awae imagines

By -obriendylan

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awae character imagines x reader More

welcome to my book of imagines
josie pye
billy andrews part 1
billy andrews part 2
charlie sloane
moody spurgeon
jerry baynard part 1
ruby gillis
jerry baynard
prissy andrews
ruby 1
ruby 2
you choose
ruby gillis
Words Better Left Unsaid (Priscilla Andrews)
In Your Dreams (Jerry Baynard)
Heather (Gilbert Blythe)
Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2
Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 3
In Progress (Billy Andrews)
Hidden Feelings (Moody Spurgeon)
In the Books (Moody Spurgeon)
Matchmaker (Billy Andrews)
Soul Searching (Jerry Baynard)
My Reason (Charlie Sloane)
Competition (Moody Spurgeon)
Something More (Billy Andrews)
Dates (Moody Spurgeon)
Promised To You (Gilbert Blythe)
Promised To You (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2
Jealous Love (Billy Andrews)
Risk It All (Billy Andrews)
Firsts (Gilbert Blythe)
Avoiding Confrontation (Diana Barry)
Night Changes (Gilbert Blythe)
Strangers to Friends (Ruby Gillis)
Academic Validation (Moody Spurgeon)
Dreams (Charlie Sloane)
Home Sweet Home (Cole Mackenzie)
Mistakes Were Made (Cole Mackenzie)
Right Timing (Billy Andrews)
Courtship (Charlie Sloane)
Memories of the Past (Gilbert Blythe)
Confidence Is Key (Moody Spurgeon)
A World Apart (Jane Andrews)
Decisions (Billy Andrews)
Playing Pretend (Josie Pye)
A Moth To A Flame (Cole Mackenzie)
Birthday Surprise (Jerry Baynard)
Proposal (Moody Spurgeon)

The Deal (Billy Andrews)

965 15 3
By -obriendylan

Requested by swtqari

Ever since she had pointed it out it was all I could notice. Whenever my eyes would drift to the boys on the other side of the room I would see their eyes on us. My friends had informed me it was me they were looking at but I thought otherwise.

I wanted to think otherwise. Because if I didn't the hope would build into thinking my crush had liked me back. Which wasn't the case as much as I tried convincing the girls.

I let out a sigh as once again they brought up my crush. I rolled my eyes wanting to gouge my eyes out. It was like the more they spoke about him the less I started to like him.

"But can we talk about Billy?" Beatrice asked and at the sound of his name, we all looked at her worriedly. We hadn't expected her crush to have lasted this long. If we knew we would have tried stopping it before it began. I looked at Katie telling her to say something. She only shook her head in confusion and refusal. "Do you think I should say anything to him?"

Alice, the honest one in our group shook her head aggressively. She scoffed at what Beatrice was saying and said, "No, you can't handle rejection well."

My eyes widened in shock as I turned to look at Katie with a similar look on her face. Her mouth was agape and I almost started choking on my food. But Beatrice remained as oblivious as always. She was stupid in love.

If you could call it that.

She furrowed her brows and looked at each of us hoping for an answer. An answer that would reveal what Alice had meant. But it was best she didn't know.

"I think it's best if you wait for him to say something." None of us had thought he would but she was satisfied with my response. With a smile on her face, she looked back at Billy, and I shared a concerned look with Alice and Katie. "Let's hope he doesn't."

It was a whisper to their ears. Even if I had spoken at a volume for the whole class to hear Beatrice was too in thought to notice I had said anything.

It became evident because when the bell rang she didn't take notice. Not until we had blocked her like of sight from the boy. "What's wrong?"

"Your obsession over the boy," Alice muttered. Katie snickered and I elbowed them both to keep quiet.

"Lunch is over," I stated matter of factly. She stood up and balanced herself on her feet searching the room to where I assumed Billy was. "Don't worry you'll get to see him tomorrow."

She nodded with a smile as if it just occurred to her and walked to her seat. It was a good thing for us she sat nowhere where she could see him. Because if she had her grades would slip. And her mind would only be focused on the boy. And because I sat next to her and I never heard the end of it mine would too.

