New love

By Italian_Men_21

23.8K 194 38

When a girl goes on vacation after her boyfriend cheats on her, she finds the love of her life, football supe... More

Chapter 1: First look
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 49

Part 2

1.2K 16 2
By Italian_Men_21

Raleigh's POV/

I almost let him kiss me.

I almost let Jimmy Garoppolo kiss me.

Well I guess James.


I almost let another man kiss me.

It's too soon.

I get into my silver Jeep wrangler form my Junior year of high school and lean my head on the headrest.

"Shit." I huff.

My phone starts ringing and I see a facetime from my mom.

"Hey mom." I smile at the screen and try to start the car.

It doesn't work.

"Hi honey." She smiles "How's it going in Cali?"

"Good I made a few new friends." I bite my lip. Jimmy. JAMES. He made me feel things. A lot of things.

I turn the key again and it doesn't work. Shit.

"Ooooo meet any guys?" She wiggles her brows.

I sigh and scold "Mom."

I turn the key one more time and bang my head on the steering wheel when it still doesn't work.

"I'm just saying." She sighs "You need someone."

"I don't need a man, they're just fun to have around sometimes." I shrug.

"What I mean is, Owen was a fucking asshole." She sighs "you need a good guy."

"I'm trying-"

"Raleigh Nicole Carter!" She yells as soon as I step out of the car "You can't expect to find a really good guy if you're standards are as high as they are."

"My standards aren't too high-" I roll my eyes.

"You act like you don't turn down guys if they don't have a whole life plan." She huffs.

"I like having guys that are organized." I go to the hood of the car and pop it open. "I'm just not ready for a relationship."

"Ok, you're not ready for a relationship but what if your celebrity crush pulled up and said 'jump in baby' and winked at you what would you say?" She asks.

"I'd probably say I'm a virgin and tell them to go fuck themselves." I roll my eyes while going to check the spark plugs.

I lay my phone on the side of the hood and lean over to check everything out.

"Well what would you do if you saw Jimmy Garoppolo and he asked you out?" She sighs. It's James. I want to say it but no.

"I'd say I got over that crush a long time ago and that I wasn't ready for anything like that." I sigh and see that what's wrong is that the spark plugs need to be replaced again. Oh and the oil needs to be changed as well as I probably need a new battery.

I slap the thing and curse.

"Language." Mom scolds.

"I don't really care right now. My car is messed up." I bite my lip so I don't cry.

"Do you need someone to fix it? I know your Uncle Mike knows some shops over there-" She starts.

"Mom I can change some spark plugs and change oil myself." I sigh. And buy a new battery. I add the last part silently.

"But you shouldn't have to." She protests.

"It's fine mom." I say "I love you mama."

"Love you too honey, please be safe." She sys back "And come home really soon."

"I will." I smile back.

It's December 21st. I'll go home for Christmas eve and Christmas but come back afterwards.

I hang up and bite my lip again so I don't cry.

"You ok over there?" Jimmy's voice makes me jump away.

"Didn't mean to scare you." He chuckles.

Usually if I'm alone with a man at night I get unnerved or scared but with him I don't feel either. I only feel comfortable and maybe butterflies- no.

My phone starts ringing again and I answer it to see my brother Grey on FT.

"What do you want." I huff.

"I want to know why the hell your car is messing up."

"Maybe because I've had it since Junior year." I sigh.

Jimmy sneezes.

"Who's with you?" Grey asks.

"Jimmy Garoppolo." I sigh.

"Yeah right." He snickers "He wouldn't waste his time with you of all people he's too, what's the word, good."

"Shut up Grey." I roll my eyes.

"I'm kidding." He sighs "But I know he's not with you."

I look over at Jimmy and he sort of steps into the camera's view.


Tessa rolls over where they're in bed. "What?"

"LOOK!" He exclaims.

"It's your sister." She starts and squints before rubbing her eyes "AND A BOY!"

"Man." Jimmy corrects.

"AND A MAN!" She redoes her words.

"Not just any man." Grey looks giddy "That's Jimmy fucking Garoppolo."

"Grey can you not." I roll my eyes.

"No this is a big deal." He sighs.

I look at James who looks very amused "I'm so sorry."


I look at Grey "I have to get my car fixed, goodnight guys."

"Wait-" He starts before I hang up.

"What's wrong with your car?" James asks.

"The spark plugs need to be replaced and I need to change the oil. I'll just go get the parts tomorrow and fix it up." I sigh and let my hair down since my shoulders were getting a bit cold. "I'll get a cab back to my hotel tonight."

"Just ride with me." He shrugs.

"I wouldn't-"

"It's the least I can do for being an asshole in there." He says.

"It's ok I promise-"

"Please? I was raised too well to let a lady take a cab somewhere and not know they're home safe." He tilts his head with puppy dog eyes.

I look at my car then back at him "Fine."

"thank god." He smiles "I didn't have a lot of fight left in me."

I laugh and get my stuff from my car.

