Lauren/you - Lost and Insecur...


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Lauren/You "Know that when I said I loved you I meant It. know that no matter how fucked up we both got, I ne... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
New story

Chapter 32

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Laurens POV

Eli and my father came running out jumping in their cars trying to catch up to the van. I stayed on my knees in the drive way looking at the ground. Why did this always have to happen when we were finally happy. We were doing great but now, now everything's crumbling again. My mother and Scarlett tried to keep Y/S/N and Taylor calm while Camila was trying to get me inside and to stop crying.

Reluctantly I got up and was helped upstairs by Camila and Ally. They sat me down on my bed and wouldn't leave until I stopped crying. An hour or so later we all heard the front door open and close and I shot up from the bed and ran downstairs only to find Eli and my father raging with anger. "We know where they're holding her, but it isn't going to be easy getting her out." I held onto the railing of the stairs and sat down on the steps almost losing my balance.

"Dad..Eli. I need Y/N back, I don't care what you have todo to get my Fiancé back but I need her here with me. I'm tired of all this bullshit happening to all of us when we're finally happy! It's not fair!" I began to cry again and I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. Dinah. We both sat on those steps crying not being able to comprehend anything. Chelsea soon came afterwards and sat in front of us crying as well. We were all a mess, someone so dear to us and so important had been taken away.

Scarlett and Eli were staying the night in my parents house. Chris, Taylor, and Y/S/N went with them as well leaving the rest of us to stay here. Normani, Ally, and Camila all slept in the guest room down the hall while Dinah, Chelsea, and myself stayed in my room not being able to sleep at all. "Lauren?" I looked over at Chelsea with red puffy eyes and waited for her to talk. "Were you able to see the people that took Y/N away?"

"The person driving was a girl, I know that for sure because of the long brown hair, almost like Mias' or Kims' hair." At that moment Dinah shot up and looked at me with wide eyes. "Kim, she's the one driving. I remember, one day Y/N and I were working a shift at the sandwich shop and we heard Mia, Kim, and these three guys. They were saying how 'taking it would be easy' but I didn't know what it meant so I let it be." We all got up and rushed over to my parents house and tell Eli about what Dinah just told us.

Morning was soon upon us and none of us had been able to sleep one bit. While Dinah and Chelsea spoke to my father and Eli, I stayed in the living room looking at pictures and videos of Y/N and I. The day we had gone to Disney World and all the pictures and videos we had taken. I was watching a particular one where Y/N had gone inside this small gift shop and came back out with a shirt saying 'Team Y/N' that she got for me and got one for herself saying 'Team Lauren' in the video Y/N couldn't stop laughing because of my priceless expression.

I stopped watching the videos and threw my phone to the side when I heard foot steps coming down the hallway. I turned around and saw Eli on the phone but quickly hung up after confirming something. He looked at me with a sympathetic smile and sat next to me on the couch. "We're going to bring her back, If it's the last thing I do." I looked at him and noticed his eyes starting to get tears in them. "I want to go with you." He looked stunned at my request but I didn't care. "Lauren that's not safe, we don't know what could happen or what we could find."

"I don't care, I'm going with you. They took your daughter, my fiancé. I'm done having that bitch play games with my relationship, she had her chance and she screwed it up. If we find Y/N and she's hurt. I'm looking for whoever hurt her and I'm taking care of them myself." With that said I got up and walked over to my house getting dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and Y/Ns black hoodie. The hoodie still smelled like her and I just stood there for a second taking in her scent. I quickly stopped when there was a knock at the bedroom door. "Come in." The door quickly opened and Camila walked in and sat on the bed.

"Lauren can I talk to you?" I nodded and sat next to her on the bed. "I'm scared that something might happen to Dinah, she over heard you talking to Eli and she heard you saying you were going and of course Dinah being Dinah, volunteered to go too." I wasn't surprised to know Dinah would want to go too, after all Y/Ns her best friend. "Nothings going to happen to Dinah, Camz, alright?" She nodded and looked up at me with teary eyes. "I don't know how you're so calm and collected right now." I sighed and looked down at my feet.

