TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

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Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Origins: Part 2

688 40 55
By PinkRathian

Finally dropping part 2, this one is a little slower, but trust me, it's worth it.

2 weeks later

"I'm not sure how I feel about you going for so long," Lin said, taking Tenzin's outstretched arm.

"I'll be home before you know it. And hopefully, I'll have some new air nomads with me." Lin forced a smile, nodding.

"Well, I'll be here, waiting for you." Tenzin kissed her forhead before retreating to Oogie with the small collective of nomads going with him. He waved farewell and Lin flitted a few of her fingers.

With Tenzin gone she didn't really know what to do. She figured she'd pick up extra shifts at the station, but she couldn't stand to be around there since her mother retired. Resigned.

The aura around work had been weird, everyone looked at her as though she was some type of messiah, about to swoop in and save their assess. Truth was, she was still at the bottom of the totem pole. Toph had made her work extra hard for less of a reward.

Maybe now I can finally get somewhere.

She waited until the Bison was a small shadow in the sky before making her way back into the air temple.

"You're still here," Lin said, sitting next to Kya at the counter.

"Mmm, Mom figured it was time to finish my training. Besides, there's still a couple weeks till summer. That's when the fun starts."

"Hmm, Kya sticking around for a whole month? It's unheard of." Kya grinned, taking a sip of some sort of fruit alcohol beverage.

"Well, you know, I go where I'm needed."

"And that's in Republic City?"

"Fate is a mysterious thing, Lin Beifong, you just wait."

"I think you just called me by my name," Lin said, "breaking your own rules."

"I've already broken some, what's a few more?" Kya replied, finishing her drink. Lin watched the waterbender go the fridge, picking up another.

"You want one?" The waterbender asked.

"Hmm, no I'm okay." Lin replied shyly. Kya furrowed her brows, resting her elbows on the counter, staring intently at her.

"Lin." She said firmly.

First name again.

"What?" Lin replied, avoiding the eye contact.

"Are you pregnant?" Lin sighed, looking behind her to make sure the room was free of Katara or Aang.

"I don't know," she said. "I'm late, I'm never late." Kya put the drink down, taking Lin's hand and pulling her.

"Where are we going?" Lin asked.

"Girls dormitories. Someone will have a pregnancy test there." Lin hated the idea of one of the acolytes finding out about her situation, but she needed to know. Kya led her through the halls to one of the bathrooms where she began to rummage through the personal bags on the shelves.

"I'm going to pretend your not stealing right now." Lin said, looking away.

"Relax, Beifong, you want the test or not."


"Yes." Lin wanted the test, but only if it was a desired result.

"Aha!" Kya exclaimed, pulling a box from a purple pouch. She tore it open handing one of the sticks to Lin in a pink package. Lin took it, looking at it with disgust.

"You pee on it." Kya clarified and Lin glared at her.

"I know that."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Lin shrugged, making her way over to a stall, pausing again.



"What if... what if I don't like the result?"

"Then you change it." Kya replied. "Honestly Lin, if you don't take the test, I can't help you." Lin nodded, going into the stall and taking the test.

Two minutes in and no results, Lin sat against the wall, feet infront of her. Kya joined her eventually, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Lin," she began, "if you keep staring at it nothing will happen."

"I don't want to miss it." Kya sighed, taking it from Lin.
"You know I peed on that," Lin said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm a healer, I've seen worse." They sat in silence for a moment before Kya turned to her.
"Can I ask you something?" She started. Lin nodded and Kya continued.
"What do you want it to say?" Lin gulped, rolling her head to the side.

Kya pursed her lips. She knew Lin wouldn't reply, or at least not with words.

"You know, you don't have to have kids." Lin looked at her, shaking her head.

"You don't get, Kya. It's airbenders this, airbenders that." Lin explained, holding back tears.

"I think I do," she spoke cautiously. Lin was going to need a shoulder to cry on if it came back pink. "I was supposed to be an airbender birth mother, Lin. Sure, my odds were only half, but fifty percent is better than zero." Lin listened, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"It just wasn't my path," Kya said, placing a hand on Lin's knee, "and it doesn't have to be yours." Lin held herself together for a second before breaking.

