His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu...

By literalsugamama

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Haikyuu!! Fanfiction Tsukishima x OC Ogawa Nakano needed volleyball to live like a fish needs water. She'd b... More

Foreword by the Author
Chapter 1: She Was the Queen
Chapter 2: Enter Sandman
Chapter 3: Killer Queen
Chapter 4: She's Just a Girl
Chapter 5: What I Did for Love
Chapter 6: Kageyama: So Kiss Me
Chapter 7: Let's Get It Started
Chapter 8: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 9: Demons (TW)
Chapter 10: Obsession
Chapter 11: Just One Kiss
Chapter 12: Tsukishima: Only in My Dreams
Chapter 13: Boy, Could He Play Guitar
Chapter 14: Got Me on My Knees
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Tsukishima: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (TW)
Chapter 17: Nakano: The Warrior
Chapter 18: Learning to Fly
Chapter 19: Pressure
Chapter 20: Tsukishima: Ramble On
Chapter 21: Work it Out
Chapter 22: A Moment
Chapter 23: Frustration
Chapter 24: Ladies' Night
Chapter 25: I Think We're Alone Now
Chapter 26: Boys
Chapter 27: The Time of My Life
Chapter 28: Step by Step
Chapter 29: Don't Stand So Close to Me
Chapter 30: Lies, Lies, Lies
Chapter 31: We Are Family
Chapter 32: What You've Done to Me
Chapter 33: We've Only Just Begun
Chapter 34: Dare
Chapter 35: Drowned in Desire
Chapter 36: Love Bites
Chapter 37: Relax
Chapter 38: Weak (TW)
Chapter 39: I Love You
Chapter 40: Brave Face
Chapter 41: You Say It's Your Birthday
Chapter 42: You Wanna Dance
Chapter 43: I Am a Paleontologist
Chapter 45: Break Your Walls
Chapter 46: Magic Carpet Ride
Chapter 47: It Was Only a Kiss
Chapter 48: Kuroo: Where Can I Find a Woman Like That
Chapter 49: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 50: I'm Drunk
Chapter 51: All I Ever Needed Was the Music
Chapter 52: Please Let Me Explain
Chapter 53: Nakano: Go Crazy (TW)
Chapter 54: I'm Ready (TW)
Chapter 55: You Did It
Chapter 56: Simply the Best
Chapter 57: A Celebration
Chapter 58: A Hero
Chapter 59: Touch Me
Chapter 60: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (TW)
Chapter 61: A Kiss From a Rose
Chapter 62: Stars in Your Eyes
Chapter 63: The Rose
Chapter 64: Can't You Come Out to Play
Chapter 65: Let the Music Play
Chapter 66: A Little Drunk
Chapter 67: From Me to You
Chapter 68: Feed Me
Chapter 69: Steppin' Out
Chapter 70: De-lovely and Delicious
Chapter 71: Hinata: Jump
Chapter 72: Nakano: Save Me
Chapter 73: Tsukishima: Stay (TW)
Chapter 74: Tsukishima: Nowhere That I'd Rather Be
Chapter 75: Tsukishima: Never Meant to Cause You Sorrow or Pain
Chapter 76: Isn't it Romantic
Chapter 77: Lay Your Hands on Me
Chapter 78: You Can't Hide
Chapter 79: Get Back
Chapter 80: I Guess I'm Learning
Chapter 81: Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 82: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 83: Up to the Challenge
Chapter 84: Come Together
Chapter 85: Dance With Me
Chapter 86: In Your Eyes
Chapter 87: I Won't Do That
Chapter 88: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 89: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 90: Sleep Now (TW)
Chapter 91: New Year's Day
Chapter 92: Looks Like We Made It
Chapter 93: Rising Up
Chapter 94: Kuroo: This is It
Chapter 95: Bokuto: All Fired Up
Chapter 96: Tsukishima: I Wanna Know What You're Thinking
Chapter 97: Raise a Glass
Chapter 98: Don't Be Sad
Chapter 99: All I Wanna Do (TW)
Chapter 100: Feelings
Chapter 101: Home (TW)
Chapter 102: Take Me Home (TW)
Chapter 103: Try to Remember
Chapter 104: Kiss
Chapter 105: Nothing Else Matters
Chapter 106: Breakdown
Chapter 107: Special
Chapter 108: Kuroo: Same As It Ever Was
Chapter 109: Tsukishima: Two of Us
Chapter 110: Tsukishima: Where Your Destiny Lies (TW)
Chapter 111: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 112: Let's Get Down to It
Chapter 113: Yamaguchi: Welcome to My House
Chapter 114: Kuroo: I've Waited For You For So Long
Chapter 115: Kiyoko: Secrets
Chapter 116: Kageyama: I Know You Care
Chapter 117: Nakano: One Thing
Chapter 118: Mind Games

Chapter 44: Passion

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By literalsugamama

Despite the early hour, Tsukishima Kei was awake, and liking it.

