Step Into the Light

Від PrettyPleasing89

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Shine, step into the light. So bright sometimes, but he won't let her go back. *the beginning is a bit rough... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 24

278 4 1
Від PrettyPleasing89

"I won't lie to you I know he's just not right for you"


I step out of my car and head to the door of the studio.

After I walk through the hallway I head to the room that Harry lead me to last time.

I open the door and see Harry and Mitch talking in the corner with their backs to me so they couldn't see me but I could see the sides of their faces.

They looked very serious, and Harry looked a little nervous. Mitch had this... Almost determined look on his face? I don't know how else to describe it.

Within seconds they both turned to see me and they put smiles on their faces.

"Hello Naomi!" Harry said happily as he walked over to me.

"Hey Naomi" Mitch smiled and waved.

"Hey guys, is everything okay?"

Harry came up to me and gave me a quick hug which I found quite nice and then turned to look at Mitch for a spilt second as if to look at him for an answer.

"Yeah, everything's good. What's been up with you? Haven't been able to talk to you for a while." Mitch replies and walks over to us with his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing much, just the same old work and stuff. What about you?"

"Nothing to m-"

"He and Sarah finally went on a date date." Harry cut him off and had the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh Mitch that's great! How did it go?"

"It went really good..." He said it so quietly out of embarrassment, it was adorable.

Harry and I both chuckled at it and Harry patted him on the back.

"Enough about me, how is your love life Naomi?" Mitch said very inquisitively.

"Um, well... Josh and I had a sort of... Conversation. And it wasn't looking too hot there for us for a minute. But ultimately we worked some stuff out and we're doing great." I smiled at the thought but also felt weird saying it to them.

"What do you mean 'not too hot?'" Mitch asks.

"Well if I'm being honest... I invited him over to my house to end things with him, but we talked it out and now we're great."

When he came over, I tried talking about the problems I was having but he kept talking over me about how he could fix it. I said that I didn't want him to change who is and I didn't want to change who I am just so we could be together and that it might be best if we end things. He said neither one of us has to change but we can both respect each other and each other's opinions and we will be alright. And I said I'm not sure if that would work. Then he said I wasn't giving us a fair shot since it hasn't been very long... And that was always something that I thought could be true so I gave it even more thought. As I was sitting there thinking about it, he started rambling about how he'd be more understanding and a better partner overall. His demeanor, his will to make things better, and our wonderful past won my heart in the end. It's been a few days since it all happened and we've kinda been living in a romance bubble. He stayed true to his words and has been a lot more understanding and supportive. On the off chance we're not together physically then we're probably texting or calling. It's been good since.

I don't know why it felt a little weird to tell them, especially Harry, but it did.

I keep the smile on my face but they kinda just stared at me until Mitch shook his head and spoke up.

"That- That's great Naomi, so are you happy?"

Honestly, I don't know how to respond. I wouldn't say I'm unhappy...

"Uh- Yeah, of course."

"You sure?" Harry said obviously not believing me.

"Yeah- Yes." I said more firmly.

Harry again just stares at me.

"Well, if you say so." Mitch smiles and lightens the mood. Then he walks over and picks up his guitar. "So, you wanna work on this song or what?"

"Yeah, so what is it you need me for?" I ask thankful the subject is now changed.

I walk over to the piano and sit down and Harry sits on a chair that is next to it.

I wonder why he didn't just sit on the bench next to me like usual...

"So we were working on this song, it's called Woman. Long story short, we need a cool piano part to go along with Mitch's guitar playing and I needed your touch." Harry said looking between Mitch and me.

I wonder why he seems so nervous? He is always so confident and chill. I wonder if he's okay...

"Well, thank you for thinking of me." I smile looking at Harry. Which makes him lighten for a moment." Can I hear it?"

"Oh uh, yeah. Sure." Harry says then clears his throat.

Mitch walks over to an electric guitar and picks it up. He plays a few chords then he gave Harry a thumbs up.

