By Mixybooks

14.8K 1.1K 241

Completed on the 12th of February 2022 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "You must have... More

🐾The Black Onyx🐾
🥀Chapter 1🥀
🥀Chapter 2🥀
🥀Chapter 3🥀
🦄Authors note🦄
🥀Chapter 4🥀
🦚I love you allllll🦚
🥀Chapter 5🥀
🥀Chapter 6🥀
🥀Chapter 7🥀
🥀Chapter 8🥀
🥀Chapter 9🥀
🥀Chapter 10🥀
🥀Chapter 11🥀
🥀Chapter 12🥀
🥀Chapter 13🥀
🥀Chapter 14🥀
🥀Chapter 15🥀
🥀Chapter 16🥀
🥀Chapter 17🥀
🥀Chapter 18🥀
🥀Chapter 19🥀
🥀Chapter 20🥀
🥀Chapter 21🥀
🥀Chapter 22🥀
🐙Authors note🐙
🥀Chapter 23🥀
🦋Love Mowa🦋
🥀Chapter 25🥀
🥀Chapter 26🥀
🥀Chapter 27🥀
🥀Chapter 28🥀
🥀Chapter 29🥀
🥀Chapter 30🥀
🥀Chapter 31🥀
🥀Chapter 32🥀
🥀Chapter 33🥀
🥀Chapter 34🥀
🥀Chapter 35🥀
🥀Chapter 36🥀
🥀Chapter 37🥀
🥀Chapter 38🥀
🥀Chapter 39🥀
🥀Chapter 40🥀
🌈A love Note from Mowa🌈
🦢Epilogue 🦢
(💥Coming soon💥)

🥀Chapter 24🥀

250 24 3
By Mixybooks

"Someday someone will break you so badly you will become unbreakable."

~Dark ~

The rest of the day went on in a blur as students were questioned one by one about the disappearance of Johnathan Efron.

I watched Rose flare up impatiently at every turn as the rest of the royals shivered in fear of the unknown as it began to dawn on them that something morbid was going on and they were none the wiser.

In any normal circumstance I would be thrilled to watch their suffering but I knew for a fact that as long as Johnathan and the rest of the royals didn't die by my hands I was never going to be able to seek the peace Za deserved.

And I swear on my dead sister that will never happen.

So after school I texted Ella letting her know to get to my house and call Mark in case anything went wrong in my plan and I hadn't messaged her by tomorrow morning. Satisfied I lifted the hood of my hoodie over my head and lowered myself into my seat so I wouldn't be visible to anyone within the parking lot.

Thanking my lucky stars that Mrs Chesterfield had put in a good word to my mother about my progress during my therapy sessions hence a car privilege had been offered up by mother dearest I couldn't help but think some higher power had my back, I sighed slightly remembering Za's dedication to God and shook my head slightly in slight mirth.

I guess in some way avenging Za was a good start at redeeming her, even if I had to admit my methods were quite on the unorthodox and to be quite frank a little on the psychotic side.

The sound of heavy calculated footsteps interrupted my thoughts and almost like he could sense my presence Alexander stopped and glared openly at the wide expanse of land that was Barkleys deserted parking lot.

Thankfully my car was strategically parked by the hedges so he couldn't tell I was there except the devil had added super sensing abilities to his sociopathic tendencies.

Turning towards his car his bodyguard emerged and handed the car key over to him before making his way towards the exit away from the boy he was supposed to keep in check.

How strange.

I watched as Alexander loosened his tie and tossed it aside like a rag slipping into the drivers seat, not wasting any time as he turned the ignition and started the car and drove off like a mad man narrowly missing the security guard by the gate on his way out.

Immediately I started the car and tailed him, noting the pale guard who had narrowly escaped death thanks to Belzeebubs bad driving.

I couldn't help but smile a little at that.


About thirty plus minutes later we arrived at the cabin just like I had expected as Alexander brought his car to a halt and stepped out not bothering to close the door after him as he marched straight inside.

Hurriedly I parked as far as possible from the entrance so as not to raise his suspicion throwing my hoodie aside I grabbed the handy pocket knife my father had given me for my 12th birthday and made my way out.

Its safe to say that bastard won't be winning any father of the year awards anytime soon.

Making sure my car wasn't at any risk of getting hot wired and effectively stolen I made my way towards the cabin and typed in the code.


The door made a slight sound as it opened effortlessly.

