By Mixybooks

11K 1K 236

Completed on the 12th of February 2022 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "You must have... More

🐾The Black Onyx🐾
🥀Chapter 1🥀
🥀Chapter 2🥀
🥀Chapter 3🥀
🦄Authors note🦄
🥀Chapter 4🥀
🦚I love you allllll🦚
🥀Chapter 5🥀
🥀Chapter 6🥀
🥀Chapter 7🥀
🥀Chapter 8🥀
🥀Chapter 9🥀
🥀Chapter 10🥀
🥀Chapter 11🥀
🥀Chapter 12🥀
🥀Chapter 13🥀
🥀Chapter 14🥀
🥀Chapter 15🥀
🥀Chapter 16🥀
🥀Chapter 17🥀
🥀Chapter 18🥀
🥀Chapter 19🥀
🥀Chapter 20🥀
🥀Chapter 21🥀
🐙Authors note🐙
🥀Chapter 23🥀
🦋Love Mowa🦋
🥀Chapter 24🥀
🥀Chapter 25🥀
🥀Chapter 26🥀
🥀Chapter 27🥀
🥀Chapter 28🥀
🥀Chapter 29🥀
🥀Chapter 30🥀
🥀Chapter 31🥀
🥀Chapter 32🥀
🥀Chapter 33🥀
🥀Chapter 34🥀
🥀Chapter 35🥀
🥀Chapter 36🥀
🥀Chapter 37🥀
🥀Chapter 38🥀
🥀Chapter 39🥀
🥀Chapter 40🥀
🌈A love Note from Mowa🌈
🦢Epilogue 🦢
(💥Coming soon💥)

🥀Chapter 22🥀

188 23 9
By Mixybooks

"We are all in the same game, just different levels, dealing with the same hell just different devils."

~The Mind Journal ~

This chapter is dedicated to Hyuga94 who voted so many times on this story I just had to say a huge thank you. Your acknowledgement makes me want to do better as a writer❤️

If I thought I could be alone with Alexander without being at his mercy I sure as hell got a rude awakening because the brute had grabbed me once we had entered the secluded hallway flicking his wrist at his designated body guard and effectively shoved me over his shoulder.

I took a moment to react to this my line of vision effectively limited to his stupid broad back.

Then I immediately got back to my senses.

Who the fuck did he think he was?

"Put me down" I hiss as calmly as I could trying not to draw any unwanted attention which to be honest was unlikely since everyone was rather occupied with Johnathan's new revelation.

I smirked slightly at how much damage had been done.

But I guess my victory dance would have to wait with my present state.

"Alexander I swear to God I will kill you" I warned my breath coming out in large angry gasps.

No one treated me like this, no .........


My train of thought froze as his palm landed hard against my ass.

Shocked my eyes widened.

Did he just?

"Are you fucking crazy?" I screamed drawing attention be damned, I was going to shove my heels into his throat and make him choke on it.

"I warned you" his voice was unrecognizable, hints of barely contained anger threatening to let loose, "do not make me anymore mad than I am."

"Fuck you" I screamed hitting his back with full force and screaming like a banshee, "how dare you, put me down right now or I will......."

He landed another smack on my ass, harder than the first.

I screamed in anger and flailed my body weight around trying to get him to let me go but he held on tightly and pulled me back in place like a damned sack of potatoes.

Smack, smack, smack.

My ass burned red and pain spread through my body along with something else.

A strange tingling that felt both exhiliarating and maddening.

But before I could dwell too much on that I nhere to find a way out of his stupid hold.

Looking around for anything I could grab to get him to let me go I noticed we weren't heading anywhere within the school.

He was taking me to the parking lot.

"Where the fuck are we going" I struggled against him more firmly my palms banging against his sides to show my dissaproval.

"Away" was his stupid reply as he rounded the steps and headed towards his freaking Ferrari sports car that was a shade of black so dark I was pretty sure it would be invisible at night.

What a pompous asshole.

As he rounded the vehicle he pulled it open and sat me down deceptively softly completely contrasting with the dark set of his angry eyes as they glared down at me.


Scowling confusedly at his words I watched him slam the car door shut.

On instinct I scurried forward and grabbed onto the door handle pulling it back to get it to open.

It was freaking locked.

Letting out a scream of frustration I grabbed a ball pen from the cup holder by my side and turned to attack Belzeebub as he slid into the drivers seat.

Catching the sharp pen with unpracticed ease he threw it behind him almost like he was bored and shut the driver door sealing us both into the confined space of his expensive bloody car.

Then he did something I didn't expect.

He grabbed my face and pulled me completely into him, his hold strong unweilding as he stared at my face, his enigmatic eyes stormy.

"aishtaqt lak firashat jamila" he murmured softly, so softly my eyes closed on their own accord then he placed his teeth on my ear biting slightly, inhaling my scent like he would die if he didn't get a whiff.

