A dangerous gamble

By pennythesquish

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(beyblade mafia AU) Y/N L/N is a midnight Hostess at vibrance who has had a run in with the devil her whole l... More



67 2 9
By pennythesquish

Word count: 4314 words minus bold notes.

Content warning: sexual harassment, drinking, dirty dancing, shooting, murder, guns, blood, talk of blood, cursing, alcohol, vaping

She stood at the counter as she kept feeling Hart's hands on her, he was getting more bold and was clearly able to sneak anywhere without getting caught, she knew that if he wasn't afraid to try something like that when anyone could have easily walked in, he definitely isn't afraid to try more bold moves.

Y/n knew that she couldn't stay behind the counter forever, she had to make her way to start serving the tables and getting the poker tournament started. She sighed as she made her way over to the bar where she saw Nile in his natural element. As a kid he used to be so shy whenever he would talk to a girl, or whenever he had a crush on someone he would immediately break down.

Now he is working at a major night club and mixing cocktails as girls sit at the bar gawking over him and flirting as some of them would ask for his number, or asking him to dance with them. Nile had unbuttoned the top of his uniform so that his warm peach skin was showing, the sharpness of his collar bone and his jawline drove the ladies wild.

She smiled as she was happy of how Nile had matured, she always knew that he was the bestest friend anyone could ever have and she was happy that he was finally breaking out of his shell. Y/n turned away from him and sighed heavily, she knew that unfortunately she couldn't avoid table 22 forever, so she gulped and gathered up the courage to go over there and take their orders for the night.She walked over to the table, notepad in hand. She was right.

It was Hart and his gang, sitting next to Hart was that guy she saw before, with the white and red hair, except his hair was spiked up, with a small head piece that had a dragon head and dragon scales. She gulped when she saw him, knowing that Hart had sent one of his men to watch her, thanks to him she was now more paranoid than ever.

He smirked as Y/n made eye contact with him. She quickly avoided his gaze and saw that the same males from last night where there, this time she took notice of the tall and buff man with long white hair that was sitting next to Zeo. He sat back against the booth, his head back and his veins in his neck popping out, the strangers chest rising and falling with each breath that he took. His eyes closed in a relaxed fashion not having a care in the world.

She turned back to Hart, who had a soft yet noticeable smirk on his face, she gulped a little harder than was necessary. "Welcome back gentleman, what can I get started for all of you?" There was a moment of silence before they had spoken up again.

"Our boss will have his usual, scotch with light ice, and we will all have whatever the speciality is tonight, may you read the specialty for us my darling?'' Y/n turned to the pink haired man who wore a mask that covered half of his face, he had greenish lipstick on and make up on the exposed part of his face, he wore black and green fingerless gloves that had cuffs on the wrists.

"Well tonight, our bartender has made his own type of drink. He took a lime margarita but added vanilla peaches and cream rum with a hint of fruit punch and pineapple juice.'' The men nodded and decided that they would have that. Y/n nodded and made her way back to the bar. Nile had a minute to breath so he splashed his face with water.

"hey bug hows it going?" "Hart is back, table 22, he is the one in the middle with the light blue hair and the green fringe in the front, the guy that we saw outside your apartment and on the train is one of his henchmen, he sent him to watch me, I need you to go back over there with me when I deliver the drinks.

Nile sighed and turned his attention to table 22, the man with long white hair was watching the two of them very carefully, he had his eyes locked on to Nile, watching how close that the two were standing. Nile smiled at him softly as he looked to other tables noticing how busy the club was.

"So y/n wanna help me make these drinks, let's get to work shall we.'' Y/n's facial expression changed into anger, she felt that he was blowing her off and didn't wanna talk to her."Nye what the fuck are you doing.'' "I'm working what else do you think!!'' Nile turned his head to where the man couldn't see them.

"just play along, they are watching us so just go along with it okay.'' Y/n nodded and went along with Nile, looking up at the table to see the man with white hair watching her every move. She gulped as she saw the man staring at her very intently making sure that she wasn't going to pull anything funny.

She smiled and turned back around to keep making the drinks. "What the fuck is going on... this isn't... this isn't what I wanted when I said that I wanted a hot guy fighting over me.''

Niles eyes said it all. "Look at you, your a natural when it comes to making drinks. Now shall we go serve these lovely gentlemen their drinks.'' Y/n nodded and grabbed the drinks. Nile followed in suit behind her.

Hart was not happy, seeing another man with Y/n ticked him off. "here are your drinks gentlemen, I hope you like them and then where is the gentlemen who ordered the scotch?''