I glanced back at Billy, he was laughing with one of his friends. I narrowed my eyes at him wondering what she saw in him. It was just my luck he saw me staring. Looking confused he waved at me and I looked away. Just in time for the lesson to start.


"Care to explain what this is?" Billy asked as he stood behind me waiting for me to look at him. Of course, I couldn't see what he meant but I wouldn't rush for his benefit. So I took my time in getting my things ready as I put my coat on to leave. Turning to look at him I could see everyone else had left. He cleared his throat and I brought my eyes to his. "I feel flattered but you have to know I—"

"You think this is from me?" I asked as I finished reading the note. Beatrice had ignored our advice and went for it. I had wondered when she got the chance and why she didn't sign the note. I guess she wasn't ready to tell the whole truth.

"Who else would it be from?" He asked and I could see the blush on his face from embarrassment. It took a lot in me not to laugh but I couldn't tell him.

So I opted to walk past him and hope he got the hint.

But he was just as dense as I had thought and we went after me. I didn't bother slowing down as I wanted to prevent this conversation from ever happening. But he ran ahead of me. I rolled my eyes as I looked at him arching an eyebrow.

I walked around him and he walked beside me. "I'll tell you a secret if you tell me yours."

"You have nothing I want," I said focusing on getting home faster. Even if he did I wouldn't tell him anything. That was Bea's secret to tell and I was sure she didn't want him knowing just yet.

"I know one of my friends likes you." I had stopped in my step as my heart beat faster. He knew he had gotten through to me. I shook my head with a laugh and continued walking. He rounded me and took my arms in his hands. I shook him off. "I bet you're wondering if it's the same friend you like."

He had a way with words, otherwise, I might not have entertained him with the idea he had going on. But it got me curious. "I'm not letting you play games with me."

I shoved past him letting his words take over. I glanced backward and he was where I left him. Rolling my eyes I continued walking home.

What if there was the possibility he did like me back? And how did Billy know I liked one of his friends, was I that obvious?

I always thought Beatrice was the obvious one. With the note still in hand, I read it over again. Now I knew what she had thought of him. She was far in over her head.


I couldn't keep quiet about the happenings of the other day. They could tell something was wrong and they had a right to know. If only to help my troubles. So I waited until I had the courage and voice to tell them.

It was during lunch as we sat at our desks. The boys, the same ones as the other day were crowding one side of the classroom. Just enough distance away they wouldn't hear us if they tried. Grabbing their attention I inhaled and said, "Billy told me one of his friends likes me."

"When did you talk to Billy?"

"Why did he tell you?"

"Did he mention me?"

"I talked to him a few days ago after school because he told me he found a note at his desk," I said pointedly as I stared at Beatrice. They looked to where my eyes were and raised their brows in realization. "A note he thought I wrote to him."

We all looked at her accusingly as she cowered back under our stares. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She laughed as she got nervous, not knowing what to say.

"We thought you were going to wait until he made a move," Katie said as she put her hand over Bea's. I watched as Bea turned her hand over and tightened her hold. I took my eyes away from them to look at Alice. She had the same look on her face I was portraying. "But if this is what you think is best we'll support you no matter what."

"Are we going to forget about Billy's friend crushing on you?" Months ago I would have been ecstatic at the news. Even weeks ago, and I felt bad that now he might have returned my affection. Whereas I felt only guilt consume me. "Did he say who it was?"

She had brought my attention back on her and I shook my head tentatively. "He omitted that fact, wanted to exchange secrets before he told me."

I smiled at Alice scrunching my nose up before looking at the other two. I let out a devastating sigh as I looked back at Billy. Their eyes followed mine and we were all sitting there staring at him and his group of friends. We knew it was obvious but at this point, I didn't think we cared.

"What was the secret?"

"Beatrice's secret," I said with a laugh as I turned to face her. I could see her face redden which caused me to erupt in a fit of laughter. "Don't worry, I didn't tell him."

It seemed I kept saying those words, maybe to reassure myself there was nothing to worry about. Why would I want to know a secret Billy's keeping from me?

I never cared what he thought about, let alone his friends. Even if I did like them. "What did you tell him?"

"I told him I wasn't playing his games."

