By sakuralou2689

2.9K 60 25

Carol Danvers-Montmartre/Captain Marvel faced controversies, deaths, and accusations which she couldn't handl... More

BOOK I: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
BOOK II: Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
BOOK III: Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 39

26 1 0
By sakuralou2689


Busily working with the other children at the day care center, Carol Danvers-Montmartre was reading a book along with a group of children ages three to five years old. They were listening attentively, except for her two year old son who was playing an airplane figure and making loud sounds. Amnon never paid attention to his mother which he couldn't understand what she was reading and telling to the other children.  He was running around and leaving the room without his mother's attention as she was busy.

Amnon kept running around the hallway and holding his toy airplane. Without any awareness, he was going on the wet floor when his feet stepped on it. The little boy accidentally slipped and fell down. Then, he loudly cried in pain. The day care lady staff noticed him and rushed to the playroom where Carol remained. She quickly knocked on the door when the blonde half Kree day care teacher turned her attention to her fellow staff.

" Madame Montmartre, votre fils vient de glisser sur le sol mouillé. (Mrs. Montmartre, your son has just slipped on the wet floor. ) " she said.

Without using her seventh sense and Kree Cosmic Awareness, Carol busied herself in dealing with the other children. Then, she noticed her son was not around.

" Qu'est-ce qu'Amnon était ici il y a quelque temps? Ne me dites pas qu'il est sorti de la pièce en courant?! (What, was Amnon here a while ago? Don't tell me he has ran out of the room?!) " she anxiously replied.

" Veuillez le vérifier et l'emmener avec vous. Je vais m'occuper des autres enfants ici. (Please check it out and take him with you. I'll deal with the other kids here.) "

Carol nodded no furiously, looked at the other children and said, " Je reviens tout de suite, les enfants. Mme Verrier continuera à lire l'histoire. (I'll be right back, Kids. Mrs. Verrier will continue reading the story.) "

Oui, Mme Montmartre. (Yes, Mrs. Montmartre.) " they said in unison.

The blonde half-Kree woman rushed out of the playroom which her fellow daycare staff Mrs. Verrier temporarily took over the story telling activity. She heard her son's wailing and widened her eyes in surpise. The toddler was still lying on the wet floor as his toy airplane was just beside him.

" What on Hala?! Why I couldn't bring him near to me?! " she anxiously thought and looked at her son with a concern.

Carol carefully lifted her son from the wetfloor, picked up the toy airplane, and handed it to him. The boy's tears ran down onto his face. She gently placed her right hand into his back when Amnon stopped crying and curiously looked at his mother. She mildly rubbed the blonde toddler's face and hugged him.

" It's alright, Amnon. I'm here, " she calmly said and sincerely smiled. " I'm here. "


In those restless hours after Amnon got abducted by the two intruders, the couple spent waiting for the results of the police investigation along with the hotel's security personnel. Carol was both disoriented and frustrated when she and her spouse recalled in seeing how her son got taken away. Her husband was comforting her at that time. He assured her that they would take an initiative in finding their child's whereabouts. They asked for help with the hotel personnel and the police which they had tirelessly and meticulously monitored the surveillance cameras.

With the other parties involved for this investigation, they spotted two men wearing hats and trenchcoats who entered the hotel premises before Amnon was abducted. They couldn't identify who they were. The Montmartres were convinced that those unidentified men were responsible. The police and the hotel management dismissed and told them they would require a thorough investigation.

Carol became more frustrated and agitated as she couldn't do anything to find her son. Methu-Selah completely understood his wife as he was also exasperated in this slow process of this investigation. Both of them were sick and tired of the assurance statements and promises from both parties.

Leaving the police department and heading back to the hotel, the spouses went walking on the streets on a busy evening. The pearl colored full moon was mercifully watching them from the dark blue blanket of the sky. The Kree Eternal in his pink skinned form held his wife's right hand and looked at her with concern. Carol remained speechless after hearing the investigating team's uncertain promises and gloomily stared at the people coming and going on the streets.

Remembering that tumultous day when the Avengers and the other warriors were fighting against each other in place, Carol was becoming the guiltiest former heroine ever. She had reckoned that her past actions had an equivalent result in the future. Now, she has been suffering from all the consequences she made. This time, Methu-Selah gently pecked his wife's cheeks to call her attention. Carol returned to her senses and slightly smiled at him.

" I'm sorry for doing this, " her spouse said. " I know we have been in so much pain and wasting our time to find our son. "

" Methie, I..." she paused, composed her thoughts to respond, and heavily sighed. " I feel like giving up with this fiasco. I'd just couldn't do anything to save our son from them. "

" Carol, why did you ever think of that? "

" Look, it's just I failed myself as a mother. I could have done anything along with you, but..."