"He wants them so bad," she sobbed into Kya's shoulder. "I can't do it, I can't do it Kya. I'm not a mother, I-I have so much I want to do I don't want to waste my time..." Lin stopped as soon as she heard it.

Waste. A waste of her time. She had become her mother, a person who seemed to think her children were a waste of time. Kya held her, rubbing her back, whispering words of comfort. She looked beside her, smiling when she saw the stick had finally chosen a color.

"Lin," she said, "it's blue."


"You're not pregnant!" Lin choked, her breath hitching with suprise. She wiped her eyes, so Kya took the liberty of bending off her tears.

"Thank you," Lin whispered.

"Hey, it wasn't me." Kya said. "But Lin, you need to have a talk with my brother." The earth bender nodded, pushing herself up.

"I will." Kya held onto her for as long as she could, but Lin was ready to let go.

At least for now.


Tenzin stared out at the scene before him. The Easter Air Temple stretched along the mountain sides, it peculiar shape standing out against the horizon.

"Wow," Pema said excitedly, "it's amazing."

"Isn't it? This air temple is where my father came to complete his training before the war. Guru Pathik inhabited it for many years until Aang arrived to master the Avatar State." The acolytes leaned over the Bison saddle, expressing words of awe as they grew closer.

"We will all stay here tonight, no need to crowd the other mountains with just the eight of us." He explained as they began to set up sleeping bags. They started a fire, and Tenzin told them of his childhood adventures here, and the other temples. He hadn't realized how big of a role they had in his life until this moment.

"Would you live here?" Pema asked, "if you could?" He took a deep breath, nodding.

"I would. This is a place of peace, a place I can see families growing." Pema smiled, nodding in agreement.

"I would too." She said, moving closer to the fire.

"Are you cold?" Tenzin asked, "you can have a blanket of mine."

"Oh its okay if you need it-"

"Nonesense, I'm an airbender. I can change the temperature around me." Pema raised an eyebrow, and a few of the others even seemed impressed.

"In that case," she said, "thank you."

"Master Tenzin," another acolyte spoke up, "would you show us some airbending tomorrow?" Calls of excitement echoed throughout the group and he raised a hand.

"Should you complete morning meditation, I'll show you some airbending." He stated.

"All right!"

"Now, get some sleep."

  "Dad watch this!!" Tenzin spun around to see a boy, riding on a ball of air.

Tenzin looked around. He'd been here before, this same vision. He wasn't meditating, though, or at least he didn't think so.

"Meelo! How on earth have you done that?" The same words as the last time echoed in his head, sparking more deja vu.

"Look dad, me too!" The middle child exclaimed, succeeding her brother in an air ball race.

"They grow up so fast." He looked to his right side, another girl, this one older, shook her head.
"When I was their age I was reading, like a kid."

"Jinora, reading philosophies of Lao Ge is hardly a child activity." He looked upon Jinora, seemingly the oldest, the mature of the bunch. He reached out to touch her, but his hand passes through. Something was different about this vision. Last time there had been a sense of dread. Like he was being watched.

"Mom look!" He glanced upward. There was a shadow last time a shadow that had been the pathway to glum figure on the porch. But it wasn't there now, and where his wife once stood was a light. It didn't have any particular shape or attributes, but he understood what it was. Who it was, and who it wasn't.



"Beifong, my office, now." Lin got out of her desk, following Chief Raynor to his office. She expected to be alone, but two others sat in chairs across from the desk.

"Take a seat." Raynor said. She did as she was told sitting next to an officer named Saikhan and Seargeant Kimiko.

"Whats going on, sir?" She asked, glancing at the other two in the room.

"Well, the short matter is I'm retiring."

Retiring?? He hasn't been here that long!

Lin wanted to scoff, her mother had given this place over a decade of her life, and he was retiring after four years of Chief.

"And since Kimiko will be Chief, we need a new a Seargant."

"Why the both of us, then?" Saikhan asked.

"Because I can't fucking decide on who to pick." Lin raised an eyebrow, looking at Kimiko from the edge of the room. She was a dauntless woman, not much of a talker. Lin could respect that.

"With all do respect, sir," she started, "I don't think it's for you to decide." He narrowed his eyes, snorting.

"I can see why you like her." Raynor scoffed. Kimiko tilted her head.

