Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ...

By happinessnoise

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Jang Jisung joined BTS in 2015 and caused trouble. More

⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨
⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨


6.6K 254 370
By happinessnoise

We returned 30 minutes later to our spot on the floor, Jungkook turning off the light this time, so the tv illuminated his room completely. He sat cross-legged, hugging a pillow. I sat next to him, still in the blanket.

I became tired, jungkook had put on the subtitles and i could just about understand what was going on. My Japanese was poor, but i can hold a conversation. If i were alone, i would watch the English dub. I planned to improve my Japanese, when i would get around to that i dont know. 

My mum can speak it fluently, due to her being born there. She often taught me after school when we had nothing else todo. Surprisingly i retained alot of what she told me. probably because i was bribed with food. Strawberries.

after a while, i became to tired to understand, it all sounding jumbled in my head. And every time i blinked, my eyes stayed closed longer and longer each time, until i eventually, nodded off.


I looked at my watch, it was early. 6:03 am. It was still dark. It was jarring to not wake up in my own bed, only to see the familiar, shiny floor of Jungkooks bedroom.

I had stupidly thought i had been transported back in time, but i then came to my senses and blinked some more, then i realised i am not in September, that i was in fact at the end of November. End of November... End of-

I sat up, throwing jungkook to the side.  "music video....dinner....Jin?" the memories of yesterday stampeded through my head. Jin had nothing todo with it i just felt like saying his name.

I felt delusional. I heard gurgling noises and i looked down to see jungkook drooling, hugging his pillow. Why did none of the members wake us up? Or think to check.

I grumbled over that fact for longer than i care to admit.

Jungkook was the only person to whom i could relate at this moment.

However, i dont think, even awake, he would see the situation for what it was, as he probably couldn't count to 5 if i woke him up.

He was desensitised to it, purely for being dumb. I tapped him lightly, trying to wake him. 

"hey- jungkook-" i whispered. He stirred but did not wake. "jungkook." i shook him this time, finally getting a reaction. "hello" he moved instantly, his eyes half-open.

"time, look at the time-" i brandished my watch in his face.

"Time. Nice watch. I had a watch once. Does L die? Does he? I thought he was-"

He went on, his filter completely removed.

"- you to y'know, you're alright- i like you- oh shit" he seemed to have woken up at least to become more self-aware. He coughed and grabbed my wrist, pulling it towards his face.

"OH-" he gasped, falling back onto me. I recoiled out of habit but then i realised, he probably wouldn't put me on trial and hang me just for physical touch anymore. Maybe just the trial...

"get up get up-" he got on his feet, his pillow hitting me in the face.He grabbed my arm and started dragging me to the door.

"jungkook- jungkook stop" i snapped trying to regain myself but as he opened the door, we fell, so all i could see was the face of jeon jungkook hovering over me.

His eyes widened in Terror and he shot up, looking bashful.

I blinked, not sure what to categorise that event as.
Im mortified.

I yelled as he pulled me up again, dragging me along like a doll.

TOO MUCH physical contact.The other members were watching us from the end of the hallway.

"damn get a room" taehyung gagged from his perch in namjoon shoulders.

I went red with rage trying to free myself from jungkooks hands.

"im not sure how i feel about this" yoongi grumbled, glaring at jungkook. Jungkook must tread lightly from now on, i mused.

Hoseok looked like he was going to cry, his reason unknown, but hoseok liked crying and it was one of his hobbies and i dont judge how he spends his time.

"damn." jimin said, holding his phone up, with a sly grin. Prying myself off jungkook desperately, in my attempts i fell into the wall-banging my head.

I blinked, seeing stars.

"god put him in bubble rap" Jin sighed, making me jump as he appeared out of nowhere, now rubbing my head.

"hyung-" i choked as he pushed me into the living room.

"you missed the video" jin said, swatting hoseok away and patted my head agian, i smiled slightly liking him fiddling with my hair.

"i know." jungkook snapped.

"he's not talking to you, rabbit" jimin shushed him.

"what-" jungkook looked beyond confused.

"he didn't explain it right, you just deserve a different tone" hoseok grinned evilly, hitting his knee. He pushed him, giving him a dirty look.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat down guesting me to sit next to him while i could. No matter how discreetly he did this taehyung still seen and was repulsed, at first covering his eyes, but looking through the gaps of his fingers judgingly

"you two terrify me. Don't come within a foot-" taehyung growled, now holding out his hands to defend himself. as if we were to attack him

"we are sitting down" jungkook seethed. "and if you don't sit down, you won't be near us" he added Taehyung narrowed his eyes and sat next to me, making jungkook scoff. 

I don't understand a word of their argument.

Jin shook his head. he pushing between jungkook and me to sit down on the already full sofa.
There was an empty seat not far away yet they choose to all pile onto the sofa

Hoseok was sitting on the back. Much like namjoon he had to perch in such a way where he wouldn't fall.

Jimin was squished at the end, and every time jungkook would move, he would wince in pain as he would get elbows constantly.

