TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

165K 4.6K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings ๐Ÿ˜, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Pirate AU Part 1

1K 17 20
By PinkRathian

Yoho thieves and beggars!!!! I haven't been doing much writing for personal reasons, but I am still passionate about this pirate au I have been working on. It's underneath the title Pink Skies on AO3, but I have decided to post it here. It's going to be a fairly long series, I am nearing the end on part 8 right now (each chapter is about 2500-3000 words). So if you haven't read it there you can read the first part at least here. 1-7 is on AO3, so should you need more you know where to find it. I hope you enjoy!!

Pink Skies
Chapter 1: The Ozai's Revenge

Lin jumped onto the sand, sinking her toes into the warm texture. Boots in hand, she marched up the shore.

"Captain!" She turned, waving to her crew.

"I'll be back!" She called, "I'm going to check the price of rum. Why don't you come ashore? Enjoy yourselves!" The crew cheered, and her grin widened. She watched a few of them run through the waves, joining her on the sand.

"Meeting anyone, Captain?" Saikhan asked with a knowing grin.

"Heh, you wish." She replied. It was hard to hide her enthusiasm. She hadn't been to Ember Island in two months, she missed it.

"Take your time making port," he said with a jest.

"Oh I intend too, please, tell the boys to keep the deck clean." Saikhan waved his hat, making his own way to a rum counter. Despite what she had told her crew, Lin didn't go with him, instead making her way to plaza. The familiar stone streets were lined with vendors, each one trying to sell her some kind of expired fruit or vegetable. She blocked out their hollers, focusing her attention on the building at the end of the street. It appeared paler then the last time she'd seen it. Remnants of the mural from years ago had fallen to the ground. The windows were larger, no doubt due to the stones decay. But the sign out front remained prominent.

'Chest of Gold'

She always cracked a smile at the name. It was seabearer culture to use puns as names. Her first visit she hadn't understood, but after some time there... well she started to get that 'Chest of Gold' was not referring to money and treasure.

Her stomach fluttered as she walked up its steps.

"Lin," Ms. Mia croaked, "I haven't seen you in a while."

"I've been out."

"Mm, have any luck?" She asked.

Lin gestured to her torn clothes and tattered hat with a shake of her head.

"Well, Kya will be happy to see you anyhow. She hasn't shut up about you since you left. It's hard to keep the girls interested in this type of work when they're in love." Lin nodded, wishing she would shut up and let her in.

"Don't let me keep you, go on in now. Same room." Lin offered a quick thanks before bursting in the door, whistling. Secret Tunnel, Kya's favorite shanty. Lin used to hate it, but now it was her go-to when apart from her lover. It didn't take long for Kya to appear on the steps, a wide smile and tears in her eyes.

"Baby!" She exclaimed. They rushed to meet each other, embracing each other with hugs. Lin kissed her, pressing their lips so close no air could get to her lungs. She lifted Kya off her feet, swinging her.

"I missed you," Kya gasped when they pulled away.

"I did too." Lin replied, pushing aside a strand of Kya's hair. She was in her regular brothel attire, which meant the least amount of coverings as possible. Lin couldn't judge though, as her own outfit had become tattered and filled with holes. Her coat was now a vest over a white button up. Her pants had a slit up the side after being torn in a sword fight. Her hat was sad and droopy, but she was still her, and Kya was still Kya.

"Did you get it?" Kya asked, guiding her back to her room.

"No, almost, I'm hoping what you have will cover the rest of the cost."

"I've got four-fifty." Kya said, stomping her foot. The floorboard came up, and Kya pulled a pouch from under it.
"I've spent only on the necessities, just like we planned." Lin smiled, caressing her cheeks.

"I managed eight hundred, that's more than enough." Kya squealed, jumping with excitement.

"Oh, Lin, I have so much to tell you and I want to hear all of the stories. Every swordfight, every Whale encounter, digging up chests, all of it."

"You know we don't really dig up chests, right? We kind of just find them, and steal them." Kya shook her head.

"No, I didn't, and I refuse to believe it." Lin kissed her, sitting on the bed. Kya grinned, taking the invitation. She pushed Lin back, climbing onto her hips in a straddle.

"Is this going to cost me?" Lin asked.

