Water and Ice (Loki Love Stor...

By Silver-Tigress

34.6K 982 115

27 year old Aquamarine (Aqua) Spears Rivers believed she was just a normal girl living in Malibu, California... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
New Book!
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Author's Note!!

Chapter 48

245 9 0
By Silver-Tigress

Aqua's P. O. V:

I wake up to the sound of beeping, and Bruce, Thor and Valkyrie wake up, too. They grab the steering wheels and straighten the ship out before we fly upward, and the majestic, shining city of Asgard appears before us.

I had taken photons of Asgard during my previous trip, when Loki was a prisoner. Asgard was still beautiful, despite the fires everywhere.

Val murmurs, "I never thought I'd be back here."

Bruce and I unbuckle before we stagger up to their seats and I lean against the back of Val's seat.

Bruce muses, "Thought it'd be a lot nicer. I mean, n-not that it's not nice. It's just that... it's just that it's on fire."

Val says as she gazes at a quantum energy screen showing the mountains, "Here, over the mountains. Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them." The image shows lots of red lights huddled together while a bigger blue light faces towards them.

Thor says, "Drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away."

"And get yourself killed?" Val asks.

"I thought I'd deal with the hag because of my Haemokinesis?" I mutter.

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help everyone get off Asgard. Besides, I promised Loki I'd protest you, and, since you were able to stop Hela with your Haemokinesis last time, she's probably out for revenge. If you face her, she will kill you, then Loki will kill me."

I flick my eyebrow as I say in agreement, "Fair point."

Bruce asks, "How the hell are we supposed to do that ?"

All Thor says in response is, "I have a man underground."


"Here," Thor says as he pushes a huge energy blaster into the ship. "Now the ship has a gun."

Val says, "I can take it from here."

"Here," Thor says as he holds out some wrapped clothing. "I found this in the armory." He sets it on the ground and starts to back away. "Good luck."

"Your Majesty," Val calls, causing the blonde to pause. "Don't die. You know what I mean."

I grin as I close the hatch and start to raise the ship away from the palace balcony.

As I fly the ship, Bruce sitting next to me, Val dons the white and silver ceremonial Valkyrie armor with the blue cape and sheathes her dragon fang blade, before gripping the handle of the gun and aiming it to the open door of the ship.

Below is, guarding the Bifrost, is a freaking gargantuan wolf with black fur and forest green eyes.

The massive beast then roars and charges for the fleeing Asgardians, but pauses when Val starts firing right at it.

I guide the Commodore so Val could hit her target, but the bullets seem to have zero effect. The Asgardians were fleeing the Bifrost, but Heimdall holds out his arm for them to halt as a legion of Hela's minions step onto the bridge.

Heimdall is wearing a brown cape over a matching coloured sleeveless shirt and black pants, the sword strapped to his back and his black hair tied in dreadlocks down his back.

He looks so different without his fancy golden armor.

With Skurge at the front.

"HEIMDALL!" Skurge screams, causing the guardian to look at him as Skurge holds out his hand. "The sword!"

Then, the Berserkers charge the Asgardians.

As the Asgardians battle the Berserkers, Val continues to relentlessly fire bullets at the massive wolf, but it just charges towards the fleeing Asgardians.

Val ceases firing as she turns to us and screams in frustration, "THE STUPID DOG WON'T DIE!!"


Bruce has a thoughtful look on his face as I steer the Commodore closer to the wolf.

Heimdall throws of his cloak and readies the Bifrost sword, preparing to face the wolf.

Bruce says as he unbuckles his seatbelt and heads towards the door, "Everything's going to be alright now. I've got this! You wanted to know who I am?"

Val demands to know, "What the hell are you talking about?!"

Bruce shouts back, "You'll see!"

Then, he dives out of the door and towards the rainbow bridge. However, Hulk didn't come out right away, so Bruce just splatters the n the bridge, falling unconscious instantly. I face palm as the wolf pauses and sniffs Bruce out of curiosity, before deeming him not a threat and continuing to charge for the Asgardians.

"Oh, for the love of the gods!" I groan.

However, just when the wolf was about to eat them for lunch, a massive green skinned beast grabs the wolf by his tail and throws him back, slamming the wolf onto the floor of the Bifrost.

Hulk gives a roar of challenge as Val gapes at him, understanding clear in her dark orbs.

I cackle like the Wicked Witch of the West, "Val, say hello to my little friend! I believe the two of you have already met."

The wolf gives a roar of its own before charging at Hulk. The wolf grabs his arm and throws them both into the ocean.

"I guess I'll join them for a swim, too," I say, getting out of my seat.

"What?" Val asks before I press play on Britney Spears' Till The World Ends, and hand her my phone and headphones.

"Mind these, and, if you value your life, do not break them!" I tell Val before I stand before the door that's hovering above the ocean, the opposing sides fighting below. She puts the headphones around her neck and stashes my phone in a pocket.

I brace myself before I jump down into the water. I hit it with a loud splash and sink further down, closing my eyes as I focus on my Hydrokinesis.

