Wolf Savior part A

By bludroze

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She's racing through the woods, running for her life... He's shooting through the trees, fighting the compuls... More

Wolf Savior
Wolf Savior part 2
Wolf Savior part 3
Wolf Savior part 4
Wolf Savior part 5
Wolf Savior part 6
Wolf Savior part 7
Wolf Savior part 8
Wolf Savior part 9
Wolf Savior part 10
Wolf Savior part 11
Wolf Savior part 12
Wolf Savior part 13
Wolf Savior part 14
Wolf Savior part 15
Wolf Savior part 16
Wolf Savior part 17
Wolf Savior part 18
Wolf Savior part 19
Wolf Savior part 20
Wolf Savior part 21
Wolf Savior part 22
Wolf Savior part 24
Wolf Savior part 25
Wolf Savior part 26
Wolf Savior part 27
Wolf Savior part 28
Wolf Savior part 29
Wolf Savior part 30

Wolf Savior part 23

2K 20 6
By bludroze

I would like to thank all the people who read this, you guys are amazing. I know I have a really bad habit of using cliffhangers....well this is another one. But you have to realize that if I didn't this story would probably grow boring and end up like most of my other stories....floating in purgatory, wondering if they'll ever have an end! I'm very obviously planning on finishing this one, it has made it the third farthest of all my stories and it will be the second actual almost novel to be finished. The other one still needs to be typed, so that it too can be posted.


Roze's P.O.V.

We sent the guys off to pick out paint, it was probably a bad idea but we figured since they could only choose between two colors it should be safe. Tasha was excited and to be honest I thought it would be great for her to be a mother. Me on the other hand, the thought was terrifying. I'm new to this life, so I would wait before I made any such decisions. I had no qualms about eventually having kids, but right now it was a bad idea. I mean, come on, I was a brand new Wolf, I had just lost my virginity to my very sexy alpha, and one of the wolves was pregnant. On top of that I was alpha female. I wondered where said alpha male was right now, I was already missing the feel of his arms around me right now. “Oh no! Rozelynn! We are shopping for baby stuff, get that look off your face right now! The guys are not here for a reason! Out of sight, out of mind.” I blushed slightly and so did Ravyn. “Really both of you!”

“Sorry...Isaac is so....” I cut her off.

“Do you want my details? Because I don't want yours!” I teased.

“Whoa! Hello Pregnant Woman, right here! Unless you're both wanting to pop out kids too, then chill on the talk.” Tasha growled. I stuck my tongue out and turned to scan the store once again. Now that I was focused I was keeping a watch out for any danger to my Wolves.

“Oh Tasha! This would be so cute!” I said motioning to the white crib. She and Ravyn turned and cooed over it too!

“I'm not sure if I would rather have a boy or a girl!” She grinned.

“Personally I want one of each...in several years. Although, I am thinking of renting the house out and buying one closer to the forest. I mean, I've always loved the woods!” I admitted. “Though I want to discuss it with Nick first, because he is after all working here in town.”

“Discuss what with Nick?” A deep voice asked from behind us. I spun and pushed Tasha and Ravyn behind me. Ravyn instantly moved int to protect her. “Hey, I'm Zeke! I was wonder if you were by any chance talking about my brother Nickolai Spencer?” I shrugged nonchalantly.

“Ravyn, why don't you and Tasha continue looking while I talk to this gentleman.” I suggested.

“Roze....” They both protested.

NOW!” I snapped the alpha's compulsion making them obey. “And if you have any trouble tell me.” I smiled up at 'Zeke'. “I'm Roze.” He smiled and looked over his shoulder.

“An alpha female, how strange!” He smirked. “I just bet you're male ask how high when you say jump!” He chuckled.

“Who says I have an alpha male, I have a mate.” I stated. Zeke had medium brown hair and light blue eyes, he was average height, and average build. He was also a Wolf.

“Do you or don't you know Nick?” He demanded harshly as he leaned forward into my face. A hand clamped down on his shoulder and jerked him back. Three male Wolves and two females stood behind him.

“Do NOT take that tone with her.” Nick snarled as he pushed Zeke out of the way. Our Wolves moved around Zeke and filed in behind us.

“Nickolai!” Zeke gasped. “I didn't mean any harm!” He promised holding his hands up. “I've been searching for you, I had no idea she was your mate!” He said hurriedly.

“What was so damned important that you had to bug every one of us in the area, Ezekiel?” Nick groaned as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me against his side. It wasn't a possessive move, but one for comfort and knowing I was safe at his side. I pressed my head against his shoulder and smiled.

