Water and Ice (Loki Love Stor...

By Silver-Tigress

34.5K 981 115

27 year old Aquamarine (Aqua) Spears Rivers believed she was just a normal girl living in Malibu, California... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
New Book!
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Author's Note!!

Chapter 11

710 26 1
By Silver-Tigress

Aqua's P. O. V:

The fighting on the ground continues as more Chitauri surround me. I spot Thor atop a tower, readying to summon lightning. I decide to help him out by summoning more rain to enhance his lightning.

We've teamed up like this before, back in New Mexico, when Thor was able to wield his hammer again.

I unleash another rainstorm on the city and Thor unleashes a powerful burst of lightning up the peak of the tower he's on. Whenever the electricity would touch the water droplets, it would spark and crackle even more wildly.

The massive lightning bolt strikes Stark Tower and shoots up to the portal. I could almost see him grinning in gratitude for the helping hand in amplifying his electricity.

"Aqua!!" Tony, Clint, Nat and Cap exclaim from near me and through the earpieces.

"Sorry! I was giving Thor a helping hand! Just deal with it!" I say, wincing a bit from the shouting in my earpiece, before I hold up my arms as countless Chitauri surround us, causing the rain to pause as it turns to countless tiny water droplets. It forms a giant dome around us as I then thrust my arms down with a grunt of immense exertion, and then freeze the water spikes into ice instantaneously. They impact the Chitauri surrounding us but some were lucky enough to evade them.

(Just like in the gif)

"She took out almost all of them singlehandedly," Cap says in awe.

"That's Aqua for you," Nat mutters.

I then hold up my hand and create a force field of water to shield my friends and I from the rain. I was going to keep it up to help Thor until he no longer needs it or I get drained completely.

"What is this?" Cap asks after a moment.

"It's Aqua's Water Barrier technique. It'll protect us from the rain," Nat explains as she continues fighting the Chitauri.

"Impressive," Says Cap as I feel him gazing at me.

I hold out my left arm and water wraps around it, before forming into a massive, swirling drill of water. I then bring my arm around and down on some Chitauri, crushing them and impaling them.

I thrust spears of ice and water at them, crush others with ice balls or use my Haemokinesis to kill them.

I slam my hand on the ground and ice spreads outward, causing the aliens unlucky enough to slip over their feet.

Another Chitauri was able to keep running at me and was about to fire, when I focus my Chryokinesis. I blow out a big breath and thrust out my hands, freezing it in its tracks before it could fire at me.

I focus my power on the water on the ground and sweep my arms forward, forming the water into razor sharp rings that could slice through metal. The rings of water cut clean through any Chitauri that comes too close.

As a Chitauri runs at me, weapon raised, I grunt with exertion and swing my arms forward as I swing my body around, bringing a razor sharp blade of water with me that cuts right through another Chitauri.

A Chitauri grabs me and throws me onto a car. It thrusts its weapon at me but I jerk my head to the side. The Chitauri thrusts its staff down again, and I jerk my head back the other way. We repeat this for several minutes until I clamp my gloved hands around the bladed end of the weapon, halting it.

The Chitauri tries to pierce my face but I push it back with all the strength I could muster. I then start to freeze the weapon and the Chitauri looks a little surprised. Before it could jump away, I bring my leg up and kick it right beneath the chin. It falls backwards from the force.

I slide off the car and gaze around. I see another Chitauri run at me before I sweep its legs out from under it, then kick it in the side of its head, knocking the alien to the ground. I hear a third come up behind me but barely even look before I thrust my left, ice covered fist up and slug it in the face, causing the Chitauri to drop to the ground.

Nat is thrown to the hood of a car by a Chitauri and he holds his weapon above her. The Chitauri brings it down but Nat easily evades it and wraps her legs tightly around the alien. She then punches its neck before ripping the staff from its hands and whacking it away from her.