Making my way in I closed the door effectively locking myself inside the lions den.

Carefully I let my eyes roam the lavish space and noted that Alexander wasn't in here.

Following my gut I made my way into the hallway on my right and observed the weird intricate art pieces on the wall that didn't seem to be there on my last visit.

Not wanting to waste any time I hurried my steps and followed the light beams guiding me to towards what looked like a stairwell against the floor like Alexander had hurriedly pulled it open and forgot to cover up the entry way.


Grabbing onto the entree I pulled it open all the way until it was wide enough for me to get through and made a descent as the light was effectively snuffed out as my feet touched the ground.

Feeling around the walls my fingers grabbed onto what felt like a switch and I effectively switched it on making the underground room flood with color.

I held in a gasp at the sight in front of me.

It looked like a medieval movie had been sprung forth and I had travelled into the dark ages as my eyes noted the blood red expanse that looked like a torture chamber fit only for a king.

A deadly king at that.

With ropes and chains hanging from the ceiling along with various strange looking gimicks with instruments that looked like they belonged in a butchers shop on display , various well adorned slabs lay arranged in a corner along with a large cabinet made of glass with gold edges displaying an array of masks and gloves neatly arranged in a way only someone with an obsessive cleaning disorder would. Then right across the room was an open wardrobe filled with black garments that had me questioning the point of a singular coloring.

But then I stopped dead in my tracks as my eyes landed on something right at a corner of the room.

Taking up the whole corner space was what looked like a mini flower garden with a lavish array of flowers and leaves it could put any florist shop to shame, it looked like something out of a disney movie with so much flambuoyant colors and apparent freshness that proved everything within the mini green house was real and well taken care of.

Taking a step closer to inspect I caught a fluttering of what looked like wings and gasped at the sight.

A butterfly 10 times the size of any I had ever seen settled on one of the shrubs, its atenna twitching ever so slighlty as it perched rather gracefully enjoying its in-built habitat, but that wasn't what made it seem all so shocking, instead it was the sheer fact that it's whole body ranging from its intricate wings to its body parts were pitch black, an onyx so rich and dark it shone effortlessly in the artificial light.

"Beautiful isn't it" I felt a presence behind me as Alexander breathed softly into my ear.

I was too mesmerized to reply.

"It's a Queen Alexandra Birdwing" he motioned to the perched butterfly, "the largest most endangered butterfly species in the world first discovered in Papua New Guinea in 1906 but you see this one is quite different from the rest."

"How so?" I whisphered as I unconsciously made my way to the transparent glass letting my eyes drink to it's fill.

"It's the first and possibly the last of its kind, their colors usually range from ay mustard yellow mixed with a blue deep and clear with specks of forest greens but this one........."

He took a step closer like me and grabbed my hand tracing the butterflys shape with it.

"Is an exception, an extraordinary discovery that you only get to see once in a billion life times"

"There could be another just like it" I couldn't help but point out, "you can never be too sure."

"Impossible" he snarled caging me against the glass until I became aware of the bulge in his well tailored uniformed trousers, "what are the odds of the devil meeting his carbon copy in another form firashat jamilla?"

I shrugged using the little strength I seemed to have left.

"Zero to none"

At that he grabbed my neck and forced me away from the butterfly slamming me against the dark red wall his eyes blazing twins of rage.

"Then explain how in the hell I found you" he whispered in my ear twirling a piece of my hair in deceptively loving strokes.

"Fuck off Alexander" I snarled at the burst of energy I suddenly felt, the spell from before somewhat broken.

"Play nice my dear" he tightened his hold on my neck, his finger close to my pulse point, "with you I act rather impulsively and riling me up is never a good idea."

On impulse I grabbed the knife out of my pocket and nicked his shoulder in a swift strike letting it fall to the floor as I watched him let out an inhuman roar as he stumbled back and released me from his firm grip.

"How is that for impulse you bastard" I screamed taking several steps away as he heaved in brimming anger.

I watched as he gave me a stare down, ignoring his dripping crimson shoulder that had now stained the white of his uniform shirt.

"Belzeebub" I warned as he twisted his neck from side to side letting out a crack and grabbed the knife by its hilt off the floor with so much ease you wouldn't think I just sliced his flesh seconds ago.

"Don't you fucking dare."

He smiled at that, a slow sexy tilt of his lips that made the air around feel hot and my knees buckle weakly, his mismatched eyes shining in mirth.

Then he advanced.

