Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ...

By happinessnoise

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Jang Jisung joined BTS in 2015 and caused trouble. More

⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨
⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨


6.8K 262 336
By happinessnoise

"the music video comes out tomorrow. 4 am" namjoon said sitting in his spot at head of the table.

Its like when kings sends his knights into battle, namjoon being the very attractive king and the rest of us his dumb knights.
Maybe not jin, but the rest of us are pretty dumb.

"and. They have changed the date for the award show" he grimaced as if the phrase "award show" tasted funny in his mouth.

Namjoon looked like he wanted to jump out the window at this point, he kept his smile, however.

"oh" hoseok said, putting his head on the table. Namjoon nodded. "yeah... But let's focus on the first day of our comeback." namjoon said awkwardly. "tomorrow." he shifted in his seat.

I wasn't looking forward to it one bit. Jin had seemed to notice my distant expression and took my hand from underneath the table.

"it's gonna be good" he whispered reassuring me.

I squeezed tightly, staring at his perfect nails to let my mind run off elsewhere.

Jungkook made eye contact with me for a split second. However, his eyes weren't full of pure hatred as much this time.

His mouth turned upward for a minute, almost like a twitch. and he then went back to his phone.

"it's not going to be as bad as last time" namjoon patted hoseoks head.

"how do you know that" yoongi chewed on his nail. They all seemed to be thinking of the same thing, i however didn't know what was going on. I looked over at jin who was picking at his sleeves with his three-hand. We were silent for about five minutes. I found this very difficult, waiting for someone to excuse themselves first Before i did.

"jisung-" jungkook started out of nowhere, making us all jumped.

"jungkook don't start" yoongi said, applying pressure to his temples.

Jungkooks gaze lowered to his fingers, his confidence gone and he bit his lip. "i was going to ask him if- if he wants to.." he trailed off nervous.

"if he wants to watch a film with me" he finally got out his point, after a minute of him stammering away.

This was so out of the blue, that even me, who knew that I and jungkook were somehow neutral towards each other, was shocked.

The members looked like they were watching aliens have a conversation.

My mouth gaped as i tried to find words. But jin started talking before me. "You what?" he let go of my hand and i felt a small tinge of sadness as my hands became cold.

"if he doesn't want to-" jungkook started looking irritatedly at everyone who was staring at him in horror.

"no- no- i do, i do" i said standing up so quickly i bashed my legs into the table.

I stood awkwardly for a second. Upon looking down on everyone, i realised how mildly out of place i looked.

My shirt sleeves reached my elbows, making me look like a stupid twig, but i had fixed this issue with an even bigger cardigan that im pretty sure my dad used to wear to important meetings, and do important adult things, but here i am, sitting in a room with 7 men, only to be in an awkward position, with bruised knees. THAT SOUNDS WRONG!

My knees ached and then jungkook, snapped out it and then nodded gesturing me to follow him.

This didn't seem very natural to me. Probably because of how he announced it, but that must be typical jungkook behaviour.

Jungkooks room was a strange place, also for him being a teenage boy, he did not know how to tidy up. However, when i was standing at the door waiting for a little que for permission to step forth the cave of jeon Jungkooks room, i had noticed he had made an effort with his surroundings.

The plushies in his corner were still the same, but i noticed no dust on his computer monitor or empty carpisun cartons.

This only made me more consented for his heath, he either PLANNED this or he wanted to tidy up.

But looking deeper it was probably because namjoon had pressured him to tidy. It's not like his room was messy. It was just.... Unorganised.

"erm. Yeah just sit there and ill get the film" he pointed to the carpet.

This reminds me of sleepovers and having to use my school bag as a blanket and blazer as a blanket.

He Did throw me a pillow though when he watched me anxiously to sit down.

What scared me most about this weird boy is how he looked older than me. The high difference between us wasn't anything special, but he just looked older.

Jungkook seemed to be taking his time, which only added to the suspicion he hadn't planned this far ahead. The most laughable thing is when he pulled death note from his stack of disks.

He had meant film yet pulled out a 37 episode anime.

I didn't complain. Death notes entire series was 19 hours altogether and that makes for perfect bonding time.

"you- you want to watch this" he said holding the anime at arm's length. I nodded, trying to hide my excitement and also the fact that i had already rewatched the series over a week ago.

He nodded then went about fiddling with his Tv. I sat their politely, not wanting to move.

It feels like he wants to kill me- or he wants something from me.

He finally sat back next to me, hugging his knees, watching the tv avidly.

The wind was picking up, distracting me, i can't focus on two things at once. We'll maybe i can, but the wind was so Loud. And then the rain. His window, was still open.

For many months maybe, jeon jungkooks window was always open. From the outside, our floor was easily visable, because it was the only one with a window open.

