Colliding with Malfoy

By dracoxspirit

84.2K 1.9K 238

Harry the boy who lived also has a twin sister who you-know-who never touched that night. When the Potter twi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Draco's POV
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12: Dracos POV
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 (Draco POV)
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (Draco POV)
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 Draco POV
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
part 47
thank you guys 🥺

Part 34

852 22 3
By dracoxspirit

              We had such a wonderful night just days before it happened. I'd never seen Draco so angry, I wanted to talk to him but this part of me was telling me not too. He'd never put his hands on me like that before either in such a rough way. I wish I knew why he was so angry, I wasn't cheating on him.... Maybe I should have just have told him from the start. I feel guilty for no doing so but he shouldn't have reacted the way he did either. I was tired of not talking to him but it had been a few weeks. I think he felt guilty too cause once he noticed me keeping my distance he didn't try to stop me. I didn't want to break up with him no matter how upset I was I missed him. This feels like a break up, but we haven't officially broken up yet. The thought of breaking up caused a lump in my throat. I think we just needed space. We had testing today, I can honestly say I haven't been able to concentrate long enough to study. I rolled out of bed and got myself ready I probably will look awful again. I have bags under my eyes and my hair has been in a messy bun for weeks. I finished getting ready and headed towards testing since I had missed breakfast already.

I couldn't concentrate on my testing at all, we had been here for so long already and I felt like I wasn't very far into the test at all. Draco was sitting a few rows in-front of me to my left and I couldn't stop looking in his direction. I wanted him to turn around and look at me so badly. I was deep in thought when it was interrupted by a load noise. I turned around to see Fred and George flying in on their brooms, our test flew in their air a blew up. There was so much going on fireworks going off, and everyone was cheering. One even chased Umbridge which of course made me laugh. Everyone was heading outside following Fred and George so I went as well. I even noticed some teachers were actually happy this was happening. Fireworks went up and for a moment it actually felt like Hogwarts again. I looked back to see Draco smiling also I couldn't help but smile back at him. Than I seen behind him Harry fall to the ground. I pushed through and rushed to him Hermione was helping him up as well. "It's Sirius," he said. We ran back into the castle Ron coming with us as well. Harry started explaining his vision to us Voldemort was trying to get the prophecy from the department of mysteries. He was using Sirius to try and get it. Hermione explained how she felt this was a trap. She felt as if Voldemort was trying to lure Harry there, either was I was with Harry on this one Sirius is the only family we have left we can't risk anything happening to him.

          Harry doesn't want to take any chances and insists they get to the Ministry as soon as possible. Ginny and Luna walk in and offer their help. Hermione convinces Harry to use the fire in Umbridge's office to first see if Sirius is actually at number twelve. Ginny and Luna agree to stand guard in the hallway, and Ron creates a distraction. Inside Umbridge's office, Harry uses Floo powder to transport himself to number twelve. I was standing guard outside her door but I seen her coming. She shoved me aside. "What's going on Miss Potter?"Before I could do anything Umbridge stomps into her room comes in and she pulls Harry from the fire and demands to know to whom he was speaking. Harry sees that Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Neville have been captured by Umbridge's Squad. And guess who was with them? Draco. He wasn't holding anyone he was just with the others who had Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, and Luna. "Well don't let her get away." Umbridge snapped at Draco. He grabbed my arm but lightly and when no one was paying attention he whispered "I'm sorry" to me. I nodded. She was treating somethings to Harry but before too long Snape enters Umbridge's office, I and  yells "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden!" When Umbridge asked Snape what I was talking about he acted like he didn't know but I know that was just putting on a front. She pointed her wand towards me, "what does that mean?" I was nervous I didn't know what to say but before I could even think Hermione had a plan. Umbridge, Hermione, and Harry left to go see "Dumbledore's secret weapon" I knew where they were taking her.

We broke away from Umbridge's little squad I didn't really have to break away from Draco like the rest did. As I was going to follow them to meet up and find Harry and Hermione. I turned around to tell Draco by and he motioned for me to come towards him. I let Ron know I'd catch up, he looked at me funny but didn't question it. I quickly made me way into a small area no one would see Draco and I. "Please don't go." He asked. "Draco, they have Sirius I'm going." He seemed frustrated, but I knew he knew, he was not talking me out of this. Before I could think he quickly kissed me. "Be careful, and come back." I nodded. "I love you," I whispered kissing his cheek. Which made him turn red. "I love you too," I nodded and gave him a nod before running towards Ron and the others to find Harry and Hermione. Once we found them they explained everything that happened with Umbridge we were able to laugh for a moment but we still had to go to Sirius. I honestly had no idea how we'd get there in time. Than Luna had an idea. "We can ride out," she suggested. I was confused at first what she was talking about however, Harry knew. "Your right," he said. Next thing I know they have us going to these creatures call "Thestrals" all though when we got there I could not see them. In fact the only ones who could see them were Harry and Luna. So we had to trust them. As we rode off it was awkward riding on something that you physically could not see. Harry and Luna seemed to enjoy the ride better than the rest of us.