The scream of anger lodged in my throat as he grabbed me and practically threw me onto the ground his weight forcing me to go still as he forced my legs apart with his massive thigh pressing his now fully erect bulge directly into my core.

"Feel that jamilla" he growled all mirth gone from his eyes, "this is what you do to me when you try to fight back, when you think you're strong enough to handle my crazy. You think you defying me takes me off guard but what you have failed to understand is it awakens the sick part of me, the part that comes out to play when someone is about to be as good as dead, the part of me that is a killer, a murderer a fucking psycho monster that feeds on its prey with absolutely no mercy."

"I burn for you jamilla, like the furnace that is hell I blaze hot and ready to have you, to taint you, to make you mine as we destroy each other in our madness"

He took out my knife and traced my cheek with it eyes glinting as I stared him down without fear, he might be stronger than me physically but that was it; I was in every sense of the word his most worthy opponent and I wanted him to never forget that.

"If your definition of wooing a girl is physically molesting and forcing her to your will then I'm sorry to tell you you're way off track Belzeebub" I smiled sweetly, "didn't they teach you anything during therapy honey?"

Then with a growl he silenced me with a mind boggling kiss so ferocious I felt blood drip from my lips felt onto my snow white shirt staining me a dark red.

It only lasted for a second but once he stopped we were both delirious, a dizzying haze falls on us as we stared unblinkingly at each other.

"yunasibuni fi aljahim"

I frowned slightly not understanding his words as he stroked my cheek with un-hidden adoration.

"I'm starting to think you only speak in Arabic cause you aren't very ballsy Belzeebub" I glared up at him, "what are you scared?"

He pecked my lips at my words shocking me then he pulled himself up flinging my knife aside and lifting me off the floor like some kind of bride.

"Last time I checked my legs worked just fine"

"Hush Firashat jamilla we have much to take care of" cradling me to his chest he headed for a metallic door by the ladder I came down with and pressed a button letting the door open.

"How do you even have an elevator in here Belzeebub?" I frowned at the absurdity to which he just gave me a wink and walked right in effectively letting the door shut sealing us in.

Pressing another button the elevator lifted us up in seconds and let us exit as we got to the top.

Once out he carried me all the way into the kitchen and placed me on the kitchen counter with gentlemanly care.

Righting myself I gave him my best stare down while he looked back at me with renewed mirth,

Nice to know someone was getting kicks out of this.

"Where is Johnathan ?" I put up my hand before he could give any replies, "and for your benefit you better not play with me on this, because I am this close to snapping and killing your ass" I motioned to the non-existent space between my fingers.

"Safely hidden" he shrugged settling on the stool right in front of me settling between my thighs, "by the way I rather like this" he let his fingers trace my skimpy skirt, "the way your body looks in the piece of shit Barkley calls a uniform makes me want to do forbidden things, things that would make any sane person run for the hills."

I rolled my eyes closing my leginto stop his advance.


He made to stand grabbing a button off my chest and pulling it out exposing the top part of my cotton bra then nipped the top of my breasts drawing blood.

Transfixed he licked the trail clean off and looked up at me with a charming smile.

"Delicious" he growled his canine's flashing.

Smiling slightly I let my fingers worm their way through his silky obsidan mane of hair watching him lean into me with his eyes closed.

Leaning in closer I nipped his ear letting my breasts settle onto his chest.

"Hands up boo boo"

He frowned slightly at that and made to look up at me but froze when the cold metal made contact with the side of his head.

"Remember when I said I was going to kill you love" I whisphered my voice breathy, "well you're going to have a special welcome party in hell organized by me if you don't call your fucking body guard and get him to bring Johnathan into this fucking kitchen and quit hiding him in the goddamn room behind us."

He looked up at me, letting me see the flash of confusion in his eyes.

"I'm honestly baffled at how much you've underestimated me Belzeebub" I let the gun slide threatengly across his head, "I'm a fucking nightmare to mess with honey, never let that slip out of your mind."

At my words his eyes shone in what I could only call pride.

"Now make the fucking order." I grabbed his phone from his pocket and handed it to him.

Not losing his smile he grabbed it from me, letting our fingers touch in a sizzling sensation and dailed a number.

It rang once and the person on the other line picked immediately.

"Bring him in" he looked right into my eyes like the deranged psycho I knew he was, "its time."


Arabic Translation🥀
yunasibuni fi aljahim- my match made in hell

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