Jungkooks was of cause always open. Mine, you could see a pile of sticky notes and probably the tiny figures of the beatles Jeewoo brought off ebay and believed to be haunted.

Namjoon was the prettiest out of all, a few plants and some books. He looked so put together. I love namjoon.

Jin and Yoongis was empty, as they couldn't agree of what should go on there. Hoseoks had a random jar full of paper, that he would add to. Jimin told me they were everything he hated about each of us.

But Jimin lies sometimes and that's why he has cups on his window, that he swears he will put away.

Taehyung just had nothing. It probably hadn't occurred to him he could decorate.

I found the uniqueness of the members endearing and i couldn't help but smile to myself. It was only then that i realised i hadn't been paying attention to what was going on.

Light had already started killing people.
Damn, missed alot.

"hyung close the window please" jungkook said drowsily. He was on his side hugging a pillow. He was going to fall asleep and i would be in his room, held hostage by his sleeping body.

Its still a shock that he calls me hyung. It's terrifying, and to finally realise i am older than him is also just as scary. Another scary thing is that he wants his window closed

I nodded, crawling over, then lifting myself up to only be met with rainwater in my face. Tiny drops hitting my face.

I scoffed, then pulling at it until it slowly inched shut.

"ok, that should be fine" i whispered to myself, then crawling back to my place next to jungkook.

His head quickly snapped back to the tv screen, a strange look on his face.

Weirdo. I never thought id be spending time vorentarally with this boy.

But here i am: watching 2 men fight over justice, with jeon jungkook.

The light outside disappeared.

November was ending which means Christmas was around the corner.

I don't really like Christmas. The last days of the year are difficult to enjoy. But at least jins birthday was soon, and i like looking at presents for people. And i like Jin.

I heard yoongi shout something about going to get food. I don't know why it took 6 of them.

Namjoon can't drive, taehyung needs to be on a leash, jimin aswell.

Yoongi was just annoying to shop with, he'd put things you don't need in the trolly. For example, tangerines, me, toys, jang jisung, a ball, bread, me.

Jin was the only one with a head. Bts actually only have 3 braincells. They are all looked after by jin. Hoseok was good to shop with, but he had to much energy.

So we were once again, home alone.

We were at least 7 episodes in by now and jungkook seemed to be enjoying himself immensely.

I was having fun, but my butt was growing numb from sitting down for so long. And i was cold.

"if you're cold, you could of said" he said, his voice quiet. He probably thought the quieter his voice was the fewer emotions i heard. But i heard a softness.

He shuffled over to a cupboard. He peeked inside and shut it again. As he did so i heard something fall inside, making me think he had shoved everything in there in attempts of tidying up.

He moved to his draws and after a minute, pulled out a familiar blanket. He threw it over, a bit forcefully but it's OK.

"blanket-" i gasped, clutching the greenish-blue fabric.

I would of being lying if i said i didn't miss this blanket. It was nice to use when you're freezing to death.

"yep, that is a blanket-? " he cocked his head to one side, confused.

"the one i used ages ago" i mumbled, to busy wrapping myself up, smiling at the feeling of being warm. Jungkook nodded, seeming a bit stiff.

After about 10 episodes, jungkook started fidgeting meaning he was hungry. He moved into a new position every 3 minutes and would constantly sigh. "I'm hungry" he whined, more to himself.

It was as though he just reminded me that food existed and i to, become hungry.

Now we were both distracted. He groaned again and got up and paused the tv. I looked up at him expectantly.

He didn't say anything and just dragged himself to the kitchen. I followed him, the blanket trialling behind me.

"food" he groaned looking in the cupboard.

"aren't they buying food?" i said finding a seat at the breakfast bar.

"they've been an hour though," he said grumpily taking instant noodles from the shelf.

"an hour?" i muttered to myself, perplexed.

He nodded as he went over to the sink.

They are taking their time. What on earth would of kept them so busy.

"what do you think they're doing" i asked him, anxiously, only about asking jungkook a question than anything else.

He shrugged.

"maybe they got lost. Or its really busy. Or crashed the car-" he kept going on a list as he tipped water into his pot. I gave him a dirty look, hoping he would stop being so morbid.

"yeah ok" i cut him off. I can think of terrible enough situations by myself thanks. "sorry" he mumbled, pushing the food towards me.

I looked up at him, confused.

"for you," he said pushing it further. I didn't say anything and just stared at it.

"you- you need to eat something" he encouraged. I smiled and finally gave in.

He then turned around, his face red and started on his own.

I ate it slowly, quite contented actually. Jungkook came and sat down next to me not saying a word.

He seemed to me just as relaxed, but i couldn't help but think it was weird that I'm spending time with him, and eating food he has made, without the paranoia of it being poisoned. 


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