"You're right," he admitted, "it's not my decision. I just thought my Seargant might appreciate my input." Saikhan glanced nervously between them but Lin maintained her composure. Yesterday she thought she was pregnant, today, she was up for a promotion.

"I'll let you know by the end of the week," Kimiko said, "you'll have to do extra training, and complete an exam if chosen, but I expect you both to work for it. My mind isn't made up. And Beifong," Lin met her eyes, "don't expect this because of your name."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Lin replied.

"Good, get back out there then." Lin stood up, following the directive, only allowing herself to relax once she was back at her desk.

Other officers stared at her, their minds no doubt thinking what that had been about. She turned to her papers, lifting up a pen with a grin.

"Lin?" She turned, seeing Saikhan standing with his hands behind his back.

"Saikhan," she said, suprised.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck."

"Oh.. uh thanks. You too." He nodded, outstretching his hand. She took it, giving it a firm shake before he retreated back to his own space. She turned back to her case file, but couldn't quite concentrate.

Things were starting to go in her favor. Good things always came in threes, which meant she had at least one more thing to look forward to.


Tenzin paced around, blasting puffs of air to ease his own tension. It was the middle of the night, cold enough he could see his breath, but he couldn't sleep.

Or rather, he chose not to.

His vision had been clear the first time, three kids, a wife  air temple island. His dream had also been clear, three kids, a wife, air temple island. The only difference being the identity of his wife.

Maybe this doesn't mean what I think it does.

He argued with himself.

It could mean Lin is ready, and I need to talk to her.

"Tenzin?" A small voice spoke from the shadows. Pema rubbed her eyes, she was wrapped in a blanket and Tenzin ran over to her.

"What doing away from the fire, it's freezing!"

"I'm fine!" She said shrugging him off. He watched as she took a seat in the grass, looking off the mountain.

"Why are you awake?" He asked, resisting the urge to sit next to her.

"I could ask you the same thing." She replied. "But I won't. Short answer, couldn't sleep. This whole thing has been so exciting. I can't believe I'm actually here, and with you nonetheless." He smiled, caving into the urge to sit next to her.

"I couldn't sleep either," he admitted. "But for different reasons."

"Your wife, right?" She asked, her tone a little disheartened.

"Fiance. Although, we haven't even planned a wedding yet, or talked about sealing the knot in a while."

"Mmm, the short earthbender, right? With the muscles?" Tenzin raised an eyebrow at her and she shrugged.

"What? I saw her at the island the other day when you were brushing Oogie." Pema explained.

"Let me guess, she was sparring?"

"I wouldn't call it sparring as she was by herself, but sure." Tenzin scoffed, leaning back on his palms.

"What about you, Pema, anything else you're looking forward to besides this?" She pursed her lips, thinking for a moment.

"Not really. Well, there's this one guy, and we kind of hit it off."

"Oh? One of the acolytes? Rumor has it Brai-"

"No, not him."

"Oh." Then who. But Tenzin bit his words.

"He's... he's incredible, you know? Tall, strong, a real leader. He's fascinating, and inspired. He loves his people."

"So what's stopping you?" Tenzin asked. He regretted it as soon as he said it. He was setting himself up, falling for his own trap. He could see Kya now, smacking him on the head for being such a dumbass.

"He's engaged." She stated, looking to him. He refused to meet her eyes, focusing on the moon. This, all this had led him up to this moment. It was so poetic and cliche he could laugh. He met Pema the same time he started to feel distant from Lin. But he couldn't do this, he wouldn't do this.

Not until he knew it was what he wanted.

Because Lin wouldn't take him back.

"You should get some sleep." He said, pushing himself up.
"Meditation is early if I'm to be demonstrating airbending tomorrow." Pema didn't reply, instead she got up, and walked back into the shadows.



2 weeks later

"Beifong, Saikhan." Lin faced her Chief, Kimiko in her office. Raynor had retired, and with him gone, officially, the new Chief had to choose.

"You have both shown dedication, and determination these past couple weeks. Both of you are worthy of this position, but I can only choose one." Lin watched as the woman set her jaw. It was sharp, and her cheekbones were carved. She'd look gaunt if it wasn't for her eyes. Amber, or gold, a sign of firenation heritage.

