
By -_-WendyMarvell-_-

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Connor and Emiko Yukari are your typical brother and sister. Going to school, constantly getting on each othe... More

Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: Welcome To Mytho-Academy
Chapter 2: Learning The Rules The Hard Way
Chapter 3: Duellum
Chapter 4: Nightmares Sometimes Become Reality
Chapter 5: First Night
Chapter 6: First Day
Chapter 7: Combat Training
Chapter 8: Suspicion
Chapter 9: When Duellum Goes Wrong
Chapter 10: Loss
Chapter 11: Doomsday
Chapter 12: Departure
Chapter 13: Family Reunions
Chapter 14: Attacked
Chapter 15: Berserk
Chapter 16: Welcome To Alfheim
Chapter 17: Bloody Magic
Chapter 18: Power Up
Chapter 19: Defeat
Chapter 20: Truth
Chpater 21: Aftermath
Chapter 22: Struggle
Chapter 23: Final Battle
Chapter 24: Sacrifices
Chapter 25: Epilogue
S2 - Chapter 1: War
S2 - Chapter 2: Waking Up
S2 - Chapter 3: Spy
S2 - Chapter 4: Execution
S2 - Chapter 5: Athens
S2 - Chapter 6: Battle Of Lives
S2 - Chapter 7: Egypt
S2 - Chapter 8: Secrets Of The Past
S2 - Chapter 9: Losing Souls
S2 - Chapter 10: Tournament
S2 - Chapter 11: Nightmares
S2 - Chapter 13: Failure
S2 - Chapter 14: Apocalypse
S2 - Chapter 15: Queen Of Lust
S2 - Chapter 16: Trial
S2 - Chapter 17: Split
S2 - Chapter 18: Crazy Elves
S2 - Chapter 19: Last Stand
S2 - Chapter 20: Fallen Saviors
S2 - Chapter 21: Demons
S2 - Chapter 22: Change
S2 - Chapter 23: The Real Epilogue

S2 - Chapter 12: Traitors

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By -_-WendyMarvell-_-


Today was one of the worst days of my life.

Early that morning, I was called down to the main office by Nanami. It was pretty early, but I still had to go. As one of my main responsibilities as being the Vice Principal was to help out with battle plans, even though we'd never actually used any of them. It was mainly just a precaution.

Me and a few others were waiting in the meeting room of the main building. It was basically a massive room with a huge table in the center. The table was pretty much a magical holographic map of the world that Nanami could control.

Around the table, were seven chairs. There was one for each of the important people in the school. One for me, Nanami, Skylar, Alder, Deidamia, Frostine, and Barak. In other words, the Principal, Vice Principal, and the Elite. Nanami was at the head of the table, with me to her left and Skylar to her right. Barak and Alder were on my side while Deidamia and Frostine were on Skylar's side.

Nanami: "I'm sorry for calling you all in on such short notice. But we have an emergency"

Barak: "What's up?"

Nanami: "I have reason to suspect that Mytho-Academy, the strongest of the God following schools, will invade our camp tonight"

Alder: "What gives you that implication?"

Nanami: "You'll just have to trust me on this, Alder. Maybe a little proof will help reveal the truth"

Nanami waved her hand over the table, and a big clear sphere made of some kind of magic appeared in front of us. On the inside, I could see a massive battle going on, both inside and outside our walls. Dead bodies littered the ground, from both sides.

Alder: "What carnage..."

Connor: "What the hell... t-that's just..."

Nanami turned to me.

Nanami: "Just a reminder of what we're fighting against"

She turned back to the map.

Nanami: "I have also learned that we have a traitor in our midst, giving information to Mytho-Academy"

Connor: "Who do you think it is?"

Nanami: "I believe it's either Angel or Siyuka, the two most recent to join. Their appearance here was suspicious enough, but now I understand why"

Connor: "Hold on! I've been with Angel pretty much 24/7, she's never had the chance to report anything!"

Nanami: "I'm not saying they're the traitors, but I am saying they're the most likely suspects. I have a few more leads that may bring us to a conclusion. However for now, keep a close eye on those two"

Connor: "Right..."

Nanami took a deep breath.

Nanami: "Now, I'm sure I've told you all about a secret plan I've been developing. With this, we could take down the Gods once and for all"

Deidamia: "Yay!! Down with the bitches!!!"

Frostine: "D-Deidamia!! No cursing!!"

Nanami actually cracked a smile.

Nanami: "It's okay, Frostine. Let her have her fun. After all, it's normal to be excited when your enemies are going to be crushed"

Nanami swung her hand to the left, and the whole map disappeared. In its place, was a massive book. It had multiple Egyptian hieroglyphs on it, as well as a few other symbols that didn't look familiar. She turned to a page that had some kind of monster on the page.

