TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

161K 4.5K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Origins: Part 1

1K 35 44
By PinkRathian

It's series time! I got an ask about a cannon-compliant Kyalin from the beginning. I think they're like 29/30 ish??? Somewhere around there. We ain't even gonna talk about Pema's age because we already know what's up so yeah. Enjoy everyone

   It was dinner time. Lin had never been one to consistently eat at the same time everyday. Growing up she ate when she was hungry. Or when her mom remembered to get groceries for the week. But now she had someone to remind her, someone to sit down with and discuss the day with. Occasionally he cooked for her, which was nice. Today it was rice bowls, vegetarian for her fiance.

"How's my girl?" He asked, embracing her. She smiled, placing the rice and vegetables into the bowls.

"Good, another quiet day around here." She said. In all honesty, her day hadn't been good. She'd overslept and was late to work, causing a scene with her boss. She was on desk duty for two days. So it wasn't an entire lie, it had been quiet.

"Glad to hear it." He replied, taking a seat at their small round table. Their apartment was small, but it was nice. When Tenzin had asked Lin to move in she refused to go to the air temple.

"How am I supposed to feel knowing your mother and father are two floors above me?"

"Comfortable!! They're nice people, Lin."

"I know, it's me."

"Well what do you propose?"

She remembered cringing at the word at the time. Propose. It seemed so official. So lawful and binding.

"Lets get a place in the city. Just the two of us. A home for ourselves, so we can grow in."

"I always imagined raising my kids here, Lin."

Kids. The subject that never ended. Secretly, she was tired of Katara and her mother asking her if she was pregnant yet. She was tired of telling them no and seeing the disappointment on their faces. Well, on Katara's face, Toph's always looked like that.

"We have plenty of time Tenzin, things can change. I just want to try it with the two of us. Just for a little bit."  He sighed, hugging her again.

He was a big hugger. She didn't mind, usually, but it got annoying. Especially in public, or when their parents were around.

"Lets do it." He replied. "I'll pick up a flyer tomorrow."

She didn't remember much else of that night. They talked for hours about the best locations and views, budget. It ended with sex, which was a usual for them, and a bonus.

"So," she asked, "how were things at the temple today? Any new recruits or embarrassing stories?"

"Well, we just got a new bunch, from the northern parts of the earth nation, and they are the most promising acolytes yet. One in particular, a firm believer in the airbender ways. A true prodigy. If only they could airbend." He looked at her, and the nervous feeling in stomach returned. She knew what that look meant.

"Well who knows, maybe airbending can be restored by faith."

"It's not impossible. But it's also never been done..."

"Wasn't it aunt Suki telling us that all nomads were airbenders during the Era of Kyoshi?"

"I belive so. But how is she to know that?"

"She has been to the temples."

"So have I, Lin, and I've never read anything like that yet."

"Yet. There's still time. Maybe she heard it from Kyoshi. There's some magic voodoo with these traditions." Tenzin raised an eyebrow and Lin stifled a laugh. Her rice bowl was already empty, which meant dinner was almost over.

   There was a period between dinner and bedtime that Lin didn't like. It felt awkward most the time. They didn't like the same shows, so only one of them ever watched TV at once. Lin was happy to read in the bedroom, but she couldn't help but feel guilty not being beside him after being apart all day. She cleaned herself up in the bathroom, washing her face, running her finger tips over her scars. She bit her lip, trying to supress her memories. Sometimes they would flare up and hurt. Tenzin would ask what was bothering her but she would lie. She didn't really know why, guess it wasn't his problem.

She considered herself a good liar, it came with the job, in a sense. Being undercover was like lying, albeit a very intricate one. There's always people who can tell when your lying though. Some earthbenders possessed this power, it was rare, a skill that required a strong commitment to the earth, as not only units, but as molecules. Vibrations were hard to read unless you were an expert. The best lie-detector she'd ever met lived on a small island visible from her apartment. Well, semi-lived there. Kya had a knack for people, something Lin could never understand. But, the waterbender could always tell when she was in pain, and was more than willing to ease it a bit with her water bending.

"You know, Lin, these are gonna look pretty badness in your badge photo."


"Or a mugshot. Whatever path you choose, I'll support you." Lin scoffed.

"The Beifongs can't handle anymore delinquent children. Gran and Gramps would loose their heads."

"How kind of you to consider them," Kya chuckled, puller her hands from Lin's face.
"Good to go, cadet."

"Aren't we passed the nicknames?"

"Ah ah ah, the deal was when you become Chief. Then you get your first name."

"Great, can't wait." Kya smiled, pulling her hair out of its tie.

