To Heal the Enemy

By mclovin53

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~~~ "How do you go from hating one to loving them? Truth be told it seems impossible, but once it starts it c... More



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By mclovin53

Chapter Eight: Any Last Words?

Anala's pov:

I start getting ready for my mission. I put on a black bodysuit and black jeans, along with a leather jacket.

Black is definitely one of my favorite colors if you can't already tell. 

I bring each essential weapon, knife, gun, and my bow. I'm not really sure what the mission is so I have to be prepared.

I apply my red lipstick and go downstairs. Canton is waiting for me in the car and I get in without saying bye to Marco.

"Hey," He says as I get in the car.

"Hi Canton," I smile.

"What happened to your face?" He gestures to the cut on my lip.

I would rather not tell him that I was penalized so I just say "Long story."

He gets the hint that I don't want to talk about it and moves away from the subject.

"Have you heard anything from Mateo?" I ask.

"No, except for the fact that I needed to pick you up."

I call Mateo to see what the fuck I am even doing on this assignment because I have no idea and he isn't here.

He picks up after the third ring. "What am I even supposed to do for this assignment?"

"Hello to you too... I want you to go to the location and kill everyone in sight. Don't ask."

"Wow, very thorough Mateo." I roll my eyes. "So you aren't coming?" It's not necessarily unusual that Mateo doesn't come with me. It's just odd that he didn't give me details on anything. Whenever I go on a mission he always tells me more than I need and always makes sure I know what I'm doing.

"Yeah sorry I gotta go, bye." Before I can say anything he hangs up. What's up his ass?

Canton turns up the radio and I make fun of his music choice. I mean what adult man listens to Taylor Swift?

We make our way to a forest and we are in the middle of nowhere. We both look at eachother confused.

"This is where the directions lead too," He says, shrugging.

"I'm calling Mateo."

I call Mateo three times and he doesn't answer any of them, so I text him.

Me: Why the fuck am I in a forest with nobody here?

Me: I'm waiting an hour and if nothing shows up I'm leaving.

He leaves me on read. What the fuck is going on?

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask Canton, but he shrugs his shoulders and I decide to text Alex.

Me: Are you with Mateo?

He doesn't answer either, I have an awful feeling about this. I get out of the car and look around, I look in the trees and bushes. Yet I see nothing, I mean I saw a fucking bunny. No one is here, I was already pissed off and this bullshit mission is not helping at all. I get back in the car.

"We can wait for a bit and then we can leave if there's nothing," Canton says with his usual friendly smile.

"Alright," I say.

We sit for a while, talking, listening to music, and even playing stupid games. After a long ass hour, we finally start the car. "Let's go get some food." Canton smiles again and we head off. It's about 11 when we pull through a Mcdonalds drive through.

"What do you want?" He asks, turning to me.

"I don't know, I've never had it before." The look that he gives me is the look like I just told him I committed murder. Well, that's a bad joke. Let's just say he looked very concerned and shocked.

"WHAT, damn girl okay," he says and I laugh.

He turns to the window. "I'll get a number three with a coke and a number two with a 4 piece nugget." He turns around to me. "What do you want to drink?" I shrug.

"What you got." I've gone out to dinner with my father before but it's been a long time.

He turns back to the window. "With a coke."

The car pulls up. "Girl, how have you never had Mcdonald's?" I laugh.

"I don't know, ask Marco."

"I might have to, this is a disgrace," he says dramatically.

"Is it really that good?" I laugh.

"No, no it's not, it's just. The experience I guess." We both laugh until we get our food. I take a bite and wow. It's pretty fucking good. It's not the prettiest thing but I now understand the meaning of fast food. It's just a greasy delicious mess. 

We sit in the parking lot and eat for a while. By the time we are done, we make our way back to our house.

I swear when I see Mateo, I am going to beat his ass.

Alex's pov:

Rolling out of bed this morning was difficult. I can't believe I'm going to do this. Fuck me for getting attached. I should've known this would happen. I've been dreading this day for a while because I know exactly what will happen after. But I have to do this... for her.

I woke up late of course, so it's already 2. I have 4 missed calls from Mateo along with a few texts. I'm not ready to answer him yet so instead, I head out to the kitchen. As soon as I walk in I see Luca and Mateo talking. Of course, he's here.

"Morning princess, did you sleep well?" Mateo asks, batting his eyelashes, and my little brother just laughs.

"Shut up," I'm already not in the mood for his shit. I start my morning by making some coffee.

"Don't you have school?" I ask, looking at Luca.

"Yea but you forgot to take me and there are only 30 mins left now". He shows his cocky smile and I roll my eyes.

"Shit, wake me up next time, if you miss any more school they are gonna have to have a meeting with me about your attendance," I say as I grab a mug and pour a cup of coffee.

"Who cares, school is useless, I'm already smart," Luca says.

"Oh yeah? How many states are in the United States?" Mateo asks.

Luca looks down and then up really quickly when he thinks he knows, "46." He says super confidentially. 

"Yeah, you're staying in school."

"Oh, c'mon fifteen-year-olds drop out all the time."

"Not in the mood Luca," I say, running my fingers through my messy bed hair.

He rolls his eyes and then goes to his room.

"You ready for today?" Mateo asks getting something out of the fridge.

"Are you?" I go sit on the couch.

"Ready as I'll ever be, besides I'm not doing it. You are."

"How are you getting her out of the house?" I ask.