A Chitauri manages to get close to me and swings its staff for me but I lean to the side and dodge, before doing the exact same thing a few more times. It swings the staff for my head and it strikes the butt end to my left temple, making me grunt in pain. The Chitauri goes to fire at me but I latch my hands around its arm.

With a grunt of exertion, I thrust my knees up and wrap them around its neck before flipping backwards, gripping tightly with my knees and bringing the alien with me. I slam it back first onto the ground, sitting on its chest.

I wrap ice around my right fist and slam it hard into the creature's face. It goes still and I get to my feet, panting heavily. Another Chitauri runs at me and I create a trident out of water. I grunt with exertion as I thrust it at te Chitauri.

The centre spike embeds itself into the Chitauri's chest, taking it out instantly.

I turn to see Nat aiming the staff shed grabbed from the Chitauri at a stunned Cap behind us, who is mostly staring at me in surprise.

I go up to them as we turn to gaze at the portal hanging in the sky above us.

Nat says, "Stopping this isn't gonna mean a damn thing if we can't close that portal."

"Our guns can't touch it," Cap tells her.

"Maybe it's not about guns," Nat mutters.

Cap and I gaze around, and we both understand what she means.

I say, "If you wanna get up there, you're going to need a ride."

"I gotta ride," Nat says flippantly as she chucks the staff on the ground and takes a few steps away from us. "I could use a boost, though," She adds to Cap.

I step away as Cap moves back, bending slightly while gripping his shield.

I ask uncertainly, "You sure about this?"

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun."

Nat makes a running leap and jumps into a black car before hitting Cap's shield. With a huge aping, the assassin launches herself into the air and grabs onto the back of a jet.

Cap jerks up his shield and I create an ice shield just in time to block two blasts of energy from some Chitauri.

I exchange glances with Cap, with me smirking. And then there were two.

I charge forward and bring up a ring of water around me, before creating tentacles and lashing them out at the Chitauri. I wrap them around a couple of aliens before slamming them hard against each other. I latch a tentacle around another and throw it into its friend who is currently fighting Cap.

I would continue to repeat similar actions and Tony flies past us at some point, firing at Chitauri as he lands near us.

Tony takes off once more, leaving me with Cap.

A Chitauri has pinned the blonde male to the ground and he was struggling to prevent its staff from piercing its chest.

I thrust my arm forward and the tentacle wraps around the Chitauri. I tighten my fist, tightening it, before lifting it up and swinging the alien around in a wide circle while throwing it into a few of its comrades, before I launch it out of the tentacle and against the car beside Cap.

A Chitauri strikes me in my left foot before another strikes the back of my right thigh, having broken through my defences. I cry out as my hand reaches down for my thigh. That's when another Chitauri stabs my left shoulder from the front, causing my eyes to jerk wide.

I swear aloud before snatching at the staff and yanking it out of my shoulder. I start to freeze the weapon with my Chryokinesis. "That hurt like a bitch!" The Chitauri was going to yank its hands back but it wasn't fast enough to avoid my ice as it covers its hands, freezing both to the shaft of the weapon.

I wrap water around my free fist and slam it into the alien's face. Its frozen hands rip free of the ice and I whack its temple with the pointy end as payback for earlier, sending the creature tumbling.

I duck to avoid being shot again as more Chitauri fire at me. One of them goes to swing at me but I connect my weapon with its own. While I clash with this Chitauri, Cap, now on his feet, rushes forward and hits the Chitauri with his shield, knocking them away from me.

I pull back and impale the Chitauri in the face. I grip the staff tightly before I slug the Chitauri powerfully in the chest, kicking it back.

I spin just in time to impale another in the chest. There was a second Chitauri behind it and I shove with all my strength before the staff impales the second Chitauri in the chest. I leap up and kick them down.

Breathing heavily, I step back so I'm back to back with Cap. "Thanks for that, by the way," I tell him gratefully, seeing Hulk come down and smash some Chitauri.

"I should be thanking you, since you saved me before. You're wounded," Cap responds, noticing my battered state.

I focus on my Hydrokinesis and focus that on my blood. I stop it from flowing out any more for the time being.