Harry grabbed a notebook that must've had the lyrics on it and then they started.

"I'm selfish, I know. But I don't ever wanna see you with him. I'm selfish, I know. I told you, but I know you'd never listen." He sings beautifully like always.

He looked up at me unsurely from the paper then looked back down.

Why is he so nervous?

Is he not confident with his songwriting?

"I hope you can see, the shape that I'm in. While he's touching your skin. He's right where I should, where I should be. But you're making me bleed." He sings then combs his hair back with his fingers.

He does that a lot.

"Woman! Woman! La la la la la la la la la! Wa-woman! Woman!"

I really like the 'la las'. They are kinda cute.

"Tempted you know. Apologies are never gonna fix this. I'm empty I know, and promises are broken like a stitch is." He was so concentrated with his thoughts that his eyebrows were furrowing.

"This thing upon me howls like a beast. You flower, you feast."

I expected another chorus but Mitch started a guitar solo.

It's so fucking good, I swear Mitch is a guitar god.

"Woman! Woman! La la la la la la la la la! Wa-woman! Woman!"

Mitch did another cool guitar moment and I was in awe.

They end the song and I clap for them and they smile.

"So, what do ya think?" Mitch asked putting the guitar down to get some water.

"I really really liked it. The lyrics, the guitar, the story. It's all perfect." I praise it because it's true. They did a wonderful job.

"Thanks." Harry smiled seeming the slightest bit embarrassed. Then he stares at me for a second. "The lyrics are okay?"

"No, the lyrics are fantastic." I correct.

I was right, he must've not been confident with his writing for this one. Which I don't know why. He did a great job.

"Thank you, you're too kind." He chuckles.

"You're welcome, and no I'm not. So what are you thinking for the piano part?"

"Uh, all we have is an idea for the beginning. It sounds like this." Mitch says getting the guitar again and he plays a melody.

"Oh okay, so like this."

I play the exact thing Mitch played on his guitar but on the piano.

"Oh, yeah. Exactly like that, yes." Mitch chuckled seeming a little surprised.

"Do you have perfect pitch?" Harry asked with a smile that showed he was impressed.

"Yeah, I do." I say feeling kinda confident.

They both smiled and we continued.

"So, Mitch can you play your solo again? I have an idea for it."

"You got it."

He played it and I added chords going down the piano. I also had Harry sing the chorus again and I suggested an idea for a cool background vocal that he could do during his last chorus. Another thing I suggested was after the instrumental part at the end, they say 'woman' one last time.

I guess I'm feeling a lot more confident about having opinions in these sessions. And I mean, they did ask for my help for a reason. So I might as well try, and if they don't like something I say it's not a big deal.

However, they loved everything I came up with so I didn't have to worry about that.

Currently, we are taking a break and just sitting around and talking. However, I have to leave because I have to pack for my trip.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna have to get out of here. I have to pack and-"

"Oh, I forgot you're visiting your family tomorrow right?" Harry took interest.

"Yeah, I haven't packed yet and I don't wanna wait until tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, I get that. So, did you get Emma to go with you?"

"No, Josh is coming with me actually."

As soon as I said that they started exchanging looks.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Oh no, no. It's nothing, I just- uh- What are you gonna do about the flight?" Harry changes the subject after exchanging looks with Mitch.

"I just made a playlist to help keep me relaxed. I really don't wanna freak out on the plane, then Josh freak out, then-"

"Oh, does he get plane anxiety too?" Mitch chimes in.

"No, I just don't want him to get weirded out by it if I do."

Their eyes just stare at me as if I've said something completely stupid.

"What?" I ask with furrowed brows.

"Naomi, you shouldn't be worried about that. Don't you understand that? You should just be worried about you getting through this plane ride. Not whether or not your boyfriend will think you're weird for having an anxiety attack. Please tell me you get that." Harry says with a very frustrated but concerned look on his face

"Well, yeah but-"

"No, Naomi he's very very correct right now. You really have to look at this as a big picture." Mitch says looking at me as if I'm his daughter.