Nakano was still sound asleep, strawberry blonde hair splayed out across his chest.  Somehow, he'd rolled onto his back, dragging the girl partially across him.  When he'd first opened his eyes, he'd been momentarily panicked, not recognizing the ceiling, the bed, the room he was in.

But then the soft, rose-smelling hair draped across him caught his eye, and he knew everything was alright.  She was here, nothing else really mattered.

They'd finished their schoolwork and suddenly both crashed.  Exhaustion had swept them both under, sucking at their legs like a rip current.  Nakano had tried to get Kei to forget about massaging her legs, but he'd insisted, so wanting to do something special for the girl after everything she'd done for him.  Plus, he'd been learning new massage techniques, and really wanted to try them out before he forgot what he'd learned.

Every other time he'd ever massaged her legs, it had always left him in various stages of wanting, overwrought and hungry to touch and to kiss, sometimes even downright hard and desperate.  But last night's massage had been different.  Instead of the usual slow build to passion, this one had been an almost sleepy, soft thing, all gentle touches and tender kisses.  Quiet words and half-shut eyes.  When he'd finished with his ministrations, he'd washed up, only half awake himself, and then crawled into bed beside Nakano, wrapping his body around hers as he so loved to do.  She'd greeted him with little kisses and tiny touches anywhere she could reach.  He fell asleep to her mumbled words of thanks and love and praise.  It felt so warm, and so good.  He liked it.  

Would it be like this, he wondered, when they moved in together some day?  He could see them, years from now, attending college, sharing an apartment, living lives as tangled together as their limbs became when they slept in the same bed.  The simple domesticity of it pleased him, somehow.  The passion they shared was amazing, and he was looking forward to exploring all it had to offer.  But this, this felt just as good, in its own quiet way.

He set about waking the girl, stroking her arms and her hair and her face, kissing her repeatedly until she opened her eyes for him.  She immediately smiled.  "Well, good morning.  Someone seems eager to greet the day," she quipped, kissing his nose.

"It's real, isn't it?  Not just a dream.  We're really here, together.  Part of me still can't believe it."

"Kei, what do you mean?  We've slept in the same bed together for days now..."  She looked a little perplexed, he laughed aloud.  

"No, no, I mean here.  In Katsuyama.  I mean, that too, I kind of always feel a little amazed when I get to wake up next to you like this," he blushed, still overwhelmed by just how sappy this girl could make him feel, "but this is really a dream come true.  I mean, did we really touch a Fukuiraptor yesterday?  For real?"

She giggled, struck once again by the tenderness inside the sassy blonde.  "We did, love.  We touched it.  136 million years in the past.  It was pretty damn awesome, wasn't it?"

"Beyond awesome.  The most incredible thing ever." 

"And there's more.  Today, the museum.  And the field station!"  She propped herself up on her elbow to look more properly at him.  "I'm sorry we can't stay longer.  There were so many things I wanted to do for you for this birthday - mmmph."  Kei swallowed the rest of her sentence in a kiss.  

"Roses," he said as the girl giggled after he released her lips, "you're exempt from doing anything for my birthday again until I turn twenty at least."  He grinned at her.  "Seriously, if the goal here was to give me the most incredible birthday I've ever had, well, congratulations.  You've done it.  By several miles.  Thank you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you."  He kissed her between each 'thank you,' making the both of them laugh.

"Alright, gorgeous, how about this for a plan, since we're awake before our alarm."  He looked at her fondly, letting her plan as she always loved to do.  "I recommend a couple of long, hot showers, followed by a breakfast of tamagoyaki and grilled fish.  Then we'll make sure everything is packed and tidied and wait for Kimura-san.  How does that sound?"

"I like it.  You make the tamagoyaki, I'll make the grilled fish.  And I think there's orange juice in the fridge that looks fresh.  Best kind."

"Perfect.  Let's go."

They executed their plan flawlessly, each lingering under the hot water in their own shower, laughing and talking together through the entire process of breakfast, and then doing their best to leave the cottage as clean as it had been when they came in.  They had just settled down and were considering looking at the day's schoolwork, when a polite knock came on the front door.

Nakano opened the door, greeting their host with a bright "Good morning, Kimura-san!"

"Ah, Nakano-chan, good morning.  You look eager to face the day.  You and Tsukishima-kun had a pleasant night, I trust?"  His soft smile once again graced his face.

