Always Yours | 18+

By eroticc_mara

319K 6.1K 1.2K

"I need you like a heart needs a beat" Three years have passed, yet Angelina Hernandez still commands fear w... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter tweleve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
bonus #1
bonus #2
bonus #3
bonus #4
bonus #5
bonus #6
Damon's book.

chapter twenty seven

5.6K 116 11
By eroticc_mara


"Angelina what are you laughing at?"

She slapped her hand over a mouth muffling in her laugh, "Sorry" She mumbled out as she moved her hand staring at it.

"Do you want to change or are you going to wear this?"  I asked as I buckled my belt. "Where are we going?" She asked as she stood up.

I looked at her to see her staring at the chandelier "I will change" She said as she stood up then fell back down.

She stood back up slowly staring at the chandelier, I looked at it which made me remember how she shot my chandelier down all those years ago and last month.

"Do you remember....." I stopped talking once I saw her being amazed her fingers, I grabbed her hand pulling her into the closet.

"Do you want to sit this one out?" I asked as she licked her lips then yawned, "I love you" She whispered. "I love you too" I said.

She made herself it down and then she eventually laid down. I grabbed a black jumpsuit then walked back to Angelina who's eyes are closed.

"Angie?" I asked making her eyes open "Everything is spinning" She said I took off her boots then her socks. "Close your eyes then love" I said.

"That is what I am doing" She said as she closed her eyes, I pulled her tights off then pulled the jumpsuit up her legs. I pulled her tech shirt off her then put the rest of her in the jumpsuit.

"Alright" I said as I grabbed her socks and put that on her, "You should wear snow pants right?" I asked Angelina who is playing with the strings of her carpet.

I grabbed her snow pants then put those on her as I grabbed her boots, "Sit up for me honey" I said as I made her sit up and she laid back down. "My body feels like jello" She said making me lean her against something.

I grabbed a jacket and put that on her. "It matches" She said as I zipped her up then grabbed her gloves, scarf, hat and goggles. "Alright sit there while I get dressed?" I asked as she stood up and began to do jumping jacks then switched to push ups. She did that while I changed into the same attire as her.

"I already have the twins dressed so let's go" I said as I pulled her out of plank position. "I am sweating" She said as I grabbed her bag and we walked out of the closet.

"Small feet" She said then mere seconds later the door swung open and the twins walked inside only wearing their underwear. "What happened?" I asked.

"We got hot" They said. "My children" Angelina said as she clapped her hands together and bowed down making Ale bow down and Damon stare at her weirdly.

I got them dressed in their attire again then we walked out into the hallway to see Angelina lying on the floor face down. "Is mommy okay?" Ale asked.

"Mommy is fine she is just tired" I said as I helped her up and we all walked downstairs. We made our way outside and got into the suv, "Did you think about it?" Damon asked Angelina as I strapped him in.

"Think about what?" I asked as I strapped Ale in "Us getting our own rooms, she said she would talk to you about it." Ale said as I sat back down and gave the driver the sign to drive and he did.

I looked over to Angelina who is definitely seeing things since she placed her hand on Ale's face like her whole palm on his face.

"I don't get why you want your own rooms" I said as I retracted her hand from his face. "I don't want to share with him anymore" They whined in sync.

"Does mommy agree?" I asked Angelina who unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled on top of me. "Mommy agrees" She said as she nodded and I unbuckled my seatbelt and put it around the both of us.

"Why is she still nodding?" The twins asked making me look at her to see her still nodding. "She's mimicking a bobble head" I said as my mafia phone began to ring.

"Do a vlog" I said as I gave Damon my personal phone and gave Ale, Angelina's phone. I answered Dante's calling pressing it on my ear.

"Happy holidays Nicolas" Dante said making me roll my eyes, "Spit it out" I said. "Where is Carmelo buried?" He asked.

"What?" I asked clearly confused, "Where is he buried?" He asked. "His parents wanted to do their own burial so Alfonzo gave them his body." I said as Angelina's phone began to ring making Ale give it to her.

"Did you ever actually see his dead body?" He asked, "No. Why?" I asked. "Well someone who looks exactly like him has been spotted in New York" He said.

