Always Yours | 18+

By eroticc_mara

307K 5.9K 1.2K

"I need you like a heart needs a beat" Three years have passed, yet Angelina Hernandez still commands fear w... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter tweleve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
bonus #1
bonus #2
bonus #3
bonus #4
bonus #5
bonus #6
Damon's book.

chapter thirty four

4.9K 98 11
By eroticc_mara


"But I want you"

He smiled as he lifted up his arm allowing me to roll under his arm and trap me as I bit his lip. "You slept on the plane and I didn't get to." He said. "What is wrong with the instructor? She seems very nice." He said making me roll my eyes, "It's a he not a she" I said making him open one eye making me smile.

"We were on the plane two days ago" I said as I whined. "We had sex all night Angelina" He said making me kiss his cheek as I recalled last nights memories. "Yes I know" I said. "Let me sleep, go play in the slide or something." He said making me stare at him, I removed his hand and rolled out of the bed.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail as I walked into the washroom I turned on the sink and grabbed my toothbrush, I brushed my my teeth and washed the sand out of my hair then ended up taking a shower.

I wrapped a towel around myself and my hair as I walked back into the bedroom to see Nicolas now awake and scrolling on his phone.

"You washed your hair?" He asked as I searched for my bathroom duffel bag, "Hello?" He asked. I found it just as he threw a pillow at me making me stare at him, "Now you want to be petty Angelina? Really?" He asked.

I grabbed a dress and panties as well before closing the door with my foot. I got dressed wearing a black spaghetti strap dress that is short. I let my hair out of the towel it was in as Nicolas walked inside the bathroom shirtless only wearing his boxers. He yawned as he walked behind me and turned on the sink in front of me making me turn it off.

"I'm using that" He said as he turned the sink on, I turned it off and pointed to the other sink. He wrapped his arms around me pressing his chin onto my head "You look beautiful." He said.

"Nicolas get the fuck off me." I said which made him hug me tighter. I plugged in my hairdryer and grabbed it turning it on, he kissed my head then walked over to the next sink. I did what I had to with my hair while he took a shower I walked into the bedroom and stood in front of the mirror staring at my stomach.

My stomach is not as flat as it was before yes it's flat but not nineteen year old flat. I placed my hand on my stomach as I turned to the side I sucked in it then released it.

"Your body is beautiful and it will always remain beautiful." Nicolas said as he walked out of the washroom, "You are obligated to say that" I said as I turned around to see him only wearing a towel around his waist, broadcasting his toned muscles and tattoos.

"I am really not, I am very honest. You had two children and your stomach still looks the same." He said, "The same as?" I asked. "As it did four years ago, you are beautiful." He said as he kissed my cheek making me smile. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"You said you wanted to go out" He said making me smile at him. "Very good time to tell you that I rented bikes for us" I said making him stare at me as I rummaged through his suitcase for this shirt I packed for him.

"And you did that because?" He asked as I found the shirt "Why not?" I asked as I gave him his outfit for the day. I grabbed my perfume and sprayed myself and settled on some black sandals.

"So your father is now getting ready for us to go island hopping I am not sure what that means, but people know me and they know not to try anything stupid." I said as Nicolas smiled and I flipped the camera over to show us.

 "You are vlogging again?" He asked making me nod. "When we are old and wrinkly, we need to remember these moments Nik" I said making his smile fade.

"Nik?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes at me "Yes my new nickname for you" I said as he pushed my boob. "My name is Nicolas not Nikolas" He said.

"There is not a big different it's just a K and C." I said making him raise his eyebrows. "It's a big difference to me Camilla" He said. "Stop it." I said as he kissed me making me smile at him as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled away. "Island hopping is going to different islands"

"So everyone has their own?" I asked, "They rent theirs and we own this one. It's the best one" He said as he buried his head in the crook of my neck, I grabbed my phone as we waddled out of the washroom since he didn't feel like releasing me.

I finally pulled away from him and rolled up my dress, I attached my thigh holster put weapons inside. "No one is going to attack you" Nicolas said as I rolled my dress back down.

"You never know" I said as I took my handbag from it "No one knows we are here" He said making me flip him off as we walked outside and got onto the boat.

We met this couple during our island hop who feared us at first but we are now friends. "God you are so lucky" Laura said making me raise my eyebrows.

I looked over to Nicolas who is at the bar getting me drinks he winked at me making me squint at him as I smiled, "You do realize your husband is also there" I said making her sigh.

Laura has a pixie cut with piercings all over her face she gives me a gothic vibe while her husband Jace is a literal nerd. "Right no I meant that as a compliment" She said as Nicolas placed my drink in front of me then sat next to me as her husband sat next to her.

"Are you okay?" Nicolas asked me making me nod as he put his hand in the air making me high five him, he locked hands with me as our hands dropped back down making him wrap his hand around the leg of my chair pulling it closer to his.

I looked at the couple in front of us. "Where did you two say you are from?" Nicolas asked them, "Germany" They said in sync making me nod.

"Non mi piacciono, sono strani" Nicolas said making me look at him. I looked at Jace to see he has a busted lip and a little blood coming out of his nose.