"Don't wait too long, Lin, or you're going to miss it." Lin watched the waterbendee go, wondering where in the hell her high ass found a line like that.

Pulled from her thoughts by the touch of a beard on her neck she forced a smile.

"How's your book?" Tenzin asked, kissing her on the jaw.

"Good," she replied. Another lie, but not because she was deflecting. She hadn't been reading, her mind was too buried in her thoughts.

"Mmmm, the shows over," he said, "I was going to go to bed, if you want to join me." She bit her lip. Did she want to join him? Usually she just said yes, because that's what engaged people do. That's what married people do. They get up early, go to work, eat dinner, watch TV and have sex.

But she wasn't married yet, she could still change things. If only she had the nerve.

"Of course," she replied, allowing herself to be courted to the bedroom.

Sitting atop Tenzin, she felt like a different person. By different person she meant highschool Lin Beifong who had no idea how babies were made because she was "sheltered" as her friends would say. Her enemies, on the other hand, called her dumb. They weren't wrong, she wasn't exactly a stellar student, no matter how hard she tried.

Despite her naiveness, she got a boyfriend. And she's been with him ever since.

"Lin, oh my..." Tenzin groaned. Apparently she was good at this, if Tenzin was happy then she was.


"The old Air Nomads were people of peace. They harbored any traveler that came their way, treating them with the utmost hospitality. During the Era of Kyoshi and before the air nomads even elected a member of their society to accompany the Avatar. Lending them their Bison, if needed, and helping to resolve issues as peacefully as possible- yes?"

A girl, or the girl, raised her hand. Her eyes were wide with enthusiasm and Tenzin smiled.

"Is it true that all nomads used to be airbenders?"

"It is. Since our ancestors were so connected to themselves and the world, airbending was part of the people. An entire nation of benders side by side with the Bison." The students exclaimed whispers of fascination. There was nothing like educating the youth in the early hours of the morning. Although, he supposed this group wasn't technically "youth" anymore. They had graduated school and had come here for further studies. They were functioning members of society, and the idea that they could expand the nation through communication only made him happier.

He looked behind him, out at the bay. The Sun was a bright orange, casting long shadows on the island. The air was still of any breeze and suddenly he got the urge to meditate.

"The earth is quiet today," he started, "I suggest you take the rest of your class to practice your meditation." The students nodded and he made his way to the Gyatsu tree to meditate on his own.

   "Dad watch this!!" Tenzin spun around to see a boy, riding on a ball of air.

"Meelo! How on earth have you done that?"

"Look dad, me too!" A girl, about nine followed the boy.

"They grow up so fast." He looked to his right side, another girl, this one older, shook her head.
"When I was their age I was reading, like a kid."

"Jinora, reading philosophies of Lao Ge is hardly a child activity." He placed a hand over his mouth. It wasn't him talking, yet it was his voice.

"Mom look!" He glanced up, following the shadow cast upon the turtle duck pond. He smiled at the sight of his wife, who stood glumly under the sun.

"Excuse me? Tenzin, or Master Tenzin..."

He snapped from his vision, blinking at the woman standing over him.

"Pema?" He asked, dazed.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. I was just hoping you could tell me more about the air temples from the other day? I'm working on a sketch and would love-" He raised a hand. She looked nervous for a moment but then he smiled.

"Of course."


"Lin, it's so nice to have you over, dear." Katara said, sitting parallel to her. Tenzin had his arm wrapped around her and Lin stifled the urge to move it. Not that she didn't like his arm, she just didn't like what it implied.

"I agree, I feel like I haven't been in a while. I forgot how nice it is out here." Another lie, but she was being nice. She had never been a big fan of the air temple. For starters, it was surrounded by water. Not nice, calm water like the ponds in the park, but rough, viscious waves that threatened to take her out to sea. And the blasted wind. She understood it was a place for air benders, but did it have to be so bloody windy all the time?

"Tenzin tells me you're busy at work."

"Very. It's a never ending duty. Ever since Mom retired there's been more slack to pick up." Katara chuckled, taking a sip of her tea as the front door swung open.

"And here's our other guest of honor," she said, standing up to meet her daughter.

"Guest of honor, had I known I would've presented myself a little better." Kya said, stepping into the living room with flared arms and a grin.
"If it isn't my favorite couple," the waterbender said.

"I would say the same," Tenzin started, "but, you know."

"Ouch!" Kya feigned hurt, "but totally accurate. I expect that from Bumi, but from you? Ha! Lin must've taught you how to dish out a proper insult."

"I do my best,' Lin replied, "but some days I can't help but think that's there's no hope for him."

"There's the Lin Beifong I missed so much, look I got you something."

