Haruhi's Twin

By MickyWolff

88.6K 2.5K 280

Yuki Fujioka is the younger twin sister of the infamous Honor student Haruhi Fujioka. Follow Yuki's life as t... More

Note Before You Read
Day Before School
Starting Today...(Part One)
You Are a Host!(Part Two)
The Job of a High School Host
Beware of The Physical Exams!
Attack of the Female Manager!
The Twins Fight
Sleep Over
Jungle Pool SOS
The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club
A Challenge from Lobelia Girl's Academy
A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!
Study Session
Honey's Three Bitter Days
Authors Note
The Photo Contest
Covering the Famous Host Club!
The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa!
Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date!
Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out!
The Photo Shoot
Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back!
The Ootori Estate
Dinner with The Ootori's
Until the Day It Becomes a Pumpkin
The Party
The Gardening Club
Mori-Senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate Part one
Author Note
Mori-Senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate Part Two
Tamaki's Unwitting Depression
Kaoru and Yuki's Day in
Hirakata Park
Happy Birthday
The Letter
The Request and The Test?
Best Friend Talk
Sisterly Sunday
Money Rejection
Author Note: So Sorry!
The Host Club Declares Dissolution
This Is Our Ouran Festival
Kyoya Ending
The 'Why Not Both' Ending
Thank You!

Kaoru Ending

813 26 1
By MickyWolff

The sound of heels clicking against the fancy flooring of a Ouran corridor echoed the silent school. A soft nervous sigh left Yuki's lips as she got closer and closer to the club room. The chaotic festival had finally came to an end and anyone that was still on campus as outside. However Yuki knew for a fact at least one person was waiting for her in the club room. It was finally time to find out who had written the note that had been rattling her brain since her birthday.

Coming to a stop in front of the white double doors of the music room, Yuki bit her lip nervously. Her boy problems had taken up a large chuck of her brain storage for the last few months. Whoever was waiting for her behind the door, was going to be her choice. Getting the note told her that whoever it was wanted to be with her. The other male would become just a friend.

The idea of not coming at all did cross her mind. If only for a moment. Yuki didn't want to be one of those girls that depending on boys, that needed a boy. So the idea of forgetting her boy problems until at least next year did sound appealing. However the temptation of learning who had written the letter out weighed the feminist slightly gay part of her brain.

With one final sigh Yuki pushed open the door and walked inside. Her eyes scanned the darkened room for a moment until she saw someone standing by one of the windows. Despite it being dark in the room it only took Yuki a few steps forward until she realized who it was.


A large smile made it's way to her face without even her realizing it. Yuki walked closer and came to a stop only a few feet to the side of Kaoru. The ginger male was looking at the window with a nervous look on his face. He turned to Yuki as she came to a stop next to him and his eyes widened in surprise at the large smile she was wearing. He was half expecting either a look of surprise or a look of disappointment. But she was smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" Kaoru asked as a smile of his own started growing on his lips.

"Oh I'm smiling?" Yuki blushed as she looked down for a moment, biting her bottom lips. "I guess I'm just happy?" She said looking up at him again.

"Your not surprised?" Kaoru asked confused. He thought he hid his feelings pretty well.

"Well it was pretty easy to narrow things down." She said before rambling on about how she narrowed it down. "Which really only left you and Kyoya.."

"And you aren't sad that it wasn't Kyoya's letter?" Kaoru watched her face closely. Maybe she was just trying to be nice. They were best friends after all. Maybe she was smiling so hard because she was feeling so awkward..

"If I'm being honest.." Yuki let out a sigh as she turned and sat on the nearest window sill. Which happened to be right on front of Kaoru. She smoothed down the dress she was still wearing from the event. "I did have feelings for Kyoya. I learned a very different side of him when we spent time together alone. But then I started getting feelings for you as well." Yuki spoke gently as she looked up from her dress to meet Kaoru's eyes. "The kindness and friendship you and Hikaru showed me almost instantly was very precious to me. I think at first that was why I didn't really put it together. I was enjoying being your guys friend and spending time with you both. I don't even know what it was that shifted my view on you. It was just suddenly I was looking at you in a different light and I was really confused." She let out a soft laugh as she leaned her back against the window.

"It was kind of the same for me too." Kaoru said as he sat down besides Yuki. He turned his body a bit to face her and Yuki turned as well to face him. The fabric of her dress and his pants brushed together as they moved one of their legs up onto the window sill. "But I remember the moment I started seeing you differently."

"When was it?" Yuki asked curious to know the moment it changed for Kaoru.