Yoongi, seemed to be the only one with a brain cell and was sitting on the floor.

"lucky we waited" jin said snatching the remote off jungkook who was trying to put "truck versus car? Which one is stronger" on the tv

"for 2 hours? Really?" i muttered to myself.

"really!" jin laughed.
The video started with namjoon littering, throwing his cup down on the ground.

I was loitering at the back of this shot, the camera focusing on me as namjoon disappeared.

"wooahh- namjoon is so handsome" jungkook blurted out. We all collectively snickered at his comment, namjoon going red and jungkook slapping a hand to his mouth.

I don't know how they edited the party scene. But they did. I imagine they had to mute as soon as they got to work on it, as i could hear hoseok screams in my head, like having flashbacks to war

Taehyung had the same sort of idea and laughed. "i can hear jisung screaming" he chuckled to himself and i snickered.

"we bullied him that day" hoseok sighed, looking off beyond the tv, and a dreamy look came into his face. Concerned, i pulled a face and retorted

"yeah you did." i frowned, recalling getting hit over the head. At least yoongi gave me sweets.

"taehyung you criminal- graffiti and crime is not cute" jungkook said waggling his finger in taes direction.

"despite popular belief" he shot a dirty look at yoongi.

"its attractive. Admit it" he smirked, acting like he was some kind of royalty.

"you're not a very fast runner though" jungkook said randomly as this had anything to do with it. But then i remember, jungkook liked to settle things with rock paper scissors and winning races.

"shush shush" jin said, as his own face came on screen. I had walked into the room, just as jins house of cards fell. The camera focused on jin for a moment, his face falling.

"why did he pull that face at sung? Sung if i were you i would be offended" taehyung started.

"Press charges" someones voice cracked (namjoon probably) 

"stop starting trouble" jin shushed.

"i was told to look like that, also i was admiring his hair"

"i think he has an obsession with his hair" someone whispered.

I simply ruffled my own hair and inspected its length. In the months i had been here, it had grown past my jaw, looking messier and messier each day.Maybe, it was time to get jeewoo to cut my hair. Of at least someone i trusted with a pair of scissors. It would be sad to see it go.

"i like jisungs hair" jin added, seeing me look at it, like he knew my plans of having a haircut.  "so don't cut it"

"oh look its jisungs bit-" namjoon said excitedly, pointing at The tv, as if we were not looking to begin with.

"you're a good actor," jungkook said, his voice timid. I laughed, more to myself. Jin looked at him in shock , and his eyes flicked between us.

I smirked at the compliment and shrugged, hiding my grin in the act of cracking my neck.

My bit was walking out the shop, and see namjoon and taehyung run past. Namjoon drops a butterfly card. So i follow them. Something todo with the storyline. I don't know thats for smart people.

Then taehyung got arrested. So did namjoon but everyone was more happy to see tae get arrested.

"i liked getting cuffed" the taehyung said absentmindedly. My brain crashed for a minute. And it seemed everyone else's brain had to as for a minute we all went silent, and all we could hear was the harmonica in the song, ringing around the room.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK DUDE-" namjoon yelled, and i could see tears in His eyes. the failure of kim taehyung reflected in them.

Yoongi sighed and turned back to the tv. "gay ass" shaking his head. I snickered.

I laughed falling back onto jin, who cringed. I mouthed him a sorry and i turned back to the tv.

We continued watching and it came to the pillows.

"i can still feel those pillows-" i said rubbing the back of my head. Jin shot me a sympathetic look and when we turned back to the screen we saw yoongi and jungkook fighting.

"i knocked some sense into him" yoongi said, yawning, unphased.

"pretty much" jimin laughed to himself as jungkook turned red.

Then i walked onto the scene. I don't like this seen and i cringed at my face and stupid hair.

However, at my appearance on the screen, most of the members started shouting, including taehyung, at i clamped my hands onto my ears for what felt like the umpteenth time.

"THATS SO COOL JISUNG-" I managed to hear yoongi scream, his head looking from the TV to me at astonishing speed. I wanted to roll away and never be seen again.

The next minute or so included just us messing about. Some parts i dont even remember filming, so the smiles on our faces seemed a lot more genuine. Then came the tunnel, where i got left on top of a car. They had seemed left in me getting taken off the roof of the car by namjoon.

"BROOOO-" hoseok started, pointing at the screen taehyung cringed as hoseok leaned on his back.

"look how big namjoon is" jungkook stared, jumping and knocking jimin over.

"im going to-" jimin fumed rubbing his face, getting up and tackling jungkook to the floor, almost knocking me over to, however, Jin kept a firm grip on my shoulders.

"you're gonna break the tv-" hoseok shrieked as they narrowly missed the tv. "you're gonna miss jisung getting drowned look look" yoongi said pushing jimin out the way. On camera, it looked more painful than it was, and i smiled remembered pulling yoongi into the water with me, but cringed as i remembered the feeling of getting my socks wet. 


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