Colliding with Malfoy

Af dracoxspirit

84.2K 1.9K 238

Harry the boy who lived also has a twin sister who you-know-who never touched that night. When the Potter twi... Mere

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Draco's POV
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12: Dracos POV
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 (Draco POV)
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (Draco POV)
Part 34
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 Draco POV
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
part 47
thank you guys πŸ₯Ί

Part 35

753 19 2
Af dracoxspirit

I woke up and Draco was still sound asleep I'm not sure what time it was. I looked at my watch to see it was 7 am so that explains why I am still exhausted. I sat up and when I looked around at the messy pallet and my pile of clothes realization hit me. I just let lost my virginity to Draco Malfoy, than I sat with my thoughts even longer. How'd I let this happen, after everything that happened last night. I can't believe... I didn't even talk to him about what happened. I feel like I just used him to distract me from everything that was going on. I got up quietly and got myself dressed and laid his shirt beside him, he was sleeping so hard he was snoring. I covered him up with a blanket. He had his bag in the room with him so I searched for a piece of parchment paper and left him a note. "I'll catch up with you sometime today, I went back to my dorm. Love you, - k" I left the note on top of his shirt. I didn't want him thinking I was leaving because of him. I left the room of requirement to go to the dorms and shower. No one was awake yet I'm assuming cause we didn't have classes today. I got my stuff to shower when I got to my dorm and headed towards the showers. As I got undressed I looked at myself in a mirror, I was fully exposed like this to Draco just a few hours ago. I still can't believe it happened. I stepped into the shower, but my thoughts would not leave my head. I kept over thinking. "You really did that? You loose your god father, and go through a traumatic event and instead of talking about it was Draco to cope you just decide to have sex with him." This is all I kept thinking. Than I started to cry, a lot. I didn't regret having sex with him it was amazing I was just feeling so many emotions last night and I wanted to forget. Draco definitely helped me forget but only for a few hours. I feel like it was the wrong time to let something like this happen. I also had not even told Draco what had happened last night. I felt like such a wreak right now, I didn't even feel like myself things were about to get worse especially since everyone knows Voldemort's back now. I shouldn't feel guilty for my moment of lust and excitement but I do. I cleaned myself up and quickly got out of the shower. I got dressed and looked in the mirror at how exhausted I still looked and I most definitely felt that way. I made way back to the dorm rooms and as soon as I put my stuff away and laid down I fell asleep in seconds.

I woke up to Harry sitting on the edge of my bed. No one else was in the dormitory but us. "You scared me," I said because I didn't expect to wake up to him sitting on my bed. "I came to see you last night or I guess technically this morning but you were gone..." he said. "I'm sorry I couldn't sleep so I had just went up to the owl tower for a while." He sighed. "I couldn't sleep either, I just needed someone to be with I was hoping you'd be here or something." now I felt awful again. I was too busy getting tangled up with Draco and my brother was upset and needed me. I was trying to not let my guilt get too me right now. "I wish I would have known I would have came back sooner," I added. He nodded. "It's fine, I just feel like this summer is to be weird...." He said. I nodded. "I was hoping we'd actually get to stay with Sirius...." I sighed. I didn't want to cry right now because I knew Harry may cry. "Me too, trust me." He rubbed his forehead in frustration. "We only have one week left here before summer, I'm just glad Dumbledore is back." I nodded. "Me too, this place was awful without him, this place was awful all year." I was glad Umbridge was gone I was hoping she was never found. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay, this has been rough 24 hours. We may have lost him but we can't dwell on that forever he would want us to continue focusing on what's going on and prepare for this war coming." Harry said. "I'm fine and I know, I'm going to be heart broken of course but I know we still have a lot ahead of us things aren't going to be getting easier anytime soon." He stood up from my bed. "I'm gonna go hand out with some friends you can join if you want." He added. "Okay," I said and he left the dorms. He was trying to hide his pain right now but I could see right through him. I got up and decided to make myself presentable. After getting dressed and putting my hair up I left the forms. We didn't have class this week I think with everything going on, we may not even be having a full week. Once the news comes out of Voldemort's return parents will probably want their kids home sooner. As I walked down the stairs I noticed students holding papers already. You mean to tell me the news is ALREADY out? Everyone knows. I could hear whispers about "you know who" all throughout the hall and where everyone was hanging out. I didn't expect it to get out this fast but it does make sense the ministry is probably scared. I was trying to make my way to the library I just felt like reading my book in hopes it would take my mind off things. I wanted to make sense of the whole ring thing anyways. Once I got to the library no one was in there which was a good thing for me. I liked it when no one was here so I sat down in the back, on a table near between some shelf's so maybe no one could find me for a while.