When we finally made it, we were all so nervous. We all went in the Hall of Prophecy's one after another. I stood behind Harry because if Sirius was being hurt I knew I wanted to be there to help him as quickly as I could. This hall was insanely overwhelming, it was shelf's upon shelf's of thousands of small dusty glass orbs. We went searching for the prophecy with Harry's name on it, it was so quite though... I didn't fully understand everything about the prophecy besides what Harry had told me I just knew it contained information that Voldemort didn't need. We continued to search what seemed like forever and we finally found it. Harry held on too it, but the silence continued I don't think we really knew what to do next. Than suddenly twelve Death Eaters emerged from the shadows, demanding that Harry turn the prophecy over. The main one talking to Harry was Draco's dad which made me sick. Draco was nothing like him, he was telling Harry how he was connected to the Dark lord and wanted to know if he wanted to know why. I knew Harry wasn't going to budge. Than on Harry's signal, we all used Reductor Curses on the death eaters. These knocked over the shelves while the we fled and were pursued. At least one Death Eater, Nott, was injured by the collapsing shelves, since he had been stunned by Hermione. We all ended up getting separated I was with Harry, Hermione, and Neville. We were fighting off death eaters which I'm sure Luna, Ron, and Ginny were doing as well. We all ended up regrouping everyone seemed to have some kind of injury. The death eaters found us as we regrouped and things started to get crazy again. Harry sprinted deep into the Death Chamber, where he descended down to the centre of the chamber, next to its magical archway, where he was ultimately cornered by the rest of the Death Eaters. The death eaters had each of us, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Ginny, and I. We all had a wand to us. Draco's dad was telling Harry to just hand over the prophecy to spare us. Harry, who did not think he had any other choice, decided to give in to their demands. Even after Neville and I both telling him not too. I knew whatever was on the prophecy was going to risk Harry's life I did not want him to give it up. Just as Harry was about to hand the prophecy over to Draco's dad a door opposite to the Death Eaters suddenly flew open. Suddenly Sirius, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody arrived and I felt a huge relief come upon me. However a huge fight instantly started happening and everything was going so fast it seemed like a blur. As everything was going on the prophecy ended up getting shattered which was also a huge relief because at least now the death eaters couldn't get their hands on it. At the moment after the prophecy shattered, Dumbledore came in, it took a moment for the death eaters to notice. Once they did notice they started to flea. I'm assuming out of fear of having to battle with Dumbledore I'm sure a battle most of them would not win. Sirius and Bellatrix didn't even notice Dumbledore's arrival as they continued to battle. Than out of no where, Bellatrix fired another spell at Sirius, hitting him directly in the chest and causing his body to fall into the archway's Veil that separates the world of the living from that of the dead. I was frozen, in shock. I just stood there I felt like I couldn't breath. Lupin prevented Harry from jumping into the Veil after Sirius by grabbing him in a tight hug, telling him that his godfather was dead and that nothing could be done. I was glad Lupin was there because in that moment I don't think I could have stopped Harry, or worse I may have just gone with him. I instantly began feeling tears come down my face, but I was quite. I could hear Bellatrix taunting Harry who than ran after her out of anger. I tried to run to stop him but I was held back by Moody. Dumbledore followed after them so I knew Harry would be okay, as long as he didn't let his anger get the best of him although I wouldn't blame him if he did. As bad as I wanted to go after Bellatrix too I just felt like crying. Hermione and Ginny comforted me as I cried. I didn't cry long as we could feel something wasn't right. We all decided we should go see what was going on. We all hurried to find Harry and Dumbledore. When we got to where he was Harry was lying on the floor and there he was in-front of him, Voldemort. I knew Harry had never been lying but seeing him with my own eyes really made me sick. We weren't the only ones who had seen him though, the Ministry of Magic was there as well. Which I was glad because now people would know the truth.

Heading back towards Hogwarts Harry told me everything that happened how Voldemort and Dumbledore battled but it was obvious that Dumbledore is still stronger than him. He also talked about how Voldemort, tried to "possess" him but Harry was able to fight him off. Than he got quite again. I finally decided to bring it up. "Harry..." I felt tears come down my face. "I know." He said, he hugged me. "He was the only family we had left." Hearing him say that made my tears come faster. "But, I'm not going anywhere, we will always have each other." He said, "I love you sister, and I'm glad I have you by my side." I hugged him tight. "I love you too." We both decided it was probably not best to talk about what had happened anymore because we were both still in shock. "You want to know something strange?" He said. I nodded "what's that?" He turned towards me. "Voldemort kept trying to cast these spells on me.. even the unforgivable curse and it was like there was something always there to protect me, it was very strange." I looked down at his hand and still noticed he was wearing the ring I had made for him during the triwizard tournament. I wonder if that protected him or if Dumbledore did, or both. "Maybe Dumbledore helped a little." He smiled a little. "Probably," all I could think about was, were my powers really that strong? To protect him in a situation like that. I wasn't sure what to think or believe.

