "I know." He said he pulled my hand to his mouth and kissed it. The urge in my stomach grew stronger this is why I knew I couldn't be alone with him like this. I could deny it all I wanted too but I was madly in love with him, even when I tried to keep my distance. "Did you get an owl? From Slughorn? I asked." I had just received mine this evening and he's so smart I assumed he'd get one too. "No, I doubt I'll get one, did you?" He asked. "Um... yes I wasn't trying to rub it in I just know you're very smart so you'd likely get one too." He laughed. "It doesn't hurt my feelings. Besides you can tell me all about it, I'd rather listen you talk about it than go." He said. I hadn't seen Draco laugh or smile how he'd been since we've been in here talking in a while. Maybe he meant it when he said I make him feel less angry. "It's some dessert dinner," I added. "You do love your sweets," he said making us both laugh. I kept beating around the bush to ask him why he was at the three broomsticks but I didn't want too. Maybe I was scared of his reply. I did notice he had bags under his eyes. "Do you ever get sleep?" I asked his eyes couldn't seem to stop looking at mine once I had looked at his. "No, maybe I'd sleep if you cuddled with me," he smirked. "I don't think the Slytherin house would appreciate that very much," I said laughing he rolled his eyes playfully. "I guess I'll continue to not get any sleep than," he frowned. "Cuddle with me in here." He added. I laughed but he didn't I think he was being serious. "There is no where to sleep in here Draco," he pointed too the back of the room. "Actually, there is furniture back there." I looked at him "Draco," his eyes looked like they were begging me too. "You know we shouldn't do that," I said. "And why not?" He asked. "Um," I honestly didn't know how to answer that. "What's stopping you?" He finally let out. I still couldn't answer. "Because the only thing stopping me from kissing you right now, is that fact that you're fighting this urge between us so much right now." His voice was cracking as if he was going to cry I felt awful. I knew this would happen the moment I walked into this room with him, I just knew it. "Please stop fighting it." He said. His voice sounded so desperate I caved. I grabbed his face and kissed him. It's like my body needed it as it just melted in his arms. I missed this so much. "I love you," he said pulling away from this kiss. "You can go back to being distant from me tomorrow but please stay with me tonight." I couldn't tell him no. "Okay," I said. He sounded so broken, which made my heart hurt. He led me to a couch in the back of the room. We laid down and cuddled just like he wanted. We weren't even laid down 5 minutes and he was passed out. Maybe he really hasn't been sleeping well. He seemed so calm and relaxed now, what was going on with you Draco Malfoy?

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