"I'm sending her on a 'mission'," Mateo says with finger quotes. 


I get ready to go. I wear a black long sleeve, and black jeans. Honestly, I wear mainly the same thing every day.

I tuck a gun in between my belt on my back. I then grab my other gun and put it in my pocket, along with a few knives.

Mateo unfortunately has been here all day and is waiting for me. I walk out and make my way to Luca's room. "I'm leaving," I say, and he sits up from his bed and we do our handshake. 

"Forever," Luca says.

"Forever," I say walking out.

We have been saying this to each other since we were little as our way of saying 'I love you without being cheesy. It just means that we love each other forever and will always be brothers no matter what. Now that I think of it this is even more cheesy but whatever.

I walk to Mateo and we make our way to the car
"Okay, so you know the plan?" He asks like we haven't had this planned out for weeks. 


We go to Mateos house first and pick up Kaz and Jay. They get in the car and are fully armed.

Jay is known and mainly used for his incredible coding and technology skills but we decided on using him for help because he also can act as good security. Hopefully, nobody gets in our way but you can never be too sure.

We get to the Gonzalez house and Mateo turns his head so that he's looking at us and tells us the game plan one last time just to make sure we are all locked in. 

We all walk through the back door and make our way to his office. Mateo and I walk in the front, Kaz stays behind to guard the door, and Jay stays behind Mateo and me.

When I walk into Marcos's office I see two men in the room. Without hesitation, I pull out both of my guns and shoot both of them in the head at the same time.

Marco looks at me and Mateo and grins. "Surprised it took you long enough."

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time," Mateo says.

Jay and Mateo walk towards him on opposite sides of the desk and I stay in place. They pull out their guns and put the barrels of each gun on each side of his head. He now has no way of being able to move.

I put my guns away and grab the knife out of my pocket before walking slowly toward him. The weird part is Marco hasn't even flinched or objected to anything. Personally, I think he wants to die.

Mateo and Jay back away. "Any last words?" I ask, grabbing the back of his head and clutching his hair so that he is staring into my eyes.

"She'll never forgive you," he grins.

He's right, but I can't let him win.

Anala's pov:

When I see Kaz in front of the door to my house I know something is wrong. "What's going on? Why are you at my house?"

He doesn't answer so I try to walk in but he walks in front of me to block me from entering. I look into his eyes and see he's nervous. "Let me in," I say trying to walk around him. He stops in front of me again.

"Anala I can't do that... I'm sorry." He's trying not to look me in the eyes. I start panicking and I can feel my hands sweating, and it's getting harder to breathe. Do not get a fucking panic attack. You're fine. You don't even know what's happening yet.

"Kaz I'm not going to ask again."

He doesn't budge and I instinctively grab the knife from my holster and stab him in the thigh.

I did it so quickly, in no way did he see that coming. "Fuck!" he yells grabbing onto his leg.

I run to my dad's office in hopes of figuring out what's going on.

As soon as I walk in I lock eyes with Mateo with a gun pointed at my fathers head. His eyes show regret and I understand why when I  see Alex. His back is towards me and hovering over my father. 

I instantly freeze and shivers run cold through my body. 

You know that feeling when it feels like your frozen and the only thing you can do is just let things unfold before you because you can't possibly bare unfreezing and making it reality again? Well I hope you never have to feel that way because this, this is hell. 

My dad looks at me and mouths one word. I can't read it.

I then watch as Alex slits my father's throat. After he is done he turns around and looks into my eyes.

I've never seen him look so... alive.

That's when I realized it. The word Marco mouthed was Monstro.

Alex is Monstro and it all makes sense now. 

As soon as Alex finishes slicing his throat he backs away and drops the knife. I look at my father and watch the blood gushing out of him and the life draining from his eyes.

I feel like I am in a trance. Like I can't move, I can only stare as I lose the only person I have, had.

I feel the heated tears run down my face as I watch. Mateo comes into my view "Anala," he says slowly walking towards me. "You shouldn't have seen that."

My eyes move to his figure and I finally look into his eyes with a sorrowful look on my face. "You took everything from me," I whisper, as I feel more tears running down my face.

"He was awful to you, Anala. He brainwashed you. He was not everything. Not even close," Mateo says with his eyes full of concern. I can tell he's trying not to say the wrong thing, like it will set me off. 

"No. Stop it." I whisper while looking at Marco's body, which is growing paler at the moment.

"What?" he asks quietly, slowly walking closer. He's testing my limits.

"STOP!" I yell shoving him and he stumbles back.

"Anala, listen to me!" He yells as he tries grabbing my shoulders, but I push both of my arms through them at full force so he is no longer touching me.

"Get away from me," I say, disgusted.

Alex takes a step towards me and my eyes now turn to his. I look at him with complete and utter disgust . "What are you still doing here? You did your mission. You killed my father. Great job by the way, really smooth kill Monstro." His eyes widen at the name. "Now get the fuck out of my house."

He looks taken aback by my words. He doesn't move so I start walking to him and point my finger to his chest. His back hits the wall and I get inches away from his face. "I don't ever want to see you again, speak to you again, or even hear about you ever again." I say with a tear rolling down my face.

Alex looks at me and I see the hurt and sympathy he has in his eyes.

I turn around and walk towards my dad without looking at his face. I stand in front of his body and bring my hand up to shut his eyes. "Goodbye," I whisper as I press a kiss on his forehead.

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