Water and Ice (Loki Love Stor...

بواسطة Silver-Tigress

34.5K 982 115

27 year old Aquamarine (Aqua) Spears Rivers believed she was just a normal girl living in Malibu, California... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
New Book!
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Author's Note!!

Chapter 53

175 7 0
بواسطة Silver-Tigress

Aqua's P. O. V:

Sam says to Cap through the earpiece, after having gone outside with Bucky, "Hey, Cap, we gotta situation here."

A heartbeat later, and a massive explosion sounds from outside the palace.

Bucky says, "God, I love this place."

"Yeah, well, don't start celebrating yet. Guys, we got more inviting outside the dome!"

More explosions rock the city and I exchange weary glances with mum, Cap and T' Challa, before those of us standing turn to the windows behind us. Thanos's men were attacking the barrier surrounding us.

I take a bite of noodles as Vision says, leaning up on his elbows, "It's too late; we need to destroy the stone now!"

I tell him as I turn to Vision, "Vision, get your ass back on the table."

T' Challa states, "We will hold them off."

Cap says to the Maximoff as I quickly finish my brunch, "Wanda, as soon as that stone's out of his head, you blow it to hell."

"I will," She says, nodding her head.

T' Challa orders, "Evacuate the city, engage all defences. And get this man a shield!" He adds, pointing to Cap.

Cap looks to him as he nods his head.

Before heading out, Cap pulls me aside as he asks, "Aqua, are you sure you're okay to fight?"

I nod my head as I say, "I'm not sitting out of this one, Cap."

"You know what I mean."

I know he means me being level headed enough to fight rationally, instead of letting my anger and hatred towards Thanos drive me into the fight and end up getting myself killed. He's also referring to my barely fully recovered head wound, but it was healed enough that I can stand and fight.

And get revenge.

I nod my head as I say, "I'll be fine. I see clearly enough. I still want revenge."

Cap grips my upper arms as he adds, "I just don't want you to rush into this and end up getting yourself killed. I know how reckless you can be."

I smirk sheepishly at that as I say, "Reckless? Who, me?"

Cap looks exasperated even as he smiles at me.

"I am glad you're alright. I was scared for you when T' Challa and Bruce told us what'd happened," Says Cap, voice soft as he hugs me again and pulls back before gently rubbing my arms.

I gaze up at him with half lidded eyes, immensely relieved that he's here.

Until a couple of people clear their throats, causing Cap and I to whip our heads around. Vision, Wanda and Shuri were gazing at us; the latter with a smirk and the former two with raised eyebrows.

Blushing in embarrassment, I squeeze Cap's arm gratefully before I find out four more water bottles that T' Challa gave me and fill them up with water. I need to save the others for healing, especially after what Loki had told me about that water from Asgard.

Everyone involved with fighting on the field gets on skis and we fly to meet the enemy. Part of the front lines are mum, Cap, T' Challa, Okoye, Bucky, Nat and myself, while Sam flies overhead and Bruce was further back.

Nat asks him, "How are we looking, Bruce?"

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it!" He responds right before a giant suit of armor leaps overhead. It's the Hulk Buster armor. He flies with jets from his feet much like Iron Man.

"Wow, this is so crazy, man!" He cries as he runs onward. "It's like being the Hulk without actually... aaahh!" Bruce cuts himself as he trips over a pile of rocks and skids along the ground. "I'm okay! I'm okay!" He gets to his feet while swiping dirt from his face.

Rhodey says as he flies overhead, "I've got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line."

The second the skis slide to stops, we all slide off of them and feet into formation before the enemy, one of them being Proxima Midnight, from the Asgardian Refugee Vessel.

As we stand, the people of Wakanda start doing a chant.

They all repeat the word:


T' Challa then goes up to another African man with a slightly larger build named M' Baku, and shake his forearm, saying gratefully, "Thank you for standing with us."

"Of course, brother," M' Baku responds.

I go with Nat, Cap and T' Challa up to the blue barrier where Proxima Midnight and one of her friends was standing, holding an electric blade up to the barrier. The barrier flickers into existence in reaction. Proxima Midnight is a slender woman with short, straight dark hair and dark makeup around her eyes, along with an eye mask, and her suit is all black, too.