It made me weak in my knees.

I hated weakness.

Pushing him off me I gave him my best death glare which he returned with a devilish smirk, his handsome face losing the slight tick of anger from earlier.

"We need to talk but on my terms" I shoved his chest, "and I don't think you've gotten the memo but just to be clear I'm not yours to boss around, I'd kill you before I let that happen" I snarled.

Giving me a slow appraising look he smiled one of his scary smiles that had the students of Barkley running with their tails between their legs, but not me.

Never me.

"ty krasivaya kogda zlish'sya temnaya babochka."

"And would you stop interchanging languages like a freak" I snarked my annoyance building as I tried to ignore the tingling down there, "if you have something to say, say it to my fucking face."

"I said you're beautiful"

I rolled my eyes flipping my hair.

"Like that's anything new" I motioned to the locked car door, "I don't like being cornered Belzeebub let me out."

"Why Firashat Jamila, are you scared?"

I gave him a scowl.


"Then you won't have any reason to refuse having our little talk somewhere private" he gave me a deceptively charming wink that made me shiver slightly.

"And where the hell do you have in mind?"

"Somewhere private Firashat Jamila, I trust you'll find the energy around it quite to your liking." and with that he started the car and reversed out of the school compound a part of me niggling in uncertainty.

Hopefully things don't get too out of hand.


Turns out somewhere private was a literal cabin in the middle of nowhere.

I kid you not.

During the drive Alexander had been in a rather good mood which honestly gave me a little chilly feeling and judging from his hand that he had refused to take off my lap, his fingers dangerously close to the hem of my ridiculously short uniform skirt he had a plan.

And I sure as hell wasn't too keen to find out.

"Where are we Belzeebub" I spoke up trying to pull his prying hands away to which he smiled rather slyly.

I was going to smack his freaking handsome face all the way to Mars the bastard.

"Don't tell me you're scared Firashat Jamila he leaned into me his hands tangling into my hair, "I expected more from you"

I smacked his hands away.

"Remember I'm not one to manipulate why the fuck am I here?" I let my gaze scan our deserted surrounding, ''what do you even do here, hide dead bodies."

He smiled at that a slow sexy smile that spelled trouble.

"No baby, the bodies aren't here" he gave me a wink, "never here."

Huffing in irritation I pulled the car door open and stepped out, noting the humid weather.

Turning to Alexander's side I watched him slide out of the door pulling off his cardigan and placing it neatly in the back seat, shaking out his silky obsidan hair as he locked the car and headed to my direction.

"After you my lady" he motioned to the cabin which now on close inspection seemed rather well kept especially considering it's surrounding.

Heading towards it I stood on the threshold and watched Alexander type in a code on what looked like a state of the art security system.


I smiled slightly as he walked ahead of me and light flooded the area.

I almost gasped at the sight.


You know when something looks like a complete freak show with zero potential and absolutely no appeal on the outside but turns out to be the real fucking deal on the inside?

Well lets just say the saying of never to judge a book by it's cover was formed just for this very moment because Alexander's Cabin was a beauty to behold.

With it's dark themed homely cosy feely interior to it's persian rugs and antique objects hanging around the place, the beautiful fire place that looked like something you'd see in an ancient museum and the state of the art appliances that graced the kitchen area it looked like something out of a dream.

The dude even had a freaking arcade in here I noted gazing at the array of neatly arranged in built games in what looked like an actual game room.

"Hardly" I scoffed at his question, taking off my heels and heading to the living area, the softness of the rug feeling like heaven.

"Don't lie Jamila it was all there in our eyes, you like what you see" he headed for the kitchen and took out two bottles of water heading in my direction and handing me one.

"What no beer?"

"It's beneath me" he placed the bottle on the centre spread in front of me and sat on the arm chair across me.

I frowned at that, "Every teenager drinks a can of beer, come on don't tell me you can't hold your liquor"I rolled my eyes.

"I just rather prefer my sensibilities intact, more so I will not let anything control my actions" his eyes flashed as he spoke, "and you must know by now I'm not your normal everyday teenager."

I smiled slightly.

"I can relate to that."

''And that my dear is why we fit so well" he leaned towards me, a piece of his hair falling across his eyes, "why are you here Firashat jamila?"

"You brought me here."

"We both know you wouldn't have come if you didn't want to, you want something from me and I'm more than curious to find out what it is."

Getting into my mode I straightened and looked him dead in the eye.

"I need an ally Belzeebub" I watched him closely for any signs on what he was thinking but his handsome face remained blank and unfazed.

"What for firashat jamila" he leaned back into his chair, the picture of relaxed.

"That's not any of your business" I fluffed my hair, "All you have to do is follow my orders and do whatever I tell you to do."

He let out a boisterous laugh at that.