Y/n took the glass and poured a glass of scotch, and put two ice cubes in it. Making sure to purposely press her tits together, she moved to his side of the booth, leaning next to him. "here's your scotch sir. Is there anything else I can get you gentleman.'' They all shook their heads, hart looked up at Y/n.

She looked down at him to meet his gaze, he smirked as he dipped his fingers into his scotch, looking up at her and licking in between them as he sucked the scotch off of them.

And RIP y/n. The girl felt her cheeks heat up as he kept eye contact as his tongue swirled around his fingers, her mind wandered in places that would make the devil blush. She watched as his tongue swirled around his fingers and watched how a small drop of saliva dripped down his chin. His tongue fell past down his chin, licking the drop of saliva that had fallen. Y/n had seen the shine of his tongue piercing. Watching as his tongue disappeared back into his mouth.

He smirked and turned back around, Y/n gulped nervously and walked away from the table, Nile had kept his eyes on the spectacle in front of him, not being able to tear his eyes off the sight. She kept thinking about the lewd sight that she had just witnessed. Man that Hart had a dirty mind.Y/n grabbed Niles hand and walked over to behind the bar where they would be out of sight.

Y/n's cheeks were red, her thoughts were clouded with impure thoughts of hart and the sight that she had just watched. "What... the...'' "Fuck just happened.'' Y/n and Nile looked at one another with the same look of worry on their faces.

"He really does have it in for you.'' Y/n groaned, pulling at her hair, sighing heavily."Fucking dammit Nye. This isn't what I wanted, this is too fucking much.''

"Listen bug, there are two things you can do, you can sink or you can swim. Either play along and make chasing after you worth his wild, or collapse and fall under him without putting up a fight.''

Y/n looked at Nile with worry, she was excited by the idea of teasing a mafia boss but at the same time it could crash and burn and end in something very dangerous for her. "during our break the dance floor is open, why don't we go out on the dance floor and make it worth his wild. I'd like to see him pull a move on the dance floor.''

Nile nodded, and smirked, he winked and looked around the corner at the table, the men were busy with their drinking and the piker match that had just started. "Attagirl, now go kick em where it hurts and show them that Y/n l/n is the baddest bitch on this side of Tokyo."

Y/n smirked, she was about to show Hart that if he wants her, boy your gonna have to fight for this queen.They made their way out of the back of the bar, watching as Hart and his men had won yet another poker game. Hart had gotten a total winning of $500,000 he had gambled against the CEO of a major clothing line.

Hart was incredible and ruthless when it came to gambling.

~Now playing '"I wanna be your slave" by Maneskin~

There was power in his walk, Hart kept his head held high as he walked away from his opponent who he had just crushed into absolute shambles. Him and his gang we're definitely the wrong people to mess with. Y/n watched as they all walked back to their booth, drinking their celebratory shots of whiskey.

They all lit up their victory cigarettes, except Hart of course, he kept his blue raspberry ice vape in his hands. Y/n made her way over to the men, cleaning up their glasses and pouring them new glasses of scotch.

Hart eyed her up and down, she looked back at him and playfully bit her lip.His eyes widened slightly as he wasn't expecting her to bite back. Y/n winked, making her way back to the bar, making sure her hips swayed with every move she made.

He smirked as she walked away, his eyes glued to her hips as she so sexily swung them as she walked away.He felt a roar rip through his chest, he felt the beast howling, he was gonna enjoy playing this game with her. Two can play this game y/n but sadly there will only be one winner. And Hart was not about to lose.

"Well looks like little Ms badass wants to play a dangerous game, oh Ms L/n you have no idea how bad your little game is about to crash and burn.''The men smirked as their boss had his target in closer than she had expected.

Y/n looked over at Hart, just as the lyrics "You can be the beauty and I can be the monster" played over the dj booth. Hart smirked widely as he sat back, spreading his legs and looking at her, signaling to his lap. She smirked back and shook her head, flipping him off and walking away back to the bar.

He smirked almost maniacally looking at his men. "Just wait boys, sit back and watch how a real man does it.''Y/n cleaned up the bar, her and Niles break was in about 5 minutes. They grabbed their food and sat down at the bar, diving into their wraps and their coffee.

Y/n kept a close eye behind her to make sure Hart wasn't planning to pull anything mischievous. She looked over at him, watching as Hart and his men sat and ate their small sandwiches, They washed it down with whisky while hart washed it down with water.

They finished their lunch and cleaned the counter where they sat. They saw the lights start up and the Dj booth start up again. Nile and Y/n nodded, making their way over to the dance floor for the remainder of their break. On her way over Y/n caught the eye of Hart, she smirked and nodded her head in the way of the dance floor, her way of signaling him to follow her. Y/n made her way on to the Dance floor with Nile.