"Yen? No, energy, yes."

"Good thing I had breakfast." Lin replied.

"Mmm, but I'll bet your ready for lunch." Kya pulled off her top, living up to the brothels name sake.

"I love you," Lin gasped.

"Say that again, but with a little more breath." Kya directed. Lin grinned, throwing her hat to the side and pulling open her button up.

"I love you." She repeated. Kya took the words as her cue to begin, and so the dominatrix went to work.


Lin held Kya's hand, running down the stairs together.

"Be back by sundown, I just got word we have a paying visitor docking tonight!" Ms. Mia shouted after them. Kya hollered back with no intention of returning. They went to the side of the building where they had thrown Kya's belongings down so they could be loaded onto the ship.

"Its just down the dock a ways," Lin said, "you're going to love it. It's painted grey with these awesome navy handrails. It's called the Unagi's Fall, but we can change the name, if you want." Kya couldn't stop smiling. She couldn't believe she was about to free, sailing on the ocean like a real pirate.

She hadn't chosen the brothel life, it was supposed to be only for a while, except she got good. Water tribe sex workers were hard to come by, and every time she tried to leave Ms. Mia paid her more, or gave her a reason to stay.

The last couple years she had done it for Lin, so they could save up money and move to the earth kingdom. Run a farm in Ba Sing Se's outer ring, or join the Queen's Guard.

"There it is!" Lin exclaimed. They broke back into a run, Kya struggling to keep grip on her bag.

"Is it supposed to be that far off shore?" Kya asked, squinting. The Sun was setting so it very well could have been the light, but Lin stopped.

"What are they doing?" Lin asked, taking off her hat. "They're leaving... they're leaving me here!" Lin ran into the water. Kya called after her, but it was no use.

"Lin!" After a moment she followed her, racing into the rising tide. Lin fell into the waves, her hair drenched in the salty liquid. Kya put a hand on her shoulder to provide support.

"Its okay," Kya reassured her, "we'll find a ride on a merchant ship. Someone will be looking for some extra hands."

"My Gold was on the ship." Lin said sourly.
"We don't have enough to make it to Gao Ling, let alone Ba Sing Se."

Kya sighed, sitting in the water.

"Its okay. There's a big name coming in tonight, I can work, and you can try and secure a spot on a ship, or find another job, here, where we can be together." Lin leaned her head on Kya's shoulder, stifling a tear. She had one job, get Kya out of that place, and now here she was, relying on Kya's job.

I'm going to get her out of here, she thought. I just need to find a job.

It was official, Lin had been mutinied. She hoped Saikhan or some of the others would show up at the square, or the pub, any sign that they didn't all hate her. She knew funds were low, but she had a plan to fix that.

And now I'll never know.

She lifted her hankard, downing the rum as if it were water. No one was looking to hire a thieving Pirate, other than Pirates, but she wasn't willing to go south before heading to the earth kingdom.


If the bastards she called her crew were willing to leave her like this, than perhaps she was better off without them.

"Hey you." She looked up, blinking and blurry eyed from the rum.

"What do you want?" She asked, burping after her reply.

"We're hiring. You good with a sword?" Lin scoffed, standing up.

"Only the fucking best." She announced.

"Good, I'll see you there. Someone's waiting." Lin watched him go. No directions, no name, just a shirtless scumbag and a flyer. She pried the paper from the table, holding it up to torch light to read it.

Looking for crew mates. Must be sufficient with a sword and take orders. Gold involved.

Just as helpful as he was. She thought, sitting back down.


It wasn't often Kya went off-site for work. Most of her clients were too poor to own a place, or liked the secrecy of the Golden Chest's walls. Whoever had pulled into Port tonight must be big. Ms Mia had brought three others girls alongside Kya.

"I don't know what BlackBeard likes," the owner had explained, "you think I want to show up with merchandise he doesn't even want?" Kya snorted. She hated being referred to as merchandise. She was a person, not a product.

She would have left, then and there, if Lin hadn't lost all her money. She tried not to be bitter to her girlfriend, but she couldn't help it. She had waited two months for today, to be out on the water, as far away from this island as possible.