"I'll heal it all later," I say. "And don't mention it. I couldn't just leave you to die, could I?"

Clint says to Cap through the earpiece, "Sorry to interrupt, love birds, but, Captain, the vanguard 42nd past Addison Avenue. They've cornered a lot of civilians there."

"I'm on it!" Cap says. He spares me a grateful look before taking off.

I swing my body and arms around as I take off in a run, creating a large wave. I thrust my arms to my right and it slams into a bunch of Chitauri, taking them out.

"And, Aqua," Clint says to me.


"Loki's in the house, if you know what I mean."

I smirk at the thought of fighting the Norse god again and cackle like the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz, Judy Garland version. "I'm on it! I'll take care of Loki!"

"Great. Give him a good beat down for me, will you? I give you permission to use your Haemokinesis to hurt him badly," Clint says.

"Agreed," Says Nat, surprising me slightly. She must be with the archer.

"So I really have to hurt him that badly?" I whine.

"Yes," Everyone else says in response, almost in perfect sync that it was scary.

"Oh, poopy! Fine! I'll hurt him, but only enough so I don't mess up his pretty face."

"Do you honestly think that guy is "pretty"?" Tony asks in confusion.

"Um, duh! That's why I don't want to mess him up! Don't tell me you're jealous, Stark?"

"Don't be ridiculous! I'm way more good looking than the bad guy!"

"And, by the way, Clint, we're having a chat about what you said about me and Cap earlier when this is over," I add, ignoring the last part Tony said.

"When I called you two "love birds"?"

"Yes! We're not in love!"

"Well, they do say that love blooms on the battlefield," Tony says.

"Did you get that from How To Train Your Dragon?!" I ask in a flustered tone.

"Uh, nope! Not at all."

"Forget it!!" I groan in exaggeration. I then turn to The Hulk, saying, "Hey, Bud!" He whips his head around to me, a questioning look in his eyes. I point to Stark Tower. "Could you give me a ride?"

Hulk grins and picks me up carefully before swinging me onto his back. I wrap my arms around his thick neck to stay on. My long hair blows back in the wind as Hulk takes off in the direction of Stark Tower.

I spot Loki sitting up against the bay windows outside as Hulk gives a loud roar and lands before him. I grip tightly onto Hulk as he launches himself forward and slams into Loki. The three of us smash right through the window and Hulk releases Loki as he stops short, causing Loki to slam into the opposite wall, back first, letting out a grunt at the impact.

I quickly slide off Hulk before he pounds his fists against the floor triumphantly, giving another roar.

I manipulate some water to wrap around my shoulders behind me, and my hands threateningly as Bud and I stalk toward Loki, preparing to attack him.

"ENOUGH!" Loki hollers, jumping to his feet and causing the green skinned beast and I to stop short. I hood my eyes boredly as Loki continues. "You are, all of you, are beneath me! I am a god, you dull creatures! And I will not be bullied by..."

I blink my eyes and straighten my stance as Loki is suddenly cut off by Bud snatching his right leg and slamming him into the floor to the right first, then throwing Loki several times into the floor before him. Bud finishes by slamming Loki back first into the floor on his right, and I put the water back in the bottles, knowing I wouldn't need it anymore.

I whack Bud's arm playfully as I say, chuckling, "Nice one, Bud." He grins at me and starts walking away.

Bud mutters, "Puny god."

I laugh, especially when Loki emits a high pitched squeal of pain.

I go over and kneel beside Loki, still grinning as he flicks his emerald green eyes to my face. "Bud: 1, Loki The Not So Mighty God: 0," I mock as I make the numbers with my fingers. Loki glares daggers up at me but I ignore it. "You were warned that we have The Hulk. I thought Tony told you? You must've been hard of hearing. You're just grateful I didn't use my Haemokinesis on you again, otherwise, you would've been in much more agony right now."

I wave my hand sarcastically at Loki as I straighten up and head out onto the roof.

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