"And where exactly in New York?" We both asked making me look over to Angelina who is taking off her goggles. "Around Angelina's community." Dante said.

"No Alfonzo told me he was dead" I said as Angelina unbuckled the seatbelt and crawled over to her side, she put headphones on the twins and gave them ipads.

"Alfonzo also kidnapped Angelina and your children then stabbed her five times." He said. "This can not be about her, he didn't meet her at all." I said.

"Nicolas I promise you this is.....oh. Oh she works fast." He said. "I put two men on him just to watch him and then a group of men just grabbed him and shoved him into a van headed for Angelina's building."

"She works fast" I said as I glanced at her, "Yes that is what I said but yes he is on her soil but he is an Italian citizen." He said.

"Angelina won't do anything to him, find out anything there is to know on Alfonzo and him alongside anyone who was working with him because clearly I don't know my own team anymore" I said as I hung up and sighed.

"Dead friend no longer dead" Angelina said as she yawned, "I figured you would tell me." I said as I locked hands with her. "I don't work near any holidays, your mother was the only exception" She said.

"So Carmelo is going to have to wait?" I asked and she nodded, shortly after that we arrived at the lodge that Angelina owns and had cleared out and replaced with her men and women.

"This is exciting!" Damon said as he jumped up and down, I called Dante whom answered quickly. "Go to Angelina's building and talk to Carmelo. No torturing." I said.

"I may or may not have married his fiancée" He said as I walked into the lodge itself. "What did you say?" I asked. "Look she was grieving I was grieving choices were made, I am a family man now." He said.

I scoffed as I chuckled "You cheat on her every day. You are in New York to cheat." I said as I hung up. "Ski!" I turned around to see Angelina and the twins in their ski attire.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁

Angelina ski'd once ended up bumping into a tree and then throwing up. So that was it for her so she was put on camera duty which surprisingly worked.

The twins and I ski'd, snowboarded, and did a lot of outside things and Angelina dragged us inside now to eat and relax.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate as I stared out the window. "Is she alright?" One of the workers asked making me trace their gaze to see Angelina staring at a chair.

Jesus Christ.

I walked over to her placing my cup on the table "Hey what happened to staying with me?" I asked making her look at me.

"I ran into a friend, you know Carol" She said as she patted the chair. "Hi Carol" I said as I locked hands with her pulling her away from the chair.

We walked into the photo booth to see the twins inside already, we took a shitload of pictures then the twins went to go sit down while we waited for the pictures.

"These are cute" She said as she locked eyes with me, "Your eyes are starting to go down" I said. "I put eye drops in" She said as we walked over the twins and I picked them up just as our phone began to ring and her men surrounded us.

"We have to get you guys out of here" They all said, we all ran outside just as the lodge blew up making me shield the twins and Angelina with my body.

Her men shielded us as gun shots began to be fired, "Give them to me and check on her!" I looked over to Paige who is crouched over Angelina who is clearly unconscious.

I gave the twins who are fine and just scared and confused to Paige who got shielded by men and ran over to car and drove away.

I crawled over to Angelina moving her hair out of her face "Angelina my love? Are you okay? Wake up baby please." I said.

I shook her gently making her flutter her eyes open then sit up gasping for air "Twins. Where my children?" She asked.

"They are fine, are you okay?" I asked as the shots died down, "What the fuck?" She asked as we stood up and left the circle to see a bunch of dead bodies in the snow.

One of her men walked up to her and gave her a full rundown on everything. Angelina is clearly livid and I am about to get a earful.

"Your friend is the reason I lost some men today, the reason me and our children almost died today." She said as she pointed in my face.

"My house was attacked as was yours back in Italy. I don't know what the fuck you did to your friend but figure it the fuck out" She said as she took off her gloves and hat clearly frustrated with me.

We walked over to the suv and got inside making it speed off. We checked in with her mom to see that the twins are fine and they are underground and safe.

We got out of the car and made our way into her building. I walked into Carmelo's cell making him look up at me, there was a point in time where Alfonzo and him were my best friends.

Now here we are.