"Lin," Kimiko paused, turning toward her. "Your exam is on Friday. Good luck." Lin released a breath, not daring to look at Saikhan beside her.

"Yes Chief, I won't let you down." Lin replied. Kimiko sat down, smiling.

"I know you won't. Saikhan, I'm sorry, but know that there is still time for you."

"Of course, Chief. Lin deserves it." Lin watched him go, wondering how he was always so polite and put together. The stress of her job and home life made her snap more than she would admit.

"Lin, stay behind a moment." Lin stepped away from the door.
"You can sit." Kimiko said. Lin sat warily in one of the chairs.

"Yes Chief?" She asked, stabilizing her breath.

"I realize you probably already get this, but with this promotion comes more training. I don't have a stand in for you so I need done as quickly as possible."

"Of course."

"You're married, yes?"

"Engaged." She only choked a bit in the word.

"When's the wedding?" Good question.

"We haven't picked a date yet." Lin said, blushing. She tried to hide her embarrassment. She'd only been engaged for over a year, and still no wedding date. Honestly, she was suprised people didn't ask her more questions about it.

"Well, in any case, put it off for a while. I need you here full time, at least until things are normalized."

"Of course."





"I mean it, you look as though you've seen a ghost." Kimiko said. She reached across the desk, placing her fingers on Lin's arm. Lin gulped, staring at her nails. They weren't supposed to have long nails, or anything pretentious on the force, and the Chief honored that. But they were well kept, and painted a nice shade of purple.

"I'm just excited, and nervous." Lin replied.

"Good, you should be." Kimiko said, leaning back in her chair with a smile.
"You can go on now, that's all. New position starts on Monday, assuming you pass." Lin nodded, opening the door and leaving. Sweat on her brow and a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach she made for the bathroom.

She placed her hands on the counter, looking at herself in the mirror. They hadn't picked a date, but Tenzin would like her putting it off. Again.  Her mind went back to her new boss, the raven-haired chief of police who had nice nails and composure.

What is happening today?


Tenzin had spent the rest of the time at the air temple avoiding Pema. He felt awful about it, sure, but she had put herself out there and he didn't want to embarrass her even more.

He didn't know, if the time came, if he could reject her again.

He kept an eye on her, how she interacted with some of the acolytes who had traveled from the northern water tribe. She was gentle, caring, kind.

Things Lin was not.

Don't be harsh. Lin is kind. To me. And Kya....

He put his hands over his face with a deep inhale. If he wasn't already bald his hair would have begun falling out with all the stress.

I need to go to her.

Maybe if he did, he could prove to himself they were still in love, and that Lin really was the light on the porch.

"Acolytes!" He called. They gathered around him, whispering theories as to what might have summoned them.

"I know we have been having a great time here, I have enjoyed getting to know all of you." He met Pema's eyes, and she didn't look away. She never looked away.

"But Republic City has called to me, and I must return." Whispers broke out before him and he silenced them with a hand.

"It's personal reasons, no need to worry. But anyone who wishes to come back, pack you're things. The rest of you, I will be back soon with more supplies to secure the temple for you."

The acolytes began to scramble, some getting their things and others breaking into chatter about how they were going to handle things from here on out. He made his way to Oogie, petting his Bison softly.

"Tenzin." He stiffened a bit at her words.

"Pema," he replied, "you're coming? I thought you liked it here." He said, looking around.

"I do," she said, "but my heart is not with any place or object. It's with a person." He gulped, nodding.

"Very well then, hop up." She looked at him, then the Bison before he remembered she was short, and needed help. Lin was short too, but she always insisted on getting up herself, that is if she got on Oogie.

"It's not that I'm afraid of heights, I just don't like being away from the ground."
Lin argued.

"Lin, that's fear of heights."

"Okay so what? I don't like being suspended, helpless, forty meters from the ground okay? Not everyone can fly."  Tenzin remembered sighing, frustrated at her for not getting on the Bison.

"Lin, we're going to be late."

"Then you go, I'll catch up."

"Lin, you know it looks better if we arrive together." He knew it was the wrong thing to say as soon as the words left his mouth. She shot him a glare, grinding her foot into the floor.