Nanami: "Long ago, before the age of the Gods, there lived an entity named The Creator. However he has also gained the name The Destroyer, since he has destroyed countless civilizations, much like our own"

She turned the page, revealing a picture of a pitch black sky.

Nanami: "There have been many generations of Gods. Each one has met their fate at The Destroyer's hand. Currently, we live on the seventh round of Gods. Six other generations of Gods have fallen before him, since he was also the one that created them"

Nanami turned the page again, this time, the page contained a person in traditional Egyptian clothing. His eyes were glowing red with grey skin covering his body.

Nanami: "Every time The Destroyer has eliminated the Gods, he's needed to temporarily inherit the body of a mortal, in order to exist in our plane of existence. However to be summoned in the first place, we need the blood of each deity of a certain mythology. Which, we have obtained by capturing most of the Egyptian Gods, and some blood we already possessed, such as Ra's and Sobek's. The only deity's blood that we are missing is... Apophis' blood"

Everyone turned to me.

Nanami: "You, Connor Yukari, currently possess the spirit and power of Apophis within you. His very blood runs through your veins. So the last missing component is you"

Connor: "You don't have to actually... kill me for this to work, right?"

Nanami: "Of course not, we only need some of your blood, not all of it"

Connor: "What would happen when we summon this thing?

Nanami: "The one he inherits will become the single strongest being in the world. With his power, we will wipe out the Gods and create a new world for all. No longer will we live in the shadows of those tyrannical Gods. We will be free to live our own life, choose our own path"

Barak: "Hell yeah! I'll drink to that!!"

Alder: "You fucking drunk... it's still morning and you're already thinking about beer"

Barak: "Oh shut up, emo boy"

Suddenly, Frostine spoke up.

Frostine: "What's the plan for after the Gods are killed? How will The Destroyer be sent back to where it came from?"

Nanami took a second to think before answering.

Nanami: "I... do not know"

Alder: "Principal, with all due respect, I must advise you that this is highly unwise. We do not even fully understand what this power will do. It could make someone go insane"

Nanami: "I'm aware of the risks, however I have a failsafe in place in case of such an occasion"

Skylar: "When are we doing this?"

Nanami: "Later, when the Gods attack. We want them here while we do this"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see someone watching us from the doorway. The only thing I could see was a pair of sky blue eyes. The second their eyes landed on me, they disappeared.

Suddenly, a loud alarm started going off.

Alder: "The lockdown alarm! But why!!"

Nanami: "Do not be alarmed. I'm the cause of this. Camp-Mythos will go into lockdown until the battle tonight. No one will leave or enter Camp-Mythos under any circumstances. Now go, prepare for battle"

It was around lunch time, and everyone was seriously on edge. Normally, the cafeteria area was crowded and lively. But there was not a single person speaking. Everyone just ate quietly. The entire time I was eating, I couldn't help but think about the traitor. Something told me that I already knew who it was. After seeing those eyes in the meeting room, I could all but confirm it. All that was left was confronting them.

After I ate, I found myself walking around the cabin area. It was the only place in the entire camp where people were actually talking, though it wasn't much. I arrived at my cabin and walked inside. The first thing I saw was Siyuka talking to someone on her phone. She hadn't realized I was there yet, but my curiosity got the best of me. I snuck up behind her to try and listen in on the conversation. Suddenly, Siyuka yelled out.

Siyuka: "Don't! Their plan is just insane. Bringing the Gods will only hasten it!!!"

I spoke.

Connor: "So it's you, you're the traitor"

She froze in place. She then fried the phone by overloading it with electricity. She looked back at me, glaring.

Siyuka: "Yeah, I am, but so are you"

Connor: "Huh?"

Siyuka: "You're such an idiot... You were a Demigod at Mytho-Academy with Angel and I. We fought the Fallen because they were trying to end the world"

Connor: "Only because Apophis forced them"

Siyuka: "You don't realize how many innocents these people have killed"

Connor: "No, I don't. But I do know that not everyone here is bad. If everyone here has been hurt by the Gods, who's the real enemy?"

Siyuka went silent.

Connor: "They hurt you too, that's why you joined before"

Siyuka: "I joined so I could prove I was strong, but I realized that I don't need that anymore. All I need is to fight for what's right"

Connor: "Then stay with the Fallen. I mean, come on! Does anyone here seem that horrible?"

Siyuka's eyes started to spark with electricity.