~Now playing "diamonds in the sky" by Rihanna.~

Y/n and Nile made their way over to the middle of the Dance floor, slowly dancing and matching their moves to the Rhythm of the beat. Hart watched from the booth, watching Nile very carefully, debating if he was a threat to him and Y/n.

He watched as the lights synced with the music, the white strobe lights and the shine from the Disco ball had made her s/c shine brightly. Hart was mesmerized as her hair and her bright beautiful e/c eyes shined underneath the lights.

In that moment it was confirmed, Hart was very much in love with her, he had her at his grasp, she was wrapped around his finger but Y/n just didn't know it yet, he was very much infatuated by her, he wasn't going to let anyone tale her from him. Hart signaled to his boys that they were going to head to the dance floor.

They all made their way over to the dance floor, all his other men stopping and finding another girl to dance with. Hart slid his way through the crowd, just as he was about to reach Y/n he saw her dancing with Nile, this made his blood curdle.

Nile caught a glimpse of his gaze, Nile would have been dead right then and there if his looks could kill. Hart gave him the look of "get the fuck away from her or your dead." Nile nodded and looked at y/n who was finding herself lost in the music. Nile spun around and was taken away by some girl. Y/n laughed and wished him luck, starting to dance even if she was by herself.

~Now playing "don't stop the music" by Rihanna.~

Y/n felt a pair of hands on her hips, pulling her back into them. A soundless gasp left her mouth when her back came in contact with the mans chest. She spun around to see no other than Hart smirking down at her.

Y/n smirked back, wrapping her hand in the bottom of his tie, pulling him closer to her so that her lips were barley touching hers."You want me so bad Hart? Well guess what silly boy, your not going to get me that easily'' y/n felt confident, she was very proud that she had stood up to him, even after he had pulled that stunt earlier in her shift. Y/n let go of his tie and went to walk away when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back into him.

He picked her head up by placing two of his fingers on her chin and moving her head to look up at him. "Don't worry baby girl.... I get what I want, no matter what it takes. Now what do you say? Will you let me have this dance?"

Y/n choked on her breath when she felt his hand Graze her cheek, moving down to her neck, resting his hand on her breast. She looked down at his hand, looking back up at his face, that same smirk that showed his canines was plastered on his face.

She smirked and pulled him more on to the dance floor, slowly dancing along with her. He smirked and went to put his hands on her hips when she swatted his hand away. "Ah ah.. no touching sir..''

Hart was taken back by Y/n suddenly taking control. He didn't like that. He wasn't gonna let her tell him what to do. He growled and placed his hands on her ass, grabbing it in his hands roughly.

He watched as her face contorted with pleasure, he placed a smack on her left cheek, making sure that she felt the imprint of his rings. A breathless moan left her mouth, her reddened face looking up at him with the utmost embarrassment.

She felt her cheeks heat up as he leaned in closer to her, biting the shell of her ear, making sure his canine sunk into her lobe. "Don't try to control me doll face, you won't like what happens if you do.''

Y/n gulped, and decided to keep dancing with him, he placed his hands on her hips as they kept dancing. She grinned against his hips, making sure the front of her hips brushed against his growing erection.

Y/n never wanted to admit it but dancing with Hart was the highlight of her week. The feeling of his hands on her hips, the growing friction between their bodies, she was in pure heaven as they danced with another.

She Hadn't had physical touch like this since her ex.. back in the days when her stalker was still an issue. But that's in the past, y/n was way to focused on the feeling of him pressing her against him.

She decided to be bold and turn her back to him. He growled, not liking that she turned away from him, just as he was about to say something he felt her grind against him.

Her hand trailing up and brushing between his legs, feeling him get hard under her touch. She grinned as she felt him curse lowly under his breath, feeling him press her hand against him harder for more friction.

"awe is someone turned on by me? How adorable.'' He growled, kinda getting more turned on by the way she danced against him, the way that she was standing up to him. Y/n smirked and licked the shell of his ear, feeling him shudder underneath her.

She smirked and danced away from him, she made her way back over to Nile stealing him away from the girl that he was dancing with. "y/n 1 hart 0. I got him good Nye.'' The two high fives and made their way off the dance floor, making their way back over to the bar and serving other people their drinks and some food.

Y/n made her way over to table 34 and served the men their drinks, they were all planning in ways to get back at Hart for taking all of their managers money from the last poker match he had just played. Hart was sitting at his table, watching Y/n and the men very closely, wondering if any of their blood will end up on his hands next.

The man who Hart had just ruined eyed Y/n up and down, looking at the exposed skin on her thighs that were showing, those lace garters teasingly disappearing under the short dress she was wearing."Well aren't you a tall glass of beautiful huh, care to help me before my next match, maybe give me some good luck if ya know what I mean.''