"Cos'hai fatto?" I asked Nicolas making him look at Jace. "Ha detto che eri sexy, Sai come sono con i complimenti a proposito di te" He said making me shake my head as I smiled at him. 

"When was the last time you two have been clubbing?"  Laura asked us making Nicolas placed his hand on my thigh, he wrote the word weird on it. "It's been a while" I said.

"There is this amazing club on the main island we should go" Jace said making me look at Nicolas who shrugged. "We would love to!" I said.

We went our separate ways after that going back to our houses. "It has been a long time since we went to the club amore" Nicolas said as I walked into the bedroom and grabbed my laptop.  "Angelina!" Nicolas whined.

"I am listening Nicolas" I said as I opened my laptop to see my mom sent me a text saying the twins want to see Nicolas. "Come here" I said making him walk into the bedroom as I facetimed the twins and gave him the laptop.

I walked into the bathroom wetting my face, all I want to do is sleep and watch a movie I am too old for this shit. I took off my sandals and stretched my arms onto the counter placing my head on it just as Nicolas walked inside.

"Mama is in the middle of something-"

"I want to see my children" I said making him come back he placed the laptop in front of me for me to see my children. "Hi my babies" I said as Nicolas rested his head on my back.

"Hi mommy!" They said as they squealed "How are you guys?" I asked. We talked for a while and I made them go to sleep, Nicolas took a shower while I searched for something to wear since Laura said you have to wear something black to get in.

"This is going to be fun. We haven't bee clubbing in so long" I said as I looked for something to wear. "Mhm" He said as I finally found what I wanted to wear.

I did an everything shower then changed into the outfit I wanted to hear. I moisturized my hair as I searched for my necklace, "Nicolas!" I said. "Did you....." I stopped talking as I began to knock shit over looking for my necklace as he walked into the washroom. "What happened?" He asked.


"I can't find my fucking necklace, I remember putting it right there-" He hanged the necklace in my face making me squint at him. "Why do you have it?" I asked as I turned around and lifted up my hair.

"I wanted to see it" He said as he put it on for me. "You look eatable by the way." He said as he made me face him. "Fuck you" I said which made him slap my ass. "What time do you think we will be back and that hurts Nicolas." I said as I rubbed my ass.

"I am sorry and maybe 2am." He said as he moved my hand and he rubbed it for me, I cracked my neck and my knuckles. "We don't have to go if you don't want to." He said as I changed my top which is the same but it's shorter.

"I want to go, let's go." I said which made him kiss my jawline. I put on gold heels as we walked outside to see Laura and Jace on their boat. "You look nice" Jace said as we got onto the boat, "Mine." Nicolas said.

Before I could even respond Nicolas placed his lips on mine kissing me sloppily I placed my hand on his face as I kissed him back while he slid his hand down to my ass squeezing it.

He sat down as the boat began to move I took his hand then sat down on his lap "You have issues" I whispered into his ear making him lock eyes with me. "You really want to talk about people who have issues?" He whisper asked.

We ended up laughing at each other while Laura and Jace stared at us "You have jealousy issues" I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. "I can maintain my jealousy, you will get mad at me and the woman and then one of us will die and it's never me." He said.

"You can never maintain your jealousy what are you talking about?" I asked clearly amused by this topic he smiled at me then kissed my cheek. "You don't want to do this right now" He said.

"Me and Jace had that same argument, we solved it by going out one day and flirting with one person till one of us snaps" Laura said making us turn to look at her, I looked back at Nicolas who is looking at my boobs.

"Nicolas?" I asked making him look at me "You will not last five minutes" He whispered as he kissed my boobs. We arrived at the club that has a very long line  "I am not standing in that" Nicolas said as he wrapped his arm around me.

Laura knew the bouncer so we quickly got in and she immediately dragged us over to the bar and ordered four shots. I locked arms with Nicolas and licked the salt off his hand as he licked the salt off my hand and we took the shots then sucked on the lime.

Laura handed every one of us a pill "What is this?" I asked, "Something to help with your hungover" She said as we all took it making her smile. "It's actually molly." She said.

We all stared at her clearly in shock "Another shot please!" I said to the bartender making him nod and began to pour my shot. "Is this you flirting?" Nicolas asked making me look at him to see he is looking at my boobs.

"It's me getting a drink. I know how to flirt" I said making him look at my face "Oh I am sure you do" He said making me raise my eyebrows. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You do not flirt, you get flirted with." He said making me narrow my eyes at him as the bartender handed me my drink making me swipe my pinky finger over his slowly as I took it from him.

I looked at him to see him smiling at me and I took my shot "When you look like me anything you do can be flirtatious" I said making him nod.

"Touchè" He said as I walked off with Laura and she showed me to our booth which has a stripper pole in it. I stood up on it wrapping my legs around it as I swung myself around, "You would be an excellent stripper!"

I laughed at her comment as I came down from the pole just as a shirtless man only wearing boxers walked in with a tray full of shots with Nicolas and Jace following behind them.

"Grazie" I said as he put the plate in front of and he winked as he left, I grabbed one of the shots and took it as I looked at Nicolas who is looking at me.