She finds my gaze and recognition flashes in hers as Nat asks, "Where's the other friend?"

"You will pay for his life with yours," Says Proxima. She adds, "As will your friend pay for trying to kill Thanos. We were given orders to kill her on sight. Thanos will have that stone."

I say deathly, "Thanos took something precious from me. I'm going to give him a very slow, painful and agonising death that he'd wish would end much sooner, and, uh, I hate to burst your bubble, but..."

".... That's not gonna happen!" Cap finishes for me.

T' Challa states, "You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood. And Aqua is under Wakanda's utmost protection. We won't let you kill her."

Proxima says monotonously, "We have blood to spare." She lets put a grunt as she thrusts her blade up into the air, as though to signal to her allies.

Several huge ships slowly rise up before us.

The four of us return to our places at the front lines and I stand between Nat and Cap as Bucky asks, "Did they surrender?"

"Not exactly," Cap answers.

Then, a whole army of aliens leap down from the ships and start running towards us.

The Wakandans start chanting "Yibambe!" once again, while thumping the ends of their weapons on the grass.

Proxima then thrusts her right arm down and the aliens pour out of the forest.

I look back as Bucky mutters, "What the hell?"

The aliens are kind of similar to the Chitauri, but more organic than robotic, and running on all fours.

I mutter back, "It looks like we pissed get off."

Nat says, "You can say that again, Aqua."

The aliens charge at the blue barrier and try to claw their way through it. However, as one of them pushes through, they're electrocuted to death.

Okoye breathes in shock, "They're killings themselves!"

Proxima gives a cruel smile as more and more force their way through the barrier.

The Wakandans give another chant as they wave their robes and smaller blue shields in the form of rectangles that reach up to their shoulders appear before them.

They hold out their spears as T' Challa gives the order to fire, and they fire energy bullets at the incoming aliens. Bucky, Bruce and I join in as I create balls and spears of ice to throw over the shields at them.

Mum raises her hand and summons countless swords and various other pointy weapons above the aliens. With a downward thrust, the weapons Pierce a good number of the aliens, taking them out.

Sam flies in from above and dodges an attack, flipping himself to the side briefly in the process. He sends out drones with falcon wings flying at the enemies and takes them out.

Sam says into the earpiece, "Can you send your teeth on those things?!"

Rhodey responds, "I have backup, Sam. Don't get your wings stitched."

Rhodey sets loose a cascade of explosives at the enemies on the ground, and they go up in flames.

However, more keep coming as the others veer off to the side.

Sam says into the earpiece to Cap, "Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us, there's nothing between them and Vision."

"Then, we better keep them in front of us," Says Cap.

"How do we do that?" Okoye asks.

Bucky asks me, "Aqua, do you think you could... you know? Do your thing?"

I respond, "Not with an army of this size. There's way too many. I could take out a few, but more than that, and it'll drain me. Sorry."

Cap states, "Don't worry about it. Just do what you can."

Mum tells me pointedly, "And, dear? Try not to push yourself too much."

"Mum!" I groan in slight exasperation.

T' Challa states, "We open the barrier." He presses the earpiece in his left ear. "On my signal, open at section number 17."

"Requesting confirmation, my King. You said open the barrier?" The lady on the other end asks in confusion, making T' Challa nod his head.

"On my signal."

M' Baku mutters, "Thus will be the end of Wakanda."

Okoye says, "Then this will be the noblest ending in history."

I wrap water around my shoulders as Cap whips out his new shield, which is much narrower and slender than his previous round, red, white and blue shield.

I gaze at it with a slight disappointed expression. Cap glances to me as he asks, "What is it?"

"Sorry, Cap. As cool as that shield us, I miss the old one. I think it suits you way better," I say with a sheepish smile at him.

"I lost it a couple of years ago during my fight with Stark. You can blame him next time."

I blow out a breath of annoyance.

"Foolah!" T' Challa calls, and the small shields vanish. He then steps to the front of the lines before shouting, "WAKANDA FOREVER!!"

T' Challa whips out his Black Panther claws and his mask in the form of a black panther covers his face as the other Wakandans chant the same words, before we all charge forwards.