"We did indeed, sir, thank you so much.  You've been so very kind to us, this has been entirely amazing," Kei replied, bowing.

"Nonsense, Tsukishima-kun, I have been only too happy to indulge in showing off my work to you both.  Tanjiro knew as much when he contacted me.  I'm positively shameless when it comes to talking about my dinosaurs."  He bowed to the couple in return.  "I've come a bit early this morning, as our director has indicated to me he's got a little time to greet you, perhaps show you around a bit.  I thought you might enjoy getting to meet him.  I also took the liberty of reserving you spaces for the 1pm Field Station tour.  I'll come collect you from there at 3pm and bring you back to the station in Fukui.  Will that do?"

Kei's eyes were alight, shining as if lit from within.  He looked just as excited as he'd been yesterday.  "Yes, Kimura-san, that sounds incredible.  Thank you so much."

"Ah, entirely my pleasure.  Let's be off then.  We don't want to keep the director waiting."


Don't let it show on your face.  She kept repeating those words to herself.  She was good at that.  She was the absolute queen of that.  She'd done it every day for years.  Surely she could manage it for just a few hours more.

She was finding it difficult.  She'd practiced hiding pain, hiding fear.  Those were easy now, or at least easy enough.

Hiding jealously was proving to be a great deal more difficult.

Especially when the object of that jealousy was something as nebulous as...what would you call it?  Museum design?  Yeah. That was probably it.

Ogawa Nakano was currently in the grip of a fit of jealousy over museum design.

She was still fulfilling her role of documenting the entire experience, not only because she wanted Kei to have memories of this trip, but also because they were expected to give a presentation to their class next week on their adventure here in Fukui.  But that was all she was doing.  Unlike yesterday, where she'd been a willing, eager, excited participant, today, well...

If I wandered away, she thought wryly, would any of them even notice I was gone?  How long would it be before Kei looked around for me?  

She chided herself for thinking that, knowing she was being ridiculous.  For crying out loud, Nakano, she grumbled internally, you're jealous of a fucking museum?  Get a grip.  She smothered a sigh, not wanting to disturb the animated conversation Kei, the museum director, and the other two curators were having.  

Kimura-san had brought them to the director's office, and introduced them to the gentleman.  Takeuchi Toshihisa was a short, bespectacled man, with wild blue-black hair and bright blue eyes.  He looked a little like Kimura-san, but his face was rounder, fuller, and looked decidedly more sullen.  He was very clearly a busy man, and he was only able to partially hide his lack of enthusiasm for showing around yet another pair of young people related to one of his employees in some way.  He smiled, and said all the polite words, but his eyes betrayed his dismay at having to wander around answering the usual set of questions about dinosaurs and all that yet again.  Nakano had felt a little sorry for him, and figured that once the museum opened officially, the man would make some excuse and leave them be to explore on their own.

And indeed, he led them immediately to a Fukuiraptor skeleton, beginning a little speech about the discovery of the dinosaur at the quarry that seemed very, very practiced.  That is, until Kei interrupted him.

"Yes, sir, I'm very familiar with the discovery and history of the Fukuiraptor, and the other dinosaurs found here in Katsuyama," Kei had said hastily, "what I really want to know is...well, looking at this skeleton, I'd say maybe only twenty percent is actual recovered fossil material - the rest is modeled based on that and on other findings of this type.  Why display it in this position?  How do you decide what to recreate?  Is there any advantage to showing these kinds of finds in this way as opposed to some other?"

Takeuchi-san's eyes and smile had widened.  This was no ordinary dinosaur-loving young man.

Suddenly, the two were engaged in a deep and excited discussion about not just the dinosaurs, but how the fossils were curated, how the displays were created, and all kinds of other things that, to be entirely honest, Nakano simply was not that enraptured by.  Soon other curators had been called into the discussion, and the group of them were rushing around the museum to examine this display or another and talk about the relative merits of them.  They'd even gotten pulled into some back areas from time to time, which Nakano found a little more interesting in some cases, but not to the level of Tsukki.  She had tried, really tried, to be as excited as her boyfriend clearly was, but for her, the exciting part was the natural history itself, not figuring out how to display the natural history.  

Kei, on the other hand, was in his element.

His eyes were bright and full of wonder and his voice was full of passion and curiosity as he talked.  It became quickly clear to Nakano that it wasn't just dinosaurs he loved.  It was museums in general.  He was fascinated by the entire process, from beginning to end.  He could wind up doing this for a living, she thought, he's that excited about it.  I think he might be more passionate about museum design than he is about volleyball.  Or maybe even me.