"Guys, I really appreciate your concern. I really do, but I'm fine. I promise." I smile to lighten the mood even though I'm starting to get annoyed by this conversation.

"Come on, I know you." Harry looks me dead in the eye which I quickly avoid and stare at the wall.

I really am okay with it.

Josh just doesn't get stuff like that. He's not trying to be rude, he just doesn't get it. And they don't know Josh like I do.

"It's fine Harry."

"Naomi... I- I just-"

"You just what?"

"I just don't think that he's the guy for you and you guys as a couple is just never gonna work out." He blurts it out very quickly and without looking at me.

I stare at him in disbelief that he said that, and I cross my arms.

"Naomi-" Mitch starts.

"I get it, okay? I get you don't like him. But I know him better than you do. You have to trust that I know what I'm doing okay? Thank you. I have to go pack. It was nice to come and play with the song and it was good to see you, Mitch. I'll talk to you soon Harry." I say it as fast as possible with a slightly annoyed tone which I just couldn't help at this point.

I get up from my seat, grab my tote, and walk out of the door.

"Hey, Naomi wait sec!" I hear Harry says as the door is closing behind me but I continue walking because I don't want to be annoyed with him.

I just wanna go and get over how disappointed I am with him. I don't want to be short with him and I don't want to ruin anything with him. So I'll hold this in until it goes away and Harry and I'll be fine because this way I won't scare him off with feelings.

I keep a fast pace walking out of the door and I am now outside steps away from my car when I feel someone take my hand.

I turn my head to make sure my suspicions were correct.

They were.

"Harry it's fine just leave me be-"

"No, you're upset with me."

"No, I'm not let's just leave it alone." I say quickly and I try pulling away but he doesn't let that happen. He was gentle but held his grip.

"I won't leave it alone until we talk about it." He looks at me with determined eyes and I just stand there so he can continue.

"I'm sorry about how I said what I said, and I'm sorry that it hurt you. But I can't take back the fact that I think he's wrong for you."

"I'm not hurt, and you don't know him like I do Harry." I try to reason with him.

"I know that, but I don't need to know him like you do to see that you two don't work. And it's okay to say that you didn't like what I said. I'm not going to run away if we argue." He says his words calmly and with meaning.

Why does he know that that is what I'm afraid of?

I stay silent because I really don't know what to say.

I stare at him.

That's it.

"I'm just trying to be a good friend and tell you the truth, okay? But you have to tell your truth and say that you're not okay with what I said, then we can work it out. I'm not gonna get scared off from a disagreement."

I still say silent but this time he has nothing else to say and he is waiting on me, so I take another moment to find some words.

"Okay. Um... Well, I don't like what you said and it annoyed me. I don't understand why you can't just really try and give Josh a chance. Trust me, he's definitely not been the best at times but compared to people that have been in my life, he's definitely not the worst. And- And I'm trying to be happy with him so-" I unleash until he interrupts me.

"You said back in there that you were happy. Now that you're finally telling the truth. You're saying you're trying to be happy. Do you see my point now?"

"No, I just misspoke. I really am happy right now-"

"No, you're not but you would be if you..." He slows down and fixes his hair.

"If I what?"

"I dunno if you... Just... Like-"

His phone starts ringing and he sighs and gets his phone from his pocket.

"It's my mum."

"You should probably answer it, I have to go anyway."

I forgot he was still holding my hand until he let it go I I could leave.

He gave it a squeeze before it did it.

I squeezed his too before he let go.

I feel like it was a sign that the argument, if you could even call it that, was over.

"Bye Naomi, give me a call before you get on the plane?"

"I will." I smile.

"And when you land?"

"I will."

"Bye Naomi."

"Bye Harry."

He waves and answers his phone as it was on the last ring.

I wave back and finally make it to my car.

I start it, put on my seat belt, and back out of my parking space and start to drive away.

I click through radio station after radio station until it lands on a song that for some reason warmed my heart.