"Now!" T' Challa calls into his earpiece, and a section in the barrier opens, allowing for the aliens to charge right through.

Cap and the King were the first ones to reach the aliens, throwing themselves tight on them in the little river. As I near them I activate my Hydrokinesis and grunt as I sweep my arms first to my left, then my right, causing waves to rise up above the aliens and force most of them back. I then shove my arms forwards and use my Chryokinesis to freeze the water enveloping the aliens.

I reach the river as the others do and do a similar movement with my arms, seeing my mum fighting nearby. I raise my arms and see I've trapped several aliens in a huge ball of water, right before I freeze it, too. With a grunt of exertion, I thrust the ice ball at a bunch of aliens right behind Cap and T' Challa, causing both men to whip their heads around as a loud boom sounds, and many more aliens were crushed beneath my ice ball.

T' Challa didn't have much time to be impressed before he and Cap resume fighting their own opponents. Near me, mum summons almost a hundred swords and sends them flying at the enemies, taking them out instantly.

I thrust out my hands and squeeze my fists, focusing on the blood in the aliens. About eight of them drop dead. Another was about to attack me from my right, but I send an ice spike right through it as I see Cap straddling another and pelting him with punches and his new shield.

T' Challa was doing the same thing before he asks Shuri, "How much longer, Shuri?!"

"I've barely begun, brother," Shuri responds.

"You might want to pick up the pace!" T' Challa says before whipping around and slashing at an alien, while I create ice claws of my own to slash and stab my enemies with, ducking or jerking back to avoid their attacks.

"Just like the good ol' days, huh, Cap?" I call to the blonde, slashing another alien.

"It does bring back certain memories," He responds, hitting an alien back.

I pull water from the river around me and create several octopus tentacles, before freezing the ends into curved blades. Then I swing them around to slash at the aliens that come too close.

Bruce simply throws away the aliens. Bucky fires bullets at them until one grabs his leg and throws him to the ground, and Bucky struggles with him. Rhodey fires from above until he's knocked right out of the sky by a massive axe. T' Challa goes to avoid an attack but an alien latches onto him and throws the king around like a rag doll. Cap punches his fist into the chest of his opponent but a couple more knock into him, throwing the blonde man past me.

I stand in the center of my octopus form as I see mum holding back a couple of aliens with a spear. I latch tentacles around them and around the ones on Cap, before I bash the aliens together, hard enough to hear bones crunch.

Bruce yells, "There's too many of them!! Aaahhh!"

I was protected inside my octopus form as the lashing tentacles prevent any alien from getting too close to me.

Just as I throw away the aliens clambering on T' Challa, a massive bolt of lightning hits the ground near us, causing us to whip our heads to it.

Then, a lightning covered axe goes spinning through the air, taking out any aliens in its path. The aliens trying to pounce on me were knocked away by the axe before it spins back to its owner.

The lightning vanishes to reveal Thor, axe in hand along with a raccoon that jumps off Thor's left shoulder and readies a gun, standing on its hind legs, and....

Is that a living tree?!!!

Oh, my gosh!! He and the raccoon are so freaking adorable!!

I grin as everyone else stares in shock and Thor notices me, relief on his features. The looks on Proxima Midnight's, and her friend's faces are absolutely priceless, like they both believed Thor to be dead. Hell, I did too, for awhile, until he decides to show up in a flashy entrance right this moment. I was overjoyed to see my friend alive and well.

Removing his helmet, Bruce cackles manically, "YOU GUYS ARE SO SCREWED NOW!!"

I say with a playful roll of my eyes, "Always with the dramatic entrance, huh, Sparky?"

Thor just says as he stalks towards Proxima Midnight, "Bring me Thanos!"

I mutter, glaring, "No way!! Thanos is mine!! Get in line, Thunderhead!"

The tree and raccoon gives war cries (though, for some reason, it just makes the tree look even cuter) as they and Thor charge the army.

Thor takes a running leap as his new axe crackles with powerful electricity. He then brings it down onto the earth and emits a powerful shockwave that takes out a good lot of the army.

Bruce was right; between a vengeful me and a vengeful Thor, Thanos's army really is screwed!

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