"Do you remember my mom's party?" Kaoru questioned.

"The one for the fall line?" Yuki hummed after she thought about it for a moment. 

"Yeah that one." Kaoru smiled. "We were in our room and you were in tears about missing your mom. Hikaru said something and it made you laugh." Kaoru paused as a wide smile came to his lips. He looked down for a moment as he tried to contain his smile enough to finish talking. "Your face lit up with appreciate and your laugh was just beautiful and the genuine smile on your face just made you breathtaking. Afterwards I knew I wanted to be the reason behind your laughs and smiles. With Hikaru's help I realized that my feelings had turned from friendly to romantic."

Yuki looked at Kaoru with awe. She remembered that moment pretty well. It was surprising that, that seemed to be Kaoru's moment of realization. After all she had just been crying so Yuki wasn't to sure how she could look breathtaking as Kaoru had so lovingly put it.

"Really? That moment?" Yuki asked tilting her head to the side. "Can it be a different moment?"

"What? Why?" Kaoru laughed.

"Well I was crying! Like how did you find me attractive? Couldn't you have picked a moment like two hours from then?" Yuki joked as she looked at him.

"Hey" Kaoru turned serious as he took ahold of both of her hands. His eyes locked with hers and the intense gaze caused Yuki to gulp nervously. "You are always beautiful Yuki. Everything about you is, not just your looks. I'm going to tell you that until you remember that."

"Kaoruu" Yuki blushed brightly and tried to cover her face with her hands but stopped because Kaoru tighten his hold on her hands. "When did you get this cheesy?" She teased.

"Only cheesy for you Yuki." Kaoru smiled. "But seriously don't tell Hikaru because he would never let me live in down." A grin came to his face as he watched Yuki giggle at his comment. "Will you go out with me Yuki?"

"Of course Kaoru."

~Ten years later~

"Daichi you need to keep your clothes on! Oh no not you too Emiko!" A deep male voice yelled through the modest modern house. A 26 year old Kaoru rushed down the hallway after two toddlers. Emiko, was a ginger girl with bright blue eyes and Daichi was a brunette boy with golden brown/hazel eyes.

"Kaoruu what's going on?" A bell like voice called from the master bedroom just down the hall. A 26 year old Yuki walked out of the door way while putting on some small gold hoop earrings. The scene in front of her froze. Emiko and Daichi were butt naked and frozen mid attack on their father who was wearing a nice suit. The toddlers clothing was scattered up and down the hallway. She blinked a few times at the sight in front of her before a laugh left her lips. "Come on we are going to be late. Emiko, Daichi." Yuki said in a firm tone

"Yes mamma!" The twins quickly ran around the hall collecting the clothes they had thrown around and ran down the hall to their bedrooms.

"How did you do that?!" Kaoru asked as a pout came to his lips. He stood up straight and walked over to his wife and kissed her cheek.

"I'm their mother." Yuki joked as she returned to the master bedroom. Kaoru followed closely behind her.

The last ten years for Yuki and Kaoru have been very eventful. After they finished highschool they both went to a college near Tokyo. They both took business classes but Kaoru focused more on running a business while Yuki worked more on advertisement. After college the twins took over their family fashion line and allowed their mother more time to raise their little sister Ageha who was was six at the time.

Kaoru proposed to Yuki in their final year of college and of course Yuki said yes. Shortly after getting married and moving into their current slightly larger then modest home (which on its own was a struggle. Kaoru wanted to get a much bigger place), the twins were born. The first born being Daichi. The little boy that had gotten his mother's hair color, nose and his father's warm eyes. Emiko was a bright girl with her father's ginger hair, mischievous smile and her mother's brilliant blue eyes. The two parents weren't even at all surprised that they had twins. After all they were both twins themselves, it would have been weird if they didn't.

Currently they were getting ready for Haruhi's graduation party. The smart Fujioka had just graduated from Law school and the whole host club was very proud of her. So they all planned a surprise party for her. The only people that were invited was host club members and their families. It wasn't very often that they were all in the same place but the club did still stay very much in contact with each other. It was kind of hard not to as most of their companies were intertwined even a little bit.

"Have you thought about having more?" Kaoru asked after a moment of silence between the pair. Yuki looked up at her husband through the mirror in front of her. Kaoru was sitting on the end of the bed watching her get ready.

"You want another set of twins running around?" Yuki smiled as she went back to getting ready. "We'll be out numbered" she joked.