"Then I won't come at all." She iterated, sitting on the floor making her physically immovable.

"Yip yip!" He called, and Oogie took off.


Lin paced outside the air temple, throwing the occasional stone with her bending into the sea.

"Lin?!" She hear a voice called from the house. She didn't reply, sending a bigger chunk.of the smooth black stone into the curling tide.

"Lin!" It was louder this time, signaling Kya had come closer.  She waited a few second longer until the waterbender took her shoulder and spun her around.

"Lin what's wrong?" Kya asked above the sound of the crashing wind and waves.

"I don't know what I'm doing, Kya."

"What do you mean, tell me."

"I-I got a promotion at work."

"Thats good!" Lin shot her a glare, so Kya put on a frown. "Or, not good?"

"Its fucking amazing!" Lin shouted. "Only I have to not get married for the next few months."

"You haven't picked a date yet!" Kya replied. She was confused on the situation, but she offered support in the only way she knew how. Agreeing.

"And now I can't!!!" Lin yelled, pushing a chunk of the island rock into the ocean, causing water to splash up and dowse them.

"Lin, yes you can!" Kya yelled back, "just pick one!"

"No! I..." Lin trailed off. Kya looked at her. Lin's face was swollen with the tears that dripped down it. Her eyes red and baggy. Kya had to wonder if she had slept at all in the last little while.
"I don't want to Kya!" She finished.

"Then don't!" Kya offered, taking her friend by the arms.

Where the fuck is that airhead when you need him?

"If I don't do this..." Lin spoke in a voice hardly louder than a whisper. Kya subdued the crashing waves to hear her.

"I never will." The earthbender concluded.

"Lin, don't be crazy, there's someone out there for you. If it's not Tenzin, then it's not Tenzin."

"It has to be Tenzin." Lin stated. "I'm not ready to deal with the consequences if it's not." Kya gulped. Seeing Lin like this, distraught for seemingly no reason.

Except there was a reason.

Kya had noticed it.

The way Lin no longer clung to her brother, or returned his PDA'S.

The way her eyes trailed to anything but him when he was in the room.

The way Lin no longer spoke about him as though he was the most important part of her life.

It had been coming for a while.

It just happened to get here when they were apart.

"Lin come inside," Kya urged.

"I can't," Lin was next to sobbing, her feet began to sink into the ground and Kya began to panic.

"Lin, come on. The water is freezing."

"Its nice." Lin stated. "The wind is what's annoying." Kya frowned, stepping closer to Lin, and pulling her up.

"Lin come on, your skin is blue." Lin glared up at her with side eyes. Eyes that made Kya want to cry with her.

She had her own ghosts, her own demons.

She had things she was forced to forget about or move on from.

But she was never good at letting go. No matter how far she traveled, she always came back home.

And it was always because of the soaking wet girl in her arms.


Tenzin blasted air in front of them, clearing some of the rain. A storm had brewed over the city, and the closer they got to the temple the more treacherous the journey had gotten. He directed the others to bundle up, while he and Oogie navigated the storm.

"Tenzin we need to turn around and stop!" A voice cried behind him.

"We're almost there!" He yelled back as Oogie swerved from a crack of thunder. He was able to make out the statue of his father on Avatar island.

"Ahhh!" He turned, just fast enough to see a figure slide off the edge.

"No!" He shouted, diving towards them and gripping their hand. Pema looked up at him, fear in her eyes.

"Help me." She whispered.

"I got you," he promised, lifting with his free hand as much as he could. He blew on their hands, drying them for grip and pulled again."

"Tenzin!" She begged, slipping.

"I got you!" He reassured. A bolt of lightning flashed, highlighting her with a distinctive white light.


His fate had been written for him.


They landed, sopping wet in front of the temple and he rushed everyone inside. The storm was silenced by the cover of walls in the house. They closed the door behind them, each of them standing, sopping wet on the welcome mat.

"What the holy fuck?" Kya said, running up to them.
"Sprirts Tenzin, what happened?"

"We flew in a storm." He explained abruptly.

"Are you guys okay?" She asked, checking them over.

"Get them some blankets," he ordered, "I need to find Lin."

"You don't have to go far." He spun around, seeing his fiance standing there.

