
Autorstwa -_-WendyMarvell-_-

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Connor and Emiko Yukari are your typical brother and sister. Going to school, constantly getting on each othe... Więcej

Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: Welcome To Mytho-Academy
Chapter 2: Learning The Rules The Hard Way
Chapter 3: Duellum
Chapter 4: Nightmares Sometimes Become Reality
Chapter 5: First Night
Chapter 6: First Day
Chapter 7: Combat Training
Chapter 8: Suspicion
Chapter 9: When Duellum Goes Wrong
Chapter 10: Loss
Chapter 11: Doomsday
Chapter 12: Departure
Chapter 13: Family Reunions
Chapter 14: Attacked
Chapter 15: Berserk
Chapter 16: Welcome To Alfheim
Chapter 17: Bloody Magic
Chapter 18: Power Up
Chapter 19: Defeat
Chapter 20: Truth
Chpater 21: Aftermath
Chapter 22: Struggle
Chapter 23: Final Battle
Chapter 24: Sacrifices
Chapter 25: Epilogue
S2 - Chapter 1: War
S2 - Chapter 2: Waking Up
S2 - Chapter 3: Spy
S2 - Chapter 4: Execution
S2 - Chapter 5: Athens
S2 - Chapter 6: Battle Of Lives
S2 - Chapter 7: Egypt
S2 - Chapter 8: Secrets Of The Past
S2 - Chapter 9: Losing Souls
S2 - Chapter 10: Tournament
S2 - Chapter 11: Nightmares
S2 - Chapter 12: Traitors
S2 - Chapter 13: Failure
S2 - Chapter 15: Queen Of Lust
S2 - Chapter 16: Trial
S2 - Chapter 17: Split
S2 - Chapter 18: Crazy Elves
S2 - Chapter 19: Last Stand
S2 - Chapter 20: Fallen Saviors
S2 - Chapter 21: Demons
S2 - Chapter 22: Change
S2 - Chapter 23: The Real Epilogue

S2 - Chapter 14: Apocalypse

25 2 9
Autorstwa -_-WendyMarvell-_-


Where did everything go wrong.....

It's been a month since the raid on Camp-Mythos. Everyone who's known about Mytho-Academy has taken up inside its walls. Ever since Nanami obtained the power of The Destroyer, she's been destroying all of the Demigod schools. Mytho-Academy is the last one remaining.

The only reason Nanami hasn't been able to find us is because the Gods used up the last of their power to transport the school to another area, one where Nanami will never find it. When Nanami gained the powers of The Destroyer, she put a limit on the Gods' powers, so once they used it up, that was it. However there are still gateways between the mortal realm and ours.

Since the battle, we only have a fraction of the students we used to have. The Demigods who didn't go with us were all slaughtered while we were out at war. Those of us who survived had practically given up.

The Gods no longer had any powers, so the auto refillable food and drinks weren't working anymore. All of our food and water were now limited.

The fact of all the loved ones we'd lost didn't help either. The only good thing to come out of this was that we wouldn't be bothered for a while.

I was in my dorm room, back in the Egyptian wing. It felt good to be back, but it never seemed right. I had Angel again, and she was back to sleeping in my dorm room. But I could never get over the fact I would never see Idril again. Even now, I can sometimes see her walking around the dorm room.

The door to my dorm opened and Angel walked inside.

Angel: "Hey Connor... mind if we talk a bit?"

Connor: "Sure"

I moved over on my bed so she could sit next to me.

Angel: "I'm not sure what to do anymore. I've done my best to keep myself positive. But I just can't..."

Connor: "I know, almost everyone has given up at this point. But... I can't let myself give up"

Angel: "Why?"

Connor: "Siyuka and Idril's deaths would've meant nothing"

A tear ran down Angel's face.

Angel: "I miss Idril... so much... She was always here for me when you were... you know"

I placed my hand on hers.

Connor: "She's the reason everyone is alive. If she didn't sacrifice herself, the monsters would've invaded Mytho-Academy and we'd all be dead. She gave us a fighting chance"

She looked into my eyes. She then grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

Angel: "Why... why does everything have to end like this..."

Connor: "I promise, I won't leave your side ever again, I won't let anyone else die"

Angel started to cry into my shoulder. And if I'm being honest, I started to cry a bit.