"It's not a for sure thing to have twins every time." Kaoru said as the door opened and the two spit fires came barreling into the master bedroom. They used a footstool at the end of the bed to climb up onto the mattress before clinging to their father. "What do you two think about having another sibling?" Kaoru asked as he picked up Emiko and set her on his lap.

"As long as it's a boy." Daichi said as he wrapped his tiny arms around Kaoru's neck as he bounced on the bed a bit.

"No way! Boys are gross. Can it be a girl?" Emiko asked looking up at her father with her wide blue eyes.

"Well the gender would be random." Yuki giggled as she turned around and started running a brush through Emiko's long ginger hair.

"We can also just get a nanny to help us out." Kaoru said towards his wife as she worked on taming their daughters hair.

"No nanny's." Yuki said firmly. "I feel weird enough having the maids come twice a week to clean the house. Besides I have heard stories of what you and your brother did to your guys nannies." She teased.

Yuki didn't have anything against the lifestyle Kaoru grew up in. However there were certain things that she wanted to do differently for their children. It started with them getting this house that wasn't overly large like the mansion that Kaoru had grew up in. It wasn't to small like the apartment she grew up in was but it wasn't to big to not feel like an actual home. Yuki also refused to let their twins to grow up spoiled. Sure they would always have plenty of money to get whatever they dreamed for but Yuki wanted them to understand that money wasn't everything. Lastly, Yuki wanted them to be there for the twins as much as they could. Which meant no nannies.

"We weren't that bad." Kaoru protested.

"I feel bad for your mother." Yuki joked as she used a cute orange rose clip in Emiko's hair to keep it out of her face.

"Will grandma be there today?" Emiko asked as she sat as still as a four year old possible could as Yuki finished her hair.

"No grandma today sweetie." Kaoru smiled a bit as he clipped in another clip on the other side of Emiko's head. The side that Yuki couldn't reach.

"Daichi come here and let me brush your hair." Yuki said after finishing Emiko's hair.

"Yes mamma" Daichi moved to the end of the bed and sat down. His short legs kicking back and forth. Yuki moved over and ran the brush through a few times to keep the short hair from standing on its ends.

"Okay all done let's get moving before we are late!" Yuki said after Daichi's hair.

The family of four left their home and made their way to where the party was being held. Haruhi and Tamaki's shared home. Which was much bigger then Yuki and Kaoru's place. While Haruhi wanted something about half the size, Tamaki ended up buying the mansion they made currently without even asking her. Which surprised no one.

It didn't take long before they were pulling up to the mansion. At the sight of the other cars Yuki sighed in defeat. While they weren't technically late, they were still the last ones there. The four of them got out of the car and made their way inside. A lot of noise was coming from the living room next to the entrance hall so they followed the cheerful noises.

"Kaoru!" A similar voice to Kaoru's shouted and a moment later a body threw itself at Kaoru. Hikaru had been on business in the united states for a better part of a year now and it was the longest the twins had been without seeing each other.

"Hikaru!" Kaoru cried as he hugged his twin.

"Uncle Hikaru!" The four year old twins shouted as they clung to his legs.

"Hey you two!" Hikaru bent down and hugged the both of them. "Hey Yuki!" Hikaru said after finishing the hug between his niece and nephew. He stood and gave his sister-in-law and best friend a tight hug.

"Hey Hikaru it's great to see you again." Yuki smiled as she gave him a hug. She glanced over his shoulder to see a person with long blonde hair that was pulled back into a bun standing a few feet behind Hikaru, nervously tugging on their suit. "Oh who is this?" She asked as she pulled away.

"Oh!" Hikaru turned and grabbed a hold of the persons hand and pulled them over to the group. Emiko and Daichi had escaped the adult talk and ran over to play with a Raven haired boy about their age across the room. "This is Logan."

"It's great to finally meet you two." Japanese spoken with an American accent left Logan's lips. While it was perfectly spoken, it still sounded a bit strange. "Hikaru talks about you all of the time." They said holding their hand out for a hand shake.

"Really? He hasn't said anything about you.." Kaoru said eyeing poor Logan down.

"Kaoru." Yuki hissed before taking their hand and smiling brightly. "I hope nothing to bad" she laughed. "Are you part of the company Hikaru has been meeting with in America?"

"No actually Logan um.." Hikaru's cheeks got a slightly pink hue to them. "We're dating." He smiled.

Kaoru and Yuki both blinked as their mouths open a bit in surprise. This wasn't the first relationship that Hikaru had been in nor was it the first seemingly same sex relationship. In their third year of high school Hikaru had came out to the pair of them as pansexual and they had always been supportive of whoever Hikaru dated. However this was the first time that Hikaru was bringing a partner to meet them. Whenever asked about it, Hikaru would always say 'When it's serious you guys will meet them.'