The sea air wafted through her lungs, and she took a chance too look up at the night sky. It was clear, the stars resting in their intricate formations, guiding sailors through their journeys.

Kya's eyes widened at the sight of the ship, it was perhaps the most elegant thing she had ever seen. It was a sleek black, or maybe dark brown. Gold and red handrails and stripes, the fire nation insignia plastered on the deck. There was a large window at the back of the ship that allowed the captain to see the ocean behind them.

The entire thing was lit up by even more elegant lanters, casting red glows upon weary faces. The crew looked orderly enough, more than most other Pirates, if that's who they were.

"Where are we?" Kya asked, leaning into Ms Mia's ear.

"This be the ship of the Pirate Lord BlackBeard." Ms Mia replied. Kya gulped, the Pirate Lord? She was perhaps servicing the most powerful person in the eastern sea, hell, perhaps the whole ocean. She couldn't possibly imagine a ship bigger than this.

She took her friends by the hands, all of them holding onto each other as they passed the crew, ignoring the snickers and cat calls from the ranks. She was suprised to find that the ship didn't offer up a terrible stench. Usually boats that have been out this long smelled of rotten food and vomit.

"Who are you?" A younger man asked. He was more put together than the rest. A coat that looked well off and tailored. It's buttoned shimmered in the lantern light and Kya had no doubt it was real gold.

"From the Golden Chest." Ms. Mia answered with a dip of her head. The man looked to another who gave him a nod of approval.

"Alright." He said, "move along." The girls did as they were told, following the owner to the wide doors which were bordered by elegant stairs to the wheel. Up close Kya could notice a detail, a line, dark and prominent crossed over the Fire Nation Insignia.

So it was a fire nation vessel, I'm guessing not anymore.

She had heard whispers of the Pirate Blackbeard. Not many who encountered his ship survived, and if they did, they became a part of the crew. It was unlike a reputation this notable to make port at such a small area. She guessed everyone has their reasons.

They stood outside the door, no one daring to talk. The crew walked around them, as if they were some kind of prized fish up for auction. Finally the doors swung open and man stumbled out, blood oozing from is arm. Kya tried to supress her fear, she didn't want to meet Blackbeard. She wanted to go back to Lin. They'd sleep on the beach, curled up in some blankets, tucked behind rocks. They'd watch the stars and Lin could show her all of the navigational constellations.

They'd plan their future, every step of it just like they always did when Lin came back. The same man from before directed them inside, and it was all Kya could do to not stare at the figure on the throne.

The walls were a harsh red, gold was scattered around the floor, gemstones reflecting light into her eyes. The person on the throne- the woman- smiled softly at all of them. Her hair was black, tied into a top knot secured by a simple gold crown. Her features were sharp and her jawline high. Had it not been for her eyes Kya wouldn't have dared guess proper pronouns. She was simultaneously beautiful and handsome. A fur coat sat adorned on her shoulder, a blood red with a black hood, attached were gold buttons. As far as Kya could tell her legs were bare, at least from the knee down.

Her jaw threatened to cut Kya in two, If he gaze didn't do the job first.

She was perhaps the most terrifying yet irrefutably beautiful person she had ever seen, and what did Kya say?

"You don't have a beard." The woman raised an eyebrow, glancing to Ms Mia.

"Excuse me?" She asked. Her voice resonated with power. Kya recognized it, it was the same voice Lin used on her in bed.

"She didn't mean that she's just stupid, a whore... my lord." The woman on the throne glared as Ms. Mia before directing her attention back to Kya.

"Well?" She asked. Kya shrugged, uncertain what to say.

"Are you stupid?" The Pirate Lord asked.

"No." Kya answered. She didn't think she was stupid. Sure, she wasn't a scholar or a practician. But she was observant. Also, she read a lot.

"Mmm," the woman replied.
"What is it you've brought me?" The Pirate Lord asked.

"Whores, slaves, madame." The owner replied with a high chin. Kya shot a glare to her. After everything they've been through, how long Kya has worked for her, she was being sold off like a slave.

Would she even get the chance to say goodbye?

"Are they trained deckhands?" The woman asked.

"No, they're whores, Pirate Lord Blackbeard." The woman sighed, slouching a little on her chair.

