Kurapika x Reader ONESHOTS !

By kawieayo

95.6K 1.4K 1.1K

***no more haitus, no more fanfic I'll leave this posted for your enjoyment, thanks for the support*** yay, o... More

Important stuff
Simple and clean
Dense!reader x Flirty!kurapika
Hand go kiz kiz
K.P's birthday ! (1/2 b-day really...)
Something is wrong...
(LATE) Thanksgiving special !
Just like cherries !
Blanket Burrito couple
Sharing a bed cliche
Very much crack (drunk! K.P)
A make out sesh 😳
A/n and Q&A and Requests
Christmas party
Pirates !
Pirates ! #2
K.P fashion master!
Blanket cocoon with you and baby!
Sandwich park!
Touchy Touchy!
Pet names
An update about updates!
Te amo.
My kitty my love
Our adopted son, Kaiju Boy (P1)
Kurapika's bday party by author chan
Cave in the snowy mountains
Hi guys! (A/N)
H.C list for Kurapika!
Blindfolded Kissing (🌶)
"Seriously guys?"
Vampire. (Twilight Au(?))
Very much crack 2
Ayo! (A/n)
"No more plushies!"
"Y Tu Te vas..."
🌶Spicy stuff idk how to title🌶
Umbra Witch AU?
4/4/22, Happy birthday Kurapika!
Y/n is drunk !?
Yall smooch (obv)

Babysitting Prince Woble!

1.3K 20 31
By kawieayo

If you don't know who Prince Woble is...well, I can't really say cuz of manga spoilers.
To prevent spoilers, I'll just say that she's a baby Kurapika takes care of
"But Why is she referred to as prince?"
UHm...bcuz that's how you refer to princesses or princes of any gender in Kakin. They all go by prince.

There he was. Kurapika. With a baby in one of those baby pouches on his chest.

And then there was Y/n running up from the couch where she was waiting to go see her husband and the baby he was taking care of.

And finally, there was Woble. Who had just awoken from a nap and was ready to play. She was giggling and smiling and just being a baby.

"Oh! So this is Prince Woble! She's so adorable!" Y/n exclaimed as she held out a hand towards the baby's direction. She was met with one of Woble's small hands grasping a finger.

"Mhm! And we're going to take care of her for a day, and well...get some training..." Kurapika spoke with a caring smile on his face. He took Woble out of the baby carrier and handed her over to Y/n. She took the baby into her arms, holding Woble close to her chest and played with the baby's cheeks.

"You're so adorable Woble, you know that?" The Prince cooed at these words, not fully understanding what she was just told, but understanding it was directed towards her.

It wasn't noticeable, but Kurapika was internally screaming. His wife, carrying a baby which he sometimes considered of his own, made him...well, internally scream. He was quite aware of his future to come in a few short months, and seeing his wife acting this way with a baby made him hopeful and cheerful.


"So, what are we going to do with Woble while she's here?" Y/n said cheerfully while playing with the young prince.

"Hmmm...we can't really do much in public..."

"Well, we can order some pizza! And I'm craving a mango smoothie...with boba..."

Woble cheered at the word "mango". She had recognized it since she mostly ate mango flavored baby food.

"Oh yeah!" Kurapika said in realization. "Woble's favorite fruit is mango, and since her teeth are coming in, a cold smoothie would do her good!"

"Aww that's adorable! And how old is Woble exactly?" Y/n inquired, still playing with Woble happily.

"She's a little older than 7 months"

"Aha! That means she can try the pizza!"


The pizza and the smoothies finally arrived.         Y/n lightly awoke Woble from her nap, and luckily there was no negative response from her. She's a happy baby, not complaining about anything really. Y/n carried her to the high top chair, setting her in place and putting a bib on her.

"Time to try a some pizza and mango smoothies!"

Y/n had politely demanded that two smoothies were paid for so that she could have Woble's leftovers. Taking the smaller cup, she opened the lid and scooped up some of the sweet smoothies using a baby spoon. There was no need for the airplane game, Woble was very much prepared to try the smoothie.

Her reaction was priceless. Woble smiled a cheerful baby smile and whined when Y/n took the spoon away from her. Once the young prince saw that she was going to be given more of the sweet mango smoothie, she was cheerful again.

"Oh no Y/n, you got Woble addicted to Mango smoothies..."

"It's going to be like this with our baby, so prepare yourself I guess..."

After Woble was satisfied with the smoothie, it was time for her to try the cheese Pizza. To make it fun for her, Y/n gave her a little piece of the cheese 1st, and then the bread and the sauce. Woble reacted positively positively to both of the ingredients, so she the was given a tiny piece of pizza altogether. But for some odd reason, she didn't like it.

"O-oh..."Kurapika gasped, looking somewhat traumatized. He was so confused by the baby's behavior.

"Alright then, she seems to like the crunch of the cheese, and the softness of the bread...but she doesn't like it being mixed together." Y/n concluded, turning around and facing the semi-traumatized Kurta.

"And you got all this information through her baby babble?"

"Sure, I understand this type of stuff, I'm guessing it the pregnancy effect? I've learned and mastered the language of baby babble?"

Kurapika burst out in laughter hearing his wife's words. He fumbled towards her, slinging his arms around her and kissing her on the cheek.

"You never fail to amaze me my love..." he said happily, caressing Y/n's baby bump. Kurapika leaned in and kissed her lovingly, before being broken up by the young prince.


"I guess she's not a fan of the romance genre..."

"Aww, here I was thinking we could introduce her to Howls Moving Castle..."

I'm sorry the timeline doesn't really make sense (aka, y/n being pregnant at 19-20~ and being married to Kurapika) I guess you can think of it as them being around Leorio's age since he's older?


I got a few requests for a couple prince Woble story so here it is!




"...time to rebuild the kurta clan ig..."

"But author-Chan, aren't you asexual?"

"For you...no...uhhh...next question..."

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