"You're supposed to be dead." I said making him blink at me. "And you are supposed to be my best friend." He said. "Why were me and Angelina attacked?" I asked making him turn confused. "I don't know who that is" He said making me scoff. We went back and forth and he claims to have no knowledge of Angelina.

"Who is that?" He whisper asked me as Angelina walked into his cell clearly livid. "I do not have the time, energy or patience for games." She said as she locked eyes with him.

"I gave Nicolas some time to talk to you and that did not work so we are going to do things my way." She said as she put on gloves."So I take it you are Angelina?" He asked as she grabbed some pliers. "Who are you working for?" She asked.

"Working for? Why can't I-" She punched him across the face with the pilers, she grabbed his face and fixed his mouth open as she put them in his mouth and pulled out three of his teeth.

"Who are you working for?" She asked again as she put the pilers down then grabbed a drill as he coughed up blood. She grabbed a drill as I crossed my arms against my chest,"NO ONE!" He shouted making her sigh as she turned on the drill and walked back over to him.

She drilled a hole into his chest before pulling it out and drilling a hole into his thighs. "You have ruined my plans with my family. Almost killed me and my children." She said.

"The blood of my men. My family is spread out on that slope because of you. So I will torture you and make you feel like you are dying and then revive you like your own personal hell before the actual hell were you burn for eternity" She said as she grabbed a sword.

"Or I can throw you into an oven and leave you there for an hour then bring you back out either way pain is what you will feel" She said making me uncross my arms.

She was about to slash him but I grabbed her wrist which made her point the sword at me until I let go. "I gave you time to listen and you haven't gotten anything useful. My soil. My territory. My interrogation." She said.

"My citizen. It is in the kings book. So you can not do as you wish with my fucking citizen." I said as I took the sword out of her hand.

"We can do this all day Carmelo we can do this every single day and I promise you that they will only get worse." I said as I slashed the sword against his chest.

One of her men handed her phone then walked in front of me. "He was in a cell for the whole time so yes he is working with someone and yes I will find out who." She said.

She grabbed a stool from the corner placing it in front of him. "You are out for revenge." She said. "Nicolas what" He gasped as he tried to catch his breath "Is she talking about?" He asked.

One of her men handed me a file and she took it from me before I could read it, she read it then threw it onto the floor.

"Dante Rivera." She said making him try to get out of the ropes, "You tried murdered his wife and kids the same way you tried to murder me and my children" She said.

"I don't know what she is talking about-"

"Dante married your fiancée." I said cutting him off making Angelina stand up smiling. "There it is." She said, "Also your plan to kill his family didn't work, they are in my territory so they are protected." She said.

"My patience is wearing thin, say it." I said, "They are planning to overthrow you, because you killed someone named Istavan" She asked as she sat back down on the stool. "Who is they?" I asked.

"Matias. I've been in Spain, he's been planning to overthrow you for a while now he's been trying to get everyone to get on his side but no one will join him their loyalty is with you and he can't overthrow you by himself" Carmelo said.

"But he's trying to" She said as she stood up, "Starting with attacking yes he knew you would make it out alive but me being-"

"Enough. I am not going to have another Francis situation." She said as she walked out of the cell, I turned to Carmelo who is just staring at me.

"You tried to kill me." I said making him scoff "You left me for dead." He said back making me shake my head.

"I did not leave you for dead. I thought you were already dead. I am not the one who married your fiancée, you killed innocent people today because of someone who immediately got with someone else."

"My wife and my children were almost killed because of you." I said, "Angelina has no more use for you. Now that you have told her what she needs to know, what she said still stands." I said.

"You were my brother" He said making me nod, "I have two brothers. One is dead and the other one is with his family." I said as I walked out of the cell to see Angelina on the phone.

She walked up to me taking my hands in hers "I love you and I am so sorry." She said, "I love you to. What are you sorry for?" I asked.

"That your friend is no longer the person you thought he was" She said making me shrug, "I want you to meet Alessandro." I said making her nod.

"Sure. I don't mind. I am going to Spain though." She said as she dragged me into the elevator, "Where are we going?" I asked as she pressed the button. "We are going to have sex" She said as the elevator's door closed.

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