Siyuka: "Nanami isn't who she appears to be. The plan to wipe out the Gods will also wipe out any mortals who don't have the blood of a God in them. So all the mortals who are living a normal life will die because of this stupid war. Is that what you want!!"

Connor: "No! I don't want anyone to get hurt!! But there's nothing we can do now!! Mytho-Academy will be attacking later on today and it will be a bloodbath. Nanami showed us a vision of the future. I'm sure you saw it too, since you were spying on us"

Siyuka: "Just surrender! No one will be hurt if you just—"

The front door opened.

Angel: "Is everything okay?"

The two of us looked at Angel, standing in the doorway.

Siyuka spoke quietly to me.

Siyuka: "You have a choice. Either fight with the side of good, or fight against it. Just know, that if you pick the wrong one, even if we're friends, I won't hesitate to slaughter you"

She stormed out of the cabin, leaving me and Angel alone.

Angel: "What's going on? Everyone seems on edge"

Connor: "I don't know... I... I don't know what to do anymore"

I sat down on the couch.

Connor: "I've been on two sides of this war, but I can't remember my time at Mytho-Academy. I don't know who I should fight for!!"

Angel sat down and gently held onto my hand.

Angel: "Whoever you decide to fight for, I'll go with you. I don't care which side it is, all I care about is being with you and making sure you stay safe"

I brought her into a hug.

Connor: "Why... I don't even remember you, but I don't understand why you keep worrying about me. What did I do in the past?"

Angel: "It's simple, you were the first person to really care about me"

Angel pressed her lips onto mine. When she separated I was expecting to see her blushing red face. But instead, she didn't look embarrassed at all.

Angel: "So no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side. Just like how you were there for me"

Connor: "Not having memories sucks..."

We started laughing a little.

Angel: "Hey... there's... something I've been meaning to give you"

Connor: "What is it?"

Angel started taking her blue hoodie off right in front of me. I quickly covered my eyes and turned away.

Connor: "W-What are you doing?!"

Angel giggled a little.

Angel: "You're so shy. Open your eyes, I promise it's nothing bad"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw she was wearing a black t-shirt underneath her hoodie. She was holding the blue hoodie out to me.

Angel: "A while ago, you gave me this hoodie and told me to return it to you when we saw each other again"

I took it out of her hands.

Connor: "This was mine?"

Angel: "Mhm, it's always been a little big on me, though"

I slipped the hoodie on and it felt extremely nostalgic.

Connor: "Wow, it fits perfectly"

Angel smiled and stood up.

Angel: "I'll be right back, I need something to drink"

She left the room right after. I put the hood over my head. I then smiled.

Connor: "It smells like Angel"

Later that day, maybe around 6pm, everyone was already outside near the front walls, ready to fight. A few of us stayed behind, just to protect the interior of the camp. It was me, Angel, Skylar, Siyuka, and July.

July: "This sucks...."

Siyuka: "I don't want to hear it"

July: "But..."

Siyuka: "For the last time! You're not getting a kiss!!"

July: "Meanie!!"

July stuck her tongue out at Siyuka.

Skylar stood next to me.

Skylar: "You know what, it's good to see them keeping their minds off of this battle. Everyone is scared, since this battle may be their last. That's something I've always admired about July. She never really worries about that stuff, she just goes with the flow"

I looked at her.

Connor: "I'm surprised you aren't on the front lines. You're seriously strong"

Skylar: "They have the rest of the Elite up there, so they'll be fine"

Skylar looked off into the distance, staring at the wall.

Skylar: "You know what, stay here, I'm gonna go help out. They'll need me, probably"

Skylar sprinted off towards the main wall.

Angel: "I wonder why she's leaving"

Connor: "No clue. Maybe she realized something wrong with the battle plan"

After a few minutes, we heard the sound of the front gates opening and students shouting.

Siyuka: "Right, looks like I'm up"

Connor: "What do you..."

Suddenly, her body sparked with electricity. She disappeared in a flash of lighting, heading towards the main gate.

Connor: "Crap..."

Before any of us could react, something shot right towards us. Luckily, I was able to react fast enough and block it with my sword. I saw a person was what came at us. And it was the same hooded person from a week ago.

Their sharp claws would've cut right into me if I hadn't blocked.

Connor: "Who the hell are you!!!!"

I could see their eyes, and all I could see was pure rage.

???: "Your grim reaper"

They slammed their foot into my sword, sending me flying back. They then appeared directly in front of Angel, ready to cut her down.

Connor: "Angel!!!!"

July's fire coated spike launched towards the hooded person, making them move away from Angel.