"You got Lin something but not me?" Tenzin whined.

"You can fly. Go wherever the fuck you want airhead."

"Kya, language," Katara said.

"Sorry Mom, any way, Lin, this is for you." She handed Lin a small blue stone. It had a translucency to it, the ridged edges made for a strange sensation in her hands.
"I'm going to be totally honest with you," Kya started, "I have no idea what it is. I figured since you're the rock expert, you should have it. If you feel inclined, you could shape it into a dolphin and give it to a certain waterbender for her birthday." Kya suggested. Lin looked at her, hiding her smile.

"Did you buy me your birthday gift from me?"

"Correction, I didn't buy it. I found it. In someone's pocket."

"Kya!" Lin exclaimed.

"Kidding! No I found it in some hot spring. Or maybe the cave at Whale tail... I don't know. Anyway, it's yours. Keep it, if you want." Lin smiled, gripping it in her hand.

"Thank you."  Kya winked at her and took a seat on the couch next to her mom, taking Katara's tea.

"Hey that's mine!" Katara said, pursing her lips.

"I'm just having a sip." Kya said right before finishing it.

Lin hadn't been expecting her prescence at the island to be undermined by Kya. But she didn't mind, not at all.

"Kya, see how helpful Lin is being. That's how you dry dishes." Katara said, handing Lin another dish. Kya leaned with her elbows on the counter, watching them half heartedly assume the role of the woman.

"And I appreciate it," Kya said, "but I don't understand why Tenzin can't be in here helping her help you."

"He's busy outside with a student." Katara replied. Kya glanced out the bay doors, snickering. Lin wanted to follow her eyes, and see Tenzin standing out there next to the rocky cliff and the sea, but her stomach told her she shouldn't. Kya redirected her attention to then, sighing and coming behind the counter. She pushed her mom out of the sink, Katara didn't protest, instead happily stepping aside to make room for her daughter. Katara smiled, drying her hands and starting to put the dishes away.

"So," Kya started, "how are things?"

"Good. Tenzin is-"

"I don't want to hear about Tenzin, Lin. He sends letters for me all the time. I want to know about you. How's work?"

"Well, I've been on desk duty the last two days."

"Mmm, what'd you do this time? Start a rebellion against your mom?" Lin scoffed, scrubing a plate with a towel.

"I was late."



"Hmmm. Why?"

"Why what?" Lin raised an eyebrow, extending her peripheral enough to see Kya looking at her.

"Why were you late?"

"Because I overslept." Lin explained, hoping she was able to conceal her blush.

"You? Lin Beifong you overslept? I don't believe it." Kya replied. She sounded serious, but she had to be joking. Kya was always joking.

"Yes. I was tired, so what?" A swing and miss, because Kya cracked into a smile.

"Oh, oh. You were tired." Lin shook her head, hoping to fade her blush a bit.

"Shut up," she said and Kya nudged her playfully.

"Heh, who would've thought Tenzin would be the one to-" Lin raised her hand to Kya's mouth and the water bender shrugged.

"Alright, alright." Kya said, Lin lowered her hand. Kya looked to Lin, then to Tenzin out on the porch with a grin. Lin let her believe what she wanted. She did have sex with Tenzin the night before, that much was true. But she had been the one doing the work, the one pleasing him. It drained her energy, sure, but she'd done it multiple times now and never slept in. That night was different. After Tenzin went to sleep she... she took things into her hands.

"Hey," Kya said, pulling her from her thoughts.


"Whats wrong? You got all glum. Was it the teasing? I'm sorry if I overstepped I was just-"

"No, no it wasn't that." Lin admitted. "I just... don't feel well. That's all." Kya pursed her lips. She knew Lin was lying, but if she didn't want to talk about it, there was nothing she could do.

"You go sit down then," Kya said, "I'll finish up."


"Pema!" Tenzin exclaimed when he saw the acolyte making her way towards him.

"Master Tenzin," she replied.

"Please," he started, "Tenzin is just fine."

"Right, of course."

"What brings you up here tonight, Pema? Are the dormitories suiting you well?"

"Very, they are pristine as always. I was just coming up to hopefully steal some of your time." Tenzin cast a glance back into his home. Kya was no doubt humorist his mother and fiance, and well, he hadn't anything else to do until his father returned.

"Well, I haven't really got anything going on right now." He said, "so go ahead."

"Great! So I was thinking about our conversation the other day regarding the air temples. I know this might seem out of place, but I would really like to see them. I asked some of the others and they said they were interested in going."

"It's not an easy journey," Tenzin replied.