That painful little four-word thought suddenly made tears spring to her eyes.  Stupid, she mentally yelled at herself, shut up!  You're acting like a whiny child when daddy pays attention to someone other than them.  She bit the inside of her cheek, the little bit of pain breaking her out of the spiraling headspace she was in.  You brought him here exactly for this, idiot, because you wanted him to have this amazing experience.  Well, he's having it.  Let him!  Let him enjoy every moment, and if this awakens a new excitement in him, helps him to discover more of his passion and let it out, then that's a good thing!  That's what you wanted for him, remember? 

She looked up, a smile plastered firmly across her face.  She would not, absolutely would not, be so selfish as to ruin this incredible experience for him.

Even if they had been at this for over two hours already.

"Is that the time?" Takeuchi-san exclaimed, as if he'd read Nakano's mind.  He was, in fact, looking at the clock on the wall of the exhibit maintenance area they were in.  "Unfortunately, Tsukishima-kun, I have a meeting I must attend in just a few minutes, and these gentlemen really should get back to work.  I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions, however, and I hope you did as well."

"Oh yes, Takeuchi-san, gentlemen, thank you all so much for giving up so much of your time to me today.  I am very grateful."  Kei bowed deeply to the three men, who smiled at him indulgently and returned his bow.  

"Come, let me show you how to get back to the exhibits," the director said, leading Kei and Nakano out into the hallway.  "Straight through those doors," he said, pointing to the end of the hall, "and you'll be in Dinosaur World again.  Enjoy the rest of your time here with us, Tsukishima-kun, young lady."  The director smiled as he headed the other way from the doors to the exhibits.

"Thank you, sir," the pair intoned, bowing as one as the director turned and waved them goodbye.

Nakano hurriedly recomposed her features after the soft sting of the director having not at all remembered her name.  She looked up as Kei turned to her, animatedly, excitedly, mouth already open to declare to her just how thrilled he was, how incredible this trip was...

And then he saw her face.  Her fake smile, and a shaky fake one at that.

His own face suddenly fell, concern and worry rolling over the joy that had been there.  "Naka-chan?  What's wrong?  Are you not feeling well?"

Dammit, she thought, what have I done?  He sees right through it, right through me.  Why?  Why did it have to feel like this?  Why do I have to be such a selfish bitch all the time?  Shit, what do I do now?  She dropped her eyes to the floor, her chin to to her chest, trying hard not to let him see any of the emotions she was feeling crossing her face.  She opened her mouth, but nothing was coming out.  She knew he'd hear the lies in her voice if she tried to claim nothing was wrong.

His hand took delicate hold of her chin, long fingers lifting her face to his, his eyes searching hers.  His mind running over the last couple of hours, wondering when she'd...of course.  He understood now.  He'd spent too many evenings in the gym at Karasuno, watching her teach someone some new technique, to not understand what she was feeling right now.  I've been jealous of volleyball, he thought, and right now, she's jealous of museums.  The smile he gave her was an equal mix of sweet and sassy.  "Someone's feeling a little jealous, isn't she?"

He watched, amused, as her whole face changed.  Her mouth gently dropped open, and a soft, pink blush stole over her cheeks and nose.  Her eyes gave away the emotions she had been trying so hard to hide, the jealousy, the sadness, the fear, and now the wonder of how well he knew her, the happiness that he didn't seem to be mad, the love she felt for him.  She was insanely beautiful to him at that moment, it was all he could do to restrain himself to giving her a little peck on the cheek instead of drawing her in and kissing her madly. 

"Naka-chan, I'm sorry if I got carried away there.  But you've given me the most amazing gift ever in this trip.  I've always wanted to talk to someone about museum design, and I got to do it with the people who work at one of the most prestigious dinosaur museums in the world.  And you made that happen.  So please, don't feel jealous of the museum.  I love it, yes, but I love you an awful lot more.  And none of this would have been possible without you.  I've said this a lot this trip, but it definitely bears repeating - thank you."

"I'm sor..."

"Nope, no apologies," he cut her off, "there's no need for one.  You are not the selfish bitch you think you are."  She jumped at his words, confirming his suspicions about her thinking.  "You've been so patient, and let me have that incredible experience.  Now, I think we've got about two hours before that Field Station tour...time enough to go around the museum a little and get some lunch, don't you think?"

"Can we maybe, sneak into the gift shop for a few minutes too?"

He chuckled.  "I think we can manage that," he replied, leading her away towards the doors at the end of the hall.  He tossed his arm around her shoulders, drawing her close, and whispering in her ear, "Mine."

She giggled, leaning into him, knowing that no matter what else might be going on, she would indeed always be his.