"As you should," Alice said with a wink and I couldn't contain the smile on my face at her gesture. "But why don't you toy with him a little?"

The idea was promising, like music to my ears. Looking to Katie and Bea for their opinions I didn't need to hear a word as smiled lit their face.

I guess he would be playing my game. What was even better was he wasn't expecting it either.


As much as I loved Miss Stacey I hated the amount of work she assigned. And although she gave us time in class to do it I couldn't bother working when my mind wandered on its own.

My eyes didn't stray from Billy and I was beginning to look a lot like Bea. Ridding my mind from that thought I looked at her as for once she put her attention on her work.

I looked as Anne and Gilbert headed to the front of the class. It appeared they were both finished with the assignment. They made us all look bad. If only I could have half the mind they had. Then I wouldn't have to worry about falling behind.

I continued to look at the three at the front of the classroom and Miss Stacey brought our attention onto her. "For those of you who have finished, you may leave."

I groaned out in frustration. But that might have been my fault as I hadn't once picked up my pencil to write. I heard as some students packed up their stuff and left the classroom. Looking around I was glad to see all my friends were still there.

"Miss Stacey, can we work in groups?" I heard as Alice rose her hand. Miss Stacey brought her eyes to the four of us and nodded reluctantly. I hadn't put enough effort as I did in turning our desks to face each other. "Who nearly finished?"

"Don't look at me I haven't even started," I whispered leaning in closer so they could hear. I could see most everyone go sit with their friends assuring me Miss Stacey wouldn't have heard my words. "I bet Katie's almost done."

All eyes went on her and she rolled her eyes handing her paper over. As quietly as we could we copied her answers changing them so they wouldn't sound similar to hers. We wouldn't want to ruin her perfect grades due to cheating. As I was almost done copying the last question someone tore the paper away.

I could feel Bea tense up beside me that I didn't have to look up to know who it was. But my pride wouldn't let me as I met his eyes with cold ones. "Did you want something?"

"I was wondering if you thought our deal over." I wasn't sure if it was a question he was asking so I didn't say anything.

As he skimmed the paper he set it down and Katie took it away from his reach. If he hung out a little longer he would soon know who was fawning over him. Both Katie and Alice were staring daggers at him it was clear they didn't like him.

"I have and I don't care," I lied and he could tell I wasn't telling the truth. I was luring him in.

"If you change your mind you know where to find me." I looked behind him to see his friends staring. They quickly looked away. It was all suspicious I wanted to end this but I
it had just started.

"Why are you so persistent to know?" I asked as he was leaving. I regretted asking as he turned back with a smirk. I knew I should have let him go if only to spare me the time away from him.

"Maybe I like talking to you." I held Bea's hand under the desk. I could feel her grip tighten at every word he said as if just reacting to it. I could only hope she didn't let it show on her face. "Maybe it's the curiosity, who knows? You never will."

"He's such a—"

"Class is dismissed but I do expect every one of you to turn your homework in tomorrow."

I let out a laugh at what Alice mighty have said. And what surprised me was Bea laughing along with me. I could always remover she never tolerated when we insulted one of her crushes.

Forgetting that we rearranged the desks back to their rightful places. Packing up I could see Miss Stacey headed to the back room and I waited for the girls so we could walk together.

As they were finished I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I saw Paul and I raised both eyebrows in confusion. "I wanted to apologize about Billy."

"You don't need to apologize," I told him in reassurance. My words weren't enough to satisfy him so I gave him a genuine smile. "I know how he can get."

"I often forget you were friends."

"I don't like to talk about it."

"Neither does he." I wasn't expecting the words to hurt but I felt a tug at my heart. I smiled to conceal the hurt and he bid me goodbye.


It was sooner than I thought but Billy was knocking at my door. And the only reason I knew it was him was the distinct sound of it. Although rushed it was different from everyone else's.

I tried acting nonchalant as my mother opened the door. As I put my book under my arm I walked away and knew he would be able to see me. At the call of my name, I stopped with a smirk on my face.

Wiping away any expression I turned back and my mother walked away leaving me alone with Billy at the door. "This is a surprise."

He smiled as he forced a laugh. Although mocking I copied him. I rolled my eyes as he waited for me to allow him entrance. "Are you not going to invite me in?"