I give him my hotel name. It's the nicest hotel in this part of the state and is owned by one of my closest friends from high school who proved you didn't need a college degree to survive.

He pulls up and parks outside.

"What are you doing?" I ask and look over at him.

"I'm taking you to your room." He shrugs.

"You don't need to." I say softly "I'm a big girl."

"I know. But you look lonely." He says and looks into my eyes.

"I am lonely." I whisper without really meaning to.

He doesn't say anything as he hops out and is around my side in a flash to open my door for me.

"Thank you." I half smile.

He grabs my hand to help me down but as soon as I'm down I drop it like fire.

"Thanks." I mumble.

We ride in the elevator to my room.

"So." He rocks back on his heels while shoving his hands in his pocket.

"So?" I ask digging in my purse for my keys.

"I heard you and your mom." He chuckles.

I drop the keys that were in my hand onto the floor, when I go to pick them up he gets them for me.

"You used to have a crush on me?" He asks.

"Yeah." I sigh, there's no use in denying it "A little one."

"Awwww." He says playfully "How much."

"How much what?"

"Did you like me?" He wiggles his brows.

"Enough." I fight a smile "Enough to drive my dad absolutely crazy."

"absolutely crazy?" He raises a brow "What could you have possibly done?"

"I said that as soon as I turned 18 I was going to move out here and marry you." I scrunch my nose after unlocking my door.

His eyes widen "Wow."

"Don't ask." I shake my head and step inside while he stands by the door.

"I wasn't going to." He chuckles while I turn to lean on the door.

"Well it was nice to meet you James. Or Jimmy." I smile.

"Call me J." He winks.

"God!" I groan "You and your brother's with the winks!"

His laughter carries through the hotel room and I smile about it while biting my lip.

"Well. I guess I'm going to bed." I sigh. "Have a nice night."

"You too." He says "Nice to meet you Raleigh."

I start to close the door before his foot stops it "Wait."

I open it again.

"Can I get your number?" He asks.

I slowly get my phone out to not seem eager.

He takes it and puts in his number. "Text me to see if it works."

I text him 'Hey it's Raleigh.' And he immediately replies 'It's J'.

I smile at him in front of me.

He smiles back and does a tiny little wave before turning and walking down the hallway while I watch him.

Halfway down he backtracks.

He jogs back, cups my face quickly and gives me a small kiss on the lips.

My eyes are wide.

The tingle. The spark. the electricity. Everything. It's like how every romance book describes it.

My mouth is slightly parted and he looks like he felt the same thing.

He bites his lip and with one more smile he leaves.

I watch him leave while licking my lips until he stops at the elevator and turns his hips to give me one last waves while I bite my lip and smile while waving back and then stepping inside to close and lock the door before leaning my head against it and giggling.


I'm giggling.

I call Michael, my childhood best friend.

"Michael." I try to stay calm while I head over to the wall that's a complete window.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Well. I met Jimmy Garoppolo tonight." I smile and look at his face on the FT.

He looks shocked "No way."

"He took me to my hotel. Walked me to my door. Asked for my number. Almost left, turned around and fucking kissed me." I smile.

"Wow." He gasps.

I squeal and go flop down on the couch.

"You're coming home right?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod "Probably the day before Christmas eve so two days. And I'm going home on the 26th so I can get back."

"Do you have a date for the holidays?" He asks.

I shake my head "I'll find one."

He sighs "You always go to holidays alone. You're 21."

I nod. I've heard this speech. I was overweight in high school so I mean nobody wanted me. At all. I mean for about a year I had Owen but we never met each other's families.

We talk for a little bit before I hang up after saying goodnight.

I text J.


I then think he's probably still driving before I get a response about 5 seconds later.


What are you doing for the holidays?

I was going to hang around at home. My parents went on vacation and I don't want to intrude on my siblings.


What about you?

I'm going home.

Oh. That sounds nice.

Well. Yeah it's good.

Are you traveling alone?


Bubbles pop up before disappearing then coming back up.

do you not want to?

What do you mean?

I mean I could go with you. It's been a while since I've seen some snow.

That would be nice.

So, when do you usually leave?

I'm probably going to leave on Thursday.

The 23rd?



Why not.


I have Christmas Eve at my grandma's then I have my regular Christmas at home.


You can just sleep in the guest room.

Guest room?

Yes guest room.

Ok. We'll plan later?

Sounds great I'm dirt tired.

I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 6 so that we can go talk about it at dinner.

As in a date?

As in a date Ray.

What if I don't want it to be a date? Besides. Ray????

then I say I'm going with you across the country so you don't have a choice. And yes Ray. It rhymes with J.

Then I'll say yes to the date.

Sounds good.

I go to the bedroom which is open to the whole room because it's a studio style.

I go and lay down in the bed and snuggle under the covers before my screen lights up.

Goodnight Ray.

Goodnight J.

I bite my lip and plug my phone in before drifting to sleep.

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