When we finally got back to Hogwarts, it was early but late. I didn't want to go to bed just yet I wanted to read my book, I wanted to read and maybe figure out if I was the one who protected Harry but I kind of felt like it wasn't my powers. As we all went back to our dorms everyone was sleeping. I could not, I even tried reading and I was just not focusing. My mind would not shut off, I was still in shock about Sirius. I honestly wanted to see one person right now, Draco. I didn't care about our fight a few weeks ago anymore. I missed him badly. I was ready to forgive him. I couldn't stay in my dorm any longer I had to try and at least somehow get to him. I quickly got up, and decided I'd go to our spot. I felt butterflies the whole walk down there, in hopes I'd get to see him. As I made it to the door after a long walk to the door of the room of requirement, I thought to myself. I am not thinking clearly right now, it is 3 am in the morning there is no way he's even awake at the point. I slowly took my hand off the door handle and just as I was about to walk away, the door opened. "Kaylee?" His voice gave me chill bumps, he clearly had been sleeping his voice was raspy and his eyes were barely open. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him, and push him back into the room of requirement. He shut the door behind us. He hugged me back which seemed to last forever. "I've been so worried..." he said. I nodded. "I know, but I'm here." He kissed my forehead as I looked up at him. "I stayed in here I'd hope you'd come looking for me when you came back but I wasn't sure if you would," he let out a small laugh. "I honestly didn't think you'd be here, I wanted to see you so badly." I added. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" I guess he could tell I wasn't okay, he clearly knew something happened since we had been gone so long. "Yes, but right now I just want you to hold me." He nodded. He had a pallet made on the floor where he had been sleeping. We walked over too it and laid down, I laid my head on his chest for a while just listening to his breathing. We didn't speak, we just laid there and I felt so at ease with him. I can't believe I went weeks without letting him huge, hold, or kiss me. I finally looked up toward him and he was looking at the ceiling. I had the huge urge to just kiss him. So I got myself closer so our faces were just inches apart. "I've missed you like crazy." I finally let out breaking the long silence. I planted my lips on his before he could even say anything. The kiss felt so good, I felt my whole body tingling. The kiss continued getting more passionate with every second. My whole body felt like it was craving his touch so I pulled us closer together. The kiss continued and I still wanted him closer. I finally turned from by side to my back pulling him on top of me. Which I could tell took him by surprise. "You really did miss me huh?" He asked letting out a small laugh with a smile. I laughed a little too. "Something like that." I didn't hesitate to start the kiss again as I put my hands on his face to pulls his lips back to mine. As we continued to kiss, I started running my fingers through his hair. It wasn't long before his hand started traveling down my bodying, as soon as his hand was on my thigh I felt this feeling I hadn't felt which made me crave him more. I adjusted my bottom half and now my legs were propped beside him so was laying between them was we continued to kiss. I felt myself getting this urge I had never really felt with him but I didn't want to stop. The kiss got deeper after that and finally my hands made their way down his back. My hands finally made their was to the bottom of his shirt and I slid them underneath. I could feel his hot skin, which made made me crave him even more as I ran my hands up and down his back as we continued to kiss. I could feel a bulged from him against my me, I realized what I was doing to him and I didn't want to stop so I started to take off his shirt. However, he stopped. "Kaylee..." he finally breathed out, I didn't realize how out of breath we both were. "Yes," I asked not really wanting to take a break from what was about to happen. "Um so like..." he couldn't seem to form the words he wanted to say I could tell he was nervous. I grabbed his face and looked him straight in the eyes. "I don't want to stop." He nodded, "me either." He finally let out. It didn't take long for our lips to finally meet again. I started to take off his shirt again. He lifted up long enough to take it off than came right back to my lips. I could feel the heat coming off his skin and I just wanted to feel it closer to mine. After a few moments I was trying to help him take off my shirt. Although I still had my bra on, I could tell this was taking him by surprise he had never seen me so exposed. He started to kiss me again but he than moved from my lips down my neck. And down my chest a little and than came back to my lips. I was feeling everything so intensely, I had butterflies along with cartwheels, feeling our skin touch made me have butterflies between my legs, a feeling I've never had before. Things were getting more intense now and I didn't want to stop. I finally rolled him over on his back and now I was on top of him, kissing him. I felt so in the moment I placed his hand on the back of my bra during our kiss so he'd take it off. He didn't hesitate to do so. I sat up on his lap and slowly took off my bra making my breast fully exposed too him now. This made him turn red, I could tell he was nervous but at this point we both wanted