July swung her spike over and over again, with twice the speed she used to fight me. However the hooded figure kept dodging.

They blocked the chain with their sharp claws and grabbed onto it. They then pulled, forcing July forward. They slammed their fist into July's stomach, sending her into a wall.

Connor: "July!"

I quickly got up and ran towards them. I swung my sword, however it was quickly parried by the hooded person. They went in for a slash at my chest, but Angel ran up behind them with some kind of glowing red spear and sliced their hood off. Revealing who it was.

My heart practically stopped.

Connor: "S-Skylar...?"

Underneath the hood, was Skylar.

Connor: "H-Hold on! Why are you wearing that! Y...You can't be that person! I saw you in the window a couple nights ago! You couldn't have been..."

Skylar: "You're supposed to be the son of the almighty Apophis, and yet you still fall for a simple illusion. I'm disappointed"

She glared at me with murderous intent, however the look she gave Angel was even worse. She pointed at Angel with her bladed finger.

Skylar: "I'm going to cut you into a million pieces!!!"

Connor: "Skylar!! Calm down!! What's going on!!!"

Skylar: "You probably don't remember this, but I'm sure she does. A while back, when Apophis was leading us, a big group of Fallen were sent on a mission to capture two demigods in Egypt. Then, they were all slaughtered brutally by her!!!"

Connor: "That can't be true!! She would never do that!! And how do you even know anyway!!"

Skylar's eyes showed nothing but grief and rage.

Skylar: "I was one of them!!! I was the only one to survive!!! I watched as she cut every single one of them down like they were nothing but ants!!!!! Nanami told me it was her, she's the one who did it, and I'll never forget the souls she stole!!!!"

Skylar's eyes started to turn fire red.

Skylar: "And what happened to her after that? She was praised as a hero!!!!"

Skylar's skin started to turn darker, until it was a pitch black. She didn't even look human anymore.

Skylar: "I don't care what I have to do, I'll avenge them all!!!!"

Angel: "P-Please...! I-I didn't mean to! I can't control my powers!! I-I'm sorry!!"

Skylar: "Do you really think a sorry will fix things?! That it'll bring them back?!"

Connor: "Skylar! That's enough! I won't let her hurt her!!"

Skylar stood in silence.

Skylar: "You ever wonder why I'm the only child of Hercules? It's because when a child of Hercules is born, even the Gods don't have the strength to beat them"

Before I could even blink, she appeared directly in front of me. Her claws were at my throat and ready to cut it open. However right before it could happen, someone stopped her by grabbing her arm. I looked over her shoulder and saw Angel had grabbed her arm. However something wasn't right with her.

Her entire body was emitting some kind of shadows. Her eyes were pitch black and her face was emotionless.

Angel: "Hands..... Off......"

Angel's grip on Skylar's arm tightened. She then threw Skylar into the main building's wall, with little to no effort.

Connor: "H-Holy crap"

Angel looked back at me with her lifeless eyes.

Angel: "Stay.... Here....."

Angel shot forwards, slamming her fist into Skylar's stomach. This sent her through multiple walls. I looked around to try and find July, but where she was left unconscious, she was now gone.

Connor: "What should I do..."

I heard a deep, raspy voice in my head, which I instantly recognized.

Apophis: "Find Nanami, she will be able to help"

Connor: "Why the hell should I trust you?"

Apophis: "Let me put it this way, if you die, I do as well. So keeping you alive is of my best interest"

Connor: "Fine, where is she?"

Apophis: "She's at the front entrance"

Connor: "Thanks"

Did I really just say thanks to him?

I trusted Angel to be able to handle Skylar and rushed towards the main gate. I reached the main gate, but I wish I never got there. Bodies littered the ground, both on our side and theirs. The sad part is, I recognized a few of them.

Maria's body had multiple sword wounds in her back. Kevin's body was surrounded my multiple enemies, almost all of the ones surrounding him were killed via blunt force. Brandon had an arrow straight through his head. The sight made me want to throw up.

This wasn't right, regardless of who is right in this war, this was just cruel. I suddenly heard Nanami.

Nanami: "Good to see you're still alive"

I looked ahead of me, just in time to see Nanami pull her sword out of a body.

Nanami: "We've nearly won, we just need to cast the spell and summon The Destroyer"

Connor: "I... I can't"

Nanami: "Why not?"

Connor: "Look around you! These were your students, your friends! By summoning it, it'll just cause more death! That's not what we want!!"

Nanami looked at me coldly.