“Well, Melissa and Greg sent me to ask for your permission to move into the area. Because it is your territory and all, and we don't want to risk offending you, or your mate.” He admitted softly.

“I would feel bad for you if you upset Rozelynn. Although it would be funny to watch her get pissed and kick your ass.” He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him. “I really don't mind, the two packs will have to meet and discuss it.”

“I'll tell Greg, and we'll call you?” He suggested. Nick wrote down his number and Zeke walked away. He kissed me softly on the lips and Tasha groaned in frustration. I chuckled and flicked my tongue across his lips just to annoy her but I pulled away.

“What color did you guys choose?” I asked. Nick pulled out a card with a pale yellow on it. “That's a pretty color!” I grinned and took it to show Natasha. She smiled and started crying softly as she rubbed her stomach. I hugged her gently and she waved Ayden off.

“I'm fine! I'm just being all pregnant and stuff.” She giggled.

“We though that the baseboards and trim would look good in a high-gloss white.” Ayden said totally at a loss as to what he should do. We ended up picking out a crib, and all sorts of other stuff for the baby that was gender neutral.

“If Greg's pack moves into our area, at least then we'll have a doctor. Melissa and Brendon run a private practice, they're twins and they both got changed.” Nick pointed out.

Nick's P.O.V.

I wished Ayden and Isaac would stop freaking looking at me! It was pissing me off, so what, we made an us unscheduled stop on the way here. I glared at them and knew they would keep there mouths shut. Stupid Azalea! At least we had remembered to get those! I brushed a piece of lint off my shirt nervously. We loaded the stuff into the trunks of both cars as best as we could and I had to use a piece of rope to tie my trunk closed. The girls all piled into Roze's car and the guys into mine. I went straight home and started unloading the car. The girls got there about ten minutes after us and Rozelynn had her coffee in her hand.

Natasha looked a little bitter as she sipped her drink. “What are you drinking?” Ayden asked.

“I'm drinking apple cider!” She stomped her foot. “Coffee isn't going to hurt me or the baby!” She groaned. “I hope you get knocked up so you can't drink your precious coffee!” Tasha snapped. Roze and I both choked and looked at each other shocked.

“Have you seen her when she hasn't had her coffee?” I asked dryly. “Add hormones on top of that and we're all screwed.” I grinned and tugged her close so I could kiss the tip of her nose playfully.

“You're a jerk!” She giggled and pushed me lightly.

“So you don't want kids? What if Roze does?” Tasha asked softly.

“Natasha, it doesn't matter, if he doesn't want kids, I'll be fine with it. I was adopted, there's nothing wrong with not wanting a baby.” Roze said softly.

“It's not that, I just don't want a child at this exact moment. We've still got time, and you haven't finished high school. We can always have children when we're ready. We've only been together for a few months.” I promised and then I realized just how stupid my idea was. I had just said it all, my heart sank as I said it.

Roze and Tasha ended up deciding that the spare bedroom was a better nursery than the office, since it was bigger and if Ravyn or Roze had kids we would have the room. And still have plenty of space for toys. I helped Isaac and Ayden paint the room wishing that it was going to my child that was here in it. I leaned my head against the unpainted section in front of me and allowed my eyes to drift closed. Maybe one day, I would have children of my own. I smiled at the thought and started painting again. Natasha was standing in the doorway watching me as I did so. “Nick? Are you okay?” She mumbled softly. I nodded and the smile faded away.

“I look forward to having the baby here. I think it'll do us all some good, especially Ayden.” I said grinning. She smiled and shrugged. I may know nothing of pregnancy but she looked at least most of the way through her first trimester. “How far along are you, or do you know?”

“I think maybe 6 to 8 weeks.” She shrugged. “I'm not really sure, but I'm way to ahead of a human pregnancy.” She shrugged. “Look, Nick, I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I didn't mean to upset you guys...”

“Don't worry, it's fine, you were upset. No one's mad at you!” I smiled at her. “Why don't you go rest and take your baby-daddy with you. He's not very much help and we're almost done. We can't paint the trim until this dries.” She laughed and Ayden and Isaac gave me weird looks.

“Did you really just say baby-daddy?” Roze asked from the doorway behind Tasha.

“I did! And I was right, it got her to laugh, did it not.” Isaac and I were almost done with the last wall. Roze plopped down on the window seat and smiled at me.

“This will be a great nursery.” She mused. I pulled the roller off the handle and wiped the paint off my hands onto a rag. Roze opened the window behind her a little to let the paint dry. I wanted to ask her if she wanted children, not now but in the future, and I couldn't. It just wouldn't go past my lips. “You've got paint on your face.” I frowned.