Later on that day, Angel and I met up with the current leaders of Mytho-Academy. The leaders were the strongest/smartest students in the school. Me, Emiko, Angel, Himari, and Kaito were the main leaders. But of course, every other student was there as well. We were just in charge of making the final decision.

We all met up in the main building's cafeteria. It was seriously sad to see how many students we lost. This cafeteria was huge, and could fit each student inside. Now, only about a third of the students were with us.

Whenever we had these meetings, Emiko was the one to led it.

Emiko: "I'd like to call this meeting to order!"

Everyone went silent.

Emiko: "I know we're running low on food and water. Hell, even our shower and bath water is running short. Growing crops has proven faulty, so we'll have to find a new way of getting food"

Emiko took a deep breath.

Emiko: "On the plus side, thanks to some children of Thor, Baal, Zeus, and Jupiter, we've managed to keep electricity running throughout the school. Without them, we wouldn't have lasted this long"

Emiko looked down at some papers on the table.

Emiko: "Finally, we have been able to keep hidden from Nanami and the Fallen, but we can't hide forever. Any scouting missions into the mortal world have been unsuccessful, none have come back. So we currently have no clue about the state of the mortal world. As it stands now, our only option is to continue hiding as we have been, and hopefully find a solution in time. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix any of these issues?"

A student suggested growing crops inside.

Emiko: "That's actually a really good idea. Though we may not have the resources required for that. We'll definitely look into it"

Another suggested other means of travel, such as the Bifrost Bridge.

Himari: "As it stands now, with the God Heimdall not having his powers, travel via Bifrost is impossible. Same goes for the Ma'at"

Angel actually suggested something.

Angel: "What if.... we go into the underworld for travel?"

The entire cafeteria went silent.

Emiko: "What do you mean?"

Angel: "I'm the only child of Hades now. So maybe I can convince my father to let us travel through the underworld. Out of all the Gods, he's the one of the only ones who haven't been touched yet by Nanami"

The students started to talk amongst themselves.

Kaito: "There's only one problem. Getting to the underworld isn't easy. The only ways of getting there are dying or a portal to the underworld. Both of which are extremely difficult"

Connor: "I think Angel may be onto something, though. You said there's a portal, where is it?"

Kaito: "It's back at your old high school"

Connor: "I knew that place was hell"

The students were actually laughing at that, which was a good sign. Anything to get their spirits up was welcome.

Kaito: "That's in the mortal realm. That would mean we'd have to leave here, not knowing what's out there"

Emiko: "We have to try, even if there's a big risk"

Kaito: "I'm just saying that we've lost too many to these scouting missions. We can't afford to lose anyone else"

Connor: "I think it's worth the risk. And if Angel thinks it'll work, then I'll trust her. If no one else will do it, I'll volunteer to go"

Emiko: "Same, I'm not letting you go out by yourself"

Angel: "And I'm not letting Connor out of my sight"

Himari: "I'll go, since I'm not letting Emiko out of my sight either"

Kaito: "Guess I'll go too, to keep you four out of trouble"

Suddenly, one of the students spoke up. I instantly recognized who it was.

July: "Let me go too"

Everyone went quiet. When I saw her, I wasn't sure it was the same July. Her eyes had bags underneath them, she looked skinny like she hadn't eaten in a while.

We'd managed to convince the Gods to let July and Frostine stay with us. I mean, really, they couldn't say no. At the moment, Demigods had more power than the Gods. July was staying in the Egyptian wing in her own room, since it was the quietest one and she didn't want to be bothered. Frostine started staying in the same room as Kaito. Still not exactly sure how he managed to convince her to join our side

Connor: "You sure you want to go? We're honestly not sure we'll make it back"

July: "I don't care. If this'll give us one step closer to taking Nanami down, then I'm in"

She clenched her fist.

July: "I'm going to make sure she suffers for what she did..."

Frostine spoke up too.

Frostine: "I wish to go as well. We may run into the Elite out there. And I know everything about them"

Emiko: "Okay, we don't want the group too big. So this will do. Does anyone have any other suggestions before we end this meeting?"


Emiko: "Right. Then with that, this meeting is over"

After the cafeteria emptied, those who would be going on the mission met up in my dorm room. Which I'm not exactly sure why mine of all the options, but I didn't mind.

Emiko: "Kaito, where is the closest portal to the school?"