"I know, but, I came up with a plan. Some people out there, potetial acolytes, are scared to join the air nation. They don't want to have to relocate to another side of the globe for their studies. So what if we opened up the air temples? We could have a few of the graduates and send them there for members outside the earth nation. That way they can still be close with their family and be a member of the air nation."

Tenzin looked at her. This girl, this woman, this acolyte came up to him with this plan. A plan to restore his nation and how to go about it.

"Pema," he started, "that's brilliant. You're brilliant!" He wrapped her in a hug, picking her slightly off her feet.

"Whoah, uh thanks." She said with a blush as he set her down. "I can, um, show you more of the details here. I got signatures from people interested in-"

He was only half listening now. He never thought he'd find someone as passionate about the air nation as he was, at least outside his family. But here she was, a true acolyte. A real nomad.

"Pema," he spoke softly, taking one of her hands in his. She looked at him with wide eyes. "I can only imagine what will become.of the air nation with you on its side. And I intend to do everything I can to help rebuild it, alongside you." She smiled at him.

He didn't know if it was the cool waves, or the romantic moonlight, but something flipped inside him. He and Pema clicked, they fit together like an airbender puzzle. He recoiled his hand, clearing his throat.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow," he stuttered, "I should get back to my fiance."

"Of course, until morning, Master Tenzin." He knew he told her to call him by his name, without the "master" but it didn't feel right to correct her. It felt too personal.


Lin whispered a thank you as Tenzin held the door open for her. She stepped back into their apartment, the small, comfortable space she had grown fond of. She took off her jacket, hanging it behind the door when she was met with Tenzin who wrapped his arm around her waist.

"What are you doing?" She asked, glancing down. Their hips were pulled together, and he stated at her in a way that was flattering, but frightening at the same time.

"I want to hold you," he said.

"Okay? Can I go to the bathroom first?" He let her go and she slipped into the bathroom. He was an affectionate person, she liked that about him, most of the time. But this seemed out of character. She pulled her hair out of its normal bun, washing her face and making sure she put on the scar cream.

You can do this, Lin. She told herself. He wanted her to be sexy, she could do that. She took a deep breath, opening the bathroom door. He sat on the couch, one leg up on the coffee table. She pretended like it didn't bother her. It was only fine wood and a custom edition she'd inherited from her grandparents, but it was fine. He could put is leg on it.

"Did I tell you you look great tonight?" He said. His tone was convincing. She wanted to tell him that he did, in fact, tell her before they left. She didn't, but she wanted too.

"Mmm, I could say the same about yourself." She replied. His robes did look good. They were the ones his father had given him for "classy but casual occasions," whatever the fuck that meant.

"You know," he started. His hand found it's way to the hem of her dress, the other on her back as she sat on his knee. "I think we'd both look better if our clothed were off. Just for comparative purposes of course."

If he thought this was working, then he was crazy. She didn't want to embarrass him. She wasn't feeling it tonight, but whatever had gotten into him at dinner had certainly riled him up. She didn't want this moment to go to waste.

"Of course," she replied. They pressed their lips together and it was all Lin could do to not pull away.

If Tenzin is happy, then I'm happy.

This time he at least got on top. It felt good, to some degree and she was enjoying the parts where they didn't talk and instead just roamed around each other. But time had gone by and he was trying so hard...

So fifteen minutes later, she faked it.

"Lin? Lin!" She opened her eyes, feeling the water pass over skin.

"What?" She called back.

"You've been in there almost an hour, are you okay?"

"Fine!" She yelled, sighing. She turned down the temperature a notch, running her nails through her hair. Her skin had started to prune, her body trying to say it was time for her to get out and face the world. She didn't know what to do, ironically because she always knew what to do. She didn't want to tell him, but she wanted him to know.

Rolling her eyes she stepped out of the shower, taking her towel and drying her thighs up to her arms. She stared at the mirror. When wet, her hair appeared long, going past her chin, sitting neatly on her shoulders. She tried out different smiles, anything to make her appear happy and normal. Like she didn't just fake an orgasm from her fiance. Fiance. That word, it was a lot like propose. Official, binding, it too had the connotation that she was going to be married.

It's not really a connotation if it's a fact.

It didn't take her long to get ready. Within ten minutes her and Tenzin were ready to be out the door.

"I'll see you tonight." He said, kissing her cheek for barely a second.

"Mmm," she hummed. "I love you." Her words were lost as he opened his glider and and flew off. She felt a pang in her heart. She wasn't entirely sure if she meant what she said, but there was solidarity in knowing that Tenzin was always honest. The honor to her lies. He never said anything he didn't mean. Maybe he didn't hear her, maybe he was distracted.

Or maybe, he didn't want to lie.

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