Y/n rolled her eyes disgusted, shaking her head, "Sorry sir, last time I checked fucking the CEO of the worst clothing line wasn't on my bucket list.'' The man stood up, Y/n stood her ground, looking up at him as his height towered over her. "I'm not gonna say it again bitch. Suck me off like the whore you are, and maybe if you do a good enough job, I will pay off whatever slump your living in right now.''

Y/n looked at him with disgust, backing away when the man grabbed her chin harshly. Hart took notice of this and stood up immediately, resting his hand on his holster, not caring if he shot the bastard dead in the club.

Y/n grabbed his arm, wincing as she felt the bruises form on her face. She looked up at the man, who had his hands on his hips, getting ready to take off his belt. He smirked and let go of her, throwing her on to her knees.

Y/n rubbed her jaw, looking up at the man who had already started to do undo his belt.

"Suck." Y/n's stood up, looking at him. "Sorry your dick is so small I can't see where it begins and your beer belly ends.'' Y/n walked away, holding her face. Hart looked over at her, seeing she was clearly in pain, that was the last straw, he knew that this asshole had to be taken care of. She looked at Hart as she walked away, wishing that her night could have ended differently.

The business man pulled his pants up and made his way outside, he lit up his cigar and took a long inhale. "Stupid fuckin bitch. Her and that stupid guy will learn not to mess with me. I'll show them who's the real boss here."

Up on the roof of the near by building, a stranger clicked back his gun, twisting on the silencer as he aimed the gun at the fat bastard. That was the last breath he took before he felt something sharp in his stomach.

He looked down to see blood seeping out of the gunshot wound. Blood started to come out of his mouth. He fell to his knees grasping at the wound to stop the bleeding but the man fell dead before he could cry out for help.

The man from the roof went back downstairs, putting his gun back in his holster before making his way back upstairs to the club. "It's been done boss. He's been taken care of."

Back in the club his buddies were waiting for him, the next poker match was about to begin. Hart walked in and sat down in his chair, his vape in his mouth and his glass of scotch at his side.

Y/n came out to serve him some more scotch when he saw the small bruises of the mans fingerprints on her jaw. Hart looked over at her, he growled at the fact that a man had put his hands on what was his. Y/n walked away from him, not wanting to deal with him at the moment, she made her way into the back room to cover her face with some concealer.

She heard the curtain move behind her, but paid no mind to it. "I'm so sorry for what that man did sweetheart, let me take care of it while boss is playing poker.''

She turned around to see the man with the long white hair, he wore a purple velvet suit, his face was soft and kind, he looked like he would never even steal candy from a store, let alone be in a gang full of murders and gamblers.

"the names Toby, I am one of Harts henchmen. I'm the one who takes care of all of his dirty work. He told me to make sure that you were okay after that asshole had harassed you, and degrading you.'' Y/n flinched when she felt a cool compress on her cheek, she looked up to see the soft eyes of Toby, she smiled softly and held the compress against her sore jaw.

"T-thanks Toby.'' "It's my pleasure dear. Now we already talked to your boss, you get on out of here and get some sleep okay?'' y/n nodded, heading away from Toby and into her locker room to get her bags to head home.

She texted Nile to let him know what had happened, she left the building and made her way down the busy streets of Tokyo to the train station to go back to her apartment.Once she arrived at her building she made the dreaded 3 flight walk up the stairs to her apartment, walking inside and taking off her heels.

She walked into her room and plopped on her bed, not even caring that she still had her makeup and her clothes on. She untied the corset top and threw off her dress, she climbed into bed wearing only her bra and panties, not caring if Nile walked in on her. She sighed at what had happened that night, but couldn't stop thinking about dancing with Hart, and how its fun to play around with him.

Y/n rolled over and later fell asleep, burying herself away in her blankets to forget the care of the world.

~back at the club~

Nile was worried, he saw that whole situation happen between y/n and that fashion designer. He wanted to step in but he knew he would never have the courage to stand up to him. Nile served the gangsters their drinks, making sure not to make eye contact with any of the men.

"Where's y/n, is she okay?" Nile looked up at the main man in the back. Hart was sitting there looking at Nile, shuffling a deck of cards in his hands. Nile gulped before he looked at Hart in the eye, he immediately stood up straight not trying to show he was scared of the man.

"I'm sorry sir but she was sent home early, due to a customer getting violent with her, so you'll be dealing with me the rest of the night."Hart and the fellow men nodded, Nile nodded and made his way back to the bar and kept making drinks.

The gangsters cleaned up after another poker match and made their ways out of the club, making their way into the limo.

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