"You and I, we don't wanna be like them. We can make it till the end. No, nothing can come between you and I. Oh you and I."

I felt my eyes start to tear up so I blinked them away.

Josh makes me happy.

He does.

Harry just doesn't get it.


I'm always happy when I'm with Harry.

We make really good friends.

Just friends.

Josh and I made really good friends.

Now we make a good couple.

Nothing changed except our label.

Nothing changed except our label.

That's our issue.

There are things that would be okay in a friendship that just aren't okay in a romantic relationship.

And those things that he did when we weren't together that didn't bother me now do and vice-versa.

We need to talk about it.

I continue my drive home with my thoughts and when I get home I text Josh to ask him if he'd come over and he said yes.

I started packing for the weekend while I wait for him.

I got out my suitcase and went into my closet.

I don't have to pack too much since it's only for the weekend, but I need some pajamas, regular clothes, and a cute outfit for the party.

I shuffle through some shirts and find four that are pretty casual so I have options and I find some jeans to go with them. Then I pick out some sneakers and a pair of heels that I'll wear at the party. Before I pick out my party outfit I decide to find some pajamas.

I open up my pajama drawer to look for my favorite bedtime t-shirt dress.

I keep shoving and moving stuff but I still can't find it.

I must've worn it already, and it's in my dirty laundry.

I pick out a random shirt instead.

I find some pajama pants to go with it and I make sure to pack my huge sweatshirt blanket for the mornings as well. Then I think about possibly being cold in my other outfits, so I head to find a cardigan to go with them just in case.

I figure my rainbow one will actually match any of the t-shirts I packed very well, so I head to find it.

I can't find that either and I know I didn't wear it, so it's not in my dirty laundry.

Where is it?

I keep scrounging through my clothes to find it but it's not there.

I suppose I could make another one, but that's not the point. Plus that one took so long to make anyway, I don't think I'd put that much time and effort in again.

But maybe I should considering I made that one way too big.

I guess I thought I was above measuring correctly.

We are getting off-topic.

Where is this damn cardigan?

Think Naomi, where was the last place you saw it?

Well, I haven't worn it in a while and-

Oh my god, I'm so stupid.

I can't believe I wasted that much time looking for it.

I hear a knock at the door which means Josh is here so I get up from my closet floor and head to my front door.

I fix my hair a little and then open the door.


"Hey Miss Lowry." Josh gives a cheeky smile then walks in and hugs me.

I hug him around his neck and he gives me a kiss.

"So, are you all packed for tomorrow?" He smiles and closes my door for me.

"Almost, I'm just missing a few things. Are you?"

"Yep, ready to go... Little nervous though."

"Oh really? Why?" I ask very curiously.

What can he possibly be worried about?

Is he actually afraid of planes too?

"I don't know... I just really want your family to like me." He confesses then heads to my couch and falls into a pillow face first.

Oh, so not the plane thing? Got it.

"Oh, you'll be fine! Trust me." I chuckle at the cuteness and move his legs and sit under them.

"I hope so, but Naomi I feel like the pressure will get to me."

"No it won't, I promise. They'll love you."

He just groans into the pillow.

I know I wanted him over to talk about some things... But right now he's stressed out and we're fine so I think I'll wait.

"Okay, I'm gonna call- I'm gonna call Emma because she borrowed some clothes I wanna take and hasn't given them back yet. I'll be right back." I get up and give him a kiss on his head then head to my bedroom.

I get my phone from my pocket and find Harry in my contacts.

As I'm about to press call, questions pop up in my mind.

Why does he still have them?

Do I really want them back if he's the one who has them?

But then another thought pops into my mind.


If I let Harry keep my clothes that's really not fair to him now, is it...

So, I press call.

After a few rings, he picks up.

"Hey, what's up?"

I can hear the smirk through the phone.

"Um, not much. I was just packing and was wondering if you knew where a few of my clothes were?" I can't help but chuckle a little at the end.

"Oh yeah, about that..."

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