By five o'clock that evening, Kei and Nakano were once again aboard a train, beginning the long journey back to Sendai.  

The rest of their day had been full of laughter and excitement.  They toured around the museum, documenting everything and taking more pictures than really should have been allowed.  Nakano made a conscious effort to get Kei in as many photos as she could, and of course, the boy insisted on taking a similar number of photos of her.  They'd had a delightful lunch at the museum's café, followed by a trip to the gift shop.  Nakano caught Kei practically drooling over two different large books - one specifically on the dinosaurs of the Kitadani quarry, and one on the broader topic of the history and evolution of life on Earth - and insisted on purchasing both of them for her boyfriend.  Kei responded by buying a pair of matching tee shirts for them, as well as a Fukuiraptor hoodie for Nakano, which the girl claimed she would only wear if he wore it first, since the girl wearing the boy's sweatshirt was something every adorable couple was supposed to do, right?

She'd made this declaration as he held the hoodie in his hands before paying for it, smiling coyly at him and batting her eyelashes.  That ought to convince him to put the hoodie down, she'd thought, grinning triumphantly to herself as her boyfriend did indeed put the shirt back on the rack.

Her grin turned to shock when she saw him pick up the same hoodie in his own size, and carry it to the register.

After paying, the tall blonde had leaned down to whisper in her ear.  "I'm going to positively love seeing you in this sweatshirt, Roses.  Especially after everyone has seen me wear it.  I want them all to know you're mine."

Her blush had lingered on her face as they'd made their way to the Field Station tour.

They'd spent their final two hours at the museum at the quarry site, this time on the public tour.  It was great fun, especially when they'd had the chance to 'dig' for some little fossils they could take home.  Kei had been fascinated once again by the displays, marveling at the work that had been done to preserve some of the finds just as they had been found in the rockface.  And as they looked out over the quarry again, they held hands, giving each other a knowing glance.  Just the day before, they'd stood out there, touching a Fukuiraptor in situ with their own fingers.  It had been a moment the two would never forget.

And now, they were headed home.  The couple agreed to spend the first train ride relaxing and talking, and devote the next two longer train rides to getting the day's schoolwork completed.  They sat close together looking through the literally hundreds of photos and videos on Nakano's phone.

Kei clicked his tongue at the girl.  "Naka-chan, we were only there for essentially a full day.  Why did you take so many pictures?"  He chuckled as they scrolled past four fairly similar shots of himself marveling at equipment at the field camp.

"You'll be glad I did once we have to start putting together this presentation," she said, shoulder-checking him, "Plus, why not?  I can just delete what we don't want and save the good stuff.  I didn't want to miss anything, you know?"

He cuddled her against him gently.  "This was the most amazing trip I've ever been on.  You're incredible, you know that?"  He kissed her cheek.  

"True, true," she said as he shoulder-checked her in return and she giggled.  "You really did enjoy it then?" she asked, her face earnest.

He laughed.  "Nakano, once again the word 'enjoy' does not begin to describe how you have made me feel."  He raised his eyebrows suggestively as the girl giggled at him.  "Thank you, so much.  I can't believe you did this for me."

After some time, Nakano gasped aloud upon finding a picture she'd taken for a very specific purpose.  Kei watched her, curious, as she opened the Crow VB group chat.

Coach Legs
Suga-san, I had no idea we'd see you here in Fukui!  🤣


Coach Legs
That's a Koshisaurus, Suga-senpai.  😏

OMG did you really just send that?

Jump Float
Hey Naka-chan!  Are you and Tsukki enjoying the trip?

Coach Legs
Aww, what's the matter Tsukki?  Are you sad there's no dinosaur named for you?  And yes, Yams, the trip was amazing!

Wow, I had no idea I had a dinosaur namesake!

When did you get that name on here, Yamaguchi?

Coach Legs changed Saltyshima's name to Tsukkisaurus

Future Captain
Hey you guys!  When are you coming back?

We'll be back tomorrow.  

Jump Float
Kiyoko actually changed it after our last set of serving drills.

Kiyoko Give Me a Name Please
He's so lucky!  Our goddess gave him a name!  But she won't give me one!

Coach Legs
LOL is that Tanaka-senpai or Noya-senpai?

Future Captain
That's Tanaka.  

You'll be happy to know I ran the blocking and passing drills the last two days, just as we planned, Coach Legs.  

You're back tomorrow, right Naka-chan?  You'll run the drills again starting tomorrow right?

Coach Legs
You bet, big bro.  What did Cap do to make you so eager to have me back for the drills?

He's not nearly as much fun to tease.