"Angelina should do a boob shot" Laura said as she put one of the shots in between her boob and smiled at me, I walked over to Laura then wrapped my mouth around the glass and lifted my head up taking it out of her boob making Laura and Jace cheer.

I took the empty glass out of my mouth and looked over to Nicolas who has an emotionless look on his face. "Now Nicolas should do a-"

"I am not taking a shot out of your breasts." He said cutting Laura off, I sat next to him and took his hand in mines. "I'm sorry" I said making him look at me as he finished his whiskey. "I'm not mad neither have I snapped" He said.

I took the glass out of his hands then sat on his lap making him place his hands on my waist "Yea that's our cue" Jace said as he and Laura left leaning us alone.

I moved my hair out of my face then grabbed a shot from tray "Lick" I said as I pointed at my collarbone. He licked my collarbone making me put some salt there "Your molly is kicking in" He said making me smile.

I put the shot in between my boobs making him lick my collarbone then bite my boobs playfully before swirling his tongue around my boob and taking the shot out my boob.

He lifted his head up downing the shot making me take the glass out of his mouth, "We don't have to do the challenge thing if you don't want to" I said.

"I didn't snap" He said making me smile at him another shirtless guy walked in replacing the empty tray and take the empty tray. I looked back to Nicolas who is squinting at me "I love you" I said as he slapped my ass, "I love you too" He said as he bit my boob.

Me and Nicolas took the shots then walked back to the bar "You are rather vibrant tonight" I turned around to see someone resembles Alfonzo, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing is coming out.

The music is loud my head is starting to hurt and i'm not getting sweaty, this fucking molly. "Hi Angelina" The person said as they took a step closer to me.

My eyesight is blurry but I am not teary eyed "Alfonzo?" I asked making him squint at me. "I don't know who that is" He said which made me shake my head clearing my eyesight and he still looks like Alfonzo.

 "We should meet up again this was fun" He said as his eyes scanned me up and down before walking into the crowd. I made my way over to the bar to see Nicolas and Jace I grabbed a stool and sat down. "And what can I get for the stunning lady now?" The bartender asked me, "A margarita on the rocks please" I said making him nod as I ran my fingers through my hair. 

"Everything alright?" A random man asked as he sat down next to me "Yes" I said making him nod as he took a sip of his drink. "You seem familiar" He said making me turn my head to look at him.

"Do I?" I asked as I took my drinks from the bartender who's eyes are narrowed at the guy beside me. "Yes" He said as I took a sip of my drink and he finally realized who I am "Angelina Hernandez" He said making me smile.

I winked at him as he turned scared and walked away I turned to look at Nicolas who is now talking to a blonde haired woman I would not say he is flirting but she definitely is. I took a sip of my drink as he glanced over at me making me nod and him wink.

I took the straw out of my drink and drank from the glass chugging it just as Laura sat next to me "Why haven't you been on the dance floor?" She shouted over the music making me smile at her.

"I want to be drunk before I do!" I do not know how loch we sat there drinking but everything tastes like water and I feel like I am on cloud nine. She took my hand as I finished my glass and dragged me over to the dance floor.

"I might be seeing things but he has been talking to that chick for a very long ass time!" Jace said as he joined us in dancing I looked over to Nicolas who is still talking to the blonde woman.

She is trying to get him to dance but he is subtly declining her but making it seem like she has a slight chance in getting him to dance with her. "You are very pretty" Someone whispered into my ear.

I turned around to see a ginger haired man "And you are tall!" I said making him laugh while I smiled "And he is fine as fuck" Laura whispered as she walked past me,  I made us switch places so I can keep my eyes on Nicolas who is now on the dance floor but is not dancing.

I looked at the man and took his drink out of his hand I chugged it then gave it to him "You seemed like a scotch guy and I was right." I said as I switched my gaze back to Nicolas.

He gently lifted up the woman's head making them lock eyes as he took a sip of her drink clearly about to spit it back in her mouth just as I felt ginger about to touch my waist making me punch him in the throat.

I gave him back his drink then walked back to the bar to see Laura "Do not accept defeat" She said making me faintly smile at her, "Far from that." I said as I took her tequila shot and drank it.

"Aside from being sexy what do you do for a living?" A man asked as he walked up to me, I looked over to Laura who is thinking what I am thinking. "I dance" I said as I grabbed his arm and we walked onto the dance floor.

I turned around swiping my ass over his bulge as I began to move my hips in sync with the song. He is hesitating to place his hand on my waist "Can I?" He asked making me grab his hand and place it on the right side of my waist.

I pushed myself closer to him making him muffle in a moan I spotted Nicolas from the corner of my eye who looks completely livid, he finished his drink and is headed in my direction.

"Thank you" I said as I looked at the random man making him scrunch his face in confusion "Also I am sorry" I said as Nicolas wrapped one arm around me pulling me closer to him and punched the guy making his nose bleed as he fell back clearly unconscious.

"I win" I said as he released my waist and grabbed my hand pulling me into the women's washroom, he wrapped one hand around my neck pushing me against the wall. "What the fuck was that?" He asked, "I hate you." I said.

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