"Do I look like the type to conform to anyone's rules baby?"

There it is again with that dreaded word.

"Why did you beat up Johnathan?"

His once relaxed form morphed into one of intense anger his beautiful face turned to stone.

"Do not speak of him"

I glared.

"I believe we aren't in the 19th century anymore love, women have a say and for the record it will in your best interest if you note how you speak to me from now on."

"It will be in your best interest to listen to me when I get like this Firashat jamila end of discussion."

"Like hell it is" I was on my feet in seconds the anger rolling off me in waves, "Johnathan was mine to manipulate, to harm, to kill."

He watched me with an unreadable expression for a second his eyes seemingly calculating.

"I will not let you threaten me with another"

"News flash I'm not yours, and if you keep messing with my plans were going to have a problem."

"You defying me is already a problem."

"Well get ready buddy because I do not give a bloody fuck."

His eyes flash at that his breathing turned heavy.

"Repeat that" his voice was barely audible his form shaking slightly, "I dare you."

I squared my shoulders and prepared to defy the bloody tyrant once again but then I paused, noting the deadly glint in his eyes.

He wanted me to defy him.

He wanted me to give him a reason to react so he'll have an excuse to claim me, I could bloody feel it.

Smiling at him I shook my head slightly.

Great minds worked alike and I was sure as hell not going to fall right into his trap, I mean it was bad enough I was even here to begin with.

"Not a chance Belzeebub."

His eyes glinted at that, losing some of it's fire.

"What you're afraid Firashat jamila?"

I shook my head once, not losing my smile as I sauntered over to him and plopped on his lap.

"Just smart enough to make sure you don't get all the power honey bunch" I squeezed his cheek mockingly.

"I see" his hands immediately latched onto my legs drawing me close to un-chartered territory.

"Now back to the matter at hand" I leaned into him trying my best to ignore his wandering hands, "I want you to back off from Johnathan, he's my personal problem and I intend to solve it myself."

"I don't want him touching you" his voice was warning, "or I will kill him with my bare hands just to spite you."

How romantic.

I held his jaw in my hands so he'd look me in the eye.

"The boy is gay Belzeebub calm the fuck down."

"Doesn't mean I wouldn't fuck him up or any other person that you intend to use to get what you want" he grabbed my hands and kissed the back of it so tenderly I leaned in a little closer, "I will not be your adversary jamila as long as you do not flaunt yourself at others."

He continued to watch me.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere so no one will have you except me, I made that very clear at school and trust me when I say my word is law."

I scowled slightly remembering the stunt he pulled at school.

"It was disrespectful."

"It was the only way to have you" he shot back, "and I will have you ally or not."

"So you'll agree to do what I say" I paused not trusting him, "you'll help me no questions asked?"

"As long as were clear on the fact that you are mine"

"That's like admitting defeat "I pushed off his lap, "I never admit defeat."

He shook his head in mirth.

"You admitting it will only be for formalities sake" he stood, his form towering over me, "You are mine whether you like it or not."

I glared at him.

"I will not give you that power over me, ask for something else."

"If I wanted something else I wouldn't have taken you out here" he stalked closer, "I want you Jamila, all of you from your beautiful exterior to your blackened soul."

"It doesn't work that way" I retreated as he got closer his eyes taking on a predatory gleam. "If you don't give me this then we don't have a deal" my back hit the wall behind me, trapping me against him.

"Fine, I'll work alone in that case"

I made to leave but he caged me within his hands, my mind flashing back to the scene at Lakeshore.

This wasn't good.

"If I can't have you no one will" he warned, "no matter the path you choose I will have you Firashat Jamila, there is no doubt about that."

"I said no"

He growled slamming his fists beside me head, the wall denting slightly from the force.

"You do not want to make an enemy out of me" he warned.

"I'm not sacred of you"

He watched my face, as if searching for something and then released me with a little shake of his head flashing me a dangerous smile.

"I will have my way, even if it means I'll have to thwart your plans at every turn."

My eyes turned murderous.

"I'd watch my words if I were you Belzeebub, you don't want to be my enemy."

He didn't lose his smile just watched me with an eerily calm expression.

Letting out an angry scream I grabbed an expensive looking painting off the wall and threw it at him, missing by an inch.

His smile grew.

"Bastard" I growled and went for the door, pullng it open I sent him another death glare and made my way out.

But not before I heard him call out at my retreating form.

"Game on baby."


•Beautiful butterfly- Firashat jamila🦋(Arabic translation)

•You're beautiful when you're angry dark butterfly- ty krasivaya kogda zlish'sya temnaya babochka🐳(Russian translation)

•I've missed you my beautiful butterfly - aishtaqt lak firashat jamila🐙(Arabic translation)

•Stay- sta.🐞(Russian translation)


Don't forget to vote and leave a comment loves🤗🌈

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