After several heartbeats, I snap my eyes open and they glow bright blue, before I refill my water bottles and I spin rapidly and form a water spout, just like I'd seen Aang do in the very first episode of Avatar The Last Airbender.

I then shoot up, out of the ocean and rise high above the Bifrost. Heimdall notices me and hollers for the Asgardians to get clear, his loud voice ringing across the bridge.

Gritting my teeth, I descend upon the Bifrost, and the water spout follows me. The Asgardians got out of range but most of the Berserkers were not so lucky. Once I land on the bridge, I wave my arms around to bring the spout around my body, before I thrust my arms outward. The water is thrown at the enemy and almost all of them were either knocked out by the force of the water or washed into the ocean.

Once the movement was completed, I face the enemy and relax my stance, my eyes returning to their normal blue colour.

One of the enemies who'd survived was Skurge, and he gazes at me with immense fear.

Berserkers leap upon the Commodore as Val steers it around. It crashes between the turrets of a building nearby, shaking off the enemies before it crashes to the Bifrost.

I create razor rings of water to cut down two more Berserkers as Heimdall cuts down another. But a second kicks him in the back. The Berserker is about to plunge his sword into Heimdall's stomach, is hit with an energy bullet from behind, surprising the both of us.

Holding the gun over his shoulder, Korg says, "Hey, man. I'm Korg. This is Meik. We're gonna jump on this spaceship and get out of here. Wanna come?"

Meik has come up and salutes Heimdall just as my husband shouts from a freaking huge ship, water swirling around me, "YOUR SAVIOUR IS HERE!!" Loki is wearing his green cape and golden horns.

"LOKI!!" I scream happily, waving to him wildly as I jump up and down on the balls of my feet. Loki sends me a wink once he sees me and waves back. The ship was long and big enough to fit all of Asgard on it.

Loki says as he makes his way through the crowd, "Did you miss me? Everyone, on that ship now." The Asgardians begin boards the ship.

"Welcome home," Heimdall says when my husband reaches us. "Saw you coming."

"Of course you did." I start walking briskly up to my husband and he was smiling at me. Until I reach him and slap his left cheek. "Ah. What was that for?"

"Sorry. I was just making sure you were really here. It's been quite the day for me," I say apologetically.

"Well, there's no need for you to worry, my love. I'm here—"


His head jerks to the left when I slap him once more.

"And that one?" Loki asks, blinking his emerald gaze.

"That was for betraying me!" I tell him.

"Yeah, I guess I deserved that."

"Yeah, you did," Heimdall agrees.

I whirl as some Berserkers run at us, weapons raised. Korg blasts them while Loki uses the horns of his helmet and and Heimdall uses his sword to cut through them. I create water tentacles to bash the enemies together or throw them off the bridge.

Just then, a huge bolt of lightning blasts Hela off the balcony and Thor comes flying towards us, electricity trailing behind him. Loki and I grin.

When he lands, on top of the Berserkers piling atop each other, lightning crackling around him, they scatter like bowling pins. Thor looks up and lunges at the incoming Berserkers. He twists around and sends a tornado of lightning at them, knocking the enemies right down.

Thor then proceeds to punch and kick his way through, before grabbing a hand of an enemy and throwing them away.

"Thor!" I exclaim and send more water from the ocean onto the bridge around him. Thor grins and slams his lightning covered fist in the water. Lightning crackles wildly as it races at the enemies, instantly taking them out.

I go back to Loki as I say, gazing up at him, "I'm glad you came back. I mean, I knew you would." He smiles at me. "Just in case we die today, I just want you to know I love you with all my heart, Loki."

"I love you, too, Aquamarine," Loki says before I grip the front of his jacket and yank him towards me for a deep kiss.

As we kiss, Loki wrapping one arm around my waist, the other hand cupping the back of my head, we ignore the fact that the Commodore is being blown up and fireworks were practically exploding into the sky as Val walks onto the Bifrost, seemingly in slow motion with Till The World Ends' chorus blasting from my phone.

Some Berserkers charge at her while a few others surround me and Loki as we continue to kiss.

As two come up towards us, I thrust my hand out and focus my Haemokinesis on the lot of them. I hear the Berserkers drop like stones on the bridge.

Loki and I pull back, seeing Bruce throw the wolf over his head in the ocean.

Loki whips out his daggers and flips them before he resumes cutting down Berksers while I face even more of them.

I focus my Hydrokinesis on the ocean around the bridge and hold my hands up. Giant hands made of water rise up from the ocean. The Berserkers notice and try to get away but they were too slow. My water hands grab a whole bunch and pull them back into the ocean.

I snatch up a few more that keep coming towards Thor and drop them into the ocean, too. Thor punches a Berserker away from him and he hits the ground with lightning exploding around him. This has grabbed a weapon from a Berserker and is cutting down his opponents.

I release the hands and run at some Berserkers while forming a giant wave which I bring onto the bridge and wipe out several more Berserkers

Hulk is dragged under the water by the wolf until he punched it and it releases him, sending the beast flying over the waterfall.

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