" Does this place remind me of your senseless wars with Stark? "

" Yes..." Carol sadly bowed her head in shame and confessed. " Methie, I'm sorry if I had to let it out my burdens. I feel like my damn skeletons in the closet are coming back to me. This time, Amnon becomes a victim of my recklessness in the past. Honestly, I never wanted to visit here. Every time the people see me here, they murmur and make a butt of jokes about me. Like, Hey look, it's Captain Rubbish and her family. I hope she won't beat up her hubby and kid, like she did to Iron Man several years ago. "

The Kree Eternal heavily sighed and felt his sorry for his wife. He firmly held her hands and secretly read her mind, while walking on the pedestrian lane.

" Car-Ell, you're confused, anxious, and frustrated, " he calmly broke his silence. " If Amnon is here with us and knows everything from you, he might get dismayed at you for hearing that. "

" Methie, I just don't know what to do now, " she gloomily replied.

" I married you as the greatest heroine that I have ever known in the cosmos. I don't want you end up in sulking and regretting about your past. Amnon needs you. I need you. You can do something to spare him from his captors. "

" I can't return to the Avengers and ask for their help, anymore. I don't want to use my..."

" I respect you, but it doesn't matter if you're coming back to them or not. We badly need our son back, safe. I can't rely with the police anymore. They're wasting our damn time and hindered our departure flight to Paris. We need to do something before anything happens to him. "

Carol felt guilty at her husband's words and bowed her head in shame. The Kree Eternal gently cupped his wife's smooth rosy face as she held back on his hand. She smiled and said, " You're right. We should find him by ourselves. "

" Well, it's about time to act as former General Methu-Selah of the Kree Army and Captain Marvel, " he smiled back.

" Make sure nobody finds out your true form, " Carol reminded and asked.  " Did your Cosmic Awareness tell you where our kid is? "

" Absolutely. We need to get going. "


Amnon remained contained inside the dismal cell for two days, lying unconsciously on his bed. He had no knowledge of what was happening to him and his current surroundings. The last time he could remember was he got kidnapped by strange men inside the hotel. His parents were about to defend and spare him.

He was being observed and watched by the HYDRA agents and scientists like a deadly subject. Slowly opening his eyes, the Kree Eternal hybrid boy moved his head on his sides and felt alarmed of where he was situated. Then, he heard murmurs from the outside of his cell. He was slowly sitting and standing up from his bed. Then, he saw some men from the mirror and never realized he was being monitored. Amnon silently wept in fear and tremendously felt his heart was racing. He saw the same man who took him from the hotel two nights ago and slowly stepped back away from them.

Just outside his cell, Psynapse and Barrage were talking and watching the terrified boy. They were laughing at him.  Suddenly, a long haired reptilian man walked over and stood in between the two Mutant-Inhuman hybrid men. Barry Crawford just arrived from an important mission in London with his girlfriend.

" Well, well, well, who do we have here? " the mad lizard grinned and asked.

" It's the former Captain Marvel's son, of course, " Psynapse answered and shrugged.

" I remember that kid from eight years ago. He was a little disgusting putrid of mud just like his parents. " Barry interjected and intently eyed on the boy. " Shall we kill him? "

" Not yet, Barry, " Barrage sternly spoke. " We need to wait for the boss, so he can tell us what to do with that kid. "

" That's a damn waste of time. I will kill him, then his good for nothing mother will be next in my bucket list. "

" Patience, Crawford. All good things to those who wait, " a deep gruff male voice echoed.

The three men turned their attention to the bearded man with short and spiky raven locks. They all recognized him and remained silent, waiting for him to speak up. Aaron Keener crossed his arms and looked at his subordinates and then to the boy.

" Boss, we're here to bring you Captain Marvel's kid, " Psynapse introduced and showed the child who was sulking at the corner of his cell. " We are waiting for your further instructions to deal with him. "

Keener listened at the magenta skinned hybrid and intently eyed at Amnon. He was scratching his beard and deeply thinking in what to do with the boy which he spent his long silence. Barry and his colleagues were waiting for his response.

" Boss? " Barrage curiously called the HYDRA Agent's attention.

" Shall we kill him? " Barry added.

" No..." Keener instantly spoke.

" Wait, don't tell me you're gonna keep him! " the reptilian HYDRA Agent furiously grumbled. " Look, Keener. You let these science guys study him for two days! Then, what's next?! He's gonna be in our turf when he grows up and replace me! That ain't gonna happen! He's still Captain No-Good's kid! I'm gonna find a way to ditch him and his mother for good! "

" It's not my intention to keep him, Crawford. "

" Then, what is it?! "

" We will use this child as a bait to hunt down his parents, " Keener explained and pointed at the two hybrid men. " That's why I asked these two to observe and capture him from them while you're away. Do you understand? "

Barry intently grinned and got the gist from his fellow HYDRA Agent. Then, he looked at Psynapse and Barrage, turned to Keener, and replied, " Very Brilliant. I can smell death to the kid and his family. I know what to do now. "

" Finally, you have understood, " Keener sarcastically spoke and sighed.

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