Kaito: "Probably the one we went into when we first brought you and Connor here. It's a few blocks down from the school. It's our best bet"

Himari: "I could probably use the invisibility necklace my father gave me. We could sneak to it"

Frostine: "I see you've all given this plan much thought. But I can't stop wondering about something. Angel said Hades might help us. What if he doesn't?"

Angel: "Then I know my Mom can help"

Himari: "Isn't she the half human half succubus?"

Angel: "Yeah... I've been keeping this a secret, but I've been in contact with her since Connor died. She's a little... what's the word... seductive... in nature"

Connor: "Can't be worse than Aphrodite"

Angel: "I'm not so sure... But she's super kind when you look past her seductive nature. She owes me a favor, so if Hades doesn't work out, I'm sure she will"

Himari: "Where exactly do we have to go in the underworld?"

Angel: "Hades castle, though I should be able to get us there easily"

Emiko: "Right, does anyone have any other concerns?"

Kaito: "What if we run into Nanami while we're out there?"

The room went silent.

Connor: "We won't be out in the open that long. She won't find us"

Angel: "Are you sure?"

Connor: "Yeah, and if worse comes to worst, then I can ask Apophis for help"

Emiko: "What?! I-I thought Apophis was dead"

Connor: "He was sealed inside me when I died, thanks to my imperfect seal. And when Nanami brought me back from the dead, he came too"

Kaito: "Can you actually trust him?"

Connor: "He said that if I die, he does too. So he wouldn't do anything that would result in my death. At least... I hope"

We'd decided to end our meeting there, since it was already pretty depressing. We agreed on starting the expedition tomorrow, since we didn't have much time to waste.

It was after dinner and me and Angel were walking back to our dorm when we saw July hanging outside the Egyptian wing.

Connor: "Hey, you okay?"

She looked up at me with her exhausted eyes.

July: "I... need to talk with you two.... Can we... please...?"

Connor: "Sure, we can talk in my dorm"

We went back into my dorm. Angel and I sat on my bed while July sat on Angel's bed.

Yes, she had her own bed.

July: "I know you're probably wondering why I've been so distant"

Connor: "I know why, you lost someone you really cared for"

July: "It's not as simple as that..."

Angel: "Take your time, we're here to listen and help"

July managed a weak smile.

July: "I'm sure you've noticed that my obsession with Siyuka has been a little strange since we only knew each other for about a week. But the truth is, we knew each other back before all of this Demigod stuff"

Angel: "Y-You did?!"

July: "Yeah, in fact, we were really great friends. Even back then, I had feelings for her. For the most part, she felt the same way"

Her face grew a bit red.

July: "We even got a little naughty when we were alone"

I covered Angel's ears to protect her innocence.

July: "But... one day she just disappeared. Not even saying goodbye. I... felt so alone..."

She did her best to hold back her tears.

July: "When I saw her back at Camp-Mythos, my entire world lit up again. Even though she didn't remember me, I remembered everything about her. And I mean everything. Even her sensitive—"

I covered Angel's ears again.

July: "And... she's the only person I've told about why I joined the Fallen. But... now that she's gone... you're the only two I can trust now. So... may I tell you?"

Connor: "Of course"

July: "Being a child of two demigods means I was already pretty low in the hierarchy. Even in mortal school, I was treated differently. Everyone hated me, for no reason. Even my parents didn't care about me, especially my Mom. Siyuka was the only one who actually cared about me. And... when she left... I just couldn't take it anymore. That's when Nanami found me and offered me a new home. I didn't necessarily hate the Gods, I was just loyal to the people who gave me a new home and family"

July's smile completely faded.

July: "But... I'm not sure who I can trust anymore. Siyuka has always been the only one. And... I just can't live without her..."

Angel and I got up and brought July into a hug as she cried.

July: "But I swear.... Even if it costs me my life.... I'm going to end Nanami... I won't let her die until she knows the pain she's put everyone through"

Connor: "She'll pay, we'll take her down. I promise"

July: "T-Thank you.... S-So much...."

The next day, the seven of us stood at the main gate of the school. It was now the only way in and out of the school. Without it, we would be trapped here.

Our scouting team consisted of the strongest Demigods our school had to offer.

- Connor, son of Apophis
- Emiko, daughter of Heka
- Angel, daughter of Hades
- Himari, daughter of Loki
- Kaito, son of Sobek
- Forstine, daughter of Chione
- July, daughter of demigods of Ra/Aphrodite

Oh yeah, this was the team of Demigods who would save the world.

