Will he finally be happy (Tom...

By Izzy7099

23.1K 848 339

Tommy is sick of it. He is done with the orphanage and with the foster homes. So he decides to run away! Will... More

How it Begins
A Day In the Woods
Being Found
The People Who Found Me
A Day With the Watson Family
The Day I Get Fostered (hopefully)
First Day With the Foster Family
Phil's Day With Tommy
Wilbur's Day With Tommy
Techno's Day With Tommy
Tommy Hangs Out With a Friend
Ranboo, Purpled, and Tommy's day
Tubbo's Birthday Road Trip
Tubbo's Birthday Road Trip pt. 2 (Tommy and Tubbo reunited)
Tubbo's Birthday Road Trip pt.3
Tubbo's Birthday Road Trip pt.4
The Day After Tubbo's Birthday Day
On the Way Home
Seeing the Family Again
The Day the Secrets Come Out
"Lets have muffins"
Adoption Maybe?

Tubbo's Birthday day!

636 21 7
By Izzy7099

( Not a lot but still some TW: Mention of Eating Disorder, Mention of Self Harm, PTSD, also there is a panic attack)

(Tommy's POV)

I woke up and looked to my side. Purpled was still asleep, I decided to go out to the downstairs living room. I quietly got up and grabbed my phone. I opened and closed the doors and sat on the couch. I looked at the time and it was 4 in the morning. Looks like the others would be asleep for a while. I scrolled through Tik Tok while I waited cause why not? I mostly watched the Minecraft related ones as those are the only ones I am actually interested in.

I looked back at the time a while after scrolling and it was 7 .a.m, time really flies while your watching Tik Tok. (Literally!) I heard a footsteps and looked over to see Tubbo and Ranboo walk downstairs. "How long have you been up?" Ranboo asked, "Only for a few minutes!" I lied you know like a liar! (John Mulaney anyone?) "Oh okay! Can you wake up Purpled? My mom is making breakfast." Tubbo asked, "Yea sure!" I got off the couch and walked to mine and Purpled room. I opened the door and he was still out. I quietly walked over and had an idea. 

I got really close to his ear and screamed, "WAKE UP!!" He quickly scrambled up and looked at me. When he saw it was me he relaxed and said, "Dude seriously? Again? You could just shake me!" "But what fun is that?" I asked. He shook his head and laughed, "Well Tubbo's mom is making breakfast! C'mon!" "Okay! I'm coming!" He jumped out of bed and we both made our way out of the room. Tubbo and Ranboo were right outside the door, "What happened in there?!" "Oh! I screamed in his ear to wake him up!" I said giggling. "Oh, cool!" Ranboo said.

We walked upstairs and made our way to the kitchen. Tubbo's mom was there making pancakes. We all sat at the island talking and waiting for food. "What do you boys plan on doing today?" Tubbo's mom asked. Tubbo answered with, "We plan on going swimming after lunch then doing the cake and presents after dinner then we will watch movies all night!" "Okay sounds fun! Well here are your pancakes help yourself!" With that she left the living room.  Everyone but me had like 3 or 4 pancakes I only had 1.

We finished eating breakfast an hour later because of how much we talked. It was almost nine and we are going to have lunch at 11 so we have some time to kill. "We could go out to the garden?" I suggested, everyone agreed so we went out to the huge garden. We laid down in the middle of it and just sat like that, silence. "We should make flower crown!" Tubbo said excitingly. "Sure!" Purpled said. "I will make Ranboo's, Ranboo will make Tommy's, Tommy will make Purpled's, and Purpled will make mine!" Tubbo said quickly.

We got started making the flower crowns. Tubbo had to teach me and Ranboo because we didn't remember how to do it but we quickly caught on. Tubbo made Ranboo's with White and black flowers called daises and black roses, I made Purpled with a purple flower called verbenas, Purpled made Tubbo's with yellow and black flowers called black tulips and daffodils, and Ranboo made mine with purple flowers called alliums. It took some time but after about an hour and a half we got it done. We put them on and they looked perfect and didn't fall apart at contact.

We went back inside since we were hungry. Tubbo's mom was making sandwiches in the kitchen. "Nice flower crowns boys!" She said, "Thanks mom!" We sat back at the island and waited. "After this you boys are swimming right?" "Yep!" Ranboo said, "Well make sure you put on sunscreen and be careful." "Of course we will mom don't worry!" "Okay! Here is your food, Have fun boys!" "We will!" We said in sync. Tubbo's mom went back to what ever she was doing before making the food. We ate the sandwiches and put our dishes up on the counter.