more. He sat up and now we were both sitting up, I was on his lap still my legs wrapped around him. Our chest were touching and our eyes met. "I love you." He said as he started to kiss me again and our bodies were so close. My breast were completely against his chest and suddenly the bulge in his pants was larger than before because I could feel it sitting on his lap. It didn't take him long to place me back on my back and climb on top of me again. This time he didn't kiss my lips, he made his way down my neck again, making the feeling between my legs for stronger. He made his way down my neck to my chest close to my breast. He stopped for a moment before beginning to kiss around my exposed breast and on my nipples. This caused me to let out a moan. Once he noticed, he continued to kiss around them, and this made me want him even more. He started kissing down my belly right at the edge of my pants. I didn't want him to stop there my body was craving him so badly at this point. "Draco, please keep going." It came out like I was begging I felt so desperate saying that but right now I felt like I desperately needed him. "I won't," he said softly and began to pull down my sweat pants and I helped him. Not my underwear was all I had covering me. "Your turn," I said letting out a giggle I also felt nervous being the only one with so much exposed right now. He didn't hesitate to pull down his pants exposing his underwear either. Even though he had underwear on his bulge was so noticeable. There was only a dim light in the room, which I'm glad it being a little dark was helping me get thought this right now, I didn't want him to see my body full exposed in the light just yet. I continued to look at him up and down all that was covering us at the point was our underwear. He leaned back down on top of me and gave me a soft kiss. "I just want to make sure you're comfortable with this, we can stop if you want it continue if you want baby." He said kissing my neck again. Like kissing my neck is going to make me say no. He looked back up at my eyes. "I don't want to stop yet." I bit my lips nervously. "Okay," he started to kiss me again and once he got between me legs, even tho we both still had our underwear on I could feel him brush against me more intensively down there. This turned me on so much more and I just couldn't wait any longer. As we continued to kiss I started tugging the the waist band of his underwear wanting him to take them off. So he did and continued to kiss me as he did. I was curious, so during the kiss I let my hand explore and I felt it, he definitely was not small as soon as my hands started to caress it, he let out a moan during our kiss. So I continued, this seemed to please him a lot. I wasn't really sure what I was doing, but I know it felt good to him. I stopped for a moment and let out kiss continue, than he started running his hand up my thigh, close to my underwear. Be slowly slid his fingers under so he could feel between my legs. I started to moan as his fingers started to feel around, and it felt so amazing. He went slow at first and continued to kiss me and picked up the pace with his fingers when I asked me too. I could feel myself getting "wet" between my legs from him doing this. I finally felt this intense feeling like a firework going off between my legs it felt so good, it was like a rush and I let out a loud moan. I still wanted more and began to take off my underwear and he helped me. I placed my hand on his face and gave him a kiss. "I'm ready," I said. He nodded. He adjusted himself between my legs and right before he was going to go inside me he stopped. "You can ask me to stop if you don't feel comfortable okay?" I nodded. He finally started to place himself inside me, he went slow as soon as he started it felt so good. I had obviously never felt this before and I instantly started to moan. I started watching his face and he looked like he was feeling so much pleasure. I could feel pressure the farther he went inside it hurt a little but it also felt so good I continued to moan and so did he. After he was fully inside me he started to thrust, which felt so amazing I couldn't help but continuously moan. "Draco, this feels amazing." He leaned back down so he was hovering over me and could reach my lips. "I know baby," he moaned and continued to keep his pace. He started kissing my lips again making his way down my neck he started to moan right in my ear. "You feel amazing." He moaned and he pace started to pick up, but I didn't mind because it felt so good. His started kissing down my chest and made his way towards my breast he started sucking on the bare skin above my nipples. Causing me to moan even more. He eventually made his way to breast and started kissing and sucking them making my moans louder. When my moans got louder, his pace got faster. This went on for a while, and it felt amazing the entire time. After we finished, we both laid beside each other trying to catch our breath. "Wow," I said. He turned toward me smiling and breathing heavy. "That was amazing." He said. I nodded. "It was more than that." I added. He kissed my cheek. We laid there for a bit. I grabbed his shirt and put it on to cover myself, and he put on his boxers and sweats. We laid back down and I laid on his chest. "I love you Draco," he kissed the top of my head. "I love you too." He said. He was playing with my hair and for a moment I had forgotten everything that had happened earlier in the night, and I was at ease and I slowly fell asleep in his arms.

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