“No I don't!” She reached up as if to wipe it off and smeared something cool and thick across my cheek.

“Yes you do.” She laughed and darted out of my reach. I followed the soft peals of laughter as she raced away from me.

“Get back her you demon!” I growled as I chased after her. I heard the water running in her bathroom sink and stepped in and shut the door. She stood washing the paint from her hand barefoot. I kicked my shoes off and grabbed her around the waist turning the water in the shower. I wrenched on the warm spray and pushed her under the water joining her clothes and all. My jeans and her denim short-shorts were soaked, our shirts clung to our bodies. We laughed softly for a few seconds then I kissed her forgetting about my soaked clothes or my wallet and the ring in my pocket. I peeled the shirts over our heads and tossed out onto the tile floor.

She ran her hands down my chest and then peeled the soggy jeans from me, leaving me in my light blue soaked boxers. She peeled her shorts off and tossed the denim out with our shirts leaving us both in our underwear. We slowly peeled the rest off and let the warm water drip down us as I stood with my forehead pressed against hers smiling. “I love you so much Rozelynn.” She smiled.

“I know, and I love you just as much if not more.” I broke into a smile and cupped her chin brushing my lips across her tenderly. In that moment it didn't matter if we were completely naked or fully clothed. In that one moment I knew what I was going to do as soon as we were dressed. We showered and dried off. I went across the hall to my room and pulled on dry clothes and even pulled on a snug black t-shirt. I wasn't going to drag her out to a fancy restaurant, it was too clichéd. No I was going go downstairs and fix dinner, we were going to eat with our pack and when we were all settled and comfortable....“Nick, come on, I'll help you with dinner.”

“Here, let me get my jeans out of the bathroom, my wallet's in them and it's soaked. I obviously didn't think that move through.” I grinned. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed me quickly.

“I'll go see what we have to eat, can you put my clothes in the laundry too?” I called a yes as she padded downstairs barefoot in a t-shirt and basketball shorts. I shook my head and went to grab our soaked clothes, I dug all my stuff out of the pockets and left my wallet out to dry laying out it's contents with it on a towel on my dresser. Everybody but Roze was sprawled in the living room focused on the television. I found Roze bent over with her head in the fridge digging. “Disgusting!” I chuckled.

“That doesn't sound good!” She held up something leafy and green and I turned my nose up. It wasn't lettuce of cabbage so in my views it wasn't edible. “If I can't identify it, I don't eat it.” I mused.

“Fortunately I agree.” She held it out. “Dispose!” I sniffed it and tossed it. It smelt...well...leafy and green, that was the only way to describe it. “How about steak, baked potatoes and a fresh salad?” She asked. I murmured an agreement and helped her place the food on the counter. We moved through the kitchen smoothly as if choreographed.

“Did you often cook?” I asked.

“Sometimes, I figured it would help if I knew how. Toss me a knife.” I underhanded the knife in her general direction and she snagged it out of the air and finished fixing the salad. The steaks were cooking, the potatoes baking, and the salad was in the fridge waiting.

“We make a good team.” I winked. She turned around and caught my face in her hands and gave me a soft lingering kiss.

“I know!” I blinked a few times trying to remember what I had said. I turned to check on the stakes as she pulled the potatoes from the oven. “Chow time!” She called reaching over her head for the plates. I caught her and pinned her to the counter reaching up to pull the plates down. I placed them in her waiting hands as the pack came through the door. She set the stack of plates down and pulled the salad from the fridge and pointed to the drawer that held forks.

“I'm kind of hungry now.” I mused as I looped my arms around her waist.

“Oh! Sick! We're trying to eat here!” Isaac moaned.

“Isaac, you perv! I didn't mean it that way!” I pointed out. We all ate and decided Isaac got to do dinner dishes for his pervert episode. I got up to get a soda after we had all settled in to watch the movie, it was paused. Tasha was leaning against Ayden's side on one end of the sofa, Ravyn was curled in Isaac's lap in the chair and Rozelynn sat on the couch waiting for me to get back. I sat the coke on the table and Roze stood so I could sit. I took her hand and pulled her away from the couch.

I smiled at her confused expression as I dropped to one knee. I pulled out the ring bow as I held her hand in mine. Her breath caught in the throat as she looked at me and bit her full bottom lip. “Rozelynn Nikole Blackstone, I love you. Will you marry me?” I held the ring box out to her so she could see the ring.


Thanks for reading!!! Please VOTE AND COMMENT.....it'll be incentive for ME to post the next part. I'm going to try for five comments before I post the next part. So if you want to read more tell, and guess what will happen next!

Mwahahaha! I'm evil, 5 comments or no part 24!



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