"What is it with these small colonies and that name? One time, I get called that one time and suddenly it's my reputation. Please, call me Pirate Lord Izumi."


Kya knew that name. But from where? She could picture the name in her head, written somewhere. Maybe even a picture....

"Your the Fire Nation Princess!" Kya exclaimed. Izumi raised her eyebrows, but seemed impressed.

"I am." She replied. She was silent for a moment before she sighed.

"You," she pointed to Kya, "stay. The rest of you, go home." The girls turned to leave, Ms Mia shot Kya a giddy look, sticking two thumbs up. Kya flipped her the finger, redirecting her attention back to her potential client.

"Wait." Izumi said. She held gold in her fingers, a coin more valuable than Yen.
"Take this." She threw the other girls a coin, but not the owner.
"Don't lie to me next time," she warned,
" or I will not be so forgiving." Ms. Mia opened her mouth to reply, but the door shut before she got the chance.

Kya stood, waiting for Izumi to tell her do something.

"Don't be so stiff," Izumi said, "you're not here for that."

"With all do respect, Princess, I need the money, so I'd prefer if I was."

If the Pirate Lord was at all unamused by Kya's use of the word "princess" she didn't show it.

"I was going to offer you a position on my ship, but fine, have it your way." Izumi said. She took hold of her fur coat, pulling it off and casting it aside to the floor. Kya looked to her and then to the coat.

"What?" Kya asked.

"Have it your way."

"No before that, you were going to allow me to sail with you?"

"Sail is hardly the term I would use. More like have you work for me." Kya grinned, she could have hugged her then and there.

Only because she was happy, though, it had nothing to do with the fact Izumi only a layer away from being stark naked.

"I accept." Kya stated. Izumi rolled her eyes, but something about her tone was off. Like she wasn't rolling them because she was annoyed, more like she wanted to be. Before Kya could say anything else, it dawned on her.


She had forgotten about Lin!

"Wait!" Kya said, reclaiming the Fire Princess' attention.

"I can't. I... I have someone, we just got reunited. I can't leave her here." Izumi thought about it for a moment.

"Can she wield a sword?"

"Yes, she's really good. She trained her whole life."

"Can she sail?"

"She's a captain."

"So where's her ship?" Kya remained silent and Izumi cracked a smile.

"Bring her, but do know I will not hesitate to throw you or her overboard should you become a burden to me."

Kya nodded eagerly.

"We leave at first light. You'll find some better attire in the room to your left. Find your friend before then."


Lin stumbled. Her eyesight was blurry, between the lanterns and fires she couldn't make out a clear path. The bottle of rum in her hand had grown light, too light for her liking. Everytime she went back for another sip it was barren, leaving her to more thirst.

"Oi, I heard BlackBeard be in town," she heard the voice of a man.

"Yeah, really fancy ship, saw it with me own eyes."

"Really? What color was it?"

"Red, big window and everything."

"Your kidding?"

"No, weirdest thing was he didn't have a beard either."

"Now that's a tale if I ever heard one. You lie!"

"I don't! See for yourself."

"Fine, maybe I will, his crew ought to be better than the Captain's." Lin grunted. Somewhere on this island a poor sucker like her was loosing their crew.

She didn't know who this BlackBeard was, but she knew he needed a piece of her mind. Coming here, stealing crews. It was ignorant, and rude! Some people relied on those crews to get them places. Relied on crews to for their freedom.

It didn't take her long, even in a drunken state to find BlackBeard's ship. She followed the crowd and the lights to the dock.

So what if he can afford to park at the dock?

She tried not to think about Kya, who could be on that ship right now doing...


She wouldn't think about it. She dock a deep inhale, marching forward. She pushed past the others, ignoring their protests. A scrangly man stood at the dock, eyeing her.

"Wait your turn." He said, "there people in line, and we're not accepting just anyone."

Lin narrowed her eyes, pulling her hat off her head and shoving it into his hands.

"I'm not waiting." She announced.

"Its not up to you," he replied. Lin glanced down, aware of the small knife pressed to her stomach. She scoffed, taking a step back. When he lowered his guard she snatched the knife from him, pushing him against the railing of the boat, the knife pressed to his throat.