The clothes she had on weren't hers, and her hair was down. She looked drowned, ragged, as thought she'd flown through a storm herself.

"Lin..." He whispered. She ran into him, sniffling.

"We need to get married," she said, "now."

"What?" He asked, pulling away.

"You and me, I don't want to put it off." She explained. The room was silent aside from a few sniffles and coughs.

"Lin," he said, "we should talk."

"Why?" She asked. "We never talk, we aren't talking people. We get things done. So let's do this." He looked around, trying to find a safe way out of this.

"Lin," he whispered, "I want a real wedding, a ceremony to prove how much I care about you."He spoke softly. She was upset, he didn't know what had happened, but she was fragile.

Lin was never fragile.

"If you love me..." she rasped, placing a hand on his chest. "You'll marry me, right now." He could feel her breathing. It was sporadic and heavy, like his.

"Okay," he replied, and she relaxed, pulling him into a hug. He placed a hand on her back, closing his eyes.



Lin froze, her moment of relief gone. Someone objected.  She looked up, meeting the eyes of the girl who spoke up.

"Who are you?" Lin asked her.

"Pema." She replied.

"Pema please," Tenzin begged, "this isn't the time."

"It's the only time, Tenzin." Pema argued.
"If I wait any longer I'm going to have to watch you ruin your life."

Lin pulled herself away from him, her breath picking up again.

"Tenzin, who is she?" Lin asked.

"I'm-" Pema started but Lin shot her a glare.

"The adults are talking sweety." Lin rasped, directing her attention back to Tenzin.

"She's an acolyte." Tenzin said, "Lin please, pay her no mind."

Lin knew she should listen to him. She had everything she wanted right here, yet, she couldn't let it be.

Whether she was changing fate, or following it, she didn't know.

"Pema." She practically spat the name. "What do you want?" The girl looked form Lin to Tenzin, a glazed look of fear and adrenaline in her eyes.

"Tenzin." Pema started, "I can't stand here and watch you pledge your life to wrong person. You are my soul mate, not hers. I had a dream," she said, and Tenzin froze.

"It was you, and me, here. With three beautiful kids on a perfect day." Pema was holding back tears. Tenzin looked to the ground. Lin's eyes darted between the two of them.

Who was this girl, and how long had she'd known Tenzin for?

And how well did she know him?

"Pema I..."

"Tenzin please." She begged, "It will break my heart to see you marry her. You don't love her, you love me."

A bold statement. Lin scoffed, crossing her arms.

Tenzin looked to Lin, a sorrowful look in his eyes.

Suddenly Lin was scared again.

And confused.

Like she was on the rocks all over again. Only this time, Kya was on the other side of the room, and Tenzin was right in front of her.

"Tenzin..." she whispered.

"Lin." His voice was soft, barely audible.

"I need to know... I need to know if there's any chance, if there is any part of you that wants kidd." Her eyes widened and she nearly felt backward. It was like she was being punched in the gut. Although, she would have taken a punch over this.

A single tear fell from her eye as she replied, gulping.

"No." She whispered back. She waited, waited for him to say it was okay, but he didn't. Instead he stepped backwards. Not away from Lin, but towards Pema.

This child acolyte Lin had just met.

And already, there was no one she hated more than her.

"Tenzin..." she cried, falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry," he replied. Lin wasn't listening, she screamed, slamming her fists into the floor, breaking through the wood. Gasps, or screams came out but she ignored them.  She dug her fingers into the ground, pulling it apart. The air temple walls began to crack, and water surged from the floor. She screamed. No words, just noise. Splitting the island like a fucking walnut.

"Lin stop!" She ignored the call, focusing on doing as much damage as she could.

He needed to know what he just did.

He needed to feel her pain.

She wasn't his home, but he had been hers.

He needed to know what it felt like to have that stripped from you.

Debris fell beside her, but she ignored the scratches, splitting the rock to its core. The foundation crumbled, and so did she.

She forgot there was an ocean beneath her. It wouldn't have changed anything if she had remembered. Sinking into the water was a small price to pay for revenge.

If that was the right word.

She let herself go to the bottom, staring up through the hole in the floor she had made. She made out the faint figure of girl, diving in after her just before her eyes betrayed her.

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