We had everything we needed for this mission. Food, water, camping supplies, and for some reason, lots of salt. Angel said ghosts hate salt. And since we were going into the literal home of ghosts, it made sense to take some with us.

The massive gates opened in front of us, revealing the massive portal that replaced the dead forest that used to be beyond the gate.

Connor: "Before we step inside, this is your last chance to back out. No one will blame you, there's no guarantee we'll all come back alive"

Emiko: "We started this together, so we're ending this together"

Everyone else seemed to agree.

Connor: "Okay, let's do this"

I looked back at Mytho-Academy one last time as I stepped through the portal.

On the other side, was an alleyway. Normally, I would've heard the sounds of the mortals going through their daily lives. But... nothing. No car noises, no talking, hell, no power either.

I whispered.

Connor: "Something's definitely wrong with the mortal world"

Kaito: "Let's hurry to the school. We don't want to be out in the open for too long"

I led us to the edge of the alleyway and looked out onto the street. My eyes opened wide as I was overcome by fear.

I saw a weird humanoid creature. It's skin was covered on some kind of shell like armor. It had spikes protruding from its body. It didn't seem to have eyes, only a large mouth with razor sharp teeth. It had a long tail with strong looking legs. It's arms were massive with sharp claws on the end of its fingers.

If that wasn't bad enough, it wasn't the only one. There had to be hundreds of them out in the streets.

Himari: "What the hell..."

Angel: "T-Those must be demons. But... they shouldn't be here. Unless Nanami set them out onto the world"

July: "No, look closer"

She pointed to a demon who had was looked like a torn shirt on. It was too big for the shirt, but it looked like it wore it at one point.

July: "Those aren't demons, they're people, mortals"

Frostine put her hand over her mouth.

Frostine: "T-That's just sick"

Connor: "We can change them back after we beat Nanami. There's not much we can do to help them now. Let's just get to the school"

Himari took out her invisibility necklace and put it around her neck. Normally, when she did this, it was make her turn invisible. However nothing happened.

Himari: "W-Why isn't it working?"

Kaito: "It was probably powered by Loki. With his power gone, the necklace is useless"

Connor: "Guess we'll have to run it"

Kaito: "Why don't we just take them out?"

Connor: "There are hundreds of them out here, and that may not even be a fraction of what's actually out here. Besides, they're human. We can't kill them if there's a chance we can save them"

Frostine: "What if those things see us?"

Connor: "They don't have eyes, so as long as we stay quiet, we should be fine"

July: "Then what if they hear us?"

Connor: "We keep running"

Emiko: "Great plan..."

We snuck out into the road, making sure to be as quiet as possible. We were about two blocks away from the school, so it wasn't too far away. Right as we passed a block, one of the demons came around the corner, almost running into me. I held my breath to hide my breathing. It turned its head straight towards me before continuing on.

Angel slipped her hand into mine to help comfort me, which helped a lot.

We finally reached the school without being detected. However the second I reached for the door to the main entrance and opened it, the school's alarm system went off. Every single demon now knew where we were, and they weren't bringing a warm welcome.

Connor: "Inside!! Now!!!"

We rushed inside and closed the door.

Frostine: "Stand back!!"

We all got behind her as she held her glove covered hands out towards the door. Ice formed in front of the doors, blocking it completely. However it wouldn't keep them out for long.

Emiko: "Where's the portal?!"

Angel: "Downstairs, in the basement!"

The way our school was, there were five floors. Ground level was floor 2, and it kept going up. Floor 1 was always off limits to the students, because that's where all the machines and pipes were kept. We ran down a long hall just as we heard the sound of ice shattering. I looked back at the other end of the hallway to see probably 50 demons speeding after us. They were crawling over each other trying to get to us.

Kaito: "There! The staircase!!"

At the end of the hall, there was a door that led to the staircase. July rushed ahead and opened it for us. We all ran inside and closed the door just as the demons reached us. However right as the door closed, one of the demons reached their hand in and grabbed Angel's backpack. She quickly slipped out of it just as Frostine sealed the door with ice.

We ran down the stairs and into the first floor. It was completely dark since it was underground and there were no windows. Angel led us through the darkness of Floor 1. Right in the corner of the floor, there was a massive hole in the ground.

