The Lost Sister

By jorjor10000

181K 4K 269

Cora Banks was kidnapped when she was 13 years old. She is now 17. Ever since she was kidnapped she has been... More

1 - the escape
2- princess
3- games
4- my best friend
5- movie night
6- bloodlust
7- strange
8- the truth
9- day 2
10- radioactive
11- first party
12- new boy
13- not ideal
14 - gunshot wounds
15- blood stains
16- wake up
17- the call
18- brother sister things
19- subjects
20- twins
21- vick
23- first mission
24- monster
25- seeing stars
26- screaming thoughts
27- green eyes
28- no heartbeat
29- breathe baby
30- the question
31- banana
32- first date
33- Fast and Furious
34- peachy
36- dogs bite
37- anderson's hell
38- raising hell
39- please don't go
40- baby
41- family

35- runaway

1.3K 44 1
By jorjor10000

The doors swung shut behind them. If I weren't strapped down, I'd grab for Cassidy's hand. Our screamed ceased after a full minute.

Liam and Ryan weren't in the room. Two doctors stood at each of our sides. Their torture tools in hands.

Anderson stood at the front. "First, my runaway and my yeller. Seeing as you both are my most disobedient and angry. Do it."

I tried to struggle but it was no use. They pierced my skin in two places. They started on my wrist and wrote the number 12. Branding me.

Then they went to my right ankle and wrote it again. I grimaced in discomfort. Cassidy beside me was getting branded as well, but with a 8.

I took a deep shaky breath. "Now, I am extremely disappointed in the healing ability. Start the trials." Anderson ordered.

"No. Please. Don't." Cassidy didn't bother with fire. If we were suppose to up the healing that meant more cuts and more beating for tests.

They sliced through my stomach. I screamed. Cassidy's own scream blended with mine. I was sweating and wouldn't dare look as they took blood from my open would and put a liquid in my body.

Tears sat on my face from where I was and continue to cry. Then as they stitch us up, our screams began again because they will unstitch us to see if we healed.

"Be back in five." Anderson instructed his people and they all filed out leaving me and Subject 8.

"Wasn't that fun." I spat the blood that had formed in my mouth because of how hard I had been biting my tongue.

"Super." Cassidy responded sarcastically. She tried to yank against the bindings.

"Who was that girl? The one that wasn't a subject?" Cass questioned. I smiled slightly at the thought of Kayla.

"My girlfriend. They grabbed us both after we left our date." I answered her. She scoffed.

"They are such assholes. Can't even let you have peace. Did you know?" She responded.

"They are that. Know what?" I countered. She sighed.

"That there were other subjects. I didn't until today. They moved us all here after knocking us out." She explained.

"I didn't know when I was here, but I put two and two together when I escaped. Want to hear my theory. Or, well, the proven truth?" I asked.

"Please." She spoke. It didn't sound desperate, but her eyes said something different.

"They take a twin and leave another. For me, it was my twin Connor. Then, I don't know, they do something. It messes with the other twin and yourself. It's why one of my eyes are green when it should be blue." I answered.

"The rest of our eyes are purple and our original. Guess they haven't went after our twins yet." She scoffed.

"What's your twins name?" I asked as I stared into her purple eye. The other eye was a pretty hazel that was more gold.

"Charlie. Born October 2. Female. First born." Anderson answered as he walked into the room.

"Don't talk about my sister." Cassidy hissed at him as she tried to pull herself up in aggravation.

"There's that fire." Anderson smirked. He knew what he was doing. He wanted to see it.

A man and woman in a white coat filed in. I eyed the woman. She looked vaguely familiar.

"Mr. Anderson, the Jones boys want you." The man spoke as he took a seat at Cassidy side. I glanced at the woman sitting beside me and instantly tried to move farther away.

Anderson nodded and left. The woman began taking my stitches out. "I made contact with your family and the American Mafia." She whispered under her breath.

My eyes shot to her. I began to search her face for a lie, but I didn't see one. I let out a breath. "They're on the way?" I responded quietly.

"You didn't think they would let anything else happen to the princess, did you?" She smiled slightly.

She gave me a nod before walking away with the man in tow. I almost told Cassidy about our rescue, but I decided against it for fear of cameras.

Please hurry, I thought to myself as they wheeled us into another room and went to get two other people to do that same thing they did to us on.

I knew what they were going to do now. It was time to see their work. And that meant it was time to see how much pain our bodies could endure.


Connors POV-   After the accident-

"Cora? Cora?" Luca's worries voice screamed into the phone. There was a loud crash and the phone cut out.

"Shit." My father cursed as he ran a hand through his graying hair. Mom was already is hysterics with my girlfriend trying to counsel her.

Luca was on the phone talking to Uncle Rickey. "Uncle Rickey is on his way." He told us.

"What the hell is going on?" Zaine muttered. My brother's boyfriend knew what was happening, but nobody wanted to believe our sister was taken..again.

I knew Zaine was Dylan's boyfriend the moment they started hanging out. It wasn't a secret to me, but I wasn't going to make Dylan tell me.

"Alright, I'll have some guys track down the location of the their car. Fuck." My dad groaned as he typed furiously on his phone.

I collapsed onto the couch with my head in my hands. "Who do you think took them?" Bree whispered in my ear as she leaned into me.

"We have a lot of enemies, but my guess? Fuck, I can't even concrete to think." I told her. Just as I said that two members walked in.

"Oakley just checked in. She's with the girls." They panted out. It was clear they ran here. I searched my mind for the name Oakley until I realized who she was.

She was a spy we sent it watch Liam and Ryan Jones after the nightclub fiasco. Which means those bastards took my sister.

"Those idiot Jones boys have my daughter and Kayla?" Dad asked angered. They both looked down at their feet.

"Spit it out." I hissed.

"Technically, they are the ones that grabbed them. But they're working with the people who took Cora previously." One of them answered.

He's talking about the people who cut into my sister. Who nearly killed me and my entire family over grief.

"What can you tell us about them and the girls condition?" Dylan asked gruffly.

They grimaced, but nodded. "According to our Oakley, some doctors came in, did some experiments. And now they will see how well it went." They answered.

"What do you mean, how well it went?" I asked,

The older looking boy cleared his throat. "According to the source, they'll do see how quick they can heal from physical trauma."

"You mean by beating them?" Bree questioned, horrified. They nodded. Mom's cries echoed louder.

"What about Kayla? Would they.. hurt her?" Zaine asked.

"Oakley said they took her away from the others. She's not one of them so, we should assume not." They answered.

"What about C? Has Oakley spoken to her?" Luca demanded.

"She told her we were on our way." They answered with a slight stamper.

"Then we should be on our way." I spat.


We are nearing the end of this story!

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