Nanami: "All of the students threw down their lives in hope of ridding this world from those tyrants. They put their trust in you, and the second you see a little blood, you back down"

Connor: "I don't care about that. I won't let anyone else die. I'm ending this war, now"

Nanami placed her hand on her face and started laughing. Her laughing grew heavier and heavier, louder and louder until it sounded psychotic.

Nanami: "You're strong, Connor Yukari. That's why I brought you back!! Your power is nearly unrivaled in this world!!"

Connor: "What do you mean?"

Nanami: "I brought you back from the underworld!! My powers far surpass that of your typical Demigod. My father was someone even Apophis wouldn't be able to match!!!"

Those first few words were like knives.

Connor: "No... you're lying! You didn't bring me back from death!! Even if you did, why?!"

Nanami: "Because with you by my side, we would be unrivaled. Even the Gods themselves would tremble before us"

She held her hand out to me.

Nanami: "Join me, and become my husband. Together, we will kill the Gods and create a world where anything is possible"

She smiled.

Nanami: "Being my husband comes with many benefits~ Perhaps you'd like a demonstration~?"

I clenched my fist.

Connor: "You're insane!! There's no way I'm joining you!!"

Her smile only grew larger.

Nanami: "If you agree to join me, I'll give you your memories back"

Connor: "You... you're the reason—"

Nanami: "Yes, I stole your memories in hopes to convince you to join our side. But, my efforts were in vain"

Connor: "How did you even... Who are you, really?!!"

Nanami stood silent.

Connor: "Answer me!!!"

Nanami: "There's no sense in spoiling the surprise. But I'll give you a hint, since you're obviously incapable of figuring it out on your own. The number seven. That's your hint"

Nanami held her hands out towards me. Suddenly, my head was rushed by a sharp pain. I grabbed my head and let out a long scream.

Memories, so many memories swarmed back into my mind. My childhood, my time in Mytho-Academy, my happy memories with Angel, and finally, my memories of Emiko.

I was on the ground, panting and struggling to get my mind clear.

Nanami: "What's wrong? Too much information to handle?"

I glared at her, with my eyes glowing a chaotic yellow.

Nanami: "Tsk tsk tsk, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Turn around"

I looked behind me to see Emiko and Himari were being attacked. I saw Driam with a knife to Idril's neck. Himari was unconscious on the ground. And standing above Emiko, I saw Heka, my adoptive father. What the hell was he doing?!?!

Nanami: "You have two options, fight me now and let your friends die, or let me escape and save their lives. The clock's ticking~"

Damnit!! I can't let her get away!! But....

Connor: "I'm coming for you, I'll make sure you pay for all of this"

Nanami: "I'll be looking forward to it"

I turned away from her and ran towards Emiko and Idril. I turned my ring into the sword made from Apophis' fang. I focused all of my rage into the blade of the sword, coating it in the red energy, which I now knew was pure chaos energy. I swung the sword downwards, sending a massive wave of the chaos energy towards Heka. It slammed into him, sending him flying. I ran up behind Driam and ran the flat end of my sword onto the back of his neck, knocking him out. Emiko stared at me, in complete disbelief.

Emiko: "C-Connor!!!!!!!!!"

She jumped up and pulled me into a big hug. She was crying heavily.

I then felt Idril run up behind me and hug me from behind, also crying.

Idril: "W-We missed you.... S-So much....!!"

Emiko moved out of the hug and punched me in the chest.

Emiko: "Don't you ever die on me again!!! If you do, I'll kill you again!!!!"

Without giving me a chance to respond, she went right back to hugging me.

Suddenly, I heard Heka speaking.

Heka: "And the devil spawn lives"

Emiko: "Shut the hell up!!!"

She grabbed her bow and shot an arrow right at him, however before it could hit him, he caught it.

Heka: "Honestly, for my child, you're extremely stupid—"

The arrow exploded right in his face.

Connor: "Since when could you do that?!"

Emiko: "Picked up a thing or two in the past year"

When the smoke cleared, Heka seemed unfazed.

Heka: "You're clever, Emiko, I'll give you that. But you'll never be strong enough to beat me. I am a God! You are just a mortal!"

Emiko: "On my own, of course not. But I'm not alone"

Idril and I stood next to her, ready to defend her.

Heka chuckled.

Heka: "Bring it"


Hahahahaha!!!! So many secrets revealed!!!!!

Skylar was the hooded figure, Nanami is crazy as hell, and Connor was brought back from the dead!!!

I think that's enough for you, I think my dear readers need a break for now.

I convinced a friend that the hooded person was not Skylar, they're going to be so mad at me XD

Also, did you enjoy that cute ConGel scene? I definitely did —w—

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!! I'll see you all next time!!

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