Please tell me you're not talking about teasing my girlfriend, Suga-san.

Ah, I see someone needs more penalty laps.

Manager B
Did you say you were in Fukui Naka-chan?  What are you guys doing there?

Nakano took me on a special tour of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum.  It was awesome.

Rolling Thunder
Did you guys stay in a love hotel?


Future Captain

This is why Daichi doesn't tell you about things, Noya.

I wouldn't call it a love hotel, Noya-senpai.  It was more of a love cottage.  😏

Lucky 7

Jump Float


Rolling Thunder

Coach Legs
An old friend of my dad's kindly allowed us to stay at the cottage they use for visiting scientists at the museum.  

And exactly what happened at this cottage?  How many bedrooms did it have?

Jump Float

Hooray Naka-chan is coming back!  I like it better when you run the drills, Coach!  You're more fun.

Ow, Hinata, that hurts.

Sorry Captain!  You're great and all but Naka-chan is special.

And mine.  Don't forget she's mine, Shrimp.

Is no one going answer my questions?

Coach Legs
No, Suga-senpai, we are not.  Naughty thing.  Aw Shoyo, you're sweet.  And yes, Tsukkisaurus, I'm all yours. 😉😏



Jump Float

Manager B

I don't know what you guys are all so shocked about.  She's just stating the truth.  She's my girlfriend.  What kinds of things are going on in your heads?

Nakano looked up from her phone at her boyfriend's face.  She could see just a little bit of lingering irritation in the set of his brows.  "Kei?  You know Shoyo doesn't mean anything at all by that, right?  He just likes my drills."

"Mmmm," Kei growled, "I'd like it better if he kept his likes to himself."

She put a finger under his chin, pushing his gaze up to meet hers.  "You're not actually jealous of Hinata, are you?"

Kei huffed out an annoyed breath, casting his eyes to the side and pouting.  

Nakano laughed.  "Well, at least now I don't feel quite so guilty about being jealous of museums earlier."  She looked at her megane boyfriend sassily, a smirk beginning to play on her lips.  

Kei scoffed.  "At least Hinata is a person, Naka-chan."

She arched a brow at him.  "Kind of you to admit that, Kei."  He rolled his eyes, and she chuckled at him.  "Now, please tell me you're not seriously jealous here, right?  Even if Hinata were somehow interested in me, which I guarantee you he isn't, you know that I have absolutely no interest in him as anything other than a friend and teammate, don't you?"  She could see his face soften a little and she leaned in, voice pitched for his ears only.  "You're the only one who knows, Kei.  You're the only one I can share those things with.  Because I love you."  

She watched as the tension in his face slipped away and he put his arm around her.  "I guess it's pretty silly of me to be worried about the Shrimp, huh?" 

"I don't mind you claiming me as your own, Kei, because I am yours.  I just don't want to see you actually at odds with Hinata or Sugawara or any of the other guys on the team over something like this.  None of them has a prayer of taking me from you, and none of them is honestly going to try.  They aren't like that.  And neither am I.  Jealously can be a dangerous thing, Kei.  Look what it did to Oikawa.  Don't let it get a hold of you, okay?  Not for real."  She looked sadly at him, tugging on his heartstrings.

"I'm sorry, Naka-chan.  I know you're right.  Forgive me?"  I'm not going to do anything that brings to mind her asshole ex-boyfriend, Kei thought to himself.  She may have forgiven him, and moved on, but I don't ever want her to go through anything like that again.  Certainly not because of me.

"Silly boy, there's nothing to forgive."  She snuggled into his embrace.  Nakano turned her attention back to her phone, where the Crow VB chat had gone merrily on without them.

You all have the most dirty minds.

Rolling Thunder
I'm just saying they both stopped answering at the same time.

Jump Float
But they're on a train!

I bet Suckyshima could find someplace on a train to be naughty if he wanted to.

Coach Legs

Did you and Tsukishima do something naughty on the train, Naka-chan?

Magic 8 Ball

What?  I just meant like make out or something!  Not, you know, really naughty.

Jump Float
Hinata, I don't think either Tsukki or Nakano would do that.

Future Captain
Well, Nakano is back now, so you guys can stop speculating.

Of course, she hasn't answered my question.  😏

Jump Float
And knowing her, she probably won't.  Actually - Tsukki and Naka-chan - sensei wanted me to remind you that you have to give a presentation on your trip to the class on Monday.

Oh sure, share all the juicy details with your class, but not your team.

What is up with all of you today?  You're all like worse than usual.  

Do I need to change your name again Suga?