"Y/Ns a fighter, for some weird reason I brought that side of her out. I brought the best out in her, and little did I know she brought the best out in me too. She's taught me so much and trying not to panic was one of them. Our love for each other is what keeps me going, without that Id be curled up in this bed crying." Camila just nodded and understood. I'm sure she soon realized that the love that Dinah and her both share is what will bring them back together again.

When it was about one in the morning Eli and a few of his employees from the agency he worked for accompanied us to the abandoned building Y/N had been taken to. On the way there I couldn't help but cry and prepare myself for the worse. About an hour or so we pulled up a few miles away from the building and watched it for any signs of activity. Not even five minutes sitting in the car waiting we saw lights on the top floor go on and could see people walking upstairs, we noticed a person sitting in a chair with their head hung low and we figured it was Y/N.

Your POV

It had only been a day but it felt more than just one day. My body ached and my hands and legs were bound together not allowing me move at all. They had come in and beat me every time I denied to tell them what they asked for. My eyes by now we're swollen shut and the taste of blood had become familiar to be in a matter of seconds. The woman that would come in was always accompanied by a tall man that would handle her dirty business.

Every time they would leave, a bag would be placed over my head. I was tired and thirsty but only one thing was on my mind. Lauren. I knew she must've been worrying, I knew she saw me, her scream echoes in my head. All I saw when I closed my eyes was her, all I could hear was her laughter, and all I could feel was her warm embrace.

Soon after I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard shouting down stairs and what seemed to be gun shots going off. I started shouting and asking for help but no one came. I kept hearing the shouting and shots but soon lost hope when all shots ceased and all shouting had died down. The door to my room had opened and the bag was soon taken off my head and what I saw was unbelievable. It was Kim and Mia rushing in the room while the taller man that would always accompany them had a gun pointed to my head and waited there, as if someone had scared them.

I looked up and looked at Mia who had been staring at me with sadness in her eyes. At this point I didn't care what happened to me so I decided to speak. "You are the last person I would ever imagine to do this." She looked down at her feet and I just stared at her waiting for her to say something. "I'm sorry Y/N, I had no choice. If I didn't do what Kim told me to do, she was going to have you killed and I can't bare with that." I chuckled and could hear faint shouting coming up the stairs down the hall.

"I loved you Mia, but I don't love you anymore. You've proven to me and to Dinah that you don't care about anyone but your popularity and your reputation. You ruined that part of yourself when you followed Kims dark path." Mia started crying but ignored it and hung my head not being able to keep it up any longer. "Y/N!" My head shot up and I saw Lauren standing there behind my father and a few other men standing beside and in front of him. "Baby." She wanted to run towards me but couldn't once she noticed what was being held to my head and who was in the room with us.

"Drop your weapon! Now!" The taller man shaking with fear complied and dropped the gun while falling to his knees and keeping his hands up. Kim and Mia got up and stood in a corner beside me. My father approached me while his men arrested and took Kim and Mia away along with the other man. Lauren ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck kissing my lips and cheeks looking at me making sure I was okay. I was cut from the ropes that bound me together and instantly got up to hug Lauren. Dinah soon approached me and hugged me so tight as if she never wanted to let go.

"You idiot. You shouldn't have gone outside by yourself." I was guided outside and put into Dinahs car with Lauren. They took me to the local hospital and wanted me to get stitched up before I could go home. When we were in the hospital room Lauren and Dinah silently watched as the nurse stitched up where my eyebrow was and cleaned up my lip from any dried blood I had.

It was six in the morning and I was finally able to go home after an eventful two days. I just wanted to go to sleep with Lauren and stay there. Once Lauren and I had reached our bed room I crashed on the bed and cuddled up next to Lauren and instantly fell asleep not wanting to talk or think anymore about everything that happened. I was home with Lauren and that's all that mattered. Everything was going to be okay from now on.


A/N: I'm thinking that maybe the next few chapters maybe the last. I might go up to chapter 40 and end the story there. I would of course continue writing other stories but I think this one is finally done when it reaches 40 chapters.


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