"I don't see why I have to," I said watching him suffer in the cold. The wind blew past me and I shivered a little. Maybe it was best if I did allow him in. "You can tell me whatever it is you want to say to me right here."

He glared at me and suddenly smiled widely. I cocked my head in confusion until I felt someone's presence at my side. "Billy, I have to say I'm surprised to see you. How long has it been? Come in you must be freezing."

"Thank you, sir," he said walking past me to talk to my dad. I guessed I would have to wait. So as they headed for the parlor room I went to my room. I had no reason to stay and hear their conversation. "I came to see your daughter."

"Recently I can't stop her from talking about you." I felt betrayed as my footsteps fell louder. I told him that in confidence.


Hours flew by and I had forgotten about Billy. Only when I opened my bedroom door to him did I remember he was here. "I forgot you were here."

"May I come in?" He said as he walked in. He shut the door behind him as I made my way under my blanket. Even with the windows closed the cold made its way into the room.

"Be my guest," I said watching as he went to take a seat at the end of my bed. I smoothed out my blanket feeling awkward that he was here. It had been a long time since he entered my room, let alone my house. "You wanted to talk."

I had thought that would get him talking but he sat there in silence. I pulled my pillow on my lap revealing my stash of candy. Handing some over to him it hit his chest and I dropped my eyes before I could meet his.

Opening the bag I pulled out licorice and he watched me carefully. "I thought you liked candy."

He took the bag in his hands and thanked me. Opening it I could see he was hesitant in his motions. It was strange for me to see him lose his confidence. Especially when I would see it in him all the time.

Since he wouldn't speak I decided to ask him a question. A question that had plagued my mind since that day. But I had forgotten to ask. Because that's what he did to me. Let me with no thoughts on my mind. I was sure he was the same now.

"How are you certain it's one of my friends who left the note?" I asked as I popped some candy into my mouth. My question caught him off guard as he took a second to think of an answer. I had hoped it was a good one otherwise he had been wasting my time if he was positive my friends were involved. Even if they were. "Or even likes you?"

"Isn't it?" I shrugged my shoulders as I laughed at the confusion laced on his face. "I'd feel really stupid if it wasn't."

"Who says you're not already?" I asked stifling back a laugh as he glared at me. I was glad for the change in atmosphere. "I'm sure if you found out who it was you'd like her."

"I highly doubt it," he said and I rolled my eyes. He could be real stubborn at times. One of the things I hated about him.

"Why not give her a chance she'll be the best thing that will ever happen to you," I said as I leaned against my headboard. It was uncomfortable so I laid back on my other pillow. Tossing the one on my lap to him it hit him square on the face. He could have caught it if he wanted. 

"I already had that," he said as he took my pillow to rest on.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with an idea of what he was saying.

"I'm talking about you." He bit off a piece of licorice and I did the same. I shook my head and I refused to believe it. I avoided looking at him feeling guilt consume me."I missed hanging out with you."

"You should give Bea a chance."

"That's who likes me?" I noticed my slip up as he stood up. I immediately stood up after him embarrassed at what I had said. He had a smile on his face and I was left confused.

"Was this all part of your plan? Get me talking to find out who likes you? You are unbelievable, and to think I was starting to like you again."

"It's not like that," he said as he grabbed my wrist. I looked him in the eyes to see if I could see the lies behind them. But I found nothing. I rolled my eyes as I let out a devastating sigh. "I  do like talking to you, and it's more than what you think. I like you Y/n, why do you think I've been so persistent in talking to you?"

"Stop lying Billy, that's all you do. Tell me did any of your friends like me at all?" I could see it in his eyes then. I scoffed at him and turned to look away. I brought my hands up to my eyes hoping he wouldn't see my tears building up. "How am I supposed to believe you when all you've been doing is lying—"

He took my hand in his and his lips met mine. As much as I wanted to push him away my heart kept me there. Because it was all I had been thinking about since he had started taking notice of me again. "I like you."

I forgot to write this in but Bea doesn't like Billy anymore therefore y/n does not betray her. I tried including it a little if it makes you feel any better.

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