Dadchi changed Sugar's name to Penalty Laps Coming Soon

Manager B
Well I wish I could come see your presentation Naka-chan.  I bet you guys learned a lot!

Coach Legs
We did!  It was awesome.  And Suga-senpai, I will be more than happy to share all kinds of details with you about our trip.  We saw a lot more dinosaurs than just your namesake.  

Jump Float
I'll record it for you Yachi.

Kiyoko Give Me a Name Please
Awwww, you're such a sweetheart, Yamaguchi!

Future Captain
And here we go again.

Kiyoko Give Me a Name Please
What?  I didn't say anything that wasn't true, did I, Yachi?

Magic 8 Ball
Naka-chan, this is what happens when you go away for too long.

Narita, are you implying I can't handle this team?

Future Captain
Better watch it, Narita.

Of course, Narita isn't exactly wrong, Daichi.

Kiyoko Give Me a Name Please

Coach Legs
Do it, Kiyoko-senpai.

Kiyoko Give Me a Name Please

Penalty Laps Coming Soon
You know how this is going to end, don't you?

Manager B
I think we all do.

Goddess changed Kiyoko Give Me a Name Please's name to Idiot

Kei, who had steadfastly refused to get any further involved in the madness happening on the group chat, laughed loudly in Nakano's ear as he read the texts over her shoulder.  The girl growled at him, moving her head away.  "Ow, Kei!"

"Sorry," he mumbled out through laughter, "I'm just really impressed Kiyoko did that."

"She can be surprisingly sassy, our Kiyoko-senpai," Nakano said with a smile, "when she's of a mood."

A different notification went off on Nakano's phone, signaling a text on the Gym 3 Squad group chat.  "Oh brother," Kei said, rolling his eyes, "all the nuts are on this evening."  Nakano elbowed him gently in the stomach as she opened the chat.

Cat Captain
Looks like the Gym 3 Squad is getting together again, guys!  Coach just let me know that he'll be inviting Karasuno to join us for one more training weekend in 2 weeks.

Tiny Crow
Alright!  I'm ready for more lessons, Bokuto-san!

Owl Captain
And I am ready to teach you, my tiny protégé!

Tall Cat
Nice!  I get to watch Nakano take penalty laps again.

Skinny Crow
And I get to hear Nakano mock you when you take your laps, Lev.

Crow Coach
Wait a minute - isn't that the weekend before the concert?

Owl Setter
I believe you're correct, Nakano-chan.

Owl Captain
So I get to see my little sister two weekends in a row!  HEY HEY HEY!!!  This is AWESOME!

Cat Captain
Oh I am making some serious plans, my friends.  We are going to have two awesome weekends in a row.

Skinny Crow
Well that sounds terrifying.

Tiny Crow
Can't wait!

Tall Cat
Shoyo, you're not afraid of anything are you?

Skinny Crow
Except maybe bathrooms.

Owl Setter
Well played, Tsukishima-kun.

Owl Captain
Nice one Tsukki-dude.

Skinny Crow
Thank you.

Tall Cat
True, Shoyo does have the worst luck when it comes to bathrooms.

Crow Coach
It is a documented fact.

Tiny Crow
Shut up you guys!  It's not my fault!  Bathrooms are evil!

Nakano and Kei giggled together, mutually deciding it was time to set the group chats aside and spend the last little bit of their first train ride just enjoying each other's company.  


It was after 10:30pm when Akiteru finally picked up an exhausted Kei and Nakano at the Sendai station.  The long days full of travel, and the irritation of having to complete the day's schoolwork on the train, had taken its toll on them, especially Kei.  He was tired, brain-dead, sore from sitting too long, and most of all rather miserable as it finally sunk in to his mind that for the first time in five days, he would be sleeping alone tonight.  In his own cold bed.  Despite his exhaustion, the prospect in no way pleased him.

He cuddled Nakano tightly in the backseat of Akiteru's car, growling every time his older brother tried to make friendly, cheerful conversation.  Nakano sighed, trying to placate her angry, irritated, needy snugglebunny and keep up a cheerful conversation with Akiteru, all while feeling rather wiped out herself.  Finally, Kei lost his temper at yet another attempt by his brother to engage with him in some way.

"Ugh, Akiteru, will you please shut up?  Can't you tell that we're exhausted?  Just drive the damn car and keep your mouth closed," Kei seethed, looking daggers at his brother who caught his eyes in the rear view mirror.

Nakano saw Akiteru visibly flinch at Kei's outburst, and then she lost her temper as well.

She smacked Kei on the nose, like a disobedient puppy.  "Shut up, Kei!"

The blonde spluttered, pushing the girl away and staring at her incredulously.