"What about now?" She asked. "Would you like to let me in or should I decide for myself?" He gulped, nodding. She pulled the blade back with a snark. The rest of the crew mates remained silent as she made her way to the Captain's quarters. She didn't even take the time to address the sheer size and brilliance of the ship before she threw the knife into the mast.

She pushed open the doors, breathing heavily. A figure sat on a throne-like seat staring off to left.

"I need to speak to BlackBeard." She declared, drawing her cutlass.

"BlackBeard? What is it with you folk and that name?" Lin stared at the person, after closer inspection she could tell that they were indeed a woman.

"Who are you?" Lin asked, glaring.

"According to you, BlackBeard." The woman responded.

"You don't have a beard." Lin said.

"Well, not one on my face anyway." Lin tilted her head, about to ask more questions, but the woman stopped her. She got off her throne, walking toward Lin. She was tall, really tall. Hair fell down her shoulders, all the way to her hips. The top was tied up in a knot, secured by a golden tiara. Gold littered the floor, chests in the back overflowed with Yen and other valuables.

"Tell me your name," she directed, crouching a bit for Lin's sake.

"Beifong. Captain Beifong." Lin replied.

"Hmmm, well I know for a fact you weren't the one I met on the Southern Sea. Either your an imposter, or a relative."

Lin didn't answer. Of course she would know her sister, who didn't? Suyin had sailed in the name of the Earth Queen for years until she went Rogue. She went from managing her own fleet to destroying them. If Suyin hadn't been so morally driven Lin wouldn't be in this mess.

But then again, this mess is what led her to Kya.

"Fine, don't answer me. I have admit, I was impressed by your act out there, Beifong."

"Captain Beifong."

"Right. My apologies. It's just... usually Captains had ships, or at least hats." The woman grinned, it wasn't malicious, but it was insulting.

"Well, you know how crews are." Lin said, "sometimes they mutiny."

"Mmm, no, I don't. But I've heard tales enough." The Pirate circled Lin before making her way back to the throne. She picked up a coat that was sprawled on the floor, draping it over her shoulders.
"Would you please put the cutlass down?" She asked.

"Worried I'm going to hurt you?" Lin replied, trying to match the other woman's edge.

"More like worried you're going to hurt yourself." Lin tried not to seem deterred at she put her cutlass back into its sheath.

"My apologies, Beifong, I should introduce myself. I won't have you, or anyone else calling me BlackBeard till the day I die. Captain Izumi."

The name rang a bell, but Lin blamed the rum for not being able to remember.

"Does this look pirate-y enough because I- Lin?" Lin looked to her left, Kya had emerged from another door, adorned in red.

"Kya what are you-" Lin glanced around. The coat on the floor, Kya in new clothes...

Her girlfriend was working.


"On the Locker," Lin said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have- I didn't know you-" she stammered, trying to collect herself and leave at the same time.

"Lin, no," Kya said, "Pirate Lord Izumi is allowing us to go with her." Lin looked to Kya, then to Izumi. She had the same grin on her face, as if she had just told someone a secret.

"What? Kya, no. I'm done being a pirate."

"Lin, come on it'll be fine. We'll do our part, and when we can we'll be dropped off at Gaoling. We can save up, work as deckhands, be in Ba Sing Se in the next two years.

Two years. It seemed like a long time, especially since they were supposed to be on the way. But Lin was put.of options. She had failed her one job, and here was Kya, picking up the pieces and making something that worked.

Lin sighed, nodding. "Fine." She said, "but I don't feel good about this." Kya came up to her, pressing a hand against her cheek.

"I do, trust me on this." She spoke softly. Lin wanted her to keep her hand there forever. Kya was nothing like the sea. She wasn't rough and unpredictable. She didn't sporadically spit water into your face when she was angry. She was always gentle, always warm.

She didn't want the sea to take that away from her, like it had with Lin. A Pirates life wasn't for everyone, especially Kya. Her smile would fade with scurvy. Her hair, long and brown, absolutely stunning and soft would become brittle, drying as the salt contaminated it.

She wondered if Kya would still taste sweet. Her diet would change, and so would the taste of her lips.

"I do, I trust you," Lin replied.

"I think that's settles it," Izumi said, "Kya, Beifong, welcome aboard the Ozai's Revenge."

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