Angel: "Jump!"

Himari: "What?!"

Angel: "We're literally jumping into the underworld! Come on! It's our only way out!!"

The sound of ice shattering filled the floor as we heard their monstrous roars.

Connor: "Trust her! Come on!"

I grabbed Angel's hand as we all jumped into the hole.

We must've been falling for at least a minute until we finally reached the end of the hole. The second we left that hole, we continued falling into a massive world that was underneath the mortal world. However it wasn't much more pleasant than what we just left.

Now, I was expecting the Underworld to be a fiery hell. People burning and being tortured. But it wasn't like that at all. Yeah, there were some places on fire. But most of it was a dead wasteland.

After admiring the design of the underworld, I then remembered we were still falling.

Himari: "Everyone!! Hold on!!!"

Himari let her chains extend and wrap around all of us. She then shifted into a massive hawk. And when I saw massive, I mean massive. Her actual hawk body was about as big as an elephant and her wings were about as long as your typical house. The chain bracelet hung from her hawk ankles, which were the only things that were keeping the rest of us from falling.

Emiko: "You're the best, Himari!!"

Himari spoke as if she was still in her human form.

Himari: "Praise me more after we find a place to land"

She took us around the underworld, and I'm not going to lie, it was a lot more quiet than I thought it was going to be. We eventually found a place to land, which was a flat piece of land hanging over a cliff.

Himari transformed back into her human form.

Himari: "My gods! Why is it so cold down here! I thought the underworld was supposed to be hot!!"

Angel: "It normally is, but it's too hot for mortals or even Demigods to withstand"

Emiko: "So you brought us in a safe way, smart thinking"

Himari: "Still, it's freezing here!!"

Frostine: "I'm not bothered by it"

Himari said her next line in a singing voice.

Himari: "The cold never bothered you anyway~"

Kaito looked up to the hole we fell out of.

Kaito: "The demons aren't following us"

Angel: "The Greek/Roman underworld hasn't been touched by Nanami yet. So I don't think they want to risk it"

I looked over the edge of the cliff.

Connor: "Hey Angel, how far are we from Hades' castle?"

Angel: "Probably a day by walking"

Emiko: "We should probably camp for now. I know none of us got enough sleep last night"

Himari: "Yeah, and I'm starving"

We all started to unpack what we had in our bags. All except Angel, who'd lost hers back in the mortal world.

Angel: "I-I'm so sorry... I should've been more careful"

Connor: "It's okay, who cares about a bag? You're more important than that bag"

Angel: "My sleeping bag and all our salt was inside"

Kaito: "Well, just looking around, we may not even need the salt, there's no ghosts. And I have my sword just in case, it's really affective against the undead"

Connor: "And you can use my sleeping bag. I don't need one"

Angel: "No, you sleep with yours. I'll be fine"

Emiko sighed.

Emiko: "For Christ sake.... Just share it!!!"

Angel and I grew incredibly red.

Himari gasped.

Himari: "Emiko! Let's share too!!"

Emiko: "No way, you'll feel me up in my sleep"

Himari: "You're mean..."

I handed the sleeping bag to Angel.

Connor: "It's either you use it or you don't. Because I'm not using it no matter what you pick"

Angel: "Fine.... But..."

I placed my hand on her head, which made her face grow pink.

Connor: "I'll be fine, you need to get your sleep, you're our navigator"

Angel: "O-Okay"

After we set up tents and set up the fire, July lit it with her yellow flames. We sat around the fire and ate some of the food we brought, which was sandwiches with cold cut meats.

After we ate, we decided to get some rest. Everyone got into their own sleeping bag except for me. Himari and Emiko shared a tent, Kaito and Frostine shared one, July got one to herself, and me and Angel shared one.

While everyone else was already asleep, I was freezing. I couldn't keep myself from shivering. I suddenly felt a nudge on my back. I turned around and saw Angel with her sleeping bag open, signaling for me to get in.

I slipped inside the sleeping bag, but it was a little cramped. Me and Angel were almost pressed up against each other. I could feel her warmth spreading over to me.

We looked into each other's eyes in a moment of embarrassment. We held each other closely inside the sleeping bag. We then kept each other warm until we both fell asleep.



That ConGel moment at the end made my heart melt!!!!! I'm jealous XD

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all next time!!!

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