"Oh my..oh my god!" Yuki gasped before hugging Logan. Logan's eyes widened as they looked to the ginger twins in confused shock. "Hi! I'm so glad to finally meet you! Hikaru never brings anyone to meet us! I can't wait to have you two over for dinner. Soon okay?!"

"Yuuukii!" Hikaru's blush darkened as he looked to his twin for some help. However Kaoru was just snickering besides him. "Come on leave them alone." Yuki pulled away while making a mental note at the fact that Hikaru called Logan by the nonbinary pronoun. The last thing she wanted to do was misgender Hikaru's partner and make them feel uncomfortable.

"Okay okay!" Yuki giggled as she stepped back to Kaoru's side. "But really though. I want to get to know more about this. You can't keep them to yourselves now Hikaru!" A look of graduated crossed both Hikaru's and Logan's faces for a moment as Yuki used them inside of him. Hikaru was glad that Yuki seemed to pick up the hint that he had given her and Logan was just grateful that they didn't have to explain their pronouns to yet another person today.

"I would love to have dinner at some point. Sometime soon." Logan smiled. They knew how much Yuki and Kaoru meant to Hikaru so they were going to put in their all to get to know them.

"Yuki!" Ranka called out to her before pulling her away from the trio and towards Haruhi and Tamaki.

"Dad!" Yuki squeaked as she got pulled away. Once she saw the destination of where her father was heading, she broke away from him and gave her sister a giant bear hug. "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" She then lowered her voice and let out a soft sigh. "Mom would be proud."

"Thank you." Haruhi smiled as she returned the hug.

"Where are my beautiful niece and handsome nephew! How they are so sweet with one half of the devil is a mystery." Tamaki looked around the room for the youngest set of twins in the room.

"Last time I saw them they were playing with Toshi" Yuki said glancing around the room. Toshi was Mori's youngest son and was only a year older then the twins. However the three seemed to have disappeared. Although Yuki wasn't to worried about it. The children wouldn't leave the house and Toshi was a lot more mature then a normal five year old. "You should really stop calling Kaoru and Hikaru devil's you know"


"Is the boss-"

"Talking about us again?" The twins popped up from behind Tamaki seemingly out of nowhere. The flamboyant blonde cried out as he jumped and hid behind his fiance Haruhi.

Yuki giggled and let her eyes skim the room for a moment. She caught Honey, Mori and their wives chatting around a table. It kind of reminded her off how they would look back in the host club. She smiled and waved as they looked her way before looking to another spot in the room. Sitting on a couch was a blonde girl and a Raven haired girl cuddling together watching something on an tablet. Honey's six year old daughter Yoko and Mori's oldest child, seven year old Koemi. Yuki smiled at the pair before her eyes landed on the last member of the host club, Kyoya. He was sitting in an arm chair with his wife sitting in another one next to him. Her stomach large with their first child.

Everything seemed to have worked out for everyone in the host club. Yuki was glad they were getting a chance to meet up again like this. She couldn't help but let out a sigh as she remembered the first time she had meant the host club.


"Ow" Yuki twitched as she sat up and rubbed her head only to be greeted with a hand in her face, clearly meant to help her back up. Yuki gently took the larger hand and stood up with the help of the person before looking up and meeting the face of who helped her. The guy had blond hair and violet eyes. She would have found him attractive if he didn't speak. 

"Are you okay princess" The blond asked holding out a rose to her.


"Who are you?" The ginger haired twins asked making Yuki turn to look over at the both of them. They were both in class 1-A with her and Haruhi and they happened to sit right behind them so she didn't understand how they didn't at least know her first name. Yuki knew theirs, Kaoru and Hikaru something. Yuki wasn't good with last names with was kind of a problem as she often came off as rude. 

"Yuki Fujioka, twin sister of Honor student Haruhi Fujioka. Here on a Art and Music Scholarship. Class 1-A" A tall guy with glasses and black hair spoke up making Yuki turn and look over at him with a raised eye brow.


It was hard to believe that that day was over ten years ago. Yuki never expected for her life to turn out how it had and she was extremely grateful that it turned out like it had. She wished she could go back in time and tell herself that everything was going to be okay.

"Hey hey." Kaoru walked over to his wife and took ahold of her hand. Yuki snapped out of her thoughts and turned to smile brightly at her husband. "You okay there?"

"I'm perfect.."

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