"I've heard enough.  Akiteru has been nothing but kind to us, going out of his way to drive all over the place and do so many things for us.  I get it, you're tired.  So am I.  But crankiness does not give you the right to treat your own brother this way.  So shut up until you can get your damn temper under control and speak like a civilized human being."  Nakano's eyes flashed bright blue fire at her boyfriend.

"I am not a damn dog, Nakano," he hissed at her through a clenched jaw, anger making him ball his hands into fists.

"True," she said, her tone now measured.  "And I'm sorry I did that.  But I stand by what I said Kei.  You owe your brother an apology."

"No, it's fine, don't worry about it," Akiteru laughed out a little too loudly, smiling a little too broadly, trying desperately to figure out how to deflect the anger building behind him.

"No, Akiteru, it's not fine.  I apologize that you have to be here in the middle of this, and that your brother is in such a foul mood.  But please, you were telling us about an event coming up this weekend?"

Kei boggled.  Was she really just going to go on having a conversation with his idiot brother after what she just did?  "Look Nakano, you can't just..."

"I can do as I damn well feel is right."  Nakano's words were pure ice.  "What you need to do in this moment, Kei, is think about what you said to your brother, and compare that to what he's done for you recently.  Line those two things up together and see how that looks."  She stared at him, eyes hard, and Akiteru suddenly found the road ahead to be so thoroughly absorbing that he even forced his ears to pay attention to it.  Kei's face went blank, her words almost battering the thoughts into his head.  "Now, imagine someone was treating me the way you've just treated Akiteru.  How would you react if I'd been on the receiving end of that kind of venom?"

She watched his face run from anger, to shock, to sadness.  Dammit, he thought, she's right.  Why the hell does she always have to be right?  Stupid Nakano.  He sighed.  "'M sorry, Akiteru.  She's right.  I'm just, ugh, really tired.  Shouldn't take it out on you, though."  Kei mumbled his way through the speech, looking at Nakano as if he'd lost his best friend.  "I'm sorry I lost my temper," he finished, hoping Nakano would understand those words were meant for her as much as they were for his brother.

She did.  She opened her arms and he sank into them.  She ran her hands into his hair, kissing his forehead, snuggling him close again.  "I'm sorry I lost my temper as well," she said to both Tsukishima boys.  "I hope you can forgive us both, Aki-nii."

Akiteru chuckled, a genuine, warm one this time.  "Don't be silly.  You guys must be completely wiped out, and I'm probably a littler too hyper from all the coffee I had today.  Makes me way too perky."  He gave them both a smile in the rear view.  "Why don't you both go ahead and sleep?"

Kei's eyes were already closed, but Nakano nudged him.  "Please finish what you were asking us first, Aki-nii," the girl said, "something about a carnival?"

"Oh, that," Akiteru said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I...uh...well, see there's going to be a carnival this weekend, not too far from Karasuno, and...I thought maybe...it could be kinda fun...to, uh...you know...go together.  Like a...a family night, sorta.  Just us kids."

Kei snorted.  "Mom's having her friends over again Saturday night, isn't she?"

"Uh-huh," Akiteru said.

"Wine?" was Kei's only response.

"She asked me to bring home four bottles," Akiteru's voice held a wry note.  "I think she's invited your mother too, Nakano."

Nakano laughed aloud.  "I'd love to go to the carnival with you Akiteru.  In fact, I'd like to treat you to dinner, since I really do feel like I owe you something after everything you've done these past five days."

Akiteru tried to protest, but Nakano wasn't having it.  "Just give in, Akiteru.  She's not going to let you win this one," Kei said, "although I am a bit concerned that I think you just made a date with my brother, Naka-chan."  Kei looked up at her, a wry grin on his face.

"I'll buy you dinner too, lover boy," she said, and then instantly regretted it, her face registering shock as Akiteru tried desperately to stifle his laughter at the nickname.  Nakano mouthed an 'I'm sorry' to Kei as his grin morphed into a grimace.  Nakano cleared her throat.  "I'd like to take both of you to dinner and the carnival, okay?  And Aki-nii, I'd like you to please forget what I said just before that, so Kei doesn't kill me."

"I didn't hear anything," Akiteru said with a grin.  "Kei, did she say something besides wanting to take us both to dinner and the carnival?" 

Kei chuckled.  "Shut up, Akiteru," he said, almost fondly.

Nakano leaned down to whisper in Kei's ear.  "I love you.  I'm sorry I got so mad."

"I'm sorry I acted like an ass," he whispered back.  "And I love you, too."

A few minutes later, the two teens had fallen asleep, Nakano's hands still tangled in Kei's soft blonde hair.

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