"TIME TO SWIM!" Tubbo screamed. "GO GET CHANGED QUICKLY AND GO TO THE POND!!" Tubbo and Ranboo ran downstairs. Me and Purpled looked at each other shrugged and made our way downstairs. Purpled changed first then me. I put on swim trunks and a swim shirt to cover up the cuts. I was glad I din't cut on my legs cause that would be impossible to cover up. I snapped out of my thought process and finished getting dressed. I got my shoes and put on sunscreen. I walked out of the room and closed the door.

Nobody was there so I guessed Purpled already went to the pond, or he is upstairs. I was getting anxious, I was alone in a house I was not comfortable with. I heard footsteps upstairs and curled in on myself. I was having a panic attack. It wasn't a bad one so after some time I calmed myself down. I was exhausted but my friends were waiting. I gathered my strength and walked to the bathroom to make sure I was alright. I looked in the mirror and put some cold water on my face. I dried it off and went upstairs.

I went out the back door and followed the trail to the pond. Everyone was there in the water already. I quickly joined them, they didn't seem to notice I was gone. It kinda hurt but I pushed it off. We were having fun swimming around and stuff. We played Chicken fight. Were you go on someones shoulder and you fight the other person on the other persons shoulders until one of you fall off. I didn't want to go on top since it reminded me of my past families abuse.

We also played color, it's where 1 person thinks of a color in the room, the person who thought of the color holds a person bridal style in the water that person has to guess the color, they can ask question to such as 'is it on the left side of the room?' to answer no you dunk them in the water and to answer yes you said, if they guess the color and are wrong you dunk them if they were right you dunk them but flip them in the water. We went back and forth from these games until we got bored.

We got out the water and dried off. I was really tired and wanted to go to sleep, but we still had dinner, presents, and movies. It was 3.p.m. and dinner was at 5 so we had time to relax before doing anything more. We got changed back into our normal cloths and gathered in the downstairs living room. We turned on the TV and just played what was on. I got back on my phone put in earbuds and scrolled through Tik Tok again. It worked last time so why wouldn't it this time!

Just like magic 2 hours later went by in 3 Tik Toks. "Time for dinner boys!" "Okay! Coming!" Tubbo shouted back up. They walked upstairs and I practically had to drag myself upstairs. We went into the dining room which was packed to the brim with food. It made me want to puke, but I didn't. We took our seats and Tubbo's mom served food. We heard a door open and Tubbo's dad came in caring the cake. It was a bee cake! It had yellow frosting with honeycombs at the bottom of it. On the top was a sign that said Happy Bee day, It also had little bees decorating the top and sides.

(This is what the bee cake looked like)

"OMG! ITS PERFECT!" Tubbo screamed. "Eat and then you can have the cake." "OKAY!" Tubbo started devouring his food. We all started to eat with him but much much slower. It was like Thanks Giving dinner it was so good! I finished eating a bit ago and sat down on the couch to wait for the others. Next was Tubbo, Ranboo, and Purpled in that order.

After sitting on the couch waiting, Tubbo's parents came in his mom turned off the light and the glow of the candle lit up the room. They started to sing happy birthday to him and we joined. They put the cake down on the coffee table and Tubbo sat in front of it. As the song was coming to an end he looked to be thinking and when we stopped he blew out the candle. We all screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUBBO!!" at the top of our lungs. He looked so happy, he ran to us and gave us each a hug. When it came to me he said, "I'm glad your here!" "Me too Tubs!"

His parents cut the cake and gave us each a slice. The cake was amazing! It was vanilla with creamy chocolate streaks in it. The frosting was soft and fluffy, it melted in your mouth easily. It was the best cake no dessert I have ever had. With ate slowly enjoying it with every bite. We sat on the couch in silence, it was such a good cake that chewing it made you love it but also want to stuff more in your mouth.

Once we got done we put our dishes in the kitchen and me, Ranboo, and Purpled went to get our presents. We walked to the living room and sat down. Tubbo opened Purpled's first, it was a Bee plushy with a little baby bee plushy. "AWWWW Thank you there so cute!!" "You welcome!" He opened Ranboo's next, it was a light up duck, "I'm going to name it Benson!! Thanks!" "Mhhm!" Then he opened mine, I quickly put on my green bandanna and looked towards Tubbo. He opened the bag and pulled it out, he looked towards me and saw my green one. "NOW WE HAVE MATCHING BANDANNAS!!! YA! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" "No problem Big Man!" "AWW! I want matching thingys!" Purpled complained and Ranboo backed him up. "Maybe on your birthday?!" I said.

We had all calmed down and settled on the downstairs couch. We turned on the TV and picked out loads of movies. I really enjoyed today, spending it with my friends was amazing! I hope I get to do it again!

Well new record! 1841 words! WOW!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MORE THAN 1000 READS YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! also did you guys watch Techno's stream? Well I did and that is why this took so long to come out, hehe! Anyway, Hope you enjoyed, Stay Safe, Eat, Drink, And Sleep!! BYEE BYE!!!

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