I read for hours trying to understand, if my ring or powers would have had the ability. According to this book the ring could have healed Harry from death but not the spells themselves is what I am understanding. A part of me was hoping my powers were strong enough too but it must have been Dumbledore after all. I looked out the window and in the reflection I seen some blonde hair. I turned to see Draco. "I've been looking for you," he said I was expecting him to be smiling but he wasn't. "Sorry, I didn't mean to run out this morning, I just," he interrupted me before I could explain. "I'm not worried about that Kaylee... last night... why didn't you tell me... you seen him... you seen Voldemort... and you never talked about Sirius." I didn't have the words to say anything. My guilt started to overwhelm me and I began to cry. He came straight too me and sat next too me and I leaned on his shoulder. He started to comfort me. "I came there planning to talk about those things and tell you everything Draco, but it has been so long since we had truly spent time together, I had so many emotions I'm not sure what over came me." I had finally calmed my tears a little. "If I would have known I would have never.... You know..." he added. "No, it's not like that," I picked my head up and looked at him and I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his face to look straight at me. "I do not regret anything that happened between us last night Draco, it was amazing." I said. He turned red a little. "Yeah if really was." I smiled at home for a moment and gave him a soft kiss. "Last night... was something...." I said I knew I owed him an explanation on everything. "What happened?" He asked. So I started explaining to him about the prophecy and the vision Harry had. "Once we had found the prophecy death eaters appeared." He got quite "Draco, I've known about your dad." I finally let out. "I've known all year," he looked surprised. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you myself, I honestly didn't fully know until Christmas break." He said. "It's okay, I know that's not who you are." He nodded. "Your dad never put a hand on any of us, he just wanted the prophecy he even protected Harry from getting his by a spell Bellatrix tried to cast towards him." Saying Bellatrix name made me want to vomit. I explained to him everything up the point before where it was just Bellatrix and Sirius battling. "Than out of know where she just.... Just killed him." I could feel tears rolling down my face. He instantly hugged me. "I'm so sorry." He said. I know she's his aunt, but he told me himself he barley knew her. I told him the rest of the story. "It was weird seeing him.. with my own eyes... he is one ugly creature." I said talking about Voldemort. "I can only imagine." Draco added. "I should have told you all this last night but I guess I didn't really feel like talking about it." I said "clearly," he let out a laugh. I slapped his arm playfully. "Shut up." I looked at my watch to see the time. "We should probably go eat, I haven't ate all day." I said. He nodded. "Yeah I'm starving," he added. We headed towards the great hall to eat we separated in the hall way so no one would notice us walking together and went on our way.

         Harry was actually a chatter box during dinner which made me feel better. I didn't want him being upset, I knew he was but at least he was trying to make the best out of our terrible situation. Honestly to meal we were eating was huge bigger than normal I wasn't sure if it was because Dumbledore was back or what. It wasn't long into the meal and Dumbledore finally stood up to speak. "Due to recent events, we will not be finishing out our last week here. After dinner I will need all students to report to their dormitory and pack their things. The Hogwarts express will be leaving at 11:00 am in the morning to take students back home. I know this is not ideal but, your parents want you home and safe. As of right now, next year will continue as normal. Enjoy your meal." He said and sat back. I knew we'd end up leaving early but I didn't think it was going to be tomorrow. I wasn't ready to go back to my aunt and uncles house so soon. "Well I wasn't expecting that," Harry said. Everyone nodded agreeing with him. "I assume it's parents, wanting their kids home since the news has came out." Hermione added. I didn't say much I just continued eating. It was going to be an entire summer I didn't get to see my friends or Draco. Which was going to be hard on me, but after everything just happened, I just knew Harry wasn't going to take things very well this summer. After dinner I waiting for the mob to mostly clear and tried to wait around for Draco to tell him to meet me after he had packed. He spotted me and gave me a small smile but he was surrounded by Slytherin's so he couldn't really come straight up to me. I nodded towards the bathrooms and he nodded back. I walked that way and waited for him. I didn't want to wait too long I wanted to at least get packed so I wasn't rushing to do it at the last minute. He finally walked in. "Yes love?" He smiled. He was being goofy calling me "love" he didn't always do that. But I couldn't help but smile back. "Meet me later in our spot after you pack." He nodded. "Will do," he gave me a small kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later beautiful." This made me blush a little. His whole attitude had changed I wonder if he just felt different because last night was his first time too. We parted ways and I headed up towards my room to pack.

After I had gotten packed, I changed out to my clothes into some sweats and a tee shirt. I put my slippers on and headed to go to the room of requirement. I met Draco also making his way there. "There you are." He smiled as he opened the door and we walked in. I turned around and gave him a hug. "I'm gonna miss you this summer is going to be awful." I finally let out. "It will go by fast I promise." He said kissing my forehead. "Besides we'll see each other." He smirked looking down at me. "How?" I asked. "I have my ways I promise we'll see each other." I nodded. "We'll see" I gave him a quick kiss. "I should just go home with you for the summer I can fit in your trunk." I laughed and so did he. "I don't think my parents would like that too much." He was lying, his dad would definitely not be happy to see me. We sat down and he pulled candy and some snacks out of his bag. "For you," he said. "You can eat them now or save them for the trip tomorrow," he laughed. "Well you know I'm gonna have to eat some candy now." I said opening the package making him laugh even more. "Do you think things are going to be weird this summer?... like with your dad." He sighed. "I really don't know what to expect when I get home... especially with everything that's going on...." I could tell this topic seemed to stress him out. "You know you can always write me to talk about anything, or just shake your snow-globe." I smiled. "Yes of course, I will write you all summer, and I promise I will see you at least once." I smiled. "Good cause I'm trying to avoid my aunt and uncle as much as possible." He started digging in his bag for something. "We need something to do our last night," he pulled out a card game. We spent the rest of the time playing cards and just talking and laughing of corse. I enjoyed times like this with him so much. Once it got late we said our goodbyes just in case we didn't get the chance tomorrow. "This is a lot harder than our goodbye last year," I said and I started to let out a few tears. "It really is, but it isn't goodbye forever." He kissed my forehead. "Let's get some sleep okay?" He gave me a kiss, but I didn't pull away for a few seconds because it could be the last one for a while. "You sleep well, I love you."'I said. "I love you too," he said. Than we slowly parted our ways. This was so hard, I was scared to say goodbye. Something told me Draco was going to go through a lot this summer with no